FRESH Magazine Issue 08

Page 46

text: Wingshan Smith


glazed confused Creator of food blog ‘Glazed and Confused’, Graham Blackall’s stylishly photographed and written recipes are playful and totally cool. Balancing student life and an already flourishing career, he’s definitely one to watch. When did you start baking and who taught you how to bake? Betty Crocker? When I was younger, I was obsessed with the If You Give a Mouse a Cookie children’s books. One day, I came home from school with a Scholastic Book Fair catalog and order form. In that particular catalog was Mouse Cookies, a children’s cookbook based off of the popular series. Given my obsession, my 4-year-old self just had to have it. The Mouse Cookies cookbook was my first introduction to from-scratch baking and little Graham would make these simple peanut butter cookies from that book all the time.

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