The Guam Recorder (1924 - 1940) Seventeenth Anniversary

Page 24

The Guam Recorder

22 9'.

Leaves with about 9 leaflets, 2 inches long by I/3 to I/2 indn wide; flowers close together, almost sessile in the axils. Tephrosi,a mariana. 10. Flowers large, showy, deep blue, solitary in axils ; 5 to 7 leaflets, 1 to 3 inches long; pods flat, up to 5 inches long. Derris trif oli,ata. 10'. Flowers white with tinge of violet, L/3 inch long, in axillary racemes; pods I to 2 inches long, flat, winged, 1 or 2 seeds. Clitoria ternata. 10'z.Flowers small, crowded in very short pendulous bunches, less than 1 inch long; pod 1 inch long by 3/8 inch wide, 1 seeded;leaflets oval, l-I/2 inch long. Dalbergia candenatensis. 11. Tree with spiny branches;large recl florn'ers in dense terminal racemes; black pod, 4 to 10 inches long, containing 6 to 8 dark red Erytltrina uariegata. seeds. 11'. Shrubs.-Iz. 11'. Prostrate herbs; leavesnot over 1 inch long. -13. 113. Climbers.-14. 12. Leaves thin 2 to 3 inches long, pale, silky beneath; flowers yellow, streaked with red, 20 to 50 in terminal racemes; rattle-pods, 1 Length of leaflet (inches) I to 2 2-l/2 to 5

Color of flower purple, in axillary racemes scarlet in threes

Length of pod (inches) l-t/2,


4 by 2-lt2

greenish, 2 to 5 umbels in axils 2 to 5 purple, I-1/2 inch, 2 to 4 pendulous purple, pink or 3 to 6 6 to 10 flat, edible white, over'1 inch purple or rose 2 to 6 3 to 5 by 1 few on erect scapes rose-pink, in 5 by 4 4 inch racemes purple-pink, in 3 to 6 !.t9 2pairs, end of scape thick, broad. 1 to 1,-1/2 yellow, 2/5 inch 4/5 inch brown hairs, 1 to 6 white and purple, 2 to by 2/5 crowded flat 2-L/2 t'o 5 green and pale 2 to 5 by a/5 yellow. 4 to 5

to 2 inches long, containing 20 to 30 grayish seeds. Crotalari,a salti,ana. 12'. Leaves gray-white below, leathery 2/3 inches long; 6 to 12 white flowers in axillary umbels; pod I-l/2 to 2 inches long, of 3 to 5 thick segments. D esm oclium umb ellatu,m. 12'. Pigeon pea; leaflets 1 to 4 inches long, lanceolate, tapering, dotted with resinous specks; yellow or red flowers (all year), a few in axils; pods 2/3 inches long, hairy. Cujanus cajan. 13. Leaflets vp to g:/4 inch long, minutely toothed on outer curve; flowers small, yellow; pod spiraily twisted, margin with hooked spines; M edi,cago denticulat a. bur-clo"'er' 13'. Leaflets usually rounded at tip, l/2 to 3/4 inch long, hairy beneath; stems hairy; small purple flowers in axils; pod 3i5 inch long, of 4 to 5 segments. Desmodium heteroph'yllum. 13'. Leaflets l/4 to l/2 inch long, wedge-shaped, cut off or indented at tip; stems nearly bear; flor,versbr'ight purple, 7/4 inch long, 1 to 3 in axils; pods I/4 to 1/2 inch long, of 2 to 6 segments. Desmocliurn'trif olium. 14. The 17 speciesof .,zinesr,vhichhave leaflets in threes have the following characters:

Features of pod or seeds

Scientific name, corrmon name.

10 small red Teramnus lcr,bialis, seeds cfu,yguancacuguates. L or 2 black Strongytod,onluciclus seeds j:\1Y,h?]^f' Mucuna sigantea, seeds t rncn futyogoattitti. densely co-vered Mucunu prurietts, stinging hairs couitch 8 to 15 white see'dsCo?roualiaensiformis, akankan, jctck bean few, chestnut Canaaalia lineata, colored seeds akunkan tasi. Canaualia megulantha 6 black seeds 3 to 5 seeds many seeds I to 4 large seeds

Canaualia nuicrocarpa, ladosung tasai^ Santharos1ternllnn scarabaeoides, Phaseolus ctd,enanth,us, uc&ncan calatun. Phctseol,tls lunatus, l,ima bean

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