Exeter Rep Handbook

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Exeter Rep Handbook




What is the Students’ Union?


The Academic Representation System


Course Reps - Your Role


Boundaries (Not Your Job!)


Methods of Gathering Feedback


The Octopus Feedback Tool


How to ask for feedback?


What Feedback Should Look Like


What are SSLCs?




The Big Rep Meeting


Other Meetings


Being Inclusive & Knowing Your Peers


Closing the Feedback Loop


Key Contacts


Code of Conduct


Procedure for the Removal of Representatives

Hello. Hi, I’m Stevie, your Exeter President! I can’t wait to work with the incredible SU Team as we progressively return to face-to-face interactions across campus, but hopefully with some new and exciting changes, which I look forward to implementing to improve the overall student experience at the Cornwall campuses. Thank you for nominating yourself to be a Rep, I’m excited to better the future of Exeter University through your student voice.

Stevie Preece he/him President Exeter

Headshot by Julia Wrzesinska Photography



Welcome from The Students’ Union!

Firstly, we want to say HUGE congratulations on being elected as a student representative! Student Representation is managed by the Student Voice Team. We are here to help guide you to ensure your fellow peers are well represented throughout the year, and that your voice can achieve positive impact on behalf of the students you represent. We hope you find this handbook helpful, with key information to support you in your year ahead. Your time volunteering as a Rep is invaluable to us and we thank you for stepping up to represent your peers over the year.

The Student Voice Team


What is The Students’ Union?


Who We Represent:

What We Don’t Do:

The Falmouth and Exeter Students’

On both Falmouth Campus and Penryn

Union (SU) is a membership-

Campus, both universities invest in

led charity; run by students, for

and own a separate company called

students. The SU is very unusual as it

FX Plus, which manages all of the non-

represents students from two different

academic services and facilities, such

universities, both Falmouth University

as accommodation, food outlets and

and the University of Exeter’s Cornwall

Student Services.

campuses. Our students are spread across three campuses; Truro,

More About Student Voice:

Falmouth and Penryn, and we also

Student Reps are a key part of

have students studying by distance

Academic Representation, which is

learning and at Falmouth University’s

managed and supported within the

partner institutions.

Student Voice Team.

What We Do:

The Student Voice team will be your

We focus on the academic, social and

first point of call to contact in the SU

support needs of all students and we

with any queries about your role. You

do that through three teams:

will meet them at training and they will

+ Student Voice (representation and

be in contact with you throughout the


course of the coming academic year.

+ Activities (sports, societies, volunteering and fundraising) + Advice (free impartial and

For more information about your Students’ Union visit our website.

confidential service on housing,

You can also meet the Student Voice

finance, academic appeals etc).

team and find their contact details here


The Academic Representation System Student Council

to ensure improvements made

The Student Council is an elected

are mindful of our whole student

team of student Part-Time Officers


with different focuses who manage change across the Cornwall campuses.

Subject Chairs

As an academic representative, your

Subject Chairs are the senior student

most frequent contact will be with the

representatives in their subject. They

(UG/PGT/PGR) Education Officers who

chair the SSLCs, attend Subject Chair

work alongside the SU Presidents to

Working Group meetings, work closely

improve the academic experience of

with university staff, Course Reps, EDI

Exeter students (for example working

Reps and the SU to achieve positive

on the no detriment policy).

change across their department.

EDI Reps


EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity)

The SU has four Presidents, each

Reps work alongside Course Reps

heading up a specific area of

to monitor and champion EDI issues

representation and activity. The

and concerns. They collect feedback,

actions of the Presidents are informed

attend SSLCs, attend the Success

by student feedback delivered through

for All Student Forum and work with

the representation system.

a range of staff and student leaders


Course Reps Course Reps are the foundation of student representation. They collect feedback from their cohort, work to resolve issues, attend SSLCs (PGLFs for PGR students), communicate with Subject Chairs and EDI Reps to ensure the student experience is authentically represented.

Course Reps

Subject Chairs

Student Council

EDI Reps



Course Reps - Your Role Official role description (if you are a PGR Course Rep, EDI Rep or Subject Chair please consult your handbook supplement for your role description). Purpose The Students’ Union (SU) Course Representatives are the foundation of student representation, promoting a partnership between students, Exeter University academic staff and the SU. Course Reps collect opinions, praise, and concerns from students regarding all aspects of their course, and through authentically representing the experience of their peers, help to create positive change.

Term of Office

+ One academic year (elections are annual but you can be elected in successive years) This role can be held in conjunction with other student representative roles eg. Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Representative, Subject Chair and Part-Time Officer . Objectives + Provide students with opportunities to give feedback on all aspects of their experience such as: » Learning and Teaching » Assessment & Feedback » Learning Community » Employability » Campus Facilities » Wellbeing & Support


+ Seek to resolve issues with the appropriate staff (see key contacts) + Provide agenda items highlighting academic feedback (positive and negative) at the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) + Endeavour to make sure that feedback is: Accurate, Balanced, Constructive, Depersonalise Evidenced (see page 25 for more

Attends + SU Course Rep Training + Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) 2 x term + SU Big Rep Meeting 2 x year + Informal meetings with University academic staff, Subject Chairs and/ or SU Key Contacts

detail). + Working in partnership with your

+ Fellow SU Course Reps

department staff, ensure your

+ SU Subject Chair

cohort is kept up to date about how

+ SU EDI Rep

feedback is being progressed.

+ SU President Exeter

+ Work positively with the Subject Chair to discuss, negotiate and complete actions arising from

+ SU Student Voice Coordinator (Exeter) + Director of Education

student feedback. + Actively promote the representative work of the SU to your peers + Have fun!

So what do I actually do? As a Rep your main job is to collect feedback from your cohort to represent their views at SSLCs meetings and in discussion with the SU and University staff. You listen to the student voice and take actions based on this feedback.



Boundaries (Not Your Job!) Student disciplinaries:

Personal Problems:

It is not a Rep’s role to represent

Please refer students experiencing

students on disciplinary matters. The

personal problems to Student Services

SU Advice service can help with this.

who are qualified to give the specialist advice required in this area.

Claims of harassment/ bullying: Working 24/7: Students who allege they have experienced harassment and/ or

Sometimes students will message you

bullying should contact Student

out of hours though different channels

Services and/ or SU Advice service.

and it is entirely up to you how and when you want to reply. But please


remember to manage your time and maintain a healthy balance of work

Students who wish to make a formal

and regular life. We don’t expect you

complaint should be directed to the

to be on call as a Rep 24/7.

University’s complaints policy and may wish to contact the SU Advice service for confidential help.


Let’s better the future of Exeter University through your student voice.


Methods of Gathering Feedback The first step is to think about how

sure to manage how often you use

you are going to get feedback from

them. Google Surveys, Microsoft

the students you represent. You’ll

Forms and Survey Monkey are

likely need to experiment and try

example of free survey tools you

a few different methods to make

might use, or you can create a paper

sure you’re giving all your students

questionnaire to hand out.

good opportunities to express their opinions. We know there may be fewer

Drop/Ballot boxes

face-to-face opportunities than usual

Some Reps use physical drop boxes at

this year so try and use the chances

the end of lectures, handing out scraps

you do get; staff should be supportive

of paper and asking people to use the

in allowing you time at the end of

drop box (like a voting ballot box). This

sessions to talk with your peers.

is more interactive but still allows for

Here are some examples:



Alternatively, you could use a virtual

Surveys allow for a variety of question

drop box software like Padlet or set up

styles and lengths; they can be made

a survey with a single open question

anonymous and they provide organised

asking for feedback.

data. You can get lots of detailed data from a survey, but also students may suffer from ‘survey fatigue’ so make


Social Media

Lecture shoutouts

You could create a messaging group

Ask your lecturer for a minute at the

on Whatsapp, Messenger or Teams for

end of the talk to introduce yourself

easy communication however these

as Rep and ask for feedback. You can

do not offer anonymity and sometimes

get feedback directly from students or

conversations can get derailed.

direct them to other methods such as a

You can create a page (alongside other

Facebook group.

Reps or Subject Chairs) to increase your presence and ask for feedback.

Focus groups

For example, a Facebook Group or

Is there a specific topic or issue

Instagram page provide a central

affecting your cohort? Maybe run

contact point and you can run polls for

a focus group. Invite students to a

instant feedback.

meeting to discuss the issue in detail. You can get lots of quality in-depth


feedback from focus groups however it

Some reps find individual face-to-face

is sometimes hard to attract students

interactions the best way to gather

to attend.

feedback. Try talking to classmates before or after classes to see if they


have any feedback.

As university students, email remains the most common and reliable form of

Drop ins

communication. You can reach out to

You could have a virtual or physical

course leadership staff or the SU for

drop in. This could be as an individual

help with mailing lists and then you

or you could join up with other Reps in

can contact your entire cohort if you

your subject.



Also make sure students know how to contact you via email. Students can find your Rep email address on the Find My Rep page here. Think about ways you can publicise your Rep email so students know how to reach you.

Remember it is ok to set boundaries for how and when students contact you. It is not your job to be available 24/7. Perhaps set up an ‘out of office’ automated reply with contact information for The SU.




The Octopus We have very recently launched our

It is quick and easy to use, so what are

new feedback tool, The Octopus. Why

you waiting for? Visit the Octopus

the Octopus I hear you ask yourself? Well, apart from the fact that they look amazing, and are incredibly intelligent creatures (like Reps) they also have all these tentacles that are independent of each other but work in harmony. This is a bit like our feedback tool in the sense that there will be lots of strands that you can feed back on but then the Student Voice Team and the SU Presidents will work to highlight that feedback and ensure it gets resolved. That may sound like a tenuous link, but it works for us. The feedback tool is for all students to use and as a Rep it would be great for you to not only use it yourself but also promote it to others to use, in order to share their positive and negative experiences with all aspects of student life.


How to ask f Just asking if anyone has any feedback

Open vs Closed Questions

won’t usually give you much useful information. You can try asking

Open questions mean students will

questions about specific topics, which

generally have to reflect on their

should help students reflect on their

experience and give a full answer,

experience. Try not to ask leading

using their own knowledge or feelings,

questions, which are deliberately

rather than just a yes / no or single

designed to make people think in a

word answer.

certain way. Closed questions can be answered For example:

in a short or single-word answer, and

+ “Do you agree the seminar today

can often be leading. They are used

wasn’t helpful in improving your

to obtain facts and specific pieces of

understanding?” Instead you could


ask, “How useful did you find the

When used correctly, both formats can

seminar today?”

be helpful when getting feedback.

+ “Isn’t it terrible that our field trip was cancelled?” Instead you could ask, “What do you think about the recent news on our field trip?”


for feedback? Closed questions can give you a sense


of what the majority of students think about something:

If there is an Academic Society linked

“Did the seminar today help develop

with your course or subject area,

your understanding of the module

try working with them as a potential


source of feedback.

The answer has to be Yes/No, which will tell you whether students on the

IDEA: Stop -> Start -> Keep

whole found it useful / not useful. This is another approach you can take Following it up with an open question,

to encourage your peers to give you

“How did the seminar today develop

helpful feedback. Ask them to list one

your understanding of the module

thing they would stop, one thing they

topic?” will give you context and a

would keep, and one thing they would

better understanding of that opinion.


While you get more in-depth answers from open questions, often you get a higher response rate from closed questions/ polls so think about what kind of feedback would be most helpful for a specific situation.




What Feedback Should Look Like Once you’ve got lots of feedback

These are:

from your students, it’s time to ensure you can deliver it in such a way that

Accurate & Appropriate – Provide

it is effective in creating change. Use

enough detail to clearly explain the

the ABCDEs as a guide to help you

feedback you’re giving. Don’t leave

authentically capture the views and

room for interpretation. Prioritise your

opinions of the students you represent.

feedback to ensure there’s enough time to discuss the most important issues affecting the students you represent.

Balanced – Is the feedback inclusive of everyone’s view? Seek to understand the experiences of students from different backgrounds and try different approaches to enable all students to feel comfortable in sharing their views about the course.


Constructive – Seek to understand

De-personalised – Avoid naming

what’s working well alongside what

individual students or staff. If there is

could be improved. Clearly highlight

an issue with a member of staff, SSLC

any issues raised in a moderate and

meetings are NOT the forum to raise

practical way by offering solutions

it. A confidential meeting with your

where possible.

Subject Chair or Director of Education

Non-descriptive negative statements

in the first place is the right way to

such as “this is bad” are not


constructive and do not allow for discussion or problem solving.

Evidenced – At the Students’ Union

Consider using phrases such as

we pride ourselves in being evidence

“wouldn’t it be better if…”, or “could

based, meaning that all conclusions

we consider…”.

and issues we raise are backed up by

Try to present your critical feedback

solid evidence. Evidence the feedback

in between context and a proposed

you have received through statistics

solution. For example, rather than:

or student comments. A good tip is

“No-one likes switching their cameras

to think of the feedback you get on

on for seminars” try “We haven’t spent

your academic work. What kind of

much time getting to know each other

feedback is useful for you to improve

yet, so the majority of students I asked

your work and keep you motivated? Is

said they found it a bit intimidating

that the kind of feedback you’re giving

to have their camera on during the

your staff?

seminars. Could we do some activities to help us get to know each other in smaller groups?” A feedback sandwich that is much easier to digest!



What are SSLCs? An SSLC is a Student Staff Liaison

This is your chance to feedback what

Committee. There is an SSLC for

your peers have been telling you, and

each subject area, and it meets to

raise any issues you haven’t been able

talk through the feedback gathered

to solve yourself.

by Course Reps, and confirm a set of action points to be delivered that

The SSLC meetings are a vital part

address that feedback. It is chaired

of the University Quality Assurance

by the Subject Chairs, and is attended

system, and help close the feedback

by all Course and EDI Reps within the

loop for students.

discipline / subject area, Director of Education, Programme Leads, and

You should always do your best to

some Professional Service staff like

attend your SSLC but if you can’t then

the Academic Librarians. The SSLC

make sure you send apologies to the

should also hear about the progress

Subject Chair, and submit a short

on previously agreed actions points

report with any feedback you feel

and decide upon a plan to report back

needs noting or discussing.

to students about what’s happened because of their feedback.

DON’T FORGET - You are there to represent the views of your peers,

You’ll be asked if there’s any feedback

these may not necessarily reflect your

you want to add to the Agenda for

own, but you are asked to present the

discussion at the meeting.

majority opinion or a balanced range of feedback.


Terms/Acronyms Agenda: this sets out what will be

Any Other Business: An opportunity

discussed at the meeting, if there is

to raise something urgent that hasn’t

something specific you want to talk

appeared on the agenda. Usually, it

about at the meeting you need to ask

will only have come to your attention

for it to be added in advance of the

after the agenda has been set.

meeting. It will be sent to members before the meeting so everyone can prepare.

Still confused about SSLCs? Head over to the SSLC Sharepoint site to

Apologies: Record of who has let the

find more information and see the live

Chair know they cannot attend the

Action Plan for your subject.


Matters Arising: Discussion of actions taken or required regarding issues raised at the last meeting.

Action Plan: Approved written record of topics raised and decisions made in previous meetings. Action plans show the progress of actions and are available for all students to view here.


The Big Rep Meetings The Big Rep Meetings take place once a term and, as you might have guessed, brings together all the Reps to talk about the big themes coming through collected feedback, PGLF/ SSLCs and The Octopus. The meetings will be chaired by the SU Presidents, and senior staff from relevant areas will be invited to join in with the discussions and hear directly from you about the student experience. The meetings will also be a chance for the Presidents to report back to Reps about the work they’ve been doing because of student feedback and give you the chance to ask them questions.


Other Meetings For Course Reps, the SSLC is the main

EDI Reps also attend the Success

meeting you will attend. Some subjects

For All Student Forum which is

may have separate meetings such as

newly established meeting to discuss

an all-Rep meeting, or a Subject Chair

feedback on EDI issues and related

drop-in session.


Subject Chairs also attend the

Part-Time Officers attend Student

Subject Chair Working Group which

Council meetings, you can find out

happens after SSLCs have taken

more here.

place. All the Subject Chairs will meet with the Education Officer and the

There may be other meetings you’re

President Exeter to discuss themes of

invited to from time to time like focus

feedback, or raise issues that have not

groups or approval

been resolved in SSLCs and require


escalation. Chairs can also discuss

Let us know if you need any support

ideas for how to run their SSLCs more

with them.

effectively or ideas for improving representation structures within their subject areas.



Being Inclusive & Knowing Your Peers A fundamental element of being a representative is ensuring you are representing the interests of all students on your course.


Make sure that you are not only

It’s a good idea to make sure you

voicing your own opinion, but the

know how many students you are

true opinion of the range of students

representing, how you will share your

you may represent –including mature

duties if there are other Course Reps in

students, international students,

your cohort, and that the students you

disabled students, or those with extra

represent know who you are and how

responsibilities. These students are

to give you feedback.

often in a minority within their cohort and therefore it is doubly important

There will be an EDI (Equality,

their voice is heard as sometimes

Diversity & Inclusivity) Rep on each

their experience may be different

SSLC. This doesn’t mean EDI issues

to the majority and not considered.

are not your responsibility, they still

We operate on a MAJORITY RULES,

are but the EDI Reps will work with


Reps to highlight any particular issues, ideas, or good practice connected to EDI, especially in the academic sphere, and be a student champion for the EDI agenda within their subject area. The EDI Reps will receive additional training and support to help them do this and meet outside of the SSLCs with the SU Presidents to ensure collective issues connected to EDI are being shared and escalated.

1 an “important principle in democracy according to which public policy is determined by a majority of citizens, but the majority may not rightfully use its power to deprive minority groups of their rights*.” (*Reference)



Closing the Feedback Loop Closing the feedback loop is often

You can also encourage students to

the hardest part of the job but just

check the action plans from your SSLC

as important as getting the feedback

as these have live progress updates

in the first place. Your University and

and show what has happened to your

academic staff will be working hard to

feedback in real time. Similarly, the SU

let students know what has happened

Presidents regularly post updates and

because of the feedback they’ve been

these cover a lot of major themes that

given through your work as a Rep, as

may affect your cohort.

well as things like module evaluation and the National Student Survey (NSS). Please help them deliver these updates where you can. Your effectiveness as a Rep will be largely measured by your peers as to whether it was worth giving you feedback, so it’s in your interests to share any success you’ve had. Encourage staff to give brief updates at the beginning of a lecture or group meeting following on from an SSLC.


Key Contacts Remember It’s worth spending time getting to know who the key staff are in your discipline area. That way when an issue arises, you’ll be able to take action more quickly. Your key university contacts will be your: +

Subject Chair (find them here)


Director of Education


Student Community & Partnerships Associate (they manage SSLCs)


Academic Librarian (find them here)

Your key SU contacts will be: Student Voice Coordinator: Hannah Partington (hannah.partington@thesu.org.uk)

SU Presidents President Exeter: Steven Preece (S.Preece@thesu.org.uk) President Welfare & Inclusivity: Charlotte Agnew (charlotte.agnew@thesu.org.uk) President Student Experience: Ellie Ricks (E.Ricks@thesu.org.uk)

Student Services: studentservices@fxplus.ac.uk SU Advice Service: advice@thesu.org.uk Porters’ Lodge: 01326 253503



Code of Conduct Training

meeting will send a report/comments,

Attendance at the relevant Rep

detailing any issues to be discussed,

Training is compulsory for all Reps.

to the meeting secretary or another

Completing training allows Reps to

Representative. Failure to attend

carry out their roles effectively and

(without providing apologies) two

build networks across departments.

meetings, as outlined above, may

The only exception to mandatory

result in the process to remove you as

attendance is for those who have been

a Representative.

appointed and trained in a similar role in previous years with the agreement

Feedback Collection

of the SU Student Voice Manager. Reps

The collection of feedback from

have the opportunity to engage with

the students you represent is

additional training opportunities over

the cornerstone of successful

the course of the academic year.

representation. All Reps are expected to communicate consistently and

Meeting Attendance

effectively with their students, with the

All reps will be expected to attend the

objective of gathering a representative

meetings outlined in their relevant role

view of opinions and concerns on

descriptor. Where attendance is not

all matters relating to the student

possible, Reps should communicate

experience. To ensure that this is the

their apologies to the Chair and / or

case, any presented feedback should

secretary of the meeting. It is expected

adhere to the ABCDE rule, and be

that Reps who are unable to attend a

Accurate, Balanced, Constructive, De-


personalised and Evidenced.

Reps can log all feedback collected


in the Octopus Feedback Tool. Reps

Personal data is shared with Reps

should ensure they pass information /

with a view to providing information

raise issues in a timely manner.

necessary for effective undertaking of core responsibilities. This information

Behaviour and Attitude

should be used exclusively for Reps

Reps must act respectfully and

to carry out these responsibilities,

with professionalism at all times,

and must not be used for any other

including at any meetings they

purpose, or shared externally. Any

attend, throughout the undertaking

breach of Data Protection laws

of their roles. This includes verbal

could result in substantial fines, and

and written communication. Bullying

additional consequences for the

and harassment of any kind are

Students’ Union and University.

unacceptable. Reps are expected to

As part of a legitimate interest

abide by Students’ Union by-laws and

to facilitate representation and

policies and /or University regulations

communication, the names and

as appropriate. If you have concerns

contact details of Reps are shared with

about the conduct of another Rep then

the students they represent.

please contact the Students’ Union.

Sensitive Information Collected information which is of a sensitive nature, whether pertaining to a student or member of staff, should be treated as confidential, and anonymity should be retained for all parties concerned when appropriate.


Procedure for the Remo Occasionally there may be issues

Stage 1:

where the conduct of a Representative may be called into question, and the

The Representative will receive an

suggestion for a Representative to

email inviting them to a meeting with

be removed from their role. This will

an SU President and / or a member of

tend to rise from a Representative

the Student Voice Staff to discuss the

breaching anything in this code

concern informally.

of conduct, such as not turning up to meetings and not providing apologies, or conducting themselves in an unacceptable way. We want to ensure that this is a rarity, and that Representatives know what the process will be for their removal.

The following pages show the procedure for dealing with the removal:


oval of Representatives Stage 2:

Stage 3:

If a resolution has not been sought,

The Representative will have a right

or the incident is more serious, the

to appeal, which if they choose to,

Representative will be brought to a

a panel will be formed, comprising

formal meeting with the Students’

of members of their School, the

Union and Course Leader / Director

University and the Students’ Union

of Education. The result may be for

and they will be invited to discuss why

the Representative to either address

they are appealing the decision. The

the discussed issue with action, or the

Representative will be notified as to

University and Students’ Union may

the decision of their appeal.

decide that the Representative should be removed from their position.

A Representative can only be dismissed from their role from a joint decision by the Course Leader / Director of Education and Students’ Union, and after Stage 1 and Stage 2 have taken place. At all stages, we encourage Representatives to stay in communication with the Students’ Union and University.


We would like to wish you all good luck in your new role and we hope you enjoy your year ahead! www.thesu.org.uk

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