Plan. Pack. Explore

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Tips on rubber stamp iss ues: • Don’t wing it at the border . Check if you can get your visa before you travel or whether there is a legitimate visa counte r at the border. has mor e information. • Leave plenty of time to app ly for your first passport; you’ll need a lot of sup porting documentation and may even be asked to attend an interview. • Make sure you fill in the eme rgency contact details in your passport, as wel l as your next of kin. • If you lose your passport or it’s stolen, report it to the local police immediately and get a statement about the incident, then contact the British Embassy. You will be abl e to get an Emergency Travel Document, but not a full passport, from the Embassy, Hig h Commission, or Consulate. • Carry at least four spare pas sport-sized photos with you, in case you need the m for visas or if you lose your passport; you’ll often need two photos for one application. • Some countries may deny you entry if your passport contains a stamp from somewhere they consider to be a prohibited nat ion.

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