The Guam Recorder (1924 - 1940) Seventeenth Anniversary

Page 35

ApruI 1940


Spanish Galleons (Continued from page 11) talgets, and an innumerable sort of greatstones, that the ship was laden with, was in silkes, satr,vhich they threw overboard upon our heads and tens, damasks, with muske & divers other mer_ into our ship so fast and being so many of them, chandize,and great store of all maner of victuals that they put us off the shippe againe, with the with the choyse of many conserves,of all sortes losse of trvo of our men which were slaine, and for to eate, and of sundry sorts of very good with the hurting of 4 or 5. But for all this we wines. These things being made knorvne to ilre new trimmed our sailes, and fitted every man his Generali by the aforesaide Captaine and pilote, furniture, and gave them a fresh encounter with they were commanded to stay aboord the Desire, our great ordinance and also with our small shot, and on the 6 day of November following wee raking them through and through to the killing went into an harbour rvhich is called by the an'd maiming of many of their men. Their Cap- Spaniards, Aguada Segura, or Puerto Seguro. taine still like a valiant man with his company 'fiere the whole company of the Spaniards, stood very stoutely unto his close fights, not both of men and women to the number of 1g0 yielding as yet: Our General encouraging his personswere set on shore: where they had a fayre men a fresh with the whole noyse of trumpets river of fresh water, with great store of fresh gave them the third encounter with our great fish, foule, and wood, and also nlatlv hares and ordinance and all our small shot to the great disconies upon the maine land. Our Generall :rlso comforting of onr enemies raking them through gave thenl great stor.eof victuals, of garuansos, in divers places,killing and spoiling many of their peason, and some lvine. Also they had all the men. They being thus discomforted and spoiled, saiiesof their shippe to make them tents on shore, and their shippe being in hazat:d of sinking by i"ith licenceto take such store of plankesas should reason of the great shot which were made, wheLebee suf;icient to mahe thein a barke. Then rve fell of some were under lvater, within b or 6 houres to hoysing in of our goods,sharing of the treasure, fight set out a flagge of truce and parled for and alotting to every man his portion. In devi_ mercy, desiring our Generall to save their lives sion r,vhereofthe eighth of this moneilr, many of and to take their goods, and that they rvould thc company fell into a mutinie against our presenttryyeeld. Our General of his goodness Gerrerall, especialiy those which r,verein the Conpromised them mercy, and wiiled them to strike tent, s'vhichneverthelesswere after a sort pacified their sayles,and to hoyse out their boate and to for the time." come aboard: which newes theye rvere ful glad to Candish tock rvith him, from the galleon, two heare of, and presently strooke their sailes, hoysed their boat out, and one of their cheife marchants Japanese boys; three yollng boys from Manila; cameaboard unto our Generall: and falling dorvne Ni':holas Roderigo, a Portuguese, who ltad trar,iponhis knees offered to have kisseclour Generals vclled r,'ridelyin the Orient; and Alonso de Valla_ fee,te,and craved mercie: orlr General most gra- cioiid, pilot of the Santa Ana, who set the course ciotisly pardoned both him and the rest upon of ihc Desi,re act:ossthe Pacific. promise of their true dealing rvith him and his Pretty makes much of Candish'smercy, but the company ccincerning such riches as \,vere in the "Gcncrall" actr"raliyhanged a priest, Fray Juan shippe: and sent for the Captaine and their Pilote, de Almendariz. rvho at their comming used the like duetie and In his report to his patron, Lord Hundson, reverence as the former did. The Generall of his Candish briefly mentions capturing the galleon great mercy & humanitie, promised their lives as follows: and good usage. The sayd Captaine and Pilote presently certified the Generall i,vhat gooclsthey "The matter of most profit unto me was a great had within boorde, to r,vit, an hundreth and 22 ship of the kings which I tooke at California, thousandpezosof golde; and the rest of the riches rvhich ship came from the Phiiippines, being one

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