The Guam Recorder (1924 - 1940) Seventeenth Anniversary

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Loeafl Sgemrcs PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES Riuerside Bctsketbctll Teq.m W'ins Junior League Championship: The Junior Basketball League which was reported sometime ago as beiirg underu.ay at the Central Agafla Playground, ended on the first week of March, u'ith the Riuerside Teurn emerging as the undisputed champions. The team was awarded a trophy as au emblen-r of supremacyin ten straight games. Each rnember of the team also receiveda silver medal. The presentationswere made at the Plaza de Espafla during one of the School Closing Exercises held last month. A silver medal n'as also arvardedto the player making the highest score in the whole ieague. The recipient of this coveted rnedal lr'as Joaquin E. Manibusan of the Washington High School team. The promotion of this popular activity at the CErtral Agafla Playglonnd u'as heai.tily v'eicomeci

Riverside Easketball Team -

by the youngsters. A11hands are again looking forr,vard to another ieague next year. Volletl Bctll th,e Nert Actiuity A rveek after the basketball season was over, Volley Bali was ushered in. The popular ThreeWay Volley Ball Leagues which were originated in 1931 got nnderway again with considerable interest ancl enthusiasm from all concerned. Beiovr is pr.rblishedthe standing of teams in each ieagr"teas of Jlalcli 20tl-r: Girls' League \\-on Lost Percentage Team 1000 2 Vlashington High School 11500 Evening High Schooi 2_ Cathedral Team Boys' League Won Lost Percentage Teatn 1000 High \V:ishington School-- 3 1 1 5 0 0 Root Aggies Evening High School

Junior League Champions for 1940

Frank A. Perez, Jose M. Cruz, Robert R. Butler, Team CapSitting, from left to right: tain; Jose B. Garrido, and Jose L. G. Taitinqfong. Atanacio Salas, Team Manager and Coach; Edmund Okada, Standing, from left to right: Jesus B. Garrido, and Juan D. Cruz. Enrique Cruz and Felix F. Sakai, two other nembers present of this tearn were not vrhen this nict-ure lvas taken.

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