Gorny & Mosch Auktionskatalog 252

Page 19



Provenienz: Ex Sammlung P.C., Süddeutschland, erworben 1990 bei der Galleria Serodine, Ascona. 9JO GLH EHNDQQWH $PSKRUD PLW GHU %OHQGXQJ GHV 3RO\SKHP %ULWLVK 0XVHXP % - %RDUGPDQ (DUO\ *UHHN 9DVH 3DLQWLQJ $EE =X 3UREOHPDWLN GHU SVHXGR FKDONLGLVFKHQ 9DVHQ V ) &DQFLDQL (LQH neue Amphora aus Vulci und das Problem der pseudochalkidischen Vasen, -DKUEXFK GHV 'HXWVFKHQ $UFK”RORJLVFKHQ ,QVWLWXWV 6 II 7K Mannack, Griechische Vasenmalerei. Eine Einführung (2002) S. 131; Der 1HXH 3DXO\ V Y 3VHXGRFKDONLGLVFKH 9DVHQPDOHUHL >0 Steinhart]. :”KUHQG LP $WKHQ GHV -KV Y &KU ]XQHKPHQG GDV 0RWLY GHV EHJHKUHQGHQ 6DW\UV XQG GHU DEZHLVHQGHQ 0”QDGH YRUKHUUVFKW NRPPW HV LQ GHU %LOGHUZHOW

GHV -KV Y &KU QRFK UHJHOP”gLJ ]XU VH[XHOOHQ 9HUHLQLJXQJ LQQHUKDOE GHU *HIROJVFKDIW GHV *RWWHV 'LRQ\VRV V GD]X ]XP %HLVSLHO $ 'LHULFKV (URWLN LQ der Kunst Griechenlands (1993) S. 28 ff. 3VHXGR &KDOFLGLDQ EODFN }JXUH QHFN DPSKRUD RI WKH 3RO\SKHPXV *URXS % & 2Q ERWK VLGHV VH[ VFHQHV ZLWK VDW\UV DQG PDHQDGV 2Q VLGH A two couples, on side B on the left a similar couple and on the right three VDW\UV DQG WZR PDHQDGV RQ D ODUJH NOLQH $QRWKHU FRXSOH EHORZ RQH KDQGOH On the neck on one side two sphinges, on the other side two sirens. On the VKRXOGHU D WZR FRORXUHG IULH]H RI WRQJXHV DQG DERYH WKH IRRW UD\V 7KH ORZHU part incl. the foot and a large part around one handle are missing and modern reconstructed (about one third of the amphora).


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