Madrid/Barcelona IFF 2022 Schedule

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Scr eeni ngSchedul e Jul y21 st&22nd2022


Thur sday21 stJul y Scr een1 1 3: 00-Quer et ar oVi br antLand Mexi co 42mi ns Thi sfil mi saboutl ooki ngi nt ot hedeeppar toft hei nt er pr et at i onoft r adi t i onal Quer et ar o’ sdances ,ani nvi t at i ont oani mmer s i veexper i enceoft her i t ualmeani ng, i t sr el at i ons hi pwi t ht hel andandt hecadenceofl i f ei t s el f .Dancesasol dasour t ownsandci t i es ,s howedt hef us i onofr el i gi ons ,peopl esandcos mol ogi es pr es er vedi nt hememor yoft hes ur vi vi ngdancesofours t at e.

1 3: 45-VučedolPar t r i dge Cr oat i a 51mi ns VUČEDOLCULTURE( 3000. 2500.B. C. )&GREEKMYTHOLOGY“ Themet al l ur gi s t di ddi vi nedeedsbychangi ngt hes t r uct ur eofnat ur e,andt hushebecamecl os ert o t hedei t yt hant ot heor di nar ymor t al . ”Wecanl ocat et hebegi nni ngsoft he Vučedolcul t ur ei nt hear eaofeas t er nSl avoni aandSr i j em.Thi scl i mat i cal l yi deal ar eaont he45t hpar al l el ,wi t hanannualabundanceofs uns hi ne,i sl ocat edont he r i ches tl andf oragr i cul t ur eandl i ves t ocki ns out heas tEur ope.

1 5: 25-Gol denLot us Canada 1hr46mi ns A ci nemat i cpr es ent at i onoft heHongKongwor l dpr emi er es t agepr oduct i onof t hemus i calGol denLot us .Bas edont hemos ti nf amousChi nes enovelofal lt i me, Ji nPi ngMei ,t hemus i cali sanepi cdr amaaboutt hef or s akenbeaut y,Gol denLot us , whobecomesent angl edi nabl oods oakedwebofpas s i on,decept i onanddes per at i onwi t ht heval i antt i gers l ayerWuSung,t her i chandpower f ulpl ayboyX iMenandt hehumbl epeddl erWuDa.Setami ds tt hedyi ngwar t or nyear sofSong Dynas t yChi na,Gol denLot usunder goesas pel l bi ndi ngj our neyast hewor l dar ound t hem bur nsi nt oas hes .

1 7: 1 5-Don' tSt opMot i on Ger many 1hr9mi ns Car dboar d,s el f madepuppet sandt het echni queofs t opmot i on.I n" Don’ tSt op Mot i on“ .Thr eebr aver ef ugeescombi net hes et hi ngst ot el lt hemovi ngs t or i esof t hei rj our neyst oEur opeandt hei rnew l i vesi nGer many.

Thur sday21 stJul y Scr een1


1 8: 30-OhDal i a3 USA 24mi ns Dal i ai sf acedwi t ht hedi l emmaofwhet hert ogot oherex' sweddi ngHermot heri s hel lbentonget t i ngbacki nt hes oci et yagai naf t ers hehasf al l eni nt oadeepf unk andwon' tl eaveherapar t ment .

1 8: 55-LoudSol i t ude Geor gi a 4mi ns Yourever ychoi cecr eat esani nfini t es equenceofal t er nat i vepos s i bi l i t i es .Of t en, t hi sj us ti ncr eas esvaguenes sbecaus enooneknowswhatt heot herdeci s i onwoul d br i ng.Whati fyouhavechos enbol ds t epovert heconveni enceorr ej ect ed s omet hi ngi ns t eadofaccept i ngi t ?. . .Unl i ket hef ai r yt al ecr os s r oads ,t her ealwor l d r ar el ybl es s esuswi t hcl earanddefini t i ves i gnpos t s ,unmi s t akabl ydes cr i bi ngt he awai t i ngf at e.Soher e,youhavet obet heonewhocr eat est hepat hofyourl i f e.I ti s yourchoi ce.Yours t or y.

1 9: 00-Car l ot a Canada 1hr46mi ns Lal as mokespott enmi nut esbef or el unchwi t hheri nl aws .Upons eei ngher ,her boyf r i endget sangr yandl eaveswi t houther .I nt hi sway,Lal aachi eveshergoal : s ki pl unchi nor dert oenj oyt hef eel i ngoff r eedom t hatcomeswi t hs t ayi nghome al one.

1 9: 1 5-WomanToWoman USA 1 2mi ns 1 967LosAngel es .Twowomendeci det omeetf acet of aceanddi s covert hatt hey haveal otmor ei ncommont hanaman.


Thur sday21 stJul y Scr een2 1 2: 50-Pr omi seThr oughLi f et i me Chi na 1hr36mi ns I namount ai nvi l l agepr i mar ys chooli nChi na,t hr eegener at i onsoft eacher swor ked wi t hones houl derpol et os uppor tt hepoors t udent s .I nor dert ohel pt hechi l dr en getoutoft hemount ai n,t het eacher skeptt hei rpr omi s eandkeptt hems el vesi nt he mount ai nf ort hel i f et i me.

1 4: 30-TheRedScar f USA 1hr1 8mi ns Af t eracous i ni smur der edbyt heGes t apoayoungGer manJewi s hboyi ss entout oft hecount r ybyhi spar ent sandevent ual l yar r i vesi nt heUni t edSt at es ,wher ehe enl i s t si nt hear my.Wal t erBodl anderwasoneoft hefir s tont hebeachesdur i ngt he D Dayl andi ngsandf oughthi swayacr os sEur ope.TheRedScar fi sar emar kabl e s t or yofcour age,f ear ,s ur vi valandl os tl ove.Thefil m pai nt savi vi dpor t r ai tofa s ol di er ' sl i f e.

1 5: 55-Lost Mor occo 2hr s6mi ns Ranya,ayoungwomanwhofindsher s el fi nt hemi ddl eofacons pi r acy,s hehas been" pr ogr ammed"andmani pul at edbymember sofamys t er i ousor gani zat i ont o s er veasal abr ati nanexper i mentcar r i edoutbyt hi sor gani zat i onf oraver y s peci ficpur pos e.A whol epr ot ocolwass etupt os hapeherandcr eat et hedes i r ed char act er .

1 8: 1 0-A Let t erf r om Car lJung Republ i cofKor ea 40mi ns I n2020,t heNat i onalTheat erofKor eahos t edaper f or mancet i t l edt he“ Shaman andPhot ogr apher . ”AsShamanLeeHaegyeongal l owedas pi r i tt opos s es sher bodywi t hat r adi t i onalKor eanGutphot ogr apherKangYounghocapt ur edt he s pi r i twi t hhi scamer aandpr oj ect edt hei mageuponas cr eeni nr eal t i me.AsIwas wat chi ngt hi sper f or mance,Is uddenl yr emember edCar lJung.Rel i gi on,al chemy, ands pi r i t ual i s m ar eact i vi t i esi ndi ffer entfiel dst hatt r yt or eal i s et hedi vi ni t ywi t hi n humanbei ngsyett omani f es ti t s el fbecaus eofvar i ousment alpr obl ems .

Fr i day22nd Jul y Scr een1


1 2: 45-Fr ui t vi l l e Tr i ni dadandTobago 1hr32mi ns A qui r ky,ani mat edcomedydr amaaboutagr oupofr ealf r ui twhof acean exi s t ent i alcr i s i swhenpl as t i cf r ui tar ebr oughti nt ot hei rs pace.Muchdebat eand di vi s i onoccurast heyat t emptt odealwi t ht hi s" pr obl em"r es ul t i ngi ngr eathi l ar i t y andul t i mat el yi nadeeperunder s t andi ngoft hef r ui t s 'pl acei nt heor deroft hi ngs .

1 4: 20-Bel l a USA 1hr38mi ns Af eat ur el engt hfil m aboutt hel i f e,wor k,i nfluenceandi mpactofCal i f or ni abas ed chor eogr apher / Ar t sAct i vi s tBel l aLewi t zky.Des cr i bedas" . . . oneoft hegr eat es t Amer i candancer sofourage, "( Wal t erTer r y)Bel l aLewi t zkywasat al ent ed,s t r ong, out s pokenar t i s t ,whodedi cat edhercr eat i vel i f et opr ot ectt her i ght sofever y Amer i canci t i zen.

1 6: 05-Cl earWat er USA 1 1mi ns Anat t emptats ui ci depr ompt sSam t os eekoutt her apywher ehei sf or cedt owor k t hr oughhi st r aumapi eci ngt oget hert hedar kevent st hatl edhi mt her e.

1 6: 20-Kni f e&Li f e I r aq 1 1mi ns I napr i s on,t her ei saboywi t hs ever alot herdet ai nees .Hei ss ecr et l ys har peni nga kni f eandr educi nghi spr i s ont er m,whi chhehaswr i t t enonawal l ,ever yday.A deci s i oni smadet oencour agepr i s oner st or eadandfini s habooki nor dert ohave t hei rpr i s ons ent encesr educedoneday.I nor dert ogetoutofpr i s ons ooner ,t he boybegi nst or eadbooksunt i lhegi vesuponvengeance.


Fr i day22nd Jul y Scr een1 1 6: 35-SecondW i nd I s r ael 1 6mi ns MaxandDundiar echi l dhoodf r i ends .Thei rr el at i ons hi pchangescompl et el y f ol l owi ngacaracci dentwher eMaxwast hedr i ver ,l eavi ngDundicompl et el ybl i nd. Si xmont hsaf t ert heacci dent ,t heyar el i vi ngt oget heri nt hei rhomet own.Max, s uffer i ngf r om deeppos tt r aumaandgui l t ,i st aki ngext r acar eofDundi ,hel pi ng wi t hever yf acetofhi sl i f e,evenwheni t ’ snotneces s ar y.Ast i megoeson,Dundi get sf edupwi t hMax’ sexces s i vei nt r us i venes s ,des per at ef ort her et ur nofhi s f r eedom andi ndependence.

1 6: 55-Br i an' sSt or y UK 34mi ns Br i an' sSt or yi sat al eofamanwhoes capedt r auma,di s cover edl oveandf ound t r aumaagai n;l eadi ngt ohi ss ui ci de.

1 7: 35-TwoPoet sandaRi ver USA 1hr1 6mi ns Us i ngt heOxusr i verasat opos ,t hi sfil m expl or est hemesofl oveandl os st hr ough t hel i vesandmus i calpoet r yoft het womos tpr omi nentandi nnovat i veWakhi mus i ci ansi nCent r alandSout hAs i a:Qur bons hoi nTaj i ki s t anandDaul at s hoi n Af ghani s t an.Thes et wopoet s i nger ss har eacommonl anguage,f ai t h,andf ami l y net wor kandyetr emai ns epar at edbyvi ci s s i t udesoft he1 9t hc.Gr eatGamei n Cent r alAs i a.

1 9: 00-Absol ut ePower :NasdaqExposed USA 1hr32mi ns Af t ercos t i ngi nves t or sbi l l i onsofdol l ar sbyl i s t i ngf r audul entcompani esf r om Chi naont hei rexchange,Nas daqt ur nsonl ongt i meal l yandChi nes ebor n cons ul t ant ,Benj ami nWey,i nanat t empt eds capegoat i ngt ur neddecadel ong, r aci al l ychar gedvendet t a.

Fr i day22nd Jul y Scr een2


1 2: 30-Shadowsoft heWor l d Gr eece 20mi ns Cl i mat echangehasfinal l yl edt ot hecompl et enat ur aldes t r uct i onoft hepl anet . Fours t r anger s ,whos har eonl yt hei rneedf ors ur vi val ,findr ef ugeunder gr ound. Theyappeart obet heonl ys ur vi vor s .Thei ryear ni ngf ors al vat i onwi l lt es tt hei r cons ci ence.I nt hehear tofdar knes sconfli cts eemsi nes capabl e.A fil m aboutman' s conf r ont at i onwi t hever ys econdt of ol l ow,unt i lt hever yl as t .

1 2: 55-DearAudr ey Canada 1hr30mi ns Accl ai medact i vi s tfil mmakerMar t i nDuckwor t hhasdevot edhi sl i f et opeaceand j us t i ce.Butnow he’ sputdownhi scamer at ofightf ort hemos ti mpor t antcaus e he’ severf aced—car i ngf orhi swi f e,Audr eySchi r mer ,t hr ought hefinals t agesof Al zhei mer ’ s .Mar t i nt i r el es s l yembr aceseachnew chapt erwi t hgr aceand r es i l i ence—demons t r at i nghi suncondi t i onall oyal t yashefindsnew r eas onst ol ove hereachday.

1 4: 30-Nobut or a-Samur aiTi ger Japan 2hr s1 6mi ns Nobut or aTakeda,t hef or merf eudall or dofKaiPr ovi ncewor kedoutapl anf or cont i nuanceofTakedaCl anbuthewasal r eady80year sol dandhi sdaysar eabout t oend.


Fr i day22nd Jul y Scr een2 1 6: 50-LaVoz Spai n 22mi ns Gui l l er mo,ami ddl eagedyoungman,i swal ki ngdownt hes t r eetwhenhehear sa womans i ngi ngt hr oughadoorphone.Capt i vat edbyt hatvoi ce,hewant st omeet t hewomanbehi ndi tbuthei si nahur r yandt heymeetf ort henextday.Theyoung manr et ur nsbuts omet hi nghappenswhi l ehel i s t enst ot hevoi ceandal t houghhe does n' tknow herapar t menthedeci dest ogoi nt os aveherf r om as uppos ed danger .

1 7: 1 5-Endl essPassi ons Br azi l 1hr39mi ns Wear ei n1 939,t hewor l di si nupheavalandi mmi nentcol l aps e,andt hewari s i nevi t abl e.Ther ei snomor eas af er ef uge.However ,i nt heSout hAt l ant i ct her ewi l l al waysbeanes caper out e!Thedes t i nyi ndi cat est hepos s i bi l i t y:Sout hAmer i ca. I nes capabl es t op:Coas tofBr azi l !Luxur i ousnat ur e. . .t her ewi l lbeat omor r ow?

1 9: 00-TheModer nWay UK 1hr29mi ns TheModer nWayi safil ms etwi t hi n1 980' sBr i t ai n.A t i mewher ei twasi mpor t ant f ort hewor ki ngcl as syout ht ohaveani dent i t y.TheModer ni s t ' s ,TheSki nheadsand TheBi ker swer ej us ts omeoft hes ubcul t ur esi nBr i t ai nt hathadt hei rownwayof l i f ewi t ht hei rowni ndi vi duals t yl eswheni tcamedownt omus i candf as hi on.But mor ei mpor t ant l yi twasas ens eofbel ongi ng,A s ens eofpur pos eandf ors omei t wasaboutas ens eofr es pect .A gr i t t ydr amas etagai ns tt hebackdr opofTheMod, TheSki nheadandTheBi kerSubcul t ur esont heout s ki r t sofLondon.

Fr i day22nd Jul y Scr een3


1 2: 25-Lonel yGl or y Japan 1hr22mi ns Har uka,ayoungr ecogni zedf emal eent r epr eneur ,wasf or cedt or et i r ef r om her companyduet ot heabus eofheraut hor i t y.Forherpr i de,s heat t empt st os el lher f ami l yhomeands t ar t shernew bus i nes s ,des pi t ehert wobr ot her sandas i s t er l i vi ngandr unni ngas mal lr es t aur antatt hehous e.Aseachf ami l ymemberhast hei r owndr amas ,Har ukadeci dest odr i vehers i bl i ngsoutf r om t hehous e.

1 3: 55-Pr et ender s Japan 1hr s57mi ns St or yaboutat eenagegi r lwhot r i est ochanget hewor l df ort hebet t erbyf aki ng gooddeeds .

1 6: 00-Si gnat ur e Japan 2hr s Thes t or yofJapanes ewi ne.

1 8: 1 0-OhCr appyDay USA 1hr s24mi ns Anas pi r i ngyoungfil mmakerhopest ofindl ovet hr oughonl i nedat i ng-i fhecan j us tkeephi sOCD ont hedownl ow.

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