The Fifth Element 5D Edition #4

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When a page is unsafe on the internet Plagiarism Checker: This is the page that can help you check if a student or person copied the homework from the internet.

Is it safe putting your credit card number on the internet? In some pages like shop online it is safe so they can now how you are paying but in some pages that don’t even has to do with that is it of course unsafe.

Is information accurate? To know if information is accurate you need to now this 2 most important steps: 1. If the author doesn’t gives away his number or data you should start to worry. 2. Check for spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.

Is it safe to put your personal info on the internet? Some pages like Netflix, cinepolis klic, claro video, etc. Are absolutely safe because you have to create an account to log in. In internet websites like software downloads, email scams, peer to peer networks, are totally unsafe to put personal data.

How to look for safe websites on the internet? Be aware of websites that display unsolicited emails from strangers. Use your common sense.

How to avoid getting a virus? Don’t put personal data or your credit card number in unsafe pages. You can also install an app to avoid virus.

Lu Ana Clari

When you don’t know someone (avoid meeting strangers)

WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? • Let’s start with what is the SOCIAL MEDIA, the Social Media is a collective of online communications channels dedicated to community-based input, interaction, content sharing and collaboration. Social Media has online chats, but what is a chat, a chat is a text-based communication that is live or real-time. • You need to be careful because some risks exist. Some of them are that you should not interact with strangers, be aware of how much information you reveal about yourself. There is also a huge risk called cyberbullying, it is when people start bullying you through social media. But, what are the risks in Social Media, you should not interact with strangers, be aware of hoe much you reveal about yourself, information about the camera you took the photo with, cyberbullying. There are also consequences of chatting with a strangers, 7 of 10 teens received personal messages from strangers. These teens were asked “When someone whose name you don’t recognize contacts you online (email, IM, text , or chat messages). “Do you usually ignore their messages?” 6 of 10 said yes, 3 of 10 said they replied to the messages or chatted with them. •

And now let’s tell you about social media. Social media is technology that allows the creating and sharing information. So then as I said in Social media you can post personal information. Social media can be: - Instagram - Twitter - You Tube - Snap Chat - Facebook - etc………..

• First of all you must know what is cyberbullying well, cyberbullying is the use of digital technologies whit an intent to offend, humiliate, or abuse some body.

• You must know that there are some laws against cyberbullying and they are:

• Protection from harassment act 1997, criminal justice and public order act 1994, malicious communications act 2003, breach of peace (Scotland), defamation act 2013.

• Through our investigations this laws are all over North America (United States)

• Based on our research and experts knowledge we know that the majority of those who cyberbully are men.

Some ways we would recommend you to say away from cyberbullying are: Never post personal information, don’t respond to any angry message, never open messages from stranger, and be aware of certain topics. Cyberbullying is for kids it is also for grownups. Cyberbullying can make you feel very bad which can be a result in many feeling embarrassed that they are going through such a devastating time, and not knowing what support is able to them. the networks where most people cyberbully are Facebook. Instagram, ask. FM, and Pinterest. Ways to stop cyberbullying are: don’t respond, save the evidence, tell the person to stop, reach out for help, etc.


• By: Isabel5, Sofia9 & Ana11

By: Chango, KCWT, jgt5rf.

What is online gaming ?

Online gaming is a video game which is or can be play over a computer network (Internet) especially one enabling two or more players to participate from different location. What is private information ?

Private information is an information that is belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group of people only. Why is showing your private information dangerous?

It is dangerous because if they see your private information; that they know about you saw they can know where you live, steal money, kidnap you, etc.

How many types of online game there are ?

There are 7 types of online game. The 7 types of online games are the first person shooter game, real time strategy game multiplayer online battle arena game, mud, massirelymultiplayer online game, console game & cross plat form, browser games. What happen when shows a private information ?

Cases, disclosure reaches a level that is troubling for parents and those concerned about the safely of online teens, and once children put this information online, they will never get it back. References: en,,, online game Wikipedia, Interrnet safty 101

A social media is an online channel that is used for communications by internet. There you can send pictures, videos, messages, etc. A social media could be safe or dangerous it could be dangerous because even those who are not on your cycle lists can still listen in to your conversation also in your posts and general tweets, responses, etc. If you are a parent and you want to protect your kids you should teach them about the risks they can face in a social media, and if you are a kid you should learn about the risks you can face in the future if you want to be a user. For a safer social media never share too much information, don’t share phone numbers, and never share the place where you live, birth date, passwords, private pictures, etc. Some things that make a social media account safe are to add a report abuse button to everything, get a machine to do everything, force people to use their real names, get the police to do it, make social networks employ more moderators. This is good to know because social media is an essential part in our life, so if we learn about this things it may help us prevent disasters. Social feedback makes people feel less insignificant and more important because people find them interesting and answer back.

The minimum age to have a social media account in Mexico is normally over 13 or more but in some cases like LinkedIn it is over 14 or more. The minimum age to have a social media account in the USA is about 1418 or more year olds, 96% were signed up to social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram, snapchat and WhatsApp. The minimum age to have a social media account in South Kore is 14 or older. The minimum age to have a Social media account in japan is 13 or older. We shouldn’t share personal information on a social media app because they can hack your account, edit your picture or do something bad to you like selling something of you. Some social media apps are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, Renren, Google+, Discus, LinkedIn, Pulse, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twoo, MyMFB, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, WhatsApp,, Meetup, Secret and Medium. The most dangerous apps in a social media are: Tinder, Snapchat, Biender, kik Messenger, Whisper,, Yak Yak, Poof and Down. And the most safe social media apps are: Signal private messenger, Chat secure, Gliph, Wicker, Silent phone. References: Tech target (2017), Network world (2017), (2017), (1995-2017),

BY: Candyland, Blondylocks, Poopie, Choochie

Cyberbullying The most important thing to do is to talk to an adult you trust as soon as you realize there is a problem if you are cyberbullied. You cant share personal information because if you post a photo they can be jealous and criticize you or if you send your name , age ,address ,etc. they can steal you. Cyberbullying is dangerous because

In all its forms, cyberbullying combines the devastating effects of person bullying with several added issues unique through the technology format. These factors hurt the feelings of shame and helplessness that the victims experience as a result of any type of bullying. You can identify cyberbully if they •

have trouble sleeping or nightmares

Become antisocial

Avoid going cellphone.





Unexpectedly shut down a computer when others come near

Ask questions about revenge, death or suicide.

What is cyberbullying Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.

If you are cyberbullied, you will be increased by feelings of sadness and loneliness. If you can help people you just need to save the evidence, report to someone what is happening, so they can help.

If you are cyberbullied, the most important thing to do is to talk to an adult you trust as soon as you realize there is a problem. Cyberbullying happens for many of the same reasons as any other type of bullying, but it may be even more appealing because it can be done anonymously. The people who cyberbully more are two types of groups of people: those who are popular and those who are on the socialcan fringes. Cyberbullying affect physical and emotional safety at school and can negatively impact their ability to learn. The best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. There are a number of things school staff can do to make schools safer bullying.for you Theseand are prevent some strategies to prevent cyberbullying: • • • • • • • •

Don’t respond Save the evidence Don’t retaliate Be civil Block the bully Talk to a trusted adult Don’t be a bully Be a friend, not a bystander

Its not necessary to use always your phone. That way you can prevent cyberbullying by others .Don't send mean messages, photos, videos, etc. The cyberbullying can take place in electronic technology, like cellphones, computers, tablets, using them to communicate sending text messages, chat and websites. There are many type of cyberbullying but the 5 most common are harassment, flaming, exclusion, outing and masquerading. Pacerteensagainsbullying .org

There are a lot of places were you can put your accout and you can be safe some of them are : Google, Facebook, Instagram ond many other websites. Some accounts on online games you can trust are a lot of them but we will show you the best ones overwatch, Minecraft, rocket league, PokĂŠmon and many more games trust can trust. The consoles you can trust and play dis games are Xbox one Xbox 360 PlayStation 1,2,3,4 and Nintendo that includes will u.If you like to play with your friends yeas you can if another known People want to play with you shod said no.If you like to by the games we alredy told you can buy them on stores that are game planet Liverpool antea and a lot of other places but do not buy them on the steets.

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