2 minute read

Introducing Hewitt’s new mobile library!



The Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TSLAC) recently awarded funding to the Hewitt Public Library (HPL) under its Special Projects Grant program. HPL will provide mobile outreach programs beginning this Summer. The $52,000 award will fund the new vibran green “HPL on the GO” trailer to be used throughout the community. Direct-delivery outreach services are (and continue to be) an integral and vital part of libraries nationwide. For over 100 years, mobile outreach has served rural, urban, suburban and tribal areas, bringing access to information and life-long learning resources to all communities. This project is just one of 42 made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act. “TSLAC is proud to support public libraries throughout the state as they deliver critical information services to their communities that support education, access to technology, and workforce development,” said TSLAC Director and Librarian, Gloria Meraz. TSLAC awards competitive grants annually as funding allows. For the 2022 fiscal year (September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023) TSLAC has awarded approximately $1.18 million in competitive grants, including 17 Special Projects grants—which support programs seeking to expand library services to include all members of a library’s community, including populations with special needs. “The funds provided by our federal partners allow libraries to respond to local needs and bring a wide array of resources and services to Texans,” said Meraz. “Funding for Hewitt Public Library’s trailer will allow staff to deploy programs and services directly to Hewitt businesses, schools, nursing facilities, and parks,” added Waynette Ditto, HPL’s Director.

“Bookmobiles” and their variations, such as trailers, passenger vans and book bikes, are an important and perhaps truest form of library outreach, as they bring the library to the people. From these outreach vehicles, staff can create library cards, circulate materials, do small crafts, distribute library and partner publications, give away free books/library swag, and many other engaging activities. HPL will be able to go to school-sponsored events, community events, as well as local block parties.

Through donated books, HPL can go into a community and deliver books to the areas that need them most. HPL on the GO will be loaded with tents, tables, chairs, books and computers, and in years to come, the trailer will be a full-service mobile branch of the library to provide programming and all types of materials for patrons of all ages. It will be equipped with a TV and display monitor to allow patrons to enjoy programming and other media outside the trailer.

Check the City of Hewitt’s website calendar for the new trailer’s ribbon-cutting ceremony coming in the next few months.

We believe the statement: “It is, after all, not the few great libraries, but the thousand small ones, that may do most for the people.” This describes HPL, and we can’t wait to move forward with HPL on the GO!

Each issue of Express magazine will feature an article submitted by a member of the Greater Hewitt Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Watch for more great info in future issue!