The Guam Recorder (1924 - 1940) Seventeenth Anniversary

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The Guam Recorder



Bg Marguret Saunders

Aboard lhe Cali,forni,a Clipper was Mr. Joseph Gellson, a DuPont representative bound for India to report on some black sand which is to be converted into white paint (believe it or not). Mrs. Ramsey, Mr. Gellson and another passengerMr. Alfred Gemperle, took a drive into Agafla and up to our club and were extremeiy impressed with Guam. They took photographs of some of the old churches and native homes and scenes to carry back with them. The China Cli.pyterarrived the sarne afternoon as the California Clipper and brought six additional passengersto Guam. l\{r. Charles Corai, Executive of the Nestle's Milk, Inc. in Singapore. He flew from Singapore to Saigon via KNILM, from Saigon to Hong Kong via Air France, and is flying the Pacific via P.A.A. In San Francisco he will fly via United Air Lines to New Yolk. Mr. and Mrs. Mahomed-Akbar Fazalbhoy of Bombay were another much traveled couple. They had flown from Bombay to Karachi by Tata Airlines, thence to Hong Kong via Imperial Airrvays, to San Francisco via P.A.A. ancl finally to Camden, New Jersey by American Airlines. Mr. Stewart H. Durkee was returning to his home in San Merino, California after several years sojourn in Palembang, Sumatra, in the empioy of the Standard Oil Co. Mr. Sergius Klotz, Manager of Manila's foremost brokerage firm Swan, Culbertson & Fritz, is making a leisurely Clipper-Steamer round trip to the United States. Altho Mr. Klotz is a fre-

quent Manila-Hong Kong Clipper traveler, this is his lirst trans-Pacific crossing by Clipper. Mr. Laurence D. May, Executive of the Facific Cornmercial Co. in Manila, lvas returning to his home in Marion, Ohio. Mr. May, rvho was in Guam flve days when an engine was changed some months ago, said it r;raslike getting home to come to Guam. Mr. 1\4ay'sdelightful sense of humor liept passengers and crevlr alike cheerful and amused while they sat about the Hotel through the dela.y. He really was "the life of the party." CaptzrinKeuneth Beer brouglrt nine passengers, fivc of rvhom rvere corlrpany employees being transferred to island duty. Mr. Henry J. Belden, Executive of the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co. of iHanila, was making a businessand pleasuretrip to San Francisco where he will meet his wife. I{rs. Belden caxnethrough just before Christmas on her way home to spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. John D. I\{cCord,Executive of the Blue Bar Coconut Co. in Manila, r,vasstarting on his third rounil trip across the Pacific by Clipper. We'\'e often heard hor,vthe Charleston came into Guam in 1898 and fired on the Island. When no answering volley sounded from Fort Santa Cruz, the Chtwleston fired the national salute and waited. The Governor finally was rowed out from shore and regretted very much that he could not return the salute, but the island was out of amrrrreniiicn. On this plane was IIr. GeorgeSimmie of }f anila who was on the City of P.eking, one of

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