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Thirty art works created from the second half of the 1960s that explore the most innovative aspect of Bruce Nauman’s technique with a special focus on his spatial and architectural research. This exhibition offers an insight into the search for expressiveness of an artist who has always studied the human condition and the most profound meaning of working on art in all its different forms: video, sculpture, performance, photography, drawing and sound.


Until February 26

Palazzo Reale

The first Italian retrospective dedicated to Max Ernst, a pivotal painter in the artistic history of the 20th century. More than 400 works between paintings, sculptures, drawings, collages, jewels and illustrated books coming from museums, foundations and private collections, both Italian and foreign. During the opening months of the exhibition, there will also be a series of side events, in particular the review Max Ernst, il Surrealismo e il Cinema.



Until March 12

Palazzo Reale

Until March 19


On the occasion of the 110th anniversary of Robert Capa’s birth ( October 22, 1913), Milan celebrates the great Hungarian photographer with a solo exhibition that explores the main war and travel reportages that Capa made over his twenty-year career, years which coincided with key events in the history of the twentieth century.

The exhibition showcases the success of Bosch as the creator of fantastic images in relation with the trends of the time in the world of collectors and the artistic receptiveness during the Spanish and Italian Renaissance. For the first time, Italian and international visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the role of the artist at the height of the so-called ‘anti-Renaissance’ current that was spreading throughout Europe.