The Raven Issue 4

Page 36

The Raven

Ghost in the Machine

Part 3 A man walks into a bar with his pet alligator on a leash. “Do you serve laywers here?” asks the man. “Why, certainly, sir,” replies the bartender. “Then I’ll have a beer,” says the man, “and a lawyer for my alligator.” Margo and Ernie are on the verge of a big discovery and the lawyers are not happy about it. Surely they’re not up to something dastardly, are they? Find out in this final installment, and check out Part 1 here, and part 2 here.

Do I need to tell you that I didn’t sleep a wink that night? I gave up finally and got dressed and got to the lab just after daybreak. I was expecting to have the place to myself for at least the next few hours, but I was astonished to find Ernie’s car already parked at the back entrance. “Looks like you couldn’t sleep, either,” he said when I walked in. He was sitting in front of a bank of giant high-definition computer monitors. “Don’t tell me you’ve been here all night,” I said. “No, I couldn’t sleep to save my life. I figured if I was going to be awake anyway, I might as well get a head start sifting through the stuff from last night.” “I wish I felt as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as you sound,” I said.

Newe Cold War. Same as the old Cold War


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