Ag&Ed | August 28th, 2023

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Educational resources for schools & students

Read, listen to and watch what is happening in New Zealand agriculture by scanning the QR codes or following the links. Answer the questions to complete the exercises.

In the news

What pocket-tech are farmers using?

Apps can lighten the load on farms, helping farmers monitor everything from birthing cows to boundary lines. Read about some of the types of technology being used.

Have a go:

1. Stu Russel uses the snaXtec app. What alert did he receive and why was it an advantage?

2. Stu also uses FieldNET. What farm management processes does it help with?

3. Luke Templeton uses HALO to monitor his effluent and milk vats systems. What is the advantage of this monitoring?

Stretch yourself:

4. How can apps help with managing staff?

5. According to Luke, why do his staff like working with apps?

6. Tracy Henderson says any app needs to fit the team and the farm system. What do you think this means?

7. Can you think of any challenges that might arise with using phone apps onfarm?

Have a listen

How did Emma prepare to smash the grass ceiling?

Listen to FMG Young Farmer of the Year 2023 winner Emma Poole talk about her background and preparation in the lead up to the Grand Finals competition. Emma is the first woman to win the National competition.

Have a go:

1. As well as being a mum, what other roles does Emma Poole juggle?

2. What was something that Emma wished to achieve by competing in the FMG Young Farmer of the Year?

3. What did Emma believe would be her competitive advantage?

Stretch yourself:

4. What are Emma’s hopes for the future?

5. What charity did Emma choose for the FMG Young Farmer of the Year Region-off and why?

Learn more at

Watch this

Can you level up your iron?

Iron deficiency remains an ongoing issue for many New Zealanders, with many unaware they have low iron levels. To celebrate World Iron Awareness Week, here is a Beef + Lamb NZ video and article about ‘levelling up your iron’ and boosting absorption.

Have a go:

1. Why is iron important?

2. List all the foods shown on the plate and the nutrients they help provide.

3. What are the two types of iron and what is the difference between them?

4. Why is it beneficial to include vitamin C alongside iron-rich foods?

5. How many cups of cooked silverbeet would you need to eat to get the same amount of absorbable iron provided by a serving of 120g of lean beef rump steak?

For more see

Did you know?

Can this treatment save more newborn lambs?

The frequent cold snaps moving up the country challenge newborn lambs. Read new advice from Beef + Lamb NZ about how an injection of dextrose can be a lifesaver.

Have a go:

1. What can happen to lambs born in a cold snap that means they are in danger of starving to death?

2. It is important to warm the lamb up first before giving dextrose. True or false?

3. What type of lambs respond best to the treatment?

4. Where can farmers buy the dextrose

5. How is it administered?

Stretch yourself:

6. Look at the fact sheet. Write a list of the things you would include in a lambing kit and what they would be used for.

7. Apart from cold temperatures, what are two other factors that increase the chill factor?

Ag&Ed Volume 146 – August 28, 2023

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