Flannerys Spring 2019

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LIFEST YLE . HEALTH . RECIPES flannerys.com.au




Just as quickly as winter arrived, it’s gone again and we are welcoming the spring season with open arms! This edition we are focusing on different aspects of selfcare, for mind, body and soul. We’ve delved into a wide variety of topics from spring cleaning, to recycling and school lunchbox prep on a budget! We’ve rounded up the best of the spring seasonal produce and helpful hints on how to give your pantry a whole food makeover! We encourage you to explore this magazine over a nourishing cup of tea, soaking in a calming magnesium bath [page 12].

The Flannerys Team Cover image: Nutra Organics [See recipe on page 18]

INSIDE... 3 What’s new in-store

12 Beauty DIY

20 What makes us moo

4 Spring self care

14 Super Savings

22 School lunches

6 What’s in season?

16 Recycling 101

24 Spring items we adore

8 Diabetes support

17 Your pantry makeover

25 Spring cleaning

10 Combating hayfever

18 Quick & easy recipes

26 The vegan food pyramid

Be the first to find out what products are hitting stores this spring.

A few simple ways to put some spring back in to your step after a cold winter.

Fresh and crispy fruit and vegetables ripe for the picking this season.

A few key dietary considerations to help prevent & support diabetes.

Beat allergy season this spring with some Naturopath recommended products.

Beauty DIY recipes for that at-home day spa feeling.

Take advantage of our great member savings in-store.

What you need to know about recycling and how to be a ‘Waste Warrior’.

There is nothing better than a freshly organised pantry...

3 simple recipes to bring some variety into the kitchen this spring.

Find your closest store at flannerys.com.au 2


We sit down with MooGoo and talk skincare and what kickstarted it all.

Preparation is the key to delicious and healthy school lunches on a budget.

Some of our favourite products to keep you glowing this spring.

Cleaning...the environmentally friendy way.

Simon Hill, creator of Plant Proof Podcast talks plant based diets!

@flannerysorganic Stay in touch on instagram

These articles are for educational purposes only. Always seek health advice from your healthcare professional. Some products may not be available at all stores. Prices correct at the time of print.









BSKT SALTED CARAMEL CHOCOLATE SLAB 80G | $5.68 The perfect sweet treat for any time of day! Who can go past decadent salted caramel choccy??? Not us.

NUTTY BRUCE ROASTED PEANUT & CARAMEL NUT BARS 50G | $3.48 Caramel & chunky peanut butter pieces melted together in bar form. Not to mention a 4.5 health star rating. What’s not to love?

KRESHO CHOCOLATE ALMOND NOUGAT 45G | $2.98 Slow roasted almonds in a chewy nougat filling, coated with a delicious vegan chocolate. Whack it in the fridge for some extra nougat crunch.






NEW PRODUCTS MY MAGIC MUD ACTIVATED CHARCOAL POWDER 99G | $29.98 Finally - the My Magic Mud team release their quality detoxing raw charcoal powder. Great for those do-ityourself remedies for face, skin, & body.



NELSON NATURALS MINT TOOTHPASTE TABLETS 60G | $18.95 The perfect travel companion. Mess-free, convenient, portable and perfectly portioned toothpaste tablets for easy use.

















BANANA JOE SEA SALT BANANA CHIPS 46.8G | $3.98 Containing over 1 billion probiotic cultures, along with prebiotic fibres to support digestion and immune systems. Plus they taste great too.

EXTRAORDINARY FOODS CASHEW PARMESAN 20G | $2.98 Perfect for vegan diets or for those with dairy allergies. Use as a topper for your veggies, salad, pizza, pasta, beans and everything in between.

VEGAN ROBS BEETROOT PUFFS 99G | $6.48 Super crunchy beety bites that are all natural, making them a great afternoon snack or lunchbox filler for the little ones. New Products In-Store



Words: Ally Dunlop

The signs of springs arrival are always so clear, the flowers begin to bloom, a symphony of chirping birds at all hours of the morning, and longer days with more sunshine to soak up. But it can be hard to shake off the cobwebs of winter and revamp our routine to reflect the new season. If you are struggling to make time for yourself, this is the chance to implement a self-care practice that works for you, and put the spring back in your step. Self-care is having a real time in the spotlight now, a well deserved position. In a fast-paced world, where ‘busy’ presumably equals ‘success’; our own wellness and needs can take a back seat to other things. Providing yourself with self-care is much more than the odd bubble bath, face mask, or sneaky chocolate; although, effective! There are many avenues to self-care, with different aspects of our lives that need it. Self-care for our


Spring Self Care

minds, our bodies and our soul/spirit is integral to making sure we don’t burn out. Taking the time to check-in with ourselves, see what we need and how to increase our overall health. Now that the coolest months are over, it’s time to re-invigorate those bodies from hibernation. Head out to a divine yoga class to get your mind and body aligned toward your goals, have a boogie in the kitchen to lift your endorphins, or even a gentle daily walk for 30 minutes is a great time for personal reflection - [without phone distractions!]. Getting into nature is a great way to awaken your senses and get some fresh air. Research has been conducted on how spending time in nature, such as

in a forest setting [also known as ‘forest bathing’], has positive physiological effects such as boosting your immune system.1 Getting daily small doses of sunlight is also a great way to let your body know that winter is over, generate some Vitamin D, and reset your circadian rhythms for longer days. A good opportunity to get the family involved in some exercise and go on an adventure together! Nourishing foods can have a very deep impact on how we feel day-to-day and our energy levels, amongst other things, of course. It’s important to make sure you are giving your body what it needs, and identifying any deficiencies you may be experiencing, as well as the recommended 2-3L of water daily! Take it slow and chew your food to optimise your digestion and absorption of all its nourishment. A simple cup of tea can lift your spirits, or help infuse some healing herbs and spices into your diet if you are working on recovering from cold & flu season. Unplug from your phone for 10 minutes whilst you indulge on Pukka’s Lemon, Ginger & Manuka Honey tea.

It’s nothing new to understand that restful sleep [or lack thereof] is very impactful to our vitality. For a more restful sleep, it’s important to reduce screen times for 1-2 hours before bed to reap the benefits. Screens are lit by blue lights, which our brains translate as natural daylight, and therefore could limit our bodies creation of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Our quality of sleep can affect mood, weight, immunity and aging, so it’s definitely something to be aware of. If you are mindful of your evening routine and are still struggling to gain a restful sleep our Naturopaths are on hand for some friendly advice & guidance on products such as Herbs of Gold Sleep Ease or Pretorius Homeopathic Melatonin. We want this spring to be your most vibrant yet, and incorporating self-care into one’s daily routine can help to reduce stress, increase productivity, and inspires feelings of happiness. By giving ourselves a daily dose of compassion, we’re able to approach our work and relationships with a clear, happy mind. 1

Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences, Chiba University [2010]. Spring Self Care


Eating in rhythm with the sun & the seasons the way we are supposed to, is the nature of organics. When you eat in tune with what is organically grown, you are providing your body the fuel that it naturally craves and needs for optimal health. Just as winter offers us root vegetables for warmth & comfort plus immune boosting citrus mandarins & oranges to help ward off those cold & flu’s – spring fruit & vegetables are packed full of detoxifying and antioxidant properties to help prepare us for the warmer months ahead. Fresh, crunchy options – such as asparagus, new season lettuce varieties, zesty pineapples and zucchini are in season come spring. It’s a welcome detox coming out of the cooler winter months that our bodies are craving...so nature provides in abundance some new varieties of fruit & vegetables to help us prepare for the summer months ahead. If you’re looking to eat a cleaner diet – then eating in season is a great place to start! Our bodies will naturally start to sync with these bright crisp vegetables, which is also inline with Ayurvedic philosophy of basing your diet around seasonal foods to help keep the body in balance.


What’s In Season

As we start to move away from the heavy winter comfort foods into lighter meals, we will also start to see new season sweet corn, refreshing cucumber and one of our favourites, mango! Crisp greens, zesty lemons and new season garlic helps to stimulate the senses – all perfect together in salad. Spring is about cleansing the body of the winter heaviness that our bodies have naturally stored to keep warm. Providing our livers with detoxing fresh foods, helps it to naturally cleanse & detox. It’s time for delicious papaya & paw paw to be a feature in our morning routine – which are both fantastic for our digestive system. A little fresh paw paw with coconut yoghurt in the morning is a great way to kick start your bowel movements.

Look out for melons as well, with rockmelon and honeydew starting to ripen as we head into the warmer months. Preparing for summer, we start to get excited about the Christmas cherry season! Look out for these beauties to make an appearance from November. As well as being deliciously tasty and full of antioxidants, did you know that cherries could also help you get a better nights sleep? They contain a wonderful plant based source of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating your sleep/wake cycles. Try eating a handful before you head off to bed!

• Asparagus

• Mangoes

Bold red beetroot is also in season, which is perfect for our liver to aid in the detox process. They’re amazing juiced, grated over salads or baked in the over with a little butter & salt!

• Blueberries

• Cherries [Nov]

• Honey Dew

• Corn

• Rockmelon

• Beetroot

Berries become more abundant from the farm, particularly blueberries loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients which can help to fight inflammation and free radical damage.

• Strawberries

• Papaya

• Zucchini

• Avocados

• Purple Garlic

• Chillies

• Cucumbers

• Pineapple

• Lettuce

• Bananas


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SUPPORTING Diabetes THROUGH NUTRITION The cycle of chronic disease development is a far bigger issue than we realise. Whilst genetic risk factors do play a part, our evolutionary lifestyle and diet choices now have a significant impact. You might have noticed that many of the seemingly separate chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, infertility, autoimmunity, depression, neurodegenerative diseases seem to occur together. This is because most chronic diseases share a common mechanism – Inflammation. Put simply, your food and lifestyle choices influence inflammation in the body and can lead to the hormonal domino effect that leads to obesity, insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes. WHAT IS DIABETES? The two types of diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, are both diseases that affect our ability to control our blood levels of glucose. Type 1 is that our body doesn’t produce enough insulin, which is the hormone that tells our body where to store energy and helps with taking glucose out of the blood. In


Diabetes Support

Type 1 there is a severe lack of or complete failure of our pancreas cells to produce insulin, commonly due to an autoimmune condition. People are commonly born with Type 1 but can also develop it later in life, and daily insulin injections help to stabilise blood sugar levels. In Type 2 Diabetes the cells in the pancreas still produce insulin, but due to overstimulation of the insulin response, the cells within the body don’t respond to insulin anymore. The cells become insulin resistant causing the pancreas to work harder to produce more insulin until the cells get so tired some of them begin to die. It is often developed later in life due to diet and lifestyle choices like a lack of exercise, poor quality sleep and a high carbohydrate intake. GLYCAEMIC INDEX VS GLYCAEMIC LOAD Glycaemic Index has been a useful tool for diabetics as it is a description of how fast a certain food turns to sugar in your blood, which then determines how strong of an insulin response it needs to mount to counteract the spike. Ultimately, we want to avoid big spikes in our blood sugar. Look for GI ratings less than 55 considered to be low (good) and anything above 70 considered high (bad). An oversight when creating the Glycaemic index is a regular serving size was not considered, so a term known as Glycaemic load has

come about, which factors in serving size. Most things with a high Glycaemic index will have a high Glycaemic load but there are some exceptions, so it pays to consider how your portion size also affects your intake. Maintaining your blood glucose is important - when our bodies become insulin resistant blood sugar levels can drop to dangerous levels. It might seem intuitive then that if we eat lots of carbohydrates, as they are converted to glucose, we would therefore maintain our blood levels of glucose. This is not actually how it works at all and we are far better off trying get the body to run primarily on fat and provide just enough carbohydrate to fuel the tissues that run solely on glucose. When we reduce the body’s total need for carbohydrate we in turn protect ourselves from blood sugar crashes. HEALTHY FATS The good thing about fats in the absence of carbohydrates is that they are used for fuel by the body, they are converted into molecules called ketone bodies and can be used for fuel in the absence of glucose in many tissues. The plus side for Diabetics of eating more fats and less carbs is that they become better at using fat as energy, which means they use less glucose out of the blood to produce energy which in turn will help with regulation of blood sugar levels, and will help to keep tissues sensitive to insulin. QUALIT Y SLEEP & MINIMISING STRESS One of the most important things to maintain good health and prevent your risk of becoming type 2 diabetic is decent quality sleep & looking at your stress management. All the diet and lifestyle changes can be undone by lack of or poor-quality sleep. Cortisol is known as a stress hormone due to it being released in times of stress and anxiety. It promotes the breakdown of your muscle tissue to create glucose for energy in times of stress, this is all done to maintain your blood glucose. The problem with cortisol is when its production is overstimulated due to too much stress and lack of sleep. Your body will breakdown too much muscle and increase your blood glucose - which will result in it having to produce insulin to take the glucose out of the blood. Keeping your cortisol in balance is very important in preventing chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes.

DIET Eating protein, lots of fresh vegetables and good quality fats helps signal your satiety hormones which give you that satisfied full feeling after a meal. Look at your carbohydrate content & when you consume foods at certain times of the day. Whether you are exercising, eating before bed or sitting at a desk – your movements will affect how your body is able to process certain foods. NEED A FEW SUGGESTIONS? SOL Bread Megagrain Sourdough: Low GI to sustain you throughout the day. Create a healthy sandwich for the kids, or enjoy toasted with a protein-rich spread, like nut butter. Organic Almonds: Almonds may help keep blood sugar levels stable, so enjoy a handful as a healthy snack or add to your morning muesli for a bit of extra crunch. Barambah Organics All Natural Yoghurt: Low in sugar and saturated fat, yoghurt is a healthy addition to smoothies and muesli and is a filling snack with fresh fruit. Its probiotics help boost gut health, leaving your digestive system feeling happy and nourished. Bob’s Red Mill Organic Rolled Oats: a satisfying and healthy way to start the day. Low GI, full of fibre and beta glucans to help keep blood sugar levels stable. Add cinnamon to your porridge, it may play a role in stabilising blood glucose levels Fruits & Vegetables: look for fibre rich produce such as apples, carrots. Plus broccoli, cauliflower, pears, avocado and strawberries are also good choices. There is not a one-size-fits all approach when it comes to making dietary choices when living with diabetes. It is important that people with diabetes, and those at risk, are supported to choose the right foods for them to help them to achieve their specific treatment goals and improve their health and quality of life. Disclaimer: All information in this article is merely advice and when making any drastic diet or lifestyle changes it’s very important to consult with your doctor. Words: Joshua Gaudry - Food Scientist, Flannerys Taringa

RELAX RECOVER RECHARGE AUSTRALIAN MADE (chemical-free) skin care products with natural and organic plant oils, butters and food grade magnesium chloride salts. Nutrition Via SkinTM feels sooooo good!

Elektra Life Pty Ltd, abn 54133877693 Ph: 07 55020865. E: magnesium@elektramagnesium.com.au

COMBATING HAYFEVER Words: Amy Gilbert - Naturopath

With the spring season comes baby birds, beautiful flowers, temperate weather and the dreaded spring allergies. Environmental allergies like those suffered in the spring months usually include symptoms like a runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes. These symptoms occur when the allergen enters the body, in spring this is caused by breathing in the fresh spring air full of pollens and other airborne particles [grass, dust mites, mould, pet hair] causing a release of histamine and resulting in inflammation [i.e. the symptoms mentioned above]. To reduce allergy symptoms during the spring months it is important to keep your immune system in top shape. Products that contain vitamin C, zinc, elderberry, echinacea and astragalus can all work to improve your immune system to give it the best chance at fighting off allergies quickly along with a diet that is full of colourful fruits and vegetables, clean proteins and wholegrains. Other things we can do to limit exposure to spring pollens is to avoid spending time outdoors in the early morning when pollen counts are highest and on windy days, remove your shoes outside and invite your guests to do the same, keep windows closed especially on windy days and in the early morning and keep your house clean and free of dust as much as possible. Our naturopaths recommend to prep before the spring season arrives with plenty of vitamin C. If you know you


Combating Hayfever

suffer during the change of the season, start looking into hayfever supplements now to prepare your body in time. If you’re already suffering from allergies and looking for relief, the following products may be beneficial for you: AMAZONIA RAW VITAMIN C COMPLEX This product contains a wholefood vitamin C blend along with prebiotics and herbs for the immune system. Simply add me to your morning smoothie. FUSION HEALTH VITAMIN C ADVANCED An easy to take high-potency vitamin C and zinc supplement to support your immune system. Boosted by

elderflower, which may help relieve hayfever symptoms HERBS OF GOLD QUERCETIN COMPLEX Quercetin is a natural antioxidant, it has antihistamine effects and can reduce the severity of allergies. FUSION HEALTH ALLERGY SUPPORT A wonderful blend of Chinese herbs such as Baical Skullcap & Ginseng to help relieve your mild allergy / hayfever symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose & watery eyes. ETHICAL NUTRIENTS SINUS AND HAYFEVER RELIEF This product contains eyebright, horseradish and olive leaf, herbs traditionally used in western herbal medicine to reduce symptoms of allergies and hayfever.

“Feel amazing from the



Start your day with Vital All-In-One! This naturopath developed daily supplement combines vitamins, minerals, 14 billion probiotics, prebiotics, vegetables, fruits, greens, digestive enzymes and more, all in the one convenient formula. Developed and made right here in Australia. It gives you all you need, all in one.

EASY at home BEAUTY RECIPES With the theme of this edition being ‘Self-Care’, it feels good to bring some attention to your body’s biggest organ, your skin. Not to mention how you feel when your skin is hydrated, rejuvenated, or for those with beards, having healthy looking hair. We’ve whipped up some easy beauty DIY recipes for that at-home day spa feeling.

COFFEE SCRUB RECIPE: For exfoliating dead skin, and coconut oil for moisturising, this scrub is a great pick-me-up. • • • •

1/4 cup organic ground coffee 1/4 cup OWN coconut oil 3 tablespoons coconut sugar 2-3 drops of your favourite essential oil

1. Make yourself a delicious cup of coffee, use the leftover coffee grinds for this recipe. 2. Stir all ingredients together well. 3. Use in circular motions all over your body to exfoliate. If possible, leave on skin for a few minutes to let the caffeine soak in, helping to reduce inflammation! Tip: use this scrub in a morning shower as you can still absorb caffeine through your skin!


BEARD OIL No one likes a scraggly beard, in order to moisturise, we’ve opted for hemp oil, which contains a ton of nutrients that could benefit your hair. Fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and a whole host of other protective components for your beard.

ROSY BATH SOAK Epsom salt baths are great to relieve achy muscles, relax the body and just unwind. As the rose petals infuse, the rosewater could help smooth skin, and brighten complexion. [Makes 1 serve].

1. Fill bottle with Hemp Foods Australia hemp seed oil.

• 1/2 cup of OWN epsom salts

2. Add a drop or two of essential oils. We recommend cedarwood: great for promoting hair growth, and rosemary leaves an earthy note. Use daily.

• 5 drops of lavender essential oil

Beauty DIY

• Dried rose petals, or contents of a rose tea bag 1. Infuse into a warm bath, relax and soak for 20-30 mins.

SPRING MEMBER SAVINGS 28.08.19 - 10.09.19


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*Specials are valid for members only from advertised dates above. Not in conjunction with any other offers. Availability may vary between stores.

Super Savings


RECYCLING Words: Renee Hillier - Love Thy Earth

Waste management and recycling can be confusing. Recycling is a business. And like any business, recycling needs an end-buyer, someone who has use for the recycled materials. The whole idea of recycling is that we can divert plastics away from landfill and that we can use these materials instead of creating new products from virgin materials [fossil fuel plastics]. Most products have multiple pieces of packaging, which in most cases needs to be recycled differently to one another. Look for the Resin Identification Codes, which are numbered “1 to 7”. These numbers identify what types of plastics our products are being package in, enabling us to make better choices both when purchasing and reusing plastic containing products. The most commonly accepted plastics for recycling are #1 - Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET plastics generally used in plastic bottles, containers and bottle lids), #2 - High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and #4 - Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)


Recycling 101

Once the plastics get to the recycling facility the processing belts are not designed to accommodate materials smaller than a credit card, so they simply fall through or jam the machinery. When collecting plastics at home, try to collect the smaller pieces and place them into a container of the same material, such as placing plastic bottle-lids into a plastic container and placing smaller pieces paper of paper into an envelope. It’s important to note that soft plastics such as plastic bags, wrappers, packets, zip-lock bags, produce bags, pasta bags, bread bags and plastic packaging, are one of the biggest issues within our recycling system. They CANNOT go into your curbside recycling as they cause major damage to the recycling centre machinery. Soft plastics are one of the best places to start when looking at switching to reusable options to help reduce this waste. Terra Cycle is another recycling program that accepts products that are otherwise destined for landfill, such

as toothpaste tubes, contact lenses, dental floss and beauty care products such makeup and eye-shadow pallets. REDUCE, REUSE – THEN RECYCLE. Look at reducing your overall consumption of products, limiting food waste by only purchasing what you need, growing your own and using bulk food alternatives. Can you reuse or repurpose anything such as glass jars, bags, swapping plastic wrap for reusable containers and bees wax wraps, ensuring you have a reusable coffee cup & water bottle in your bag & car to limit your plastic use & waste. Then step three – Recycle consciously, with our handy tips above and look at a few key products you use everyday at home such as changing your plastic toothbrush to a bamboo one. Small steps can lead to great things. We can all play a part in responsible recycling and help reduce unnecessary landfill. IG: @lovethy_earth lovethyearth.com.au



We all know the feeling of how good it is to have an organised pantry! It never takes long to fall into total disarray, leading to double ups of purchases as we forget what we already have at home! When everything is organised, it makes those last minute dinner ideas much more of a breeze, and if you’ve got your basic bulk wholefoods covered, you’ve instantly got a meal to feed the family!



Old jars with dregs of peanut butter, curry paste, jams, pasta sauces etc. - creatively use up the dregs however you can, or compost if applicable, and pop the clean jars in a sink of freshly boiled water to help remove the adhesives. Lemon essential oil or tea tree oil will help remove those stubborn sticky bits.

• K eeping your freshly shopped bulk foods in their jars on their own shelf. Tall jars at the back and small at the front, helps to keep you aware of when your stocks are low and you can bring your jars on your weekly grocery shop.

USE WHAT YOU’VE GOT Although everything will look beautiful if you have brand new jars, it’s much better for the environment [and your pocket] to re-use any preused jars you already have at home.

Otherwise, get your friends, family, workmates or neighbours to save some jars for you.


BULK UP! Now that you’ve got your storage sorted, take all your beautiful jars to your nearest Flannerys and ask our lovely team to pre-weigh your empty jars before heading to the bulk foods section, so you don’t pay extra for the weight of the jars! Fill up with what you need. If you’re working from scratch, a good place to start are the following: • • • • •

lentils/ beans organic rices nuts & seeds nutritional yeast wholewheat pasta

• • • • •

gluten free flour dried fruits organic rolled oats organic cacao salts varieties

These are great nutritional bases for dishes of sweet or savoury nature! Make sure you label your jars with the correct name and product code before making your way to the registers.

ORGANISATION! Now it’s time to beautify your pantry so it becomes a place of excitement, instead of anxiety! It’s absolutely up to you how you organise this space, as each household operates differently. Some ideas to consider are;

• C onsider having a few baskets set up for healthy snacks on the lower levels, so if your kids are craving a snack, they have the best options within their reach. LABELLING: Use a marker or label maker to keep your bulk foods sorted. Otherwise you’ll never know your sesame seeds from your poppy seeds.


EX TRA PANTRY HACKS Keep some new ingredients you may not use often at eye level so you can incorporate them more. Experiment with nutritional yeast, hemp seeds or different oils to add flavour and nutrition to your meals. Try making your own authentic seasonings by shopping from our bulk herbs & spices. You can make a great taco mix using ground cumin, paprika and garlic powder, or have fun creating with your own recipes!

Enjoy YOUR BEAUTIFUL PANTRY Page title goes here



BREAKFAST GRANOLA BARS [dairy free] [vegetarian] Makes: 10 • 2 cup OWN organic oats • ½ cup OWN blanched almond meal • ½ cup OWN desiccated coconut • ¼ cup OWN halved macadamias • ¼ cup OWN pepitas • 2 tbsp. OWN goji berries • 1 tbsp. OWN chia seeds • ¼ cup raisins • 1/3 cup Ambrosia raw organic honey

Prep: 20-25 mins • 1/3 cup OWN coconut oil • 2 tbsp. OWN almond spread

1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees. Add all dry ingredients & raisins to a blender. Pulse for 4-5 seconds. [you just want to slightly chop everything but not too much]. 2. In saucepan add honey, coconut oil & almond spread. Softly heat & stir until combined. 3. Add together dry and wet ingredients in a bowl and fold with a spoon until combined. 4. On a lined baking tray create a bar shape [or whatever shape you would like your granola bars to be]. E.g. Use a ¼ cup to create the shape of my bars. 5. Cook in oven for 10 - 15 minutes or until golden brown. 6. Once the bars are fully cooked, pop them in the fridge to cool. This helps them stick together more.


Page title goes here

10 MINUTE SMOKY JACKFRUIT BURGERS [gluten free] [vegan] Makes: 3 burgers • G luten Freedom sweet potato sourdough buns • ¼ organic red cabbage, thinly chopped • ¼ organic white cabbage, thinly chopped • 1 cup organic baby spinach, chopped • ½ cup spring onion, chopped • Juice of one lime

Time: 10 mins • 4 heaped tbsp. Absolute Organic egg free mayonnaise • Upton’s Naturals original jackfruit • 6 tbsp. Woodstock original Bar-B-Q Sauce • Salt & pepper

ROCKIN’ MOROCCAN NOURISH BOWL [gluten free] [vegetarian] @nutraorganics Ser ves: 2

Prep: 15 mins

• 1 sweet potato • 2 x 400g tin chickpeas, drained • 3 garlic cloves, grated • 2 tsp. ground cumin • 1 tbsp. smoked paprika • 1 tsp. ground ginger • Olive oil • Juice of 1/2 lemon • 1 orange, halved • 1/2 bunch of mint • 1 avocado, halved and sliced • 1 cup cherry tomatoes

Set: 35 mins

• • • • • •

2 large scoops hummus 2 tbsp. natural yoghurt 2 handfuls baby spinach 1/4 red onion thinly sliced 1 cup white quinoa 1 tbsp. Nutra Organics Chicken bone broth • Turmeric • 1/4 cup roughly choped almonds • Himalayan salt

1. In a large bowl combine the cabbage, spinach and spring onion. Add the mayonnaise, lime and a pinch of salt & pepper.

1. Preheat over to 200 degrees celcius. Slice sweet potato into rounds, drizzle olive oil and salt, place on a lined baking tray.

2. Stir through until dressing covers the slaw evenly.

2. Cover chickpeas in spices [reserving 1tsp. of ground cumin], garlic, olive oil, lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. of salt, place on a lined baking tray.

3. Into a large pan over medium-high heat, add the jackfruit. 4. Fry jackfruit until hot and golden, breaking up into smaller pieces with your spatula if necessary. 5. Add the Bar-B-Q sauce, stirring through for one minute until jackfruit is infused with the smoky flavour. 6. Top your Gluten Freedom buns with slaw and smoky jackfruit. 7. Buns can be toasted in a pan if preferred.

3. Bake both trays for 20mins, set aside. 4. Cook quinoa with remaining cumin and broth powder according to packet instructions. 5. When the quinoa is fully cooked, fluff with a fork, add juice of 1/2 an orange, season with a pinch of salt. 6. Arrange all ingredients into a bowl. Garnish with orange slices, almonds and mint. Three Quick Recipes...You Will Love


WHAT MAKES US MOO “We’re all about only using quality ingredients, and the ones we use must have a specific purpose in the product. We refuse to use cheap filler ingredients that aren’t necessary or have no benefit.” Words: Megan Granville, Marketing Manager - MooGoo.

Once upon a time in Perth back in 2005, the MooGoo story began. The Head of the Herd [founder Craig Jones – at the time an Air Force pilot] noticed that his mum was using a white paste intended for use on cows, to help with her Psoriasis. The cream was formulated to help keep the skin on cow’s udders in good condition for milking, and although it worked, it was thick and hard to apply. As you can imagine, cow’s udders need to be kept soft and supple, not dry and cracked. No one likes an angry cow. Since Mum didn’t particularly like being lathered in a thick cream made for cows, Craig took on the task of reformulating it. He made up a lighter and non-greasy version to help Mum out. The name “Udder Cream” was a bit crass for his mother who was an old-fashioned lady, so they referred to it as Moo-Goo, [goo for the cows] and the name stuck. Starting a skin care company wasn’t the initial idea, but their friends and family found out about it, tried it and kept asking for more. “Every time we mentioned skin problems, it seemed that everyone had a story to tell. “My sisters baby has Eczema”, “I have reactions to almost all sunscreens”, “My skin is always dry, then oily”. This has been the basis for MooGoo’s growth – people recommending our products to their friends because of the affects it has had on their skin appearance, skin conditions and dryness. In fact, without any advertising our Eczema & Psoriasis Cream has become one of our most popular products through word of mouth. With many people getting great results from ingredients such as Aloe Vera,


What Makes Us Moo

Sweet Almond & Olive Oil – it focuses on symptomatic relief of itching, dryness & redness. “No matter the skin issue, our ingredient philosophy remains the same: To make quality effective products using healthy ingredients, that we are comfortable using on ourselves and our loved ones. Since having children ourselves – we understand the importance of using clean ingredients, gentle shampoos & skin creams on our little ones. Nappy rash, child eczema and cradle cap are also conditions that we or loved ones have experienced… calling for more products to be created. “ MooGoo has now grown to over 40 products for skin, hair, sun protection, face & body, a dental range, deodorant and even a Baby Range for the littlest ones. “We might not have words like “Earth”, “Nature” or “Enviro” in our name, but we think we’re one of the most environmentally-friendly skin care companies around. All consumption has an impact, but we make the best choices we can, with the environment in mind. A few things we do to minimise our impact on the environment are making sure our cardboard packaging is made of recycled materials and completely recyclable. Our creams are made in a carbon neutral facility and our head office is solar powered. We don’t use things like Styrofoam balls or pillow packs to stuff in our product shipments – instead we use only unusable cardboard boxes and recycled paper. We’ve also recently started to offer larger bulk sizes so people can shop less often, save a bit of coin, and use less plastic.

“We’re all about only using quality ingredients, and the ones we use must have a specific purpose in the product. We refuse to use cheap filler ingredients that aren’t necessary or have no benefit. We believe that using newer, natural alternatives instead of old-fashioned synthetic ingredients that were invented in the 1950’s is not only better for everyone, but also more aligned with the times.

“We also pride ourselves in being fully transparent to our customers. There’s so much misleading information out there and we do our best to make sure our customers are pointed in the right direction. We spend a lot of time talking to them, understanding where we can improve, the things they love and what products they want to see next. Our community of customers are the reason our business exists, and for that we’re so grateful.”

More product means less plastic. Bigger sizes to get more ‘Goo in one go. NEW


week ahead. It may seem tedious and may also go against your personality type if you are a particularly spontaneous individual, but it truly does work! My tips for ensuring school lunchboxes are packed with goodness that isn’t packaged or will break the bank:

SCHOOL LUNCHES IN BULK & ON A BUDGET! Most of us have experienced that frantic morning rush to prepare a delicious & nutritious lunchbox in a hurry. No one is perfect, and it would be wrong to give our children the idea that we are, so sometimes lunches are thrown together and that is totally fine. If you notice that it is a habit that is creeping in every day because of a lack of inspiration, we are here to help! A sure fire way to ensure there are always healthy and tasty options on hand is to pre-plan meals and snacks for the


School Lunches

• P repare foods that can be frozen. Muffins, frittatas and vegetable filled pastries are a great start. Packaged in airtight containers they will last for quite some time. Aim to make one “snack” that can be frozen a week, this gives you a bit of a buffer and keeps things varied too. Eating the same thing each day can get boring and also may mean vital nutrients are being missed in your child’s diet. Variety is key! • P urchase fruits and vegetables that are in season and utilise a dehydrator or oven if possible. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables will last for weeks, if not longer, if stored in an airtight container after dehydrating is complete. • E nsuring basics such as chia seeds, linseeds, oats, quinoa, cacao and your flour of choice are always in your pantry creates a good base for many recipes. Try to figure out your most commonly used bulk foods and always have them on hand in case you quickly need to whip something up the night before. “Fillers” or snack foods that can be saved if they go uneaten can help to save money and reduce food waste. When we offer our children wholefoods rather than packaged, process foods, they are satisfied for longer. Some days our children might have huge appetites, and others not. It can be very hard to gauge and also frustrating having to throw food out! Use little compartments or containers in a lunchbox to provide dried fruits, popcorn, shredded nori sheets, nuts and seeds [if permitted by the school], bliss balls, soya crips and yoghurt buttons are simple ideas kids will love. Words: Adelle Rutch - Nutritionist, Flannerys Maroochydore.

VEGETABLE ROLLS [vegetarian] [nut free] Ser ves: 5 Prep: 15mins • • • • •

4 x Puffed pastry sheets Olive oil Egg 1 x 400g can of lentils 1/2 cup oats or quinoa

Cook: 25mins • • • • •

Carrot Zucchini Onion Mixed herbs Sesame Seeds

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Defrost puffed pastry so that it is soft and easy to use. 2. Grate carrot, zucchini, onion and gently squeeze out moisture so that mixture is not too wet. Add whisked egg, herbs, lentils & oats/quinoa flakes and mix well. 3. Spoon mixture on to centre of puffed pastry and roll until wrapped, then pinch up either end. Gently cut into portions with a wet knife before baking. Sprinkle sesame seeds over top [optional]. 4. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden and lightly crispy.

CHOCOLATE CRACKLES [vegetarian] [gluten free] [nut free] Prep: 5mins Set: 1hr

• 1 /2 cup melted coconut butter • 1/2 cup melted cacao butter • 1 1/2 cup puffed brown rice or puffed buckwheat • 1/2 cup cacao or carob powder

• 1 /2 cup desiccated coconut • 1/2 cup goji berries • 1 tablespoon or honey, rice malt or maple syrup • Dash of vanilla essence

1. Gently melt the coconut butter & cacao butter together in a saucepan over low heat. Once melted, take off the heat and stir in the dry ingredients. Lastly add desiccated coconut, honey, vanilla and goji berries. Stir until mixed through evenly. 2. Roll into bite sized balls, place in a cupcake tray or on lined baking paper. Store in an airtight container in the fridge / freezer.

celebrating 70 years of babies & kids care and research






ECO TAN FACE TAN WATER 100ML | $34.98 Keep that summer bronze glow all year round with this little bottle of liquid gold. Made from certified organic & natural ingredients.

DOUBLE E HEALTH SALT LAMPS 2-4KG | $22.95 Looking to add that magical touch to your home or office space? Try out a Himalayan salt lamp. They are also known to purify the air too.

LIFESTART NATUROPATHICS FEM 21 300G | $54.98 Designed for women to help with rebalancing hormones, detoxification, alkalising, energy & healthy metabolism.






SPRING ITEMS WE HEMP OZ KOMBUCHA 330ML | $6.49 What do you get when you mix kombucha and hemp? A delicious and health focussed super drink. Chill guys and girls...it’s legal.

Adore o


ECO BY SONYA DRIVER GLORY OIL 30ML | $49.95 A combination of organic oils that help to reduce the appearance of scars and fine lines and restore your skin to its true glory.






POWERSTART ORIGINAL MUESLI 450G | $26.98 A nutritionally dense breakfast option, packed full of delicious protein, omega fats and anti-oxidants.


Spring Items We Adore

FUSION HEALTH LIVER TONIC 60 TABLETS | $32.98 A combination of milk thistle with traditional Chinese herbs used to detoxify, strengthen and support the liver.

A BIT HIPPY NATURAL CREAM DEODORANT ROLL-ON 60ML | $7.53 An aluminium free alternative deodorant that combines milk of magnesia and essential oils to keep odour-causing bacteria under control.

SPRING CLEANING The non-toxic way

The changing of the seasons is the perfect time to breathe some life back into our homes, and choose some environmentally friendly options which are friendly for our health too.

LAUNDRY: We are all lovers or loathers of the laundry, but it has to be done! As good as some laundry detergents or fabric softeners smell, they may contain harmful irritants which rub directly onto our largest organ, our skin. Not to mention the water used in our laundry, ends back in the waterways, so another thing to be mindful of when looking for a non-toxic option is the impact on the ecosystem. There are things to look out for, such as detergents listing alcohol ethoxylate as a main component. This ingredient is classified as very toxic to aquatic organisms and labelled with a dead tree, dead fish icon. Queensland’s family-made Kin Kin Naturals Laundry Liquid is a great option, and ultraconcentrated so a little goes a long way! Their products never use any toxic ingredients, and it’s nothing they wouldn’t use on their own young children. It is also grey-water safe. DISHWASHING: Another aspect of cleaning that also requires awareness of what touches our skin and goes down our drains; but, also leaves residue on the plates we eat from! It’s important to make the

right choice for a natural dishwashing detergent that won’t harm your insides, but also does a good job at cleaning the dishes.

Simply Clean’s Dishwashing Liquid is a concentrated formula, boosted by the natural antibacterial and antifungal power of pure Australian lemon myrtle oil, a natural alternative to the ‘fragrances’ often found in cleaning products, that could be disguising a multitude of mysterious things. SPRAYS: Simply NO Mould is the healthy alternative to harsh chlorine-based mould sprays. The active ingredient, hydrogen peroxide, uses the power of oxygen to kill mould and fully biodegrades to just water and oxygen, leaving no harmful residue to possibly impact our lung health. This is a much better alternative to consider than typically using bleach to deal with mould. Bleach is a very harmful substance, and doesn’t actually neutralise mould on most non-pourous surfaces such as drywall and wood. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to making the switch to non-toxic cleaning, but opting for plant-based, certified organic or biodegradable formulas is ideal for minimising our environmental impact. Bonus: many products come in recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging too!

Professor Cecile Svanes, University of Bergen [2018]Long term effect of cleaning on lung function decline and COPD in the ECRHS study.


Spring Cleaning

Words: Ally Dunlop

A recent study, however, has demonstrated that regular use of some 1cleaning products can impact our long-term lung health. Whether it’s the ‘toxic’ warning labels on the bottles, the long list of strange ingredients that all seem to end in ‘oxide’, ‘ethylene’ or ‘chlorite’, or the strong citruslike smell that lingers through your house, our household cleaning products don’t always give off a friendly vibe.



[Creator of Plant Proof Podcast]

As Veganism has risen in popularity, the demand for animal-free foods has skyrocketed. Food manufacturers have responded by flooding the market with all kinds of vegan food - some healthier than others. Things like ice creams, fake meats and other sweet treats can now be found just about everywhere. Don’t get me wrong, some of these are perfectly fine in moderation, however just because a food is vegan, doesn’t mean it’s inherently healthy. In fact, vegan junk food is often packed with just as much, sometimes more, sugar and fat as their animal-based counterparts. A DISTINCTION Those foods do little to help those drawn to a vegan diet for its health-promoting potential as opposed to those who are ethically driven. That’s why I make the distinction between being vegan and following a whole-food plant-based diet. The former’s priority is eliminating animal products, whilst the latter ’s priority is


The Vegan Food Pyramid

preventing and relieving chronic disease by consuming healthy, unrefined foods. THE GOOD NEWS Beyond the new fancy food products, marketing trends and mixed messages from the media, eating a truly healthy vegan or plant-based diet is incredibly simple, affordable and delicious! It also happens to be great for the planet and, of course, animal welfare. There are only a handful of principles to keep in mind and to simplify things further, I’ve created my ‘vegan food pyramid’ to summarise these points. My hope is that this guide will help take the guesswork out of nutrition so you, your family and friends can make healthier, more informed decisions regarding food.

The Vegan Food Pyramid


Looking for a super simple, tasty and delicious tempeh poke bowl? You can find the recipe at flannerys.com.au/recipes/tempeh-poke-bowl

GET TO KNOW THE PL ANT PYRAMID 1. Fruits and Vegetables The bottom of the pyramid represents fruits and vegetables, the foods that should be the stars of your meals. Each day, aim for a serving of berries, preferably organic as berries are heavily sprayed with pesticides, 3 servings of other fruits and 3+ servings of vegetables. It’s key to eat a diverse range of fruits and vegetables by switching it up based on what’s in season. 2. Unrefined Whole Grains That’s right, whilst ‘carbs’ have been demonised, unrefined whole-grains are an essential part of a balanced diet. Aim to eat 3+ servings a day of healthpromoting carbs packed with gut-happy fibre like rolled oats, brown rice and quinoa. 3. Legumes For protein, aim to eat 3+ daily servings of legumes, including tempeh or tofu. Foods like black beans, chickpeas and red kidney beans are also great choices they’re all rich sources of protein, fibre, iron and other key nutrients. 4. Whole Food Fats Aim to get 1-3 servings each day of fats from avocados, nuts and seeds. These healthy fats contain ideal amounts of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, but also pack in an impressive amount of fibre, vitamins and minerals. 5. Processed/Fatty Foods It’s best to keep processed foods like oils, packaged and refined foods to a minimum in your diet. If possible, aim for less than 1 serving each day. For those that cook with oils, an easy swap is veggie stock or water. Foods won’t crisp up as well, but you’ll avoid a ton of nutritionally-empty calories!

6. Not To Miss & Supplements In addition to those general guidelines, eating 2-3 tbsp. of ground flaxseed or chia seeds each day provides sufficient Omega-3s. You can also supplement a DHA/ EPA algae oil if you don’t consume a lot of Omega-3rich foods. For all the selenium you need, simply eat 1-2 Brazil nuts each day. If you’re eating little to no animal foods, it’s crucial that you supplement B12, Vitamin D2 and a vegan D3 if you can’t get at least 20 minutes of sun exposure each day. Getting an occasional blood test is an easy way to ensure you’re on track with these and all other nutrients. It’s by no means necessary for you to follow this pyramid exactly to reap the rewards of eating healthier. Instead, treat it as a rough guide for navigating your plant-based journey. It’s important to remember that health is a spectrum, so rather than aiming for perfection, aim for consistency!

eco pack available

Always committed Words: Ally Dunlop

to delicious organic foods FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1985


Who knows our Flannerys treasure better than our team! CAHONA - TARINGA One of my all-time favourite products is the Nutty Bruce Almond and Coconut milk. This fantastic non-dairy milk has a lovely, mild flavour with a smooth consistency that never separates.

ADELLE - MAROOCHYDORE My personal favourite is Saya’s AHA Face Exfoliant because it’s extremely gentle on the skin while still having all the active ingredients working their magic. I’d recommend this product to everyone!

MARIELLE - BENOWA My favourite is the new Banana Joe Sea Salt Banana Chips. A great delicious snack on the go – and it’s nut free which means it’s great for the school kids. It’s a salty chip snack but without the potato!

ELENA - MIAMI Nothing beats our fresh certified organic fruit and vegetables. My favourite are the Hass Avocados this season...mixed with some fresh lime they are perfect for a delicious guacamole.

Herbal Revolution Harness the power of organic herbs to support your everyday wellbeing

@pukkaherbsaustralia Discover more at pukkaherbs.com.au


Tag us in your flannerys photos @flannerysorganic

Social Lovin’

@biscuitbutterball - shopping for yummy produce @flannerysorganic woof!

@erin_naturally - Double tap if you love a good soak?!?

@eco_endeavours - Plastic Free July Day 1. Who else is doing @plasticfreejuly this year?

@rebeccamegan_health - Making friends with your local health food shop is a key to really good health.

@mikaelay_ - Thick n creamy lamington bowl on this sunny day topped with choc, coconut & rasbs.

@coconut_is_my_name Coffee break.


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Meet Jonny, your new go to condom Jonny is vegan-friendly, non toxic, and comes paired with a biodegradable FabLittleBag for planet-friendly disposal.

Available in 3 handy pack sizes.

be good to self; be good to others; and be good to mother nature. choose_jonny


THE SKIN FOOD MENU JUST GOT RICHER. NEW Weleda Skin Food Is your skin eager for proper nourishment? Instant rescue is at hand: Weleda Skin Food now includes Skin Food Light, Body Butter and Lip Balm. With the natural goodness of rosemary, chamomile, calendula and pansy to soothe every inch of dry skin, from head to toe. #WeledaSkinFood

THE ICONIC MUST-HAVE Intensively nourishes and soothes Repairs and protects Loved by celebs and make-up artists







We are committed to creating a healthier, happier world by enhancing wellness through good food flannerys.com.au 32

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