Presentation for neighbours to the Mawney Close and Mowbray Close developments

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Briefing: Mawney Close development

Mawney Close Scheme Design Who will live here: Young people aged 18-25 leaving care Build – 8 self-contained studio flats including space for staff and communal facilities to enable 24-hour staff support. Communal space - will be used for small group sessions and resident meetings. Staff office area and accommodation– staff on-site 24/7 to support all residents. The council will own the building, and we will commission an on-site support provider, via a competitive tender process. This development will give the council greater control over the costs and quality of the service. The provision is designed to improve outcomes and pathways out of care for young people.

Statutory Duties – Children in Care and Care Leavers Statutory Duty - Children’s Act 1989 (section 19A &22): • Provide continuous accommodation, to advise, assist and befriend children in care to promote their welfare and provide support for accommodation when the authority have ceased to look after them. The Sufficiency Guidance 2010 places a duty on local authorities to provide sufficient accommodation to meet the needs of young people in its care. Guidance: • Children should live in the local authority area, with access to local services and close to their friends and family, when it is safe to do so. The guidance emphasises that ‘having the right placement in the right place, at the right time’, with the necessary support services such as education and health in place, is crucial in improving placement stability, which leads to better outcomes for looked after children. Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 • Duty to improve the life chances of young people living in and leaving local authority care. Its main aims are: to delay young people’s discharge from care until they are prepared and ready to leave; to improve the assessment, preparation and planning for leaving care; to provide better personal support for young people after leaving care; and to improve the financial arrangements for care leavers.

Why develop local provision? Context: • Children in Care (CIC) numbers have been increasing steadily over the last few years. • Increasing pressure on the budgets • Too many young people leaving care are having to be placed out of the borough, often at higher than average costs, • If we continue with our current approach we will continue to pay high costs for accommodation with private providers Why are we doing this: • Best use of public resources • Improved outcomes for young people in the provisions • Improved pathways and housing opportunities for Children in Care leaving care Additional benefit: It will help to keep our young people close to existing support networks and avoid the need for out-of-borough placements.

Mawney Close, Romford

Semi-Independent Housing Scheme for Eight Young People


London Borough of Havering


Marfleet and Blyth Limited

Start Date:

January 2024

Number of Dwellings:


Project Information – Site Plan

Site Plan: •

Welfare provision onsite

Material storage onsite

Hoarding to entrance

Site contact details

Safety signage


Demolition : •

Appointed demolition contractor

Dampening down

Secure boundaries as works progress

Construction Phase

Construction Phase •


Groundwork s

Boundary Walls

Build rear single storey section

Build Front Section

External Landscaping & Parking

Offsite Works & Utilities

Utilities •

Access to properties granted at all times

Notice will be provided via newsletters of all works

Water- requires footpath digging outside no’s 23 & 24

Electric Waterrequires footpath digging outside no’s 23 & 24

Drainage requires road digging outside no’s 25-30

Previous Experience – White Hart Lane

White Hart Lane •

Former Garage Site

Close to neighbours

Tight site constraints

Narrow access for deliveries

Previous Experience – Saxon Gardens

Saxon Gardens •

Former Garage Site

Close to neighbours

Garages formed neighbours' boundaries

Narrow access for deliveries

Previous Experience – Cotlandswich

Cotlandswich, London Colney •

Former Garage Site

Close to neighbours

Garages formed neighbours' boundaries

Narrow access for deliveries

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