Growing Up Santa Cruz OCT 22

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Ace S. Tesssa HenryMilo Barrett Chloe Ace K.
OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY2 Register at At Gateway, LEARNING AND PLAY go hand in hand VISIT Come for a tour and see our classrooms in action! GATEWAY SCHOOL Kindergarten–8th grade | Founded 1970 WHERE EXPERIENCE AND INNOVATION MEET Join us on Tuesday, October 4 from 9-11am In-Person Tutoring All done by a credentialed teacher and reading specialist with over 20 years experience Academic Assistance Call or text today! 831.566.1016 For Students K-Adult Reading Intervention Writing Study Skills Help with Homework or visit Free Telephone Consultation We start with a complete reading inventory/writing assessment to discover the student's strengths and challenges. From there we develop an individualized learning plan to fill in targeted learning needs and help the student grow academically and THRIVE! We couldn’t choose just one. They are all too cute!

Brad Kava

Susan Bernstein


Lisa Catterall, Carmen Clark, Lisa Martin, Laura Maxson, John McKinley, Sandy Novembre, Molly Resler, Shelli Strahli, Nicole M. Young

Paige Gilmore

and Steve
AD REPRESENTATIVES Ann Fitts  BobbiJo Palmer  Linda Kay  Sophie Veniel CONTACT US 408.656.1519 P.O. Box 3505, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 OCTOBER 2022 | VOL. 26 NO. 10 Printed lovingly by Fricke-Parks Press. Growing Up in Santa Cruz copyright 2022. Printed in the U.S.A. All views expressed represent those of the individual authors. The contents of this publication are meant as information only and should not take the place of a medical doctor’s recommendations. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part, in any form, electronic or otherwise is prohibited without permission by the publisher. This publication does not knowingly accept deceptive or misleading advertising. Growing Up is printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks. 7 Environmentally Friendly Diapers 9 RC Family Collective Open 13 Student Model United Nations Features About the Cover 4 Ask Nicole 5 Coloring Contest Winners 5 What the Kids Are Saying 6 Green Living 7 Birth Matters 9 Your Health 11 Teacher's Desk 12 Local News 13 Craft Corner 17 Finance Savvy 18 Local Artist 19 Pregnancy and Birth Guide 20 Coloring Page 26 Evenings • Saturday Classes • Birthday Parties The BEST in Baby Swimming! Start at 4 months in our 94 ° indoor pool! Now at Harvey West in Santa Cruz and Watsonville indoor and outdoor pools. 722-3500 • Like us on Facebook Jim Booth Swim School 831.427.2641 | We look forward to meeting you! Do you want to be the coolest parent ever? Get skate lessons today! We offer private one-on-ones, group, party, and camp lessons! All ages / Skill level accepted! Rocking HorseR anch P R E S C H O O L We Teach Kindness! Rocking Horse Ranch is an alternative Preschool, located on three beautiful acres, where our goal is to grow good human beings. We encourage “Out-of-the-Box” thinking through structured and non-structured play. serving children for more than 30 years! 831.462.2702 4134 Fairway Drive, Soquel NANCY C OHEN Owner / Director Email: License # 444400771

Even small changes can make a BIG difference.

Triple P is a scientifically-proven, world-renowned positive parenting program available to families in Santa Cruz County.

Triple P strategies address a wide range of parenting challenges by providing a toolbox of easy-to-use tips.

Find a full schedule of Triple P tips and classes at

About the Cover

Leo Tischler was named for his strength and determination shown from the very beginning. During the early weeks of pregnancy, Tina Tischler, (Leo’s mom) was told by doctors that her pregnancy was non-viable and a miscarriage was expected. During an ultrasound weeks later, they were surprised to find a healthy baby growing in her belly! After feeling many different emotions from the news, happiness set in and their pregnancy was back on track. At that time, Tina and Damian Tischler (dad) knew this baby was meant to be part of their family and the name Leo stuck.

Things felt normal for a while and the Tischler family continued their plans to relocate from San Francisco back to their hometown of Santa Cruz. Damian secured a Registered Nurse position at Dominican hospital, and they prepared to move. Unexpectedly, Tina’s water broke at only 22 weeks and she was hospitalized at Dominican, then transferred to Stanford where she stayed for 11 weeks until Leo was born. During Tina’s hospitalization, friends and family rallied together to give support and also helped move their belongings to Santa Cruz. After the move, Damian came across the Growing Up in Santa Cruz magazine and Leo’s big sister Luna Tischler (age 5) entered the coloring contest. She was excited to receive a letter in the mail from the magazine, sharing that she had won the contest and she’d be included in the next magazine. This

lifted Luna’s spirits during a difficult time and made her feel at home in Santa Cruz, while she patiently awaited becoming a big sister and for her mommy to return.

Leo held out until 33 weeks, and was born at Stanford Children’s Hospital. He weighed just over 4 lbs at birth and spent 3 weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Intermediate Care Nursery at Stanford and was then transferred to Domincan’s NICU to be closer to his family. Leo made it home just in time for Christmas and the Tischlers were grateful to close out 2021 in good health and to all be living under one roof.

Thanks to the amazing staff at Dominican and Stanford hospitals, Leo is home with his family in Santa Cruz, and is a healthy and happy 20 lb baby. Leo enjoys spending time outside whether it’s in the backpack hiking with dad, playing in the sand at the beach, or getting dirty in the garden. At home he loves cuddling with mom, listening to music, and playing with anything electronic. He especially looks up to his big sister, Luna who he adores and often can be found playing quietly in her room with the “big kid” toys; aka the unicorns, barbies, and legos. Leo will be celebrating his first birthday in SC with friends and family this coming November.

The Tischler family would like to thank everyone who helped them get through the challenging time and is happy to be back in the area reconnecting with the local community.

OCTOBER 2022 Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY4
This program is made possible through a partnership between First 5 Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency (MHSA – Prop 63 funds) & Santa Cruz County Human Services Department. Informat I on: first 5 Santa Cruz County 831.465.2217 • FREE TRIAL DIAPER DELIVERY, PICKUP & COMPOSTING 4 weeks of service 1 pack of diapers 1 pack of wipes FREE with your first order! Turn your baby s diapers into dirt CODE: SCFAMILY EARTH BABY COM Terms and condit ons app y

Tips for New Parents

Every year on my kids’ birthdays, I retell the stories of their births and lives as newborns: endless hours of painful contractions, difficulty breastfeeding, sleepless nights, nonstop crying that could only be soothed by turning on the vacuum, and immense and deep love for them. It’s partly a humorous way to remind them of how much pain and effort it took to bring them into this world (there’s a reason why it’s called labor). But it’s also a way for my husband and I to remind our kids of how much we’ve always loved them, even before they were born, and to remind ourselves that the joys and rewards of parenting have outweighed the stresses and challenges.

This monthly column provides tips for anyone who is helping raise children, based on the world-renowned Triple P –Positive Parenting Program, available to families in Santa Cruz County. If you have a question or idea for a future column, email me at

Dear Nicole,

My husband and I recently adopted a 4-week-old baby boy. We’re absolutely in love with him…and completely exhausted. He cries a lot, day and night. Neither of us have been around babies very much, so we’re constantly guessing whether he’s tired, hungry, in pain, or just needs a new diaper. My husband’s paternity leave is almost over, and then I’ll be on my own taking care of our son during the day. I’m nervous about that and already feeling overwhelmed.

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in over a month, and I feel tense and lose patience quickly with everyone and everything. Do you have any tips for me?

- Collin

Dear Collin,

Congratulations on your growing family! Being a new parent is both thrilling and stressful for many people. Even though parenting books and blogs will tell you what to expect and what to do, it’s impossible to know what it’s like to experience constant crying, sleep deprivation, and nonstop worrying until it happens to you. Here are a few tips to try:

Remember to take care of your needs. This is like putting on your oxygen mask first in an airplane so that you’re able to breathe and help someone else put their mask on. Taking care of your own physical and mental health needs will help you feel calm and ready to respond to your baby’s needs. Try something as simple as taking a few deep breaths before responding to your baby’s cries, listening to music or a podcast, or going for a walk with your son. If you have friends or family nearby, ask for their help so that you can take brief breaks. Talk with your husband about

how you can support each other to take care of your individual needs so that together, you’re a strong parenting team. Find your rhythm with daily routines.

Sometimes, it can feel like a constant guessing game to figure out whether a baby’s cries mean they’re hungry, tired, uncomfortable, in pain, or need physical touch and comforting. You might find it helpful to keep track of the times when your baby cries, what seems to cause it, and what helps calm him. After a while, you’re likely to notice patterns that will help you anticipate and respond to your baby’s needs and create daily routines for feeding, naps, diaper changes, and playtime. The predictability of these routines can be soothing for everyone, and they become opportunities for Quality Time, Talking Together (and reading and singing), and Giving Affection — the foundational Triple P positive parenting strategies that build strong relationships between parents and children.

Seek out and accept support.

Becoming a parent or caregiver for the first time is a major life change that can create a mix of emotions, from happiness and contentment to fear, depression, anxiety, or even anger. Attending a support group or class for new parents can provide reassurance that you’re not alone. If the feelings last a long time, grow stronger, or make it difficult to get through each day, consider talking with a counselor, your health care provider, a pastor, or a parent educator – someone who will listen with compassion and can provide support and other resources.


Life as a new parent is filled with many highs and lows. Every parent could use help with raising children, no matter their culture, gender, sexual orientation, income, or education level. Adjusting to parenthood takes time, but the days of nonstop crying and sleep deprivation will eventually end — and you might even miss them someday.

 Nicole Young is the mother of two children, ages 18 and 22, who also manages Santa Cruz County’s Triple P - Positive Parenting Program, the world’s leading positive parenting program. Scientifically proven, Triple P is made available locally by First 5 Santa Cruz County, the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency (Mental Health Services Act) and the Santa Cruz County Human Services Department. To find a Triple P parenting class or practitioner, visit, http://, or contact First 5 Santa Cruz County at 465-2217 or

Submit your coloring entry to for a chance to be in our next issue! You can also mail them to Box 3505, Santa Cruz, 95063 Submissions due by October 15. Emma & Johnie Luna | Age 5 Luna | Age 10¾ Ayden | 6 Charlie | Age 6 Lily | Age 6
OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY6 Comelearnamoreaboutourunique7thand8thgradeprogram,designed tochallengeandinspireyoungadolescents. InformationNight:Wednesday,November9th@6:00pm WavecrestJuniorHigh RSVPatscms.orgor831.476.1646 Nowacceptingapplicationsforthe2023-2024school

4 Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Disposable Diapers

It’s a fact that babies go through a lot of diapers. And we’re talking A LOT. From age 0-3, the average baby will go through up to 7,000 diapers. That means we’re throwing an estimated 20 billion disposable diapers into the trash every year in the U.S. Diapers are the third largest contributor to U.S. landfill sites in volume where they take 500+ years to break down. This means that your baby’s diapers will outlive you, your children, and even your greatgreat-great grandchildren.

So, what’s an eco-conscious parent to do? For Santa Cruz families, there are 4 eco-friendly alternatives to disposables. Here’s what you need to know about each of these approaches so you can enter parenthood with a well-stocked changing table that’s also good for the planet.


Toilet-training from the get-go Elimination Communication or EC is a diapering approach that encourages your baby to go pee and poop in the toilet from as early as birth. It’s important to note that you will still need to use some diapers for sleeping, in the car, and other away-from-home situations.

EC requires lots of close observation to learn your baby’s cues (great bonding time!), patience, and an openness to things getting a bit messy. Check out the San Francisco-based Diaper Free Collective for free resources and an online support group.


The way grandma did diapers

The world of cloth diapers has come a long way since they were first massproduced back in 1887. Today, you have so many cloth diaper “systems” to choose from, it can make your head spin. There’s also the question of how to wash them and whether or not they’re actually better for the environment than disposables. The unfortunate truth is that in most households the difference in greenhouse gas emissions between cloth and disposables is insignificant, and in some cases, disposables have an even lower carbon footprint.

To make cloth diapers a truly green option, you will need to upgrade to an energy efficient washer and dryer, use second hand cloth diapers, never wash above 140 degrees F, and line dry whenever possible. For a detailed breakdown of all the cloth diapering systems and step-bystep instructions for washing, check out Cloth Diapers for Beginners

Plant-based disposables

Plant-based disposables are convenient and good for baby’s sensitive skin. They don’t use petroleum-based products or potentially harmful chemicals like conventional disposables. Parents love that most are hypoallergenic which means they don’t contain any fragrances,

dyes or lotions which can irritate sensitive skin. Plant-based diapers are also typically free of phthalates but always look for brands that say “phthalate free.” Some of these diapers even claim to be biodegradable, but this is only true if you use a composting service specifically designed to handle diapers and human waste.

Plant-based disposables with a compostable diaper service

If you love the idea of the convenience of disposables but wish your baby’s diapers didn’t have to sit in a landfill for 500+ years, you’re in luck. Here in Santa Cruz, REDYPER Powered by EarthBaby offers weekly diaper delivery, pickup, and composting to families who live within their designated service areas.

Your baby’s diapers and wipes (choose from two plant-based brands, DYPER and Nurture) are turned to dirt in just 14 weeks at a commercial composting facility based in the South Bay. Collectively, thousands of families across the Bay Area are turning 14 tons of diapers into nutrient-rich soil every single week. This soil is then used for

Choosing the right kind of diaper is an important decision and is a matter of baby’s comfort, your personal preference, time constraints, budget, and for some, environmental impact.

landscaping, sod growing, and roadside plantation projects. (It’s important to note that diapers must be composted through a licensed commercial composting facility and cannot be put in your home compost or green bin due to the presence of harmful bacteria in human waste.)

Choosing the right kind of diaper is an important decision and is a matter of baby’s comfort, your personal preference, time constraints, budget, and for some, environmental impact. Whatever approach you choose, know that there are plenty of online resources and local organizations available to help you prepare and find the best choice for your family.

 Molly Ressler is a Santa Cruz mama and the marketing director for REDYPER™ Powered by EarthBaby, a Bay Area-based diaper composting service. In her role, she educates parents and caregivers about the environmental and health impacts of conventional disposable diapers. She also heads their Change Champion program, partnering with nonprofits and like-minded businesses to multiply REDYPER’s impact and provide diapers and other resources to families in need. Find out more at


 Carmen has been an on and off resident of Santa Cruz County for 33 years, making Felton home for the last 18. When she’s not writing, you can find her in her art shop and Maker’s Space, Crooked Beauty, teaching art and craft classes to people of all ages and abilities.

Beth Lillienthal, Mama Extraordinaire

Beth has been to a lot of one-yearold parties, and often when she leaves her job, people have tears in their eyes, tears of gratitude, and tears of sadness. They don’t want her to go. As a postpartum doula, Beth is a professional nurturer. She explains that doulas have areas of expertise or strengths that help mothers and the whole family get used to a new baby in the house. Beth offers breastfeeding counseling and is a lactation consultant. She visits the home as a support to the family, whether for an hour at a time or a full day; she’ll counsel on baby soothing, breastfeeding, train partners on how to help new moms, cook, and sometimes just listen to the parents. Thus, when the baby turns one,

the family is eager to invite the person that guided them through those first few days, weeks, or months.

Being a doula affords Beth some key advantages; As an independent contractor, she has the ability to set her own schedule, and with two kids at school and being a volunteer extraordinaire, this has worked in her family’s favor. Now, as she faces her future as an empty nester, she wonders how her schedule will change. With kid number two graduating this year, she’s aware that getting some of that baby love will be a balm for the emptiness at home.

As if being a mother to her own, a supporter to other mothers and a constant volunteer at the kids’ schools wasn’t enough, Beth spends time at the Sienna House, where pregnant women, often leaving bad situations, can go and be safe. The Sienna House offers shelter doulas services every step of the way, and they have programs for women to enroll in higher education, work training, and steady housing. The women have

the opportunity to stay at the shelter for a year as they pick up their lives.

For as gratifying as Beth’s job is on any level, this is where her support has the most impact. Often the women at the Sienna House have never been nurtured themselves, much less nurtured someone else; there is mistrust and fear built into tall walls that Beth and her co-workers steadily take down, brick by brick, with unconditional support and counseling.

By showing up consistently, the women begin to trust, and soften into their new role as mother. Because the program is a year long, Beth enjoys creating a deeper connection with the women and seeing the changes they make to better their lives and their babies’ lives. Beth keeps in touch with some of the women when they leave Sienna House; she will even babysit if they’re taking finals at Cabrillo.

“It’s sweet to see them grow and change and be successful,” says Beth.

Beth hopes her example of service, both in her paid position and as a volunteer shows her children what the act of giving can have on the community, on an individual.

If know of a mom who
made a
From parenting to local events to monthly guides and everything in between.
OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY8
difference, please email us

Roots and Love

The RC Family Collective

Families in south Santa Cruz County are getting excited about a new center opening this month. Raíces y Cariño (Roots and Love), also called the RC Family Collective or RC Fam for short, will be providing services to families based on diversity, inclusivity and equity.

This endeavor, headed by Nora Yerena and Juliana Reyes, is a labor of love. Both have deep ties to Watsonville. As a teen, Juliana immigrated to Watsonville from Mexico with her family. She worked for years in education and social service agencies in this community, which is dear to her heart. Her husband, a teacher in Watsonville for 21 years, also immigrated from Mexico. Nora married into a deeply rooted farming family in Watsonville. Her nearly 20 years working with families as a Certified Family Life Educator, doula, lactation professional, mental health peer counselor; and her own six children in a biracial/bilingual family, have given Nora a unique perspective on what families need for support.

The birth of Juliana’s young son was key to meeting up with Nora and discovering their shared vision for serving families in their community. As a new mom living in Santa Cruz, Juliana remembers having access to family services, including support groups, baby enrichment, and wellness classes. It made a difference as a new mother to not only survive, but to thrive. Juliana and Nora are passionate about ensuring these spaces of support and wellness are available to all families in the Watsonville and tri-county area by providing accessible and equitable support.

South county families have a prohibitively long commute to get to programs and classes in Santa Cruz that don’t necessarily meet their needs. Opening the Collective to bring bilingual services and classes directly to the Watsonville community is a dream come true.

Individual instructors and organizations offering services to families will rent space at the RC Family Collective. The goal is for all classes and groups to be bicultural and available in both English and Spanish. The Collective is truly meant to be a joint project with the needs of the community guiding the programs.

Raíces y Cariño (Roots & Love) believes the best way to ensure a child’s livelihood is by empowering their family structure, however that may look. Whole family support from babies to grandparents is the RC Family Collective’s goal.

Affordable family memberships, single class passes, and individual appointments are available including a sliding scale and full scholarships as needed.


• Fitness (family & individual) yoga, dance, and prenatal/ postpartum exercise.

• Parenting classes provided by Positive Discipline Community Resources (PDCR)

• Certified car seat installation and inspection

• Nursing Mothers Counsellactation support

• Kid Power International Program - personal safety education for all ages, teaching skills for strong relationships and the prevention of harm.

• Everyone’s Music School - affordable community music lessons.

• Bilingual baby sign language

• Childbirth Education

• Peer support groups for Dads

• LGBTQIA+ support groups for families and youth

• Support groups for new parents

• We Get It - support for parents with children with special needs

• Grief and loss support for individuals, couples and groups, experiencing birth trauma and/ or loss

• Bay Area Baby Wearing - on site baby carrier library with meet-ups the 2nd Sunday of the month for parents to borrow carriers, as well as in-house bilingual baby wearing experts in between meet-ups.

Centrally located at 1205 Freedom Blvd., #3B, Watsonville, Raíces y Cariño/RC Fam offers a spacious classroom/studio area for large groups, and a treatment room for licensed providers such as psychologists, massage therapists and counselors. It also features an enclosed outdoor area, childcare room, kitchenette, and a large, free parking lot.

The opening celebration for RC Family Collective is Sunday, October 9, from 3 to 5pm. This free event will showcase the facility and services. Community partners will be there sharing resources and information. Visitors can expect to find information about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting issues, as well as ongoing support for older children, teenagers, and their parents.

A community-based collective is ever evolving. With planned events including family dances, family karaoke night and community dinners, the RC Family Collective aims to bring a space for this community’s own roots and love to grow.

Opening celebration – 10/9/22, 3-5pm

RC Family Collective - #rcfam831 on Facebook & Instagram (831) 288-3105 call or text

Services also listed at

@nursingmotherscounsel @nursingmothers_org 831-688-3954 All services, including home visits free of charge Need help with lactation? Call Nursing Mothers Counsel to speak with a trained lactation counselor Servivios en Español
OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY10 ® Bring your child or Find your inner child! We have classes for both! Classes for ages 6 months to 106! •Cirque Classes Acrobatics •Hand-balancing •Acrobatic Pole •Aerial Flow Arts •Cyr Wheel •Contortion Useless Tricks to Impress Your Friends Preschool Playground Tumbling Classes Tumbling for ages 6- adults Cheer Classes Competition Team Recreational Team Adults Team •Tiny Tot Team First class Free! Call us at (831)515-7241 or Email us at info@cirque We will get you all set up! HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS ALWAYS A PRIORITY. Check Website for Details. Call to register or for more information! junebugsgym follow us! sign up now to save your spot! Classes fill quickly! Monthly Parents’ Night Out! Your date night solution! Monthly Baby’s Night Out! Gurgles and giggles! Check our schedule for current dates and times. Birthday Parties! Come celebrate with cartwheels! Open Gyms Every Friday and Saturday! junebugs gym gymnastics Fridays 12:15-3:15 & Saturdays 9-12 noon OPEN GYM! GYMNASTICS CLASSES FOR KIDS FROM CRAWLING~8YRS come join the fun Valerie Mishkin Realtor 831.238.0504 Cal Dre# 02092111 Change of Season! Change of Market! A more balanced market means it is good for Buyers and Sellers. Is it time for you to make a change? Let's talk about how to get where you want to be!

 Monarch Pilates is a full service studio offering one on one Physical Therapy, Private & Semi Private Pilates and Reformer classes. We provide a variety of services to assist through the journey of pregnancy and beyond. We are passionate about helping women to enjoy this precious time and begin parenthood with confidence in your strength.

Pilates for Motherhood

The foundation of Pilates teaches core control, breath and alignment. Understanding body awareness and form are an essential part of strengthening a Diastasis Recti, tending to pelvic floor health and improving posture. The props in a mat class or springs on the pilates equipment give both assistance and resistance to challenge muscles at their full length. Each exercise brings focus and intention to how you move your body. An integrated workout will leave you feeling elongated and connected. Physical Therapy and Pilates for prenatal and postpartum care helps with pregnancy comfort, ease

of delivery and a resilient postpartum experience. As the baby and belly grow, it becomes important to strengthen while maintaining length. The instinct to tighten more can create tension in muscles that need to be flexible for labor and delivery. Pilates teaches strategies of movement to create strength and mobility to help through all the stages of pregnancy and parenthood.

When it comes to the “to-do” list for pregnancy, few things can be prioritized higher than preparing your body for childbirth!

At the top of the list, we recommend learning when and how to use your pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor


 Sit on the ball (or folded towel between your sit bones) with legs wide.

 Feel the pelvic floor muscles in contact with the ball

 Stack the spine long with the ribcage over the pelvis

 Inhale while allowing the pelvic floor to expand on the ball

 Exhale and gently lift the pelvic floor off of the ball.


Sit on a blanket for ease in hips

Keep ribs and hips square to the front

 Reach up and open as you bend your spine to the side.

muscles create a layered hammock of support beneath your bladder, rectum and uterus. As part of our “core”, they help stabilize your pelvis and assist in bladder and bowel control. During childbirth, the pelvic floor should relax and stretch in the “pushing” phase of labor. While many people are familiar with the concept of doing a “kegel” or pelvic floor muscle contraction, few have given thought to the sensation of actually relaxing the pelvic floor. It is common to hold tension in your pelvic floor without even realizing it! Learning where these muscles live, how to contract them, and most importantly how to relax

them should be the first step in your preparation. Pilates props (like birthing balls) can be helpful feedback in “getting to know” this muscle group (see photo 1.)

Once you’ve located your pelvic floor, the next step is to develop a routine to keep your body limber and mobile for the different phases of birth. This routine should include stretches for your hip rotators, hip flexors, inner thighs, and spine (see photos.)

In each position, continue to practice the sensation of releasing tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor.


 Sit o n yoga blocks or stool in a deep squat

 Keep your feet and knees wide to open the hips and inner thighs

 Take smooth, focused breaths releasing tension in your pelvic floor.


 Kneel on one knee with opposite leg stretched out

 Support upper body with arms

Rock back into bent knee

 Relax pelvic floor while stretching inner thigh

25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 11
Your Health Sponsored by Monarch Pilates |


Teach Peace

Imagine there’s no countries, it isn’t hard to do… nothing to kill or die for –John Lennon

At the beginning of this year, our administration announced that the school would focus on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals. We would have an assembly dedicated to the International Day of Peace on September 21, and we were given an explanation of all of the goals, why they are important, and how they were conceived of by the UN. I was impressed by how well each goal aligned with core learning objectives in engineering, in art, in science, in Spanish language, and in social science and literature classes.

I tried to think of a way that my science and engineering classes could participate in a one-hour assembly devoted to world peace and ending racism. This years’ peace focus is on racism. It seemed nebulous, as if I knew very well those two things were related, but I wasn’t able to clearly articulate exactly how. And I wasn’t sure what my kids could create in the Fab Lab (a fab lab is a Makers’ Studio, it’s short for “fabrication lab”) that would be meaningful. I also didn’t know how I’d get kids in their more tribal years of separating from adults to embrace the idea.

I thought back to my teacher training in “teaching in a multicultural society,” or something like that, when to everyone’s surprise, we spent an entire semester self-reflecting on our place in a systemically racist world. It was hard work. I’ve always wondered why that work doesn’t begin as soon as a preschooler sets foot in school. People assure me that it does, but I think it could be more direct. There’s no reason to leave a deep understanding of systemic racism to people with master’s degrees.

One exercise we had to do was to use a long list of “invisible privileges” to rate ourselves and our own privilege. It was painful on an empathetic level, and for me, as a woman, and as a person who identifies as bisexual, on a very direct level as well. Many of the privileges on the list are ones that I didn’t have due to one or both of those statuses in my own life. The most chilling ones to me were little, everyday privileges of race that I took for granted. Like that “flesh colored” band aids were my color. Everyone in that class was struck awake by different statements on the list. For example, as an openly gay couple, my wife and I have never once chosen a location to go on vacation without considering whether our family might be subject to prejudice or violence. Students in the class had similar and painful discoveries about both their privilege and their lack of privilege for many reasons, and it was difficult to be confronted with it.

There was no tool in that training I was sure I could share with younger students with the idea of exploring racism in our society. I didn’t feel equipped to help them through the difficult discoveries that are made in a class like that. When I listen to my high school students, I am sure they understand peace, war, violence and racism in a way I did not at their age, as they are living through a different time in history. I don’t know how deep that understanding goes in their psyche, and I don’t think my role is to peel them open and find out.

I began to search for inspiration all around me, and one walked in the door as an artist who works on our campus and builds and displays art made with Lego bricks. Lego are perfect for teaching kids how to build up interesting designs in single layers, just like a 3D printer does. This artist who walked in my room had created a beautiful bonsai tree with used Lego bricks, and I thought, we could build a peace garden!

I didn’t know what a “peace garden” really was, but it sounded cool, and like it must somehow fit the theme of the school for peace day. As I began to look into it, and look into how artists use Lego, and share these things with the kids, I was shocked at what happened in my classroom.

We discovered Ekow Nimako, a Ghanaian-Canadian artist who created an exhibit using only black Lego to make large faces reminiscent of African masks. The artist was exploring representation, and the lack of representation of black people in Lego. I played with Lego constantly growing up, and my children play with it. I was shocked to realize that no set we ever used had a black

“ One exercise we had to do was to use a long list of “invisible privileges” to rate ourselves and our own privilege. It was painful on an empathetic level, and for me, as a woman, and as a person who identifies as bisexual, on a very direct level as well. Many of the privileges on the list are ones that I didn’t have due to one or both of those statuses in my own life.

minifigure, or any representation of black or African culture. I am raising Latinx children, and they have never seen a Latinx minifigure in their many Lego sets. I went on eBay when they were babies and made certain their baby toys had representation, but Lego was a complete and total blind spot for me. My students all agreed and were very surprised as well.

Then we looked at peace gardens. I described the original vision of a peace garden, which was more than just a garden for contemplating and experiencing peace. The idea was for the garden to cross international borders, and for people in the garden to be able to freely walk back and forth between two nations as they explored the garden.

“Do you think someday there just won’t be any more borders?” asked a student.

Bingo. We are thinking about peace. And about fear.

One definition of peace is that no human being on earth lives or walks in fear of violence. That simple sentence, to me, is the perfect articulation of why racism and peace are intertwined. My

students and I agreed to think differently when we hear the word “racism.” Does it call to mind an image of a person the media would show us as “racist?” Or does it call to mind a person walking in fear? It felt like a call to action.

The classic adage “teach peace” is more urgent to me than ever after exploring this with my students. I am looking forward to commemorating the International Day of Peace.

 Lisa Catterall teaches STEAM, math, science, and art at Mount Madonna School and is a senior associate of the Centers for Research on Creativity. She lectures and trains teachers and administrators on innovation in education in Beijing, China. Lisa has five children and lives in Santa Cruz County.

OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY12

Model UN Training Conference for Local Students

Hosted by Mount Madonna School

On October 8, 2022, Mount Madonna School (MMS) will host a one-day Model United Nations (Model UN or MUN) Training Conference, with a singular purpose: introducing Model UN to students, grades 6-12, and developing a network of schools interested in bringing this exceptional educational program to more schools and students in the region.

Model UN is found in a handful of schools in the region, but there is an opportunity to expand this offering by helping students learn the academic and debate skills needed for successful MUN participation. From this foundation, additional regional conferences can be organized.

This training conference is open to middle and high school students, including those who are homeschooling. Participants will be separated into two tracks during the skill-building component of the conference. Conference organizers will provide an orientation to Model UN, skill-building workshops on research techniques, speech writing and public speaking, and will conclude with a mock debate.

Participants will hear from an expert

on regional sustainable agricultural practices so that they can understand how the larger global issue of sustainable agricultural practices occurs in our own community. Certificates of participation will be provided.

Mount Madonna School is requesting $20 per student, but if this fee presents a challenge, please contact me at (408) 8464029 or mun@mountmadonnaschool. org to discuss; Mount Madonna School’s goal is to make this conference possible for as many local students as possible.


Model UN is practiced by close to half a million middle, high school and university students around the world each year. It is a popular and engaging way to learn about complex global issues. In a MUN simulation, students assume the role of a diplomat of a foreign country and look at an issue or problem through the lens of their “adopted” country. Students then work together to forge consensus around a resolution that addresses the issue. It is both highly academic and inherently social, making it a fun way to learn about complex, multi-faceted issues.


Public speaking and debate are most commonly associated with MUN participation, but there are other academic and soft skills that grow through Model UN participation. To successfully participate in MUN delegates must know their issue well, understand multiple perspectives, argue their point of view and be open to compromise. These include highly targeted research, writing policy briefs and resolutions, working towards consensus, active listening, negotiation and advocacy. This skill development occurs while exploring real-world issues like climate change, food security, gender equality and equal access to justice. Participants take deep dives into these content areas while simultaneously developing the skills needed to convey a particular viewpoint and find consensus that drives real solutions.


Mount Madonna School’s MUN program focuses on the ways in which global issues play out in our region. A larger discussion on water scarcity and climate change has very real impacts on agriculture and tourism in the Monterey Bay region. Model UN can drive awareness and action on these issues by pointing students in the direction of key stakeholders and most importantly how they can be involved in actively creating change in their own communities.

 Lisa Martin is the lower school director at Mount Madonna School and is actively involved in the school’s Sustainable Development Goals initiative. She has spent the majority of her career overseas, teaching in the Middle East and southeast Asia. She has led a number of Model UN organizations and is an advocate for open, accessible global education opportunities for youth. She currently lives in her hometown of Watsonville.

Use this QR code to register for the conference:

Mount Madonna School Model UN Training Conference | Zero Hunger and Ensuring Sustainable Agriculture | October 8, 2022
Model UN is found in a handful of schools in the region, but there is an opportunity to expand this offering by helping students learn the academic and debate skills needed for successful MUN participation.
25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 13
OCTOBER 2022 |14 Visit preschool to grade 12 classrooms and meet students and faculty. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy our exquisite campus overlooking Monterey Bay. RSVP and more information at 408-846-4042 and October 23, 10:00am – 2:00pm Fall Open House
25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 15
OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY16

Spooky Fall Creations

There are so many fun Halloween projects to do; from costume making to home decor, it’s hard to know where to start! These two paintings are simple and fun, and hopefully, the supplies needed are already in your art box or easily attainable. Both these projects use watercolors, which really allows the colors to overlap and create layers of colors.

Watercolor and Crayon Spider Web


White paper, white crayon, watercolor paints

Because crayon is made with wax, it repels water, so when you put crayon on paper and then paint over it, the water will leave the crayon alone. This is especially fun when using a white crayon on a white piece of paper; the littles get a kick out of it, like it’s magic, and I never bother to dissuade them. 1) Draw a spider web, pressing with medium pressure - you don’t want to break the crayon, but you want to make sure it’s nice and thick.


1. Draw 6 lines radiating from a middle point on the paper.

2. Start at that middle point and draw circles spiraling out from that point.

3. Think of a color scheme, maybe it’s blues and purples, or maybe it’s autumn colors.

4. Using a very wet brush, paint the colors on the paper.

5. The spider web will emerge, white like the crayon, while the rest of the paper becomes colorful.

Autumn Cat


White paper, watercolor paints, black sharpie or permanent pen

You will be using yellow, orange, and red colors (I’ve seen this with blues and greens and it’s just as pretty!)

1. Start with yellow and paint a circle in the center of the paper

2. Continue with orange and paint a larger circle around the yellow

3. Do the same thing with red, paint around the orange, you want the red to hit the edges of your paper

Remember: it’s okay for the colors to layer, it’ll create a lovely effect that is unique to watercolor paint

4. Let the paint dry - probably not more than 5 minutes or so

5. Using your pen or sharpie, draw a tree on one side of the paper, with a branch reaching out to the middle of the paper, where the yellow is.


1. Draw a wavy line all the way up the side of the page, about ½ inch from the paper’s edge Draw a wavy line to the middle of the paper.

2. Draw a second line above it.

3. Use a U shape to create the branches at the end of the branch, but don’t connect them.

4. Draw a cat in the middle of the branch.


1. Draw an oval for the body.

2. Draw a circle on top of the oval for the head.

3. Draw two triangles for the ears.

4. Draw a wavy line, going from the middle of the oval for the tail.

25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 17 Craft Corner Sponsored by Crooked Beauty |


Five Estate Planning Myths

As parents and as partners, we work hard to provide the best opportunities for our children and to make sure our partners will be okay if something happens to us, but are we following through when it really matters?

MYTH #1:

My child is protected because I have life insurance.

You took out a $500,000 life insurance policy. Life insurance is a great way to provide liquidity in the event of your untimely demise. However, life insurance will not pay out to a minor. In the absence of a living trust with an adult trustee in charge, the funds will be frozen until an expensive and time-consuming Guardianship of the Estate proceeding is completed. The Guardian may have to request funds from a blocked account or be bonded. Once your child turns eighteen, he or she will have access to all the funds at once with no oversight.

MYTH #2:

My spouse will inherit everything so we do not need a living trust or estate plan.

Are you and your spouse both on title on your accounts? Frequently, married couples are both on title for real estate, but when it comes to banking or investing, many couples have individual accounts or business accounts. If the total value of all accounts is over $184,500, these accounts will be frozen upon death. The surviving spouse completely loses access to them. Probate or a Spousal Property Petition will be required in order to transfer the assets. Business accounts can be even more complicated depending on the situation. Just because you are married does not automatically mean that you inherit or that you will continue to have access to everything. The fantastic aspect of having a living trust in place is that even if your assets are not titled in trust, they can easily be transferred to trust by court order.

MYTH #3:

I don’t need a living trust. I am not wealthy. I only own a house.

The average home value in Santa Cruz County is over $1.4 million. When there is no living trust in place and real property is passing to someone who is not on title, the estate must go through Probate. Probate is a tedious

court process that can take between five and twelve months to complete. Ordinary probate fees start at 4% of the fair market value of the real property at death even if there is a lien against the house. Mortgages do not reduce these fees. It will cost $27,000 to probate a $1.4 million estate. If there are other assets, the fee will be higher. This amount does not include filing fees, publication fees, appraisal fees, executor fees, or extraordinary fees. Probate subjects the estate to creditors, whereas living trusts can protect against certain debts such as Medi-Cal reimbursements.

Administering a living trust post-death is usually easier, faster, and cheaper than Probate.

MYTH #4:

This is my common law spouse so we do not need to do any estate planning.

Common law marriage does not exist in California. Let me repeat that. There is no law giving rights to individuals who live together for a long time in California. This is a myth! If you want your nonspouse partner to inherit instead of your family, you need to create an estate plan and put it in writing.

MYTH #5:

I have a will so my family is protected. Probate means “to prove” in Latin. Wills must be probated and proven to be valid in Court. Therefore, in many circumstances, you will not avoid Probate with a will if you have over $184,500 in assets. Moreover, your minor child cannot inherit the funds outright in Probate. When your child turns eighteen, he or she will inherit everything outright all at once and will thoroughly enjoy the new Ferrari.

Many people with young children, property, or both delay setting up an estate plan for fear of facing mortality, fear of making decisions, or fear of the associated costs. Setting up an estate plan is a gift for your loved ones. Protect them when it matters most.

 Shelli Strahle is a local mom and the founding attorney of Strahle Legacy Planning Law Offices in Capitola, California. Ms. Strahle can be reached at or (831) 621-2165. Strahle Legacy Planning focuses on Living Trusts, Wills, Trust Administration, and Probate.

OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY18
PEACE OF MIND FOR YOUR PFAMILY ROTECT YOUR LEGACY SIMPLIFY ASSET TRANSFERS Optional virtual planning Complimentary consultations for will and trust packages Helping proactive families plan for the future Providing services in the Santa Cruz area and beyond Living Trusts Wills Guardian Nominations Power of Attorney for finances Health Care Directives Grant Deeds Pet Trusts Trust Administration Probate COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING VOTED BEST LAWYER IN SANTA CRUZ COUNTY 716 Capitola Ave , Suite G, Capitola, CA 95010 (831) 621-2165 Shelli Strahle, Attorney-at-Law & Local Mom Strahle Legacy Planning Law Offices Medi-Cal accepted Affordable rates for uninsured patients Santa Cruz 1830 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz (near Dominican Hospital) Mid County 831.464.5409 open Mon Sat 7:30am 4:00pm Santa Cruz 302 Riverside Avenue, Santa Cruz (near the Boardwalk) Beach Flats 831.464.5411 open Mon Fri 7:30am 4:00pm Watsonville 1430 Freedom Blvd, Suite C, Watsonville (near Cardenas) 831.621.2560 open Mon Fri 8:30am 5:00pm Have you scheduled your child’s 1st tooth or 1st birthday dental visit?

John McKinley

Hello! I’m a cartoonist and illustrator from Aptos specializing in fun and quirky characters. My work has appeared in many publications, including the picture book Monster Academy and the popular Ready, Freddy series from Scholastic Books. I started drawing at a very early age and always knew I wanted to be an artist. Drawing skills improve with practice, so I recommend kids keep a sketchbook handy. When you fill up

one sketchbook , start a new one! You can really see improvement over time. I will be participating in the Santa Cruz Arts Council Open Studios Tour in October. I’ll be open the weekends of Oct. 8-9th and Oct.15-16th from 10am-5pm each day. Follow the bright green signs to studio #289. I’ll be showing some of my latest creations! Or visit me on the web at and Instagram @ johnmckinleyart.



It’s not just newborns entering a brave new world—their parents are too. And they are faced with all kinds of questions as they take on their biggest adventure. Where can I get breastfeeding advice? What do I do about vaccines? Can I find a quality day care? What about kids’ teeth? What kind of classes can we take together? Does playing music in the womb really help? Is a twomonth-old ready to start applying to Ivy League colleges? We can’t answer all of them, but our local providers sure can help. Our focus in the yearly Pregnancy & Birth Guide is to hook you up with professionals who can help guide you along the best path for your children’s and your future. Luckily, we have many great providers in Santa Cruz County who will help your kids grow up.


Music Together/MusicalMe, Inc. Locations throughout Santa Cruz and Santa Clara County Call/Text: 831-332-9002

In our Music Together Babies class (0 – 8 months), you’ll learn a lot of fun musical activities for babies. You’ll also learn to recognize which of your baby’s behaviors are musical so that you can support their development at the time when your baby’s brain is at its most receptive. The Babies class has other benefits, too! Singing and dancing with your baby is a beautiful way for the two of you to bond. And making music with other parents of newborns is a great way to make new friends in your community who are as sleep-deprived as you. Join us outdoors!

RC Fam/Raíces y Cariño 1205 Freedom Blvd, #3B. Watsonville  831-288-3105

Raíces y Cariño (Roots & Love) believes the best way to ensure children’s livelihood is by empowering their family structure, however that may look. Whole family support from babies to grandparents is the RC Family Collective’s goal.

The Bookakery

Looking for the perfect baby gift? Order a Bookakery Baby Box and encourage a love of reading from day one! Each Bookakery Baby Box comes with: a beautiful hardback picture book, two fun board books, your choice of a bookish onesie, and a recipe card for the new mom. Order yours today at www.


Alison K. Jackson, DDS  Children’s Dentistry

7545 Soquel Dr, Aptos 831.662.2900

We are accepting new patients! It’s time for a dental check-up when your child has a first tooth or first birthday. We

are preventive-dentistry oriented and we provide comprehensive dentistry in a caring environment for children of all ages.  We have a pediatric anesthesiologist on our premises and are able to treat special, challenging children safely and comfortably under a general anesthesia. We have a 24-hour emergency service available for all of our patients.

Dientes Community Dental Care Mid-County: 1830 Commercial Way, Santa Cruz 831.464.5409 Beach Flats: 302 Riverside Ave, Santa Cruz 831.464.5411

Watsonville: 1430 Freedom Blvd., Suite C, Watsonville 831.621.2560

Dientes Community Dental Care is a full-service dental clinic located in midSanta Cruz County. We practice whole family dentistry including kids, adults, and seniors; but children hold a special place in our heart–half of our patients are kids seen by our experienced pediatric dentists. As a non-profit dental clinic, our focus is on high-quality, low-cost dental services, including exams, x-rays, fillings, sealants and root canals. We accept Medi-Cal and we have affordable sliding scale fees for uninsured patients. Dientes is open 6 days a week. We offer bi-lingual services. Se habla Español! Dientes, providing dignity through dentistry for 30 years.

Dominican Hospital Birth Center 1555 Soquel Drive, Santa Cruz, CA 95065 831-462-7700

Dominican Hospital offers advanced maternity care options combined with the comforts of home. Our Family Birth Center provides a welcoming environment for families and is committed to a positive birth experience. We are a certified BabyFriendly® hospital, which means we offer comprehensive lactation support, and your baby will remain by your side throughout your stay. Families can rest assured if their newborn needs extra attention, Dominican offers the highest level of care available in the area through a partnership with Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford – a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) staffed by Stanford neonatologists and NICU-certified nurses.

First 5 Santa Cruz County 831.465.2217

First 5 Santa Cruz County promotes the healthy development of children from birth to age 5. Parents and caregivers of newborns can contact First 5 to receive a free “Kit for New Parents” with parenting videos, children’s books, information on caring for babies and local resources.

First 5 also offers parenting support through the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, a world-renowned program that strengthens families by building positive relationships. To find Triple P classes or quick tips, visit triplep. or

Karen Cohen, D.C. CA License # 14316 1709 Seabright Ave, Santa Cruz 831-425-1422

Chiropractic and gentle craniosacral therapy are wonderful tools for optimizing flexibility, well-being and a pain-free pregnancy. I am a mother of three, have worked as a midwife assistant and I taught OB-Gyn and Pediatrics at Palmer Chiropractic college. I have enjoyed many years of delivering safe and effective chiropractic care for women in pregnancy and postpartum. I offer patient-centered and individualized health-care and the close rapport I form with each woman creates a flexible, responsive and truly holistic approach.

REDYPER™ Powered by EarthBaby: Santa Cruz County and San Francisco Bay Area (650) 641-0975

“The World’s First Compostable Diaper Service. Want the convenience of disposable diapers without the waste? Get weekly diaper delivery, pickup, and composting with REDYPER™ Powered by EarthBaby. Plus, our plant-based diapers are free of harsh chemicals, dyes, and fragrances. Try your first month FREE with the code ‘SCFAMILY’ at Terms and conditions apply.


Nursing Mothers Counsel 831.688.3954 (Santa Cruz) 650.327-6455 (Bay Area)

Nursing Mothers Counsel, Inc. is a nonprofit organization helping mothers and their babies with breastfeeding. Counselors are available via phone, text, email and in-home visits. We provide hospital-grade pump rentals and grants. Breastfeeding services are free. Counselors are available from 9:00am – 9:00pm. Look for us on Facebook and Instagram.


Adventure Sports Unlimited 303 Potrero St, Suite 15 Santa Cruz, CA 831-458-3648 Swim Babies at Adventure Sports is a parent/infant class for swimmers aged 4 months to 2.5 years. We use subtle and comfortable techniques to introduce your little one to the wonders of water. Classes run from January to December in our 90° pool up to 11 times per week. Come play with us!

Jim Booth Swim School Harvey West pool in Santa Cruz and Watsonville 831.722.3500 Be a water wonder! From our Little Otters swim class for parents and their babies to Aquaphobics, our adult beginner class, the whole family splashes together at Jim Booth Swim School. Little Otters is a gentle introduction to our 94-degree pools that will make you confident that you are guiding your infant to a happy water experience. Our lessons emphasize quality swimming in an exciting class taught by our caring, well-qualified teachers. The whole family can swim at Jim Booth Swim School”

Junebug’s Gym

831.464.BUGS (2847)

3910 Portola Dr., Stes. 2 & 3, Santa Cruz

Did you know? Activities for babies and toddlers that stimulate balance, movement, and core strength activate the brain for higher learning concepts and lead to later success in school. Join us at June Bug’s Gym for Inchworms — our baby development classes — for crawlers to wobbly walkers. Every Monday and Wednesday from 12:15 pm to 1 pm

OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY20

What every birthday needs, party planners. .

Choosing the right foods. Deciding on a safe exercise routine. Creating a birth plan. As a mom-to-be, you have a lot of planning to look forward to. Fortunately, Dignity Health – Dominican Hospital’s Family Birth Center has a whole team of specialists ready to safely guide you throughout your journey—from the support of our midwives to the added security of the only Level III NICU in the Monterey Bay area standing by. We even have live virtual classes to help you prepare for the big day.

Learn more about how we’re safely delivering humankindness at

25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 21


Westside Marketplace 11:00 AM4:00 PM The Westside Marketplace -- every First Sunday at The Wrigley • rain date is the 2nd Sunday Presented by your friends at Food Trucks A Go Go & Santa Cruz Mountains Makers Market. For more info, & We’ll see you there!


National Child Health Day Training: Bystander Intervention to Address Gender-based Harassment

Locations: Capitola, Downtown, Felton, La Selva Beach, Live Oak, Scotts Valley.

Caretaker and Me Toddler Dance

10:15 AM-11:00 AM This creative dance class is designed to improve both fine and gross motor skills as we get your little bouncer stepping, clapping and moving to the rhythm. Shaker eggs, dancing with scarves, and singing popular children’s songs are all part of the fun as the little ones explore the many ways their bodies can move! Children should be accompanied by a caretaker who is able to bounce and play along.


Nature Club: Pogonip – A Trip

Through History 10:00 AM-12:30

PM Nature Club takes young explorers (6th-8th Grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way.

Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends. $10 |$5 Museum Members | Register santacruzmuseum. org/10-1-nature-club-pogonip-a-tripthrough-history/

Halloween Shop Event 9:00 AM-1:00

PM Come visit Little Trends Boutique in Watsonville! We will have a fun-filled morning of shopping for halloween goodies, a local mobile coffee cart - Humble Sebi Coffee & fun things for the little to do while you shop and have some AMAZING coffee and pastries!

Nature Club For Middle Schoolers

Grades 6 - 8 10:00 AM-12:30 PM

Nature Club takes young explorers (6th8th grade) into local habitats to learn about the amazing living world around us while making discoveries along the way. Programs are led by Museum staff with kids dropped off at rotating locations, including local parks, open spaces, and of course at the Museum! Exploration and activities help kids learn more about nature through observation and experience while developing a deeper connection to nature and making new friends.santacruzmuseum. org/nature-club/


International Day of Non-Violence

National Custodian Day

World Farm Animals Day

5:00 PM-6:30 PM Join us for a FREE bilingual community training on Bystander Intervention to Address Gender-based Harassment, presented by Right To Be (formerly Hollaback!). Attend to learn a clear, adaptable, and expert-approved set of tools that have been proven to reduce the prevalence of street harassment and how to prioritize your own safety while intervening. Please register and invite your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to join you. Register and learn more at:bit. ly/Bystander-Oct


World Dyslexia Day Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to read and write properly. Dyslexics are often unable to read quickly and write without committing errors. Dyslexics might struggle with reading, writing, vocabulary, and tasks that require hand-eye coordination. It affects 20% of the population and makes up 80% to 90% of all those with learning disorders. World Dyslexia Day raises awareness about these issues and what can be done to manage such a disorder.

Homework Help 3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Bring your assignments to one of our FREE drop-in Homework Help sessions. Tuesdays from 3:00p to 5:00p. Students to grade 12. Call 831.427.7713 for more information.

Creative Dance for Preschoolers

11:00 AM-11:45 AM This gender neutral class focuses on exploration of movement, improving rhythm and coordination, and allowing self expression through the art of dance while having lots of fun! Classes are theme based and begin with a story; movement is then centered around the theme of the day. Classes are held at the Tannery World Dance and Cultural Center. Test a class for FREE!

Free Tuesday at UCSC Arboretum 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Community Day at the UCSC Arboretum, free admission on the first Tuesday of every month 9 am-5 pm. Come explore the biodiversity of our gardens, great birdwatching or simply come relax on a bench in the shade.Arboretum@

Gateway School Day Tours 9:00 AM-11:00 AM Come and learn how Gateway School inspires children’s innate curiosity and sense of wonder through daily exploration, discovery, and handson experiences. Visit and schedule a tour to experience all that Gateway has to offer!


Make & Explore @ Boulder Creek 2:00 PM-4:00 PM Make and explore STEAM possibilities at Boulder Creek Branch Library! Every week we will have a new project idea for you to build or explore. Projects will include Science, Arts & Crafts, including model building, and exploration of the environment around us. Best for children 6+. Children under 6 yrs old will need an adult present to help them. Expect to get messy! The program will take place in the Boulder Creek Library Community Room and / or amphitheater. santacruzpl. “

National Coaches Day Let's not forget about the role coaches — play in shaping a young person's life.

Taller Triple P: Qué hacer si su hijo/a está haciendo daño a otros 5:30 PM-7:00 PM Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: Razones comunes del por qué los niños les hacen daño a otros; Cómo enseñar a su hijo a cooperar con los demás; Qué hacer si su hijo está haciendo daño hacia otros niños. Presentado EN ESPAÑOL por Zoom ¿Tiene preguntas? Comuníquese con Mayra Martinez al (831) 288-2856 o mayram@ Inscríño-aOtros-6Oct

Make & Explore @ Felton 3:00 PM-5:00 PM Make and explore STEAM possibilities at Felton Branch Library! Every week we will have a new project idea for you to build or explore. Projects will include Science, Arts & Crafts, including model building, and exploration of the environment around us. Best for children 6+. Children under 6 yrs old will need an adult present to help them. Expect to get messy! The program will take place in the Felton Library Community Room and / or patio. event/9550740 “


International Day of Peaceful Communication

Kids Music Day

West Cliff Food Truck Series. Lighthouse Parking Lot. 4:00 PM-8:00 PM Join us at the West Cliff Lighthouse parking lot and enjoy the beautiful view and local food trucks! It’s a great chance to get outside and soak in the sunshine. This is becoming a locals favorite and tourists love it as well. The parking lot is close to many wonderful picnic areas where you can relax and take in the scenery. Admission is FREE!

Evergreen Volunteer Days 9:30 AM-12:00 PM Leave your mark on Santa Cruz history by volunteering at the historic Evergreen Cemetery every Friday from 9:30am-12pm. No need to register, just show up ready to work! All ages are welcome to help, including

OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY22

high school students seeking community service hours. Tools and work gloves will be provided. Please bring a mask and your own bottled water. For more information, email evergreen@santacruzmah.

First Friday Santa Cruz 5:00 PM9:00 PM First Friday is a free event and is perfect for enthusiastic Art Goers or those just looking to have a fun and enjoyable evening checking out the art scene is Santa Cruz. Plan your First Friday night and visit participating venues in Downtown, the Tannery Arts Center, Midtown, Westside, Eastside, Felton, and Ben Lomond! Get out and support the arts! Find the full listing of participating artists and venues + all of the details on our website, firstfridaysantacruz.”


National Chess Day


Grand Opening for RC Fam | Raíces y Cariño 3:00 PM-5:00 PM Join us October 9th from 3-5PM as we proudly open Raíces y Cariño | A Community Collective for families of Watsonville and the Tri-County Area. Por favor acompáñenos el 9 de Octubre de 3-5pm para nuestra apertura del centro familiar, Raíces y Cariño. Donde esperamos ser servir a las familias de Watsonville y condados locales. Located/ Localización 1205 Freedom Blvd, #3B

Monte Foundation 27th Anniversary Fireworks Extravaganza! 7:30 PM-8:00 PM A wonderful family event featuring a spectacular fireworks display. So pack a snack, bring your beach or camping chair, bring a friend and/or your family, and head for Capitola Beach, or the wharf, or the bluffs surrounding Capitola, and enjoy the wonder, awe, and majesty of the Monte Foundation Fireworks Extravaganza. Remember the “Ooohs” and “Ahhhs” as you look skyward! monte-fireworks-sail/




Santa Cruz Hostel is a 501c3 nonprofit with a mission to help people of all ages gain a greater knowledge, understanding and love of the world through hostelling!

Triple P: Strategies to Help Teens Manage Anxiety 10:30 AM-12:00 PM Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: Common causes and signs of anxiety in teens; What to do if your teen is anxious; Tips for helping teens develop healthy coping skills. Presented IN ENGLISH on Zoom. Got questions? Contact Cori Burt (831) 335-6600 Ext. 6605 or corib@”

Roaring Camp Railroads: Thomas and Percy’s Halloween Party 10:30 AM-2:30 PM Dress up for Halloween with favorites Thomas and Percy, for a 20-minute train ride, entertainment, and fun-filled activities for the entire family.”


National Coming Out Day

Homophobia thrives in silence, so today, many people who identify as LGBTQ+ “come out.”

Homework Help 3:00 PM-5:00 PM See Oct 04.

Caretaker and Me Toddler Dance 10:15 AM-11:00 AM See Oct 04.

Creative Dance for Preschoolers 11:00 AM-11:45 AM See Oct 04.


Make & Explore @ Boulder Creek 2:00 PM-4:00 PM See Oct 04


World Octopus Day Octopuses are remarkably intelligent and adaptable. With some Octopus fossils predating the era of dinosaurs, they are known to be older than most creatures currently existing today. One thing you can be sure of is that there’s more to this amazing sea creature than a bulbous head and eight legs with suction cups.

West Cliff Outdoor Market. Lighthouse Parking Lot. 10:00 AM6:00 PM Fall is upon us and what better way to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Come enjoy West Cliff Outdoor Market which will feature unique artisans and local food trucks. This one of a kind market will be held in two parking lots along West Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz. Enjoy the fresh air as you stroll among many artisan’s booths and specialty food while taking in the view. Admission is FREE! Join us for the fun this fall!”

Agricultural History Project: 2nd Saturday On The Farm 11:00 AM-3:00 PM 2nd Saturday on the Farm, a family event that focuses on a particular area of agriculture. Visitors can participate in the regular activities of the Ag History Project plus others related to the day’s special focus. We host over 2,500 visitors each year at 2nd Saturday on the Farm.”

Indigenous Peoples’ Day Native American people are honored and celebrated on Indigenous Peoples’ Day. The day is centered around reflecting on their tribal roots and the tragic stories that hurt but strengthened their communities.

Taller Triple P: Manejando las conductas disruptivas (para familias con necesidades especiales) 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Asista a este taller virtual GRATIS de crianza para aprender: Cómo reaccionar con calma y consistencia cuando su niño se rehúsa a seguir instrucciones; Qué hacer si su niño es agresivo con otros niños; Cómo enseñarles a los niños con necesidades especiales a obtener atención de manera positiva y apropiada; Consejos para adaptar las estrategias de crianza a las necesidades especiales de su niño. ¿Tiene preguntas? Comuníquese con Gladys Gómez (831) 724-2997 Ext. 220 o Inscríbase :bit. ly/ Conductas-Disruptivas-Oct10”

International Day for Failure Friday 14

National I Love You Day

Evergreen Volunteer Days 9:30 AM-12:00 PM Leave your mark on Santa Cruz history by volunteering at the historic Evergreen Cemetery every Friday from 9:30am-12pm. No need to register, just show up ready to work! All ages are welcome to help, including high school students seeking community service hours. Tools and work gloves will be provided. Please bring a mask and your own bottled water. For more information, email evergreen@santacruzmah.


Global Handwashing Day

Hoshana Rabbah

1st Annual Beach Hill Bash 1:00 PM4:00 PM LET’S CELEBRATE! The Santa Cruz Hostel has been hosting travelers at the historic Carmelita Cottages on Beach Hill for 30 years. Come enjoy live music (The Joint Chiefs), activities, food and hostel tours. Help us celebrate, fundraise and get the word out about the hostel. *The

Dictionary Day Webster was a true pioneer for creating the reference book we use so ubiquitously!

Downtown Santa Cruz Makers Market 10:00 AM-5:00 PM EVERY THIRD SUNDAY! Come on out for some fresh air and crafty goodness! Pacific Ave at Lincoln St in Downtown Santa Cruz.

Roaring Camp Railroads: Thomas and Percy’s Halloween Party 10:30 AM-2:30 PM See Oct 15.


Black Poetry Day is celebrated in commemoration of the birth of the man popularly referred to as the father of African American literature, Jupiter Hammon, the first published black poet in the United States of America. It is a day to recognize the contributions of black poets to literature and celebrate the black experience as retold in poetry.

(cont'd on page 24)

Prophet Muhammad’s birthday
25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 23


Triple P Workshop: Setting Healthy Screen Time Limits 6:00 PM-7:30

PM Attend this FREE virtual parenting workshop to learn: How “screen time” can affect children’s health and behaviors; Tips for setting screen time limits during the pandemic; What to do if your child refuses to follow the screen time rules. Presented IN ENGLISH on Zoom. Screentime-Oct17 Got questions? Contact Sandra Rodelo at (831) 724-2997 Ext.211 or


bargains with the evil sea witch, Ursula, to trade her tail for legs. But the bargain is not what it seems, and Ariel needs the help of her colorful friends—Flounder the fish, Scuttle the seagull, and Sebastian the crab—to restore order under the sea.

General admission is $15; seniors, students, and military are $12; children under 12 are $10. For ticket reservations, please visit

Evergreen Volunteer Days 9:30 AM-12:00 PM Leave your mark on Santa Cruz history by volunteering at the historic Evergreen Cemetery every Friday from 9:30am-12pm. No need to register, just show up ready to work! All ages are welcome to help, including high school students seeking community service hours. Tools and work gloves will be provided. Please bring a mask and your own bottled water. For more information, email evergreen@santacruzmah.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf

8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


Santa Catalina presents Disney’s The Little Mermaid 7:30 PM-12:00 AM See Oct 21.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


National Black Cat Day Black cats need a little positive PR as their reputation as an omen of bad luck is well-known (and unearned, frankly). In the lead-up to Halloween, National Black Cat Day provides the chance for feline fans to show off their love for the oft-maligned, but always iconic animal.

Make & Explore @ Felton 3:00 PM5:00 PM See Sep 15.

Santa Catalina presents Disney’s The Little Mermaid 7:30 PM-12:00 AM See Oct 21.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19

National Chocolate Cupcake Day A day when office break rooms fill with joy only brought by chocolate cupcakes.

Homework Help 3:00 PM-5:00 PM See Oct 04.

Caretaker and Me Toddler Dance 10:15 AM-11:00 AM See Oct 04.

Creative Dance for Preschoolers 11:00 AM-11:45 AM See Oct 04.


13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM Join us for 13 days of frightful fun on the Santa Cruz Wharf!cityofsantacruz. com/Home/Components/Calendar/ Event/20495/30?curm=10&cury=2022

Make & Explore @ Boulder Creek 2:00 PM-4:00 PM See Oct 04


Make & Explore @ Felton 3:00 PM5:00 PM See Sep 15.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


Santa Catalina presents Disney’s The Little Mermaid 7:30 PM-12:00 AM In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, the beautiful young mermaid Ariel, King Triton’s youngest daughter, wishes to pursue the human Prince Eric in the world above. She

International Stuttering Awareness Day Stuttering is a communication disorder in which repetitions — or abnormal stoppages of sounds and syllables — break the flow of speech. There may also be unusual facial and body movements associated with speaking. International Stuttering Awareness Day shines a helpful spotlight on stutterers and educates the public about the causes.

Downtown Felton Scarecrow Sip and Stroll Customers sip and stroll casting their votes at the shops with their favorite scarecrow display.

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk: Chili Cook-off 10:00 AM-4:00 PM Bring your appetite and join the fun as both professional and amateur chefs work their culinary magic and compete for the title of Best Chili!

Louden Nelson Center: Halloween 12:00 AM-4:00 PM Haunted House and Mask Making

Santa Catalina presents Disney’s The Little Mermaid 7:30 PM-12:00 AM See Oct 21.

United Nations Day we celebrate the anniversary of the UN Charter of 1945. To celebrate today, we have to think about 75 years of history, struggle, and accomplishment. So take a moment today to consider the incredible impact the United Nations has had in every corner of the globe.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


Homework Help 3:00 PM-5:00 PM See Oct 04.

Caretaker and Me Toddler Dance 10:15 AM-11:00 AM See Oct 04.

Creative Dance for Preschoolers 11:00 AM-11:45 AM See Oct 04.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


National Day of the Deployed National Pumpkin Day

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19.Make & Explore @ Boulder Creek 2:00 PM-4:00 PM See Oct 04

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19



Food Truck Friday 4:30 PM-8:00 PM Food Truck Friday features your favorite food trucks at these monthly events at Skypark!

Evergreen Volunteer Days 9:30 AM-12:00 PM Leave your mark on Santa Cruz history by volunteering at the historic Evergreen Cemetery every Friday from 9:30am-12pm. No need to register, just show up ready to work! All ages are welcome to help, including high school students seeking community service hours. Tools and work gloves will be provided. Please bring a mask and your own bottled water. For more information, email evergreen@santacruzmah.

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk: Movies at the Beach “The Lost Boys” 9:00 PM-11:00 PM There’s nothing like watching your favorite movies right on the beach with the smell of kettle corn, corn dogs, and saltwater taffy filling the air! The Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk is welcoming back Movies on the Beach in front of the Colonnade near Neptune’s Kingdom. Bring the family and your blanket or low-back chair. beachboardwalk. com/evenings-on-the-colonnade/

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19

OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY24


National Candy Corn Day We eat them like popcorn, so grab a handful and join us for celebrating candy corn!

Trunk or Treat at Boulder Creek Community Church 3:00 PM-5:00 PM We have a free family-friendly Trunk or Treat geared to entertain children through 5th grade on the campus of Boulder Creek Community Church! Enjoy candy, cozy drinks, and crazy games while conversing with other families who are also in fun and silly costumes! Please kindly register by email to This message is brought to you by the letter C. :)

Halloween at the Boardwalk 12:00 PM-7:00 PM Celebrate Halloween with trick-or-treating and spooktacular Boardwalk fun! halloween/

13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19


Halloween is undoubtedly the creepiest, most ghostly holiday of them all.

Trick or Treat in Downtown Felton 13 Days of Halloween on the Wharf 8:00 AM-8:00 PM See Oct 19

Gateway School K-8 TUESDAY | OCT 4 | 9 AM - 11 AM 255 Swift Street, Santa Cruz (831) 423-0341 |

Come and learn how Gateway School inspires children's innate curiosity and sense of wonder through daily exploration, discovery, and hands-on experiences. Visit to schedule a tour.

GUiSC will attempt to update the calendar listings as needed; however, it is the responsibility of the organization listed to provide updated information. GUiSC assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Readers are encouraged to check the accuracy of the information provided. Events that are free or cost less than $10 can be submitted for inclusion in the calendar.

GUiSC does not guarantee that a submitted event will automatically be included. Preference is given for events of interest to children and/ or parents. Calendar entries must be received by the 15th of the month prior to the month of the event. Calendar entries and photos will be selected by the Calendar Editor. Please visit our website to fill out the calendar form:

Additional Sources:

Downtown Felton Scarecrow Sip & Stroll

SAT | OCT 22 | NOON - 6PM

Downtown Felton | @DowntownFelton

Customers sip cider and stroll casting their votes at the shops with their favorite scarecrow display. Benefits the Downtown Felton Association.

Trick or Treat in Downtown Felton MON | OCT 31 | 5PM - 8PM

Downtown Felton | @DowntownFelton

We’re calling all goblins, ghosts and ceatures of the night! So creep, float, or crawl over d=to Downtown Felton on Halloween for some trick or treating delight

25th ANNIVERSARY | | OCTOBER 2022 25
CALENDAR DEADLINE The 15th of the month Prior to publication month. Coming in Holiday Guide NOVEMBER Contact us to advertise.
OCTOBER 2022 | Growing Up in Santa Cruz | 25th ANNIVERSARY26 COLORING PAGE Submit your coloring entry to for a chance to be in our next issue! You can also mail them to Box 3505, Santa Cruz, 95063 Submissions due by October 15.
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