The Guam Recorder (1924 - 1940) Seventeenth Anniversary

Page 13

April 19110


example, he made an unsuccessful voyage to the cheerfull rvord the master of the ship and divers West Indies and Virginia, and then in 1586 re- others of the company went also up into the maine ceived command of three small vesselswith which top, who perceiving the speech to be very true he circumnavigated the globe, capturing Spanish gave information unto our Generall of these ships and looting and burning Spanish-American liappy ney/es, who was no lesse glad than the cities en route. Candisharrived back in England calise required; whereupon he gave in charge in 1588. The following extracts are taken from presently unto the whole company to put all things in readiness, which being performed we Pretty's account of the voyage. "Wee departed out of Plimouth on Thursday gave them chase sorne 3 or 4 houres, standing the 21 of July 1586, with 3 sayles, to wit, the with out best advantage and working for the Desire a ship of 120 tunnes, the Content of 60 winds. In the afternoone r've got up unto them, tuns, and lhe Hugh Gallant a barke of 40 tunnes: giving them the broad side with our great ordiin which small fleete were 123 persons of all narlce and a volee of small sl-rot,and pi'esentl1' the ship aboord, t'heleof t1-reIiing of Spain sortes. (Note: Pretty was aboard the Huglt }a1-ecl u-hich rvas Aclmiral of tire South Sea, \ras o\\'ner, Gallant). tltnnes Ait,tc,..and thottght to ire 701,1 the S. callecl "The 4 of November (Note 1587) the Desire Nou' as \\-ee l-ei'e leacl5-ou theil in burthen. and the Content-beating up and downe upon the ships side to enter het', being trot past 50, or 6t) headland of California, which standeth in 23 men at the uttermost in our ship, r,r.eperceived degrees and 2/3 to the Northward, betwene seven the Captaine of the said shrp had maclefights that and 8 of the clocke in the morning one of the fore and after, and lal'fl their sailescloseon theil company of our Admirall which was the trumpetpoope, their midship, r,vith their fore castle, anrl er of the ship going up into the top espied a sayle not one man to be seene,stood close unclei' having bearing in from the sea with the cape, rvhe,reLlpon lvith lances, javelings, rapiers and fights, their hee cryed out with no small joy to himselfe and (Continued on page 33) the whole company, A sayle, A sayle, with rvhich

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