2 minute read


JUNE 21-27, 2023

Political Agenda


• Consultation to the Supreme Court of Justice: President Lopez Obrador informed that today, through the SEGOB, he will submit a letter to the SCJN for an answer as to why they are violating the CPEUM (Art. 127) which establishes that no one should earn more than the President of the Republic.

• Supreme Court of Justice: The President rejected the idea of issuing a decree to fight corruption in the judicial branch and affirmed his respect for the division of powers. He criticized the SCJN ruling as a defense of the interests of a corrupt minority and suggested that he will send a new proposal for constitutional reform. He also mentioned the lack of moral authority of the ministers due to the benefits they receive. He emphasized that his government is winning against the reactionaries, despite the media backing they receive. Finally, he rejected the idea of an independent candidate, considering him disconnected from citizens’ interests.

• SEGOB: When asked about his perception of and dealings with the current Secretary of the Interior, Luisa Maria Alcalde, the President expressed his pleasure for including, more and more, women in public spaces and positions. He said that the cur-

Keypoints Of President


“Jovenes Construyendo el Futuro” Program which benefits around 2.6 million young people and currently has 250,000 young people in training.

rent Secretary has been with him for a long time and that she is a very capable woman.

• Commemoration in the Zocalo: The President informed that the commemoration of the triumph of the Fourth Transformation will take place next July 1st in the Zocalo. He invited all Morena governors and extended the invitation to the citizens.

• New Head of Customs: President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador appointed Major General Andre Foullon Van Lissum as head of Mexico’s National Customs Agency, replacing Rafael Marin Mollinedo, who will be ambassador to the World Trade Organization.


• Head of the Secretary of Labor: President Lopez Obrador announced that the Undersecretary of Employment and Labor Productivity will be Quiahuitl Chavez Dominguez, replacing Marath Bolaños Lopez. This sub-secretary is in charge of the

• Mines: A reporter criticized the business class for its lack of sensitivity and voracious ambition, mentioning the cases of strikes in Cananea, Sombrerete and Taxco, owned by German Larrea and Grupo Mexico. He denounced the poor working conditions and illegal activities in these mines. He also accused other businessmen such as Ricardo Salinas Pliego and Olegario Vazquez Raña of similar practices. The President emphasized the importance of protecting workers’ rights and seeking agreements. In addition, issues related to electoral reform and the direct election of members of the Judiciary were addressed. Privatizations in previous administrations were also mentioned.

• Labor conditions: A dispute was resolved with German Larrea regarding the concession of the Isthmus railroad. The President emphasized the importance of protecting the public and the rights of businessmen but prioritizing the public interest. He emphasized the need to guarantee good salaries and profit sharing, as in the case of mining. He mentioned that justice has been sought for workers in sectors such as mining, electricity, and railroads, achieving the enrollment of many of them in Social Security. He accepted the intervention of the United States in a mining case and promoted union democracy and the approval of collective bargaining agreements by the workers.


• Development in Chiapas: The governor of Chiapas highlighted the collaboration between the popu-