Plan. Pack. Explore

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hazard. “We don’t have this type of malaria here,” sai d the doctor. They were wo rried about us escaping and infecting people in northe rn Argentina where they do not have our virulent Pacific strain. We were flown to the cap ital and the Hospital for Trop ical Diseases in a private jet with a new doctor in tow and guards at the doors. We were on local Ushuaia TV. 12 days later, and a lot of chlo roquine, she was still sick so the insurance company decided to fly us back to the UK . Our round the world trip was curtailed. We flew back business cla ss, still in the hands of our insurers. The insurance com pany sent us a bill for £29,000. They said this is what it would have cost us if we had not taken out insu rance. I gave a sigh of reli ef. “ Nick Easen, Writer and Broadcaster


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