Catalogo allegrini 繁體檢視

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Not only amenities… Much more!

ALLEGRINI AT A GLANCE Since 1945, Allegrini Group has been a family business in Italy, which has grown in different sectors and has made its name well-known in both the Italian and international market. The company has been operating in the cosmetics sector for more than 20 years, and has reached an important position between the global leaders in the production and distribution of hotel amenities. Throughout its history, it has made a name for itself as a company that is synonymous with “Made in Italy” high quality, environmental sustainability and complete service. OUR BUSINESS Allegrini Amenities produces around 80 million bottles each year, which are exported to European countries, Russia, Taiwan and the Middle East countries. Always in tune with the latest cosmetic trends, and careful to choose active ingredients that can provide added value to its product lines, Allegrini Amenities is capable of meeting in the best possible way, all the needs of a constantly-evolving market and of being the reference point for amenities intended for hotels and hotel chains throughout the world. Allegrini’s attitude for continuous improvement in all areas of the production-process has been verified since 1997 by the ISO 9001 certification. 2

The strength of Allegrini Amenities is the fact that all steps of the production-process take place inside the company, where qualified professionals, working side by side with the company owner, Mrs. Antonella Allegrini, are responsible for each step of the processing: - study and development of cosmetic formulations carried out at the company’s two laboratories. - drawing up of graphic projects at the in-company graphic department. - mixing of all products, with an advanced osmosis system used to purify water. - production of packaging through innovative extrusion, injection and blow moulding presses. - printing on bottles using excellent screen-printing lines. - filling of bottles using sophisticated lines inspired by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, completely automated and with extremely high production capacity. - integrated storage and logistics service.

An all-inclusive service that ensures perfect optimisation of the entire process and guarantees: COST-EFFECTIVENESS










遊生活精品製造商。集團中的酒店備品事業更在近二十多年間大放異 彩,並躍居國際市場上沐浴備品製造商之領導地位。綜觀其歷史,艾格

- 沐浴溶液的研究與開發:洗髮精、潤髮乳、沐浴乳、潤膚乳等全數皆 由本公司兩大實驗室的嚴格檢測,品質無虞。


- 研發部門制定產品開發計劃


- 所有沐浴備品的成分皆由先進的滲透系統與純化水進行混和 - 使用最先進的擠壓、注射及壓模技術填充、包裝產品


- 瓶身上色由精細的網版印刷技術完成


- 內容物的填裝由精密的全自動化的藥妝工業級技術完成


- 高度整合的倉儲及物流系統

品即是最佳證明。面對瞬息萬變的市場,艾格尼審慎選用具高附加價 值的活性物質,總能與最新的美容保養潮流接軌,並在國際沐浴備品 市場中佔執牛耳之位。

整合為一的商品製程確保最佳品質: - 高成本效益 - 產品彈性不僵化

艾格尼沐浴備品在1997取得ISO 9001的認證,不斷自我突破與精進的

- 衛生安全無虞


- 降低環境衝擊



Full respect for the environment and the principle of quality in harmony with nature, have always been the basis of the work carried out by Allegrini, a company that since its founding, has dedicated most of its resources to the research for sustainable development; an example of this, is the italian record, achieved way back in 1969, for the production of biodegradable detergents.

dability and a greater balance between product and packaging.

This is the same philosophy that has inspired (and continues to do so), the GoGreen project of Allegrini Amenities: a series of initiatives in which research & innovation are combined with an eco-friendly thought and critical consumption. The GoGreen concept affects the company’s choices in the area of formulas, packaging, raw materials and production, and it tangibly translates into a series of advantages at the service of both the customer and the environment.

- Many bottles are made using fully recycled plastic.

- Thanks to the use of a reactor for the production of plant origin surfactants, two research laboratories are constantly working to find formulas that guarantee the lowest possible environmental impact. - All products made by Allegrini Amenities are paraben-free and do not contain petroleum by-products; they are dermatologically tested and are not tested on animals. - Our range of Ecolabel-certified products guarantees, efficacy being equal, a lower environmental impact, utmost biodegra4

- Our line certified by the ICEA (Environmental and Ethical Certification Institute) guarantees that our products are natural, free of chemical substances that are harmful to human, animals and the environment, through strict testing on all raw materials and on the finished product.

These results confirm Allegrini Amenities’ commitment towards an eco-sustainable future, and they represent a stimulus for the constant search of solutions capable of minimizing the environmental impact of its products.

Go green 艾格尼集團的企業宗旨始終以愛護環境為依歸,自成業以來便致力 於地球資源的永續發展,更早在1969年間研發出獨特的生物可分解 洗滌劑,這不但在義大利寫下歷史紀錄,同時也是環境永續發展的最 佳典範。

- 艾格尼的兩大實驗精心調製最佳配方,選用天然植物源的介面活性 劑,竭盡所能降低對大自然的傷害。 - 產品皆不添加苯類防腐劑及石油副產品、不以動物做試驗,且皆符合 皮膚學檢測標準。 - 生態標章認證下之產品保證:功效與所示相符、對環境影響低、最大

艾格尼旅遊生活精品的Go green概念延續同樣精神,在研究的同時亦 不斷創新,永持環保思維並遏止資源浪費。而Go green概念更全然影 響集團對旗下產品配方、包裝、原物料及製成的選擇,並確切地落實在 以客戶及環境為尊的一系列服務中。

的生物可分解性,並兼顧環保、美觀與實用的包裝。 - ICEA認證下之產品保證:在嚴格測試下的所有原料和成品均不含對 人體、動物及環境有害之化學物質。 - 使用可完全回收之塑料填充瓶。 艾格尼承諾創造一個永續發展的未來,並不斷尋求能夠最大限度地減 少產品對環境影響的解決方案。


設計 填裝瓶及配方全由本公司製造,集結設計、高效率製程及資源再利用 三項特點。研發部門持續開發全新包裝、設計、配方及技術,打造出市 場上最獨一無二的沐浴備品。

填裝 模具部門嚴密控管填裝瓶及瓶蓋的鑄模製程,確保效率並減少資源浪 費,以100%可回收材料打造填裝瓶。

客製化 四大絲網印刷產線及創意團隊,提供頂級客製化服務。


配方 全天候研究及開發新配方,研發部門清楚瞭解所有產品內容物特性。

生產 八大產線每年生產超過八千萬件產品,並整合倉儲及物流系統,提供 完整服務。




B Natural 唯一具有歐洲環保標章之沐浴系列,也是艾格尼Go Green系列 之典範。 此沐浴系列從調配、檢測、生產到包裝皆嚴格遵守歐盟生態環 保標章之規範,將環境衝擊降至最低,同時兼顧高品質。本系列 摩登時尚的圖形蔚為風潮,產品以植物源原料製成,確保環境 之永續。 ECOLABEL為歐洲環保生態標章,具此標章之產品的所有生產 過程皆以環境影響最低化為目標,實踐環保愛地球之理念。

B natural: the Ecolabel certified amenities line, symbol of our GoGreen philosophy. A hotel amenities collection formulated, tested, produced and packed in compliance with the strict Ecolabel regulations, to guarantee the lowest environmental impact, with the best quality. The modern and attractive graphics give these products a trendy look. The line is made of raw materials of plant origin, which guarantee the highest level of environmental sustainability. *Ecolabel is the European environmental certification mark applied to products that have low environmental impact throughout their entire life cycle, from production to use and subsequent disposal.



Natural Lab 最佳有機環保保養沐浴系列 此系列為通過義大利主要認證機構ICEA所認可的有機環保保 養品,ICEA為環保道德認證領域最重要的機構之一,致力於維 護勞工尊嚴及為消費者權利把關之組織。

ICEA 有機環保保養品的認證是消費者的最佳保障,為消費者身體 的每一吋肌膚把關,通過認證之產品完全無使用上之疑慮。產 品原料的選用皆經過嚴格的審核,以符合有機、環保、天然、 道德原則為第一宗旨,確保產品的絕佳品質且講究天然,優於 市面上一般的保養產品。

Natural Lab: the best of the ecological and organic cosmetics for your guests. The line is certified as Eco Bio Cosmetics by ICEA, the main certifying body of natural cosmetics in Italy. The certification mark ensures that formulations respect the body well-being. In fact, choosing a certified product is the best guarantee for protecting your body. This means using products which raw materials have been selected following a strict discipline that bases its principles on Organic, Ecological, Natural and Ethical concepts. *ICEA the Environmental and Ethical Certification Institute is the main certifying body of organic cosmetics, biocosmetics and ecocosmetics in Italy.



B’ Fair 由100%公平貿易認證之巴基斯坦杏仁製成 B’ Fair以柑橘和木質香氣調和出的氣息,讓人彷彿置身於天 堂。配方中添加杏仁萃取物,其中杏仁油富含蛋白質、維 他命A、E、B及脂肪酸,能滲透至頭髮及肌膚基底,帶來 超乎想像的柔軟及滑順。 公平貿易認證標章代表著環境永續及對開發中國家的莊稼 人家的支持,讓他們有更好的工作環境和社區發展。

B’Fair®: the ethical body care line made from 100% Fairtrade® certified almonds from Pakistan. B’Fair® is fabulous on feel-good factor. The collection is heavenly scented with the fresh sensuality of orange wood, a unique fragrance that will accompany your guests on an amazing olfactory journey. This entire line is also enriched with almond oil extracts, which are known for their emollient and moisturizing properties. Almond oil contains vitamins A, E and B, proteins and fatty acids, which penetrate the skin and hair, leaving them feeling irresistibly soft and smooth. *FAIRTRADE® is a certification mark that ensures environmental sustainability and supports better life for farming in developing countries through fair prices, better work conditions and community development.



Argan Source 添加精萃的榛果樹油 素有「不朽常青藥」美名的榛果樹油具抗氧化、潤膚及 高效保濕功能,幫助肌膚再生細胞且能延緩皮膚老化, 是當今化妝產品不可或缺的成分。 Argan Source系列以「沙漠流金」為設計發想,引人入勝 的香氣與瓶身精緻的緞面設計將為您帶來宛若置身於摩 洛哥的異國氛圍。

Argan Source®: the hotel amenities collection with Argan oil extract. Argan Oil is a beauty elixir that has become a “must” in terms of cosmetic products thanks to its antioxidant, emollient and moisturizing properties. It has an important moisturizing effect; it regenerates, repairs and stimulates the skin cells, and helps to neutralize free radicals, with anti-aging effects. The intriguing scent of the formulations and the elegant satin finish of the bottles will embrace your guests in the atmosphere of Morocco, evoked by the sophistication and quality of this line inspired by the gold of desert.



Oliva del Mediterraneo 地中海橄欖是上天給予義大利最珍貴的果物,也是古義 大利民族永保美麗的秘密。 地中海橄欖系列的橄欖油精粹飽含地中海沿岸豔陽的能 量與活力,以良好的滋潤和抗氧化能力著稱,具溫和的 洗淨及保濕效果,使皮膚散發水潤膚色及橄欖清香;全 系列產品皆以PET再生塑料填裝,環保愛地球。

Oliva del Mediterraneo: the celebration of the ancient beauty secret of Italy, where the olive trees grow wildly on the hills. The collection is enriched with Olive oil and its fragrance evokes the energy, the sun and the spirit of the Italian Mediterranean area. Olive oil has been used for centuries and is well known for its moisturizing and antioxidant properties. Its precious oleic acids, capable of gently purify, will leave your skin toned, supple and pleasantly scented.




Natural Mix 概念源自於芳香療法 此系列集結上等香水和最佳的地中海沿岸植物提取物, 含有無花果、寡糖、葡萄多酚、小麥蛋白質、肉桂香橙 和綠茶等獨特香味。其中富含天然精油及珍貴的植物萃 取物,將為您帶來身心靈放鬆的沐浴體驗,並使肌膚水 潤明亮。

Natural Mix: the concept of aromatherapy. A complete body care line that collects the best fragrances and extracts of the amazing Mediterranean surroundings: the scent of fig, the olygoelements of the sea, the grape polyphenols, the rice proteins, the unique aroma of orange and cinnamon, the energizing and refreshing extracts of green tea blended with Ginkgo Biloba and the precious olive oil. An olfactory journey that will accompany your guests in a relaxing bath or an invigorating shower, thanks to the variety of essences and plant extracts contained in this original amenity line.




#4all 從都會時尚為起點 集結多款時尚色彩,為飯店的沐浴空間帶來原創且獨特 的氛圍。融合繽紛粉色與獨創香氣,#4all將為您開啟充 滿能量及生氣的一天。

#4all: a modern line inspired by the Urban concept. It features a mix of trendy colors and urban design, which will give a touch of originality to hotel bathrooms. Guests’ shower will be transformed into a blend of senses, to start a metropolitan day with energy, vitality and joy of living. This fashion collection is designed with 4 different languages in order to take care of your guests in the best possible way.



Bamboo 放鬆身心靈,賜予您極致的沐浴新感受 Bamboo系列富含綠竹萃取物,高度滋潤,富含胺 基酸、維他命和多種礦物質和膠質,深度潤澤頭 髮和修復肌膚,重現肌膚與頭髮絲滑觸感,堪稱 美容靈藥。

Bamboo: the body care line with delicate products and a single goal: give pleasant sensations of wellbeing. The collection is enriched with bamboo extract, known for centuries for its soothing and antioxidant virtues. Bamboo extract is emollient and nourishing, rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals such as silica, which deeply moisturizes and helps to rejuvenate the skin and hair, leaving them incredibly soft and smooth. Bamboo is considered an antidote to stress and a precious beauty elixir.



Nero Oud 東、西方香氣的完美結合 Nero Oud系列添加珍貴的印度林木樹脂,散發淡淡的皮革 香味,創造出獨特的東方氛圍。本系列產品添加枸杞萃 取物,富含抗氧化物質、維他命和礦物質,淡雅香氣為 你打造最摩登而神秘的獨處時分。

Nero Oud: the soul of this amenity line is Oud, an unique and intense fragrance which has fascinated the Occident. Oud is a rare and fine resin, sourced from an Indian tree and its aroma, halfway between incense and leather, creates a mystical atmosphere. Nero Oud line contains Goji berries extract, known as the “longevity fruit” and naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. With its qualities, this is a collection perfectly conceived for giving a touch of mystery and sensuality to the guest’s experience.



Havana 來自海洋療法的靈感 哈瓦那沐浴系列澄澈的沐浴精華及異國香氣能為您帶來 紓壓、抗疲勞的感受。此系列遵循療癒古法,配方內涵 十種微量元素,其高度保水、抗氧化與肌膚再生等功能 將帶給您舒活感受。

Havana®: the hotel amenities inspired by thalassotherapy. Thalassotherapy uses the healing and beneficial properties of the sea for health and well-being. Havana® is inspired by a therapy that dates back to ancient times, a concentrate of olygoelements, highly moisturizing and remineralizing. Its particular fragrance calls to mind colonial scents, making Havana® an amazing line with exotic references.



Aloe Vera 純淨細緻的肌膚呵護保養品 蘆薈自古就被視為美容聖品,具有維持肌膚彈 性、保濕及舒緩等功能,能強化肌膚防禦機制, 並提升肌膚抗氧化功能。艾格尼蘆薈精粹系列集 結蘆薈所有益處,成就非凡沐浴用品,清潔的同 時更達到護膚與保養效果。 蘆薈是一種生長於極熱乾燥氣候的長青植物。自 古以來,蘆薈良好的滋潤和保濕特性便廣為人 知。蘆薈的汁液富含的多醣體、維他命及礦物鹽 為肌膚提供絕佳的保濕及滋潤功效。

Aloe Vera: the natural and delicate body care line. Considered a panacea since ancient times, Aloe Vera has increasingly been used in different kinds of applications, especifically in the cosmetic sector. Allegrini Amenities has concentrated all the properties of this plant in an exceptionally simple and natural hotel amenities line. Thanks to its countless active ingredients, Aloe Vera represents a precious ally for skin protection due to its elasticizing, toning and soothing action. It can strengthen the natural defence mechanisms of the skin and carries out a valuable antioxidant action.



Acqua di Colonia 經典古龍香氣的摩登重現 Acqua di Colonia 系列以摩登的設計重現古典氣息,迷人香 味混和柑橘、檸檬、葡萄柚及佛手柑等清新香味,混合著 優雅異國情調,是高格調居家生活的不二首選。

Acqua di Colonia: the line inspired by a great classic mix with modern elements in terms of fragrance and design. This line is the choice of those who want to combine the classical style with the energy of daily life. Its wonderful fragrance, with citrusy head notes and exotic references as iris flower, vetiver, patchouli and sandalwood, will leave an unmistakable sign of style on your guests’ skin.



One For You 簡約,時尚,小清新 One For You 沐浴系列以簡約為設計概念,時尚的設計深 獲大眾青睞。本系列規格符合單次性使用,小巧輕便、 不佔空間。

One for you®: simple, modern and very fresh ! The easiest and most minimalistic hotel amenities line, yet perfect for the most demanding guests, thanks to the large number of accessories that complete the traditional items. One For You® is a rich range featuring an attractive design, ideal for meeting any need for convenience and handiness, thanks to the single-use packages and flow packs.




Cocci Nella 小旅行家的專屬沐浴精品 Cocci Nella沐浴系列是專為兒童設計的沐浴備品,繽紛可愛 的包裝是小朋友的最愛。配方中含錦葵的萃取物,具舒緩 及提神功效;米蛋白萃取物則能使肌膚水潤亮白。本系列 淡雅香氣與柔順質地將帶給您天然清新感受,適合所有大 朋友及小朋友。

Cocci Nella®: a delicate hotel amenities collection dedicated to little travellers. The playful packaging and the bottles with flip-top caps will guarantee plenty of fun and safety for kids. The kid set features three products with delicate formulations enriched with rice and mallow extracts, one soap and one refreshing wipe perfect for cleaning and refreshing kids hands when moms are on the go. The soft fragrance and the dense and creamy texture will provide a feeling of natural freshness to the little guests.




KORIS noc no cciolote loter rapia

Carla Mazzei lavanda del chianti


SKiNiUS 您肌膚的醫師 SKiNiUS 為一家專業護膚醫學研究公司。 SKiNiUS 由醫學護膚品專家 Mariagrazia Boniardi 創立,她 運用多年於生物學領域的知識與經驗,依照肌膚本身 所需及肌膚結構的活性原理,打造出與皮膚生理節奏 相符的醫學護膚品,可直接作用於皮膚細胞,能有效 延緩肌膚老化並修復肌膚缺陷。 艾格尼首款護膚醫學產品是沐浴備品界革命性的創 舉,由 SKiNiUS 授權並監製把關下的醫美概念備品,能 呵護您全身的每一吋肌膚。

SKiNiUS®: “The Doctor is in” SKiNiUS® is a Research Company in dermocosmetics. SKiNiUS® products act directly on skin cells to slow down aging process and improve imperfections. The company mission is to create cosmetics able to act in accordance with the physiological rhythms of skin, responding to its needs and speaking the same language in terms of active principles related to natural skin structure. SKiNiUS® in English, skin and in Latin ius (right), is born from the idea of Dr. Mariagrazia Boniardi, expert Biologist in dermocosmetics, after years of study and rigorous scientific research in the biological field.



Elite Model Look Elite Model Management 為全世界最具知名度之模特兒經紀公司, 發掘來自世界各地的時尚面孔。 西元1972年成立於巴黎,藉由他們無與倫比的星探網絡,迄今已 打造出無數的超級名模,Cindy Crawford、Gisele Bundchen 和 Linda Evengelista 皆發跡於此。#魅力 #國際 #黑白 #時尚 #態度是艾格 尼在創造首款ELITE MODEL LOOK系列時的代名詞。以時尚、街頭 風格和都會感為靈感,打造出可隨心所欲、自由替換瓶蓋的黑白 雙色沐浴備品,#驚豔 #時尚 #酷炫 #必備。

Elite Model Look: Is the world’s leading model management company, synonymous with modeling prestige and worldwide beauty icon. Elite was founded in Paris in 1972. Elite through its unrivaled scouting network has discovered and built the careers of some of the most famous models in the world, such as Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista, Gisele Bündchen, Alessandra Ambrosio. THE AMENITIES LINE: #GLAMOUR #GLOBAL #BLACK&WHITE #FASHION #ATTITUDE just to name a few words to describe the work behind Allegrini Amenities for the creation of the first ELITE MODEL LOOK amenities line. Inspired by the fashion system, street style and an urban concept, the line is studied in minimal details…#AMAZING #CHIC #COOL #MUSTHAVE! Minimal design and interchangeable Black&White cap packaging, Elite Model Look by Allegrini Amenities wants to be something ever created before!



Carla Mazzei lavanda del chianti

Carla Mazzei 奇揚地薰衣草 位於義大利中部的奇揚地,30年前開始生產薰衣 草產品。在這一片受大自然垂愛的大地,有著豔陽 照耀和雨水滋潤,薰衣草生長在海拔六百公尺上的 石披上,待時機成熟,蜜蜂授粉後,莊稼人會親手 摘採下薰衣草,製成各類薰衣草產品。 艾格尼全新Carla Mazzei系列以薰衣草的粉紫色與天 然成分製作而成,散發淡雅薰衣草香,適合所有類 型肌膚及各年齡層使用。

Carla Mazzei - Lavender of Chianti: Lavender of Chianti products were born 30 years ago, thanks to Carla Mazzei’s love for this land and its fruits. Lavender is cultivated on Fonterutoli hills, 600 meters above sea level, on stony, filtering and sunny ground. Lavender is collected by hand, soon after the bees have abandoned its flowers all together, as if they heard a signal from nature. The Amenities line which we propose, offers an innovative packaging with neutral colors and the ingredients are suitable to all types of skin, at any age. The line comes from natural raw materials, mixed with lavender fragrance: a plus that cannot be unnoticed!



Culti Milano 香氛文化饗宴 九零年代初期,Culti Milano 推出市面上首款蘆葦桿擴 香,靈感來自於手工編織的藤籃。Culti Milano發現,將 眾多枝藤浸泡於香水之中,香味將逐漸散發到空間之 中,穩定且持續地使空氣中漫滿香氣。 全新的Culti Milano 系列,精選頂級原料及成分,以近 乎苛求的精神成就每一個細節,打造出極具風格又高 品質的沐浴備品。

Culti Milano: the culture of perfume. At the beginning of 1990, inspired by the technique of hand-weaving wicker baskets, CULTI MILANO introduced for the first time ever the REED STICK ROOM FRAGRANCE DIFFUSER. CULTI MILANO discovered, in fact, that when a bunch of rattan sticks are soaked in the perfume the full intensity of the fragrance is gradually released into the air, steadily and constantly. The CULTI MILANO line by Allegrini Amenities is characterised by a unique style that focuses on quality, a careful selection of both ingredients and materials and the greatest attention to details, making it possible to personalise your guest’s room with a unique style.



Berkeley Square ”享受屬於一個人的奢華時光吧,因為你值得⋯⋯” 西元1675年,柏克利勛爵一世 - 約翰‧柏克利承接了一 片位於皮卡迪利大街北方的土地,後人將此地命名為「 柏克利廣場」。時至今日,柏克利廣場已成為了在地居 民的時尚地標,許多商店林立於廣場周邊,眾多的木 匠、羊毛織品店、釀酒廠、藥劑師皆發跡於此。Berkeley Square品牌的創立,便是受到此時期的氛圍給予靈感所 致。 經過長時間的密切合作,艾格尼旅遊生活精品依循 Berkeley Square 優雅又時尚的品牌形象打造出頂級奢華的 沐浴備品系列。

Berkeley Square: “Find time each day for a little indulgent luxury - you know you deserve it !’’ Berkeley Square was named after John Berkeley, first Lord of Berkeley of Stratton, who took possession of the land to the north of his newly acquired house in Piccadilly in 1675. Berkeley Square became the height of fashion for a town residence, there were also various shops and business houses. A carpenter, woollen draper, distiller, tailor and apothecary were all based in Berkeley Square. The artists who since the XIX century gravitated around Berkeley Square have turned the district into one of the most distinctive, trendy and eclectic of all time. Working closely with ‘’The Berkeley Square Cosmetic Company’’, Allegrini Amenities has encapsulated the brand essence into an elegant, eclectic and surprisingly Luxury Hotel Collection.



“香氣若衣,優雅妝點外觀,自在展現真我……” Simone Cosacc

Simone Cosac 義大利文藝復興時期的不朽香氛 Simone Cosac為義大利原創的香氛,以文藝復興時期卡貝羅 夫人的愛情故事為靈感而調配而成,重現了文藝復興時期不 朽的香氣。 艾格尼保留了Simone Cosac優雅又極具風格的香氣精髓,創 造出令人傾心神往的美妙氣息。Simone Cosac養護系列帶給 肌膚最細緻溫柔的享受,讓您沉浸於清新淡雅的芳香氛圍 中。

“The perfume dresses and reveals the true identity of whoever wears it”. Simone Cosac Simone Cosac: the timeless art of the Italian Renaissance. Simone Cosac Perfumes are exclusive Italian fragrances inspired by the true and passionate love story between Bianca Cappello and Grand Duke Francesco I de’ Medici during the Renaissance period in Tuscany. Simone Cosac celebrates the fine and timeless art elements of Renaissance perfumery. This exclusive luxury niche fragrance house is committed to excellence and savoir-faire, in creating unforgettable perfumes in an exquisite packaging, which makes every person feel very special. The Luxury Hotel Cosmetics line by Simone Cosac, captures the elegance and authenticity of the brand in a new, refreshing and captivating scent. A perfect creation to enjoy a pure moment of relax. Simone Cosac is a gentle and rich body care line which will give the maximum freshness and pleasure to your guests’ senses.



KORIS noccioloterapia

Koris 添加世界最頂級榛果精萃 榛果是人類栽培的最古老的植物之一,自古便被 視為有益身體健康的植物和維持美貌不可或缺的聖 品,深受古希臘及羅馬民族的愛戴。 依照榛果天然的植物特性,艾格尼經Koris Noccioloterapia頂級護膚保養品牌授權,在洗沐配方中添加 生長自義大利古老秘境的皮埃蒙特榛果油,並透過 獨家技術保有榛果最原始的香氣及特性,成就了此 一不凡的系列。

Koris®: The best hazelnut in the world, is now also in cosmetics. Hazelnut is one of the oldest plants cultivated by man; already appreciated by the Greeks and Romans for its fruits, it was considered a plant with health benefits and even magical. Hazelnut is now recognized not only as food ingredient but also as a valuable beauty ally. From the full respect of its natural characteristics was born Koris® Noccioloterapia, an innovative and natural cosmetic line, which has its roots in the most ancient and authentic tradition of Cortemilla, fascinating piece of land in the Langhe area of the Piedmont region.



Torrini 佛羅倫斯傳統香氛 文藝復興時期,香氛創作開始盛行,促使了佛羅倫 斯成為了歐洲的香氛重鎮,也使得香氛成為了繼珠寶 後,一種身分地位的表徵。 在此之後,香水便常使用在項鍊、耳環、腰帶等珠 寶之上,使得穿戴首飾的人們身上飄散著美妙香氣。 懷抱著對香氛同樣的熱情與執著,艾格尼有幸與擁有 六百多年歷史的Torrini品牌合作,將經典香氛融入洗 沐保養品之中,誕生出嶄新的復古奢華系列。

Torrini®: The courtesy line inspired by the art of perfume in the Florentine tradition. It was during the Renaissance period that the creation of fragrances with specific identity, a sort of extension to one’s personality, became an affectation for the aristocracy. The city of Florence became the center for perfumery in Europe. At the Medici court the perfume was inserted in jewelry: small chests of perforated metal that concealed and emanated a fragrant perfume paste which were inserted into necklaces, belts, earrings and buttons. From the passion for the art of perfume is born the partnership with Torrini®, encapsulating the essence of the brand in a stylish and precious luxury amenities line.



Pikenz 飯店備品中的美麗境界 Pikenz為一美容及身體護理品牌,旗下包含了化妝 品、保養品及肌膚防護等高品質產品。本系列根生 於艾格尼長年來的化妝品研究,為最具市場前瞻 性的系列,由Pikenz授權的洗沐香氛產品均擁有絕 佳品質與細膩香氣,同時為沐浴時光帶來最大的 滿足。

Pikenz: a beauty treatment inside a hotel amenities line. Pikenz is synonymous with Italian excellence and tradition in high quality beauty treatments for face, body, make-up and sun care. Our collaboration with this advanced research laboratories offers a high performance collection with a unique delicate fragrance.



Panama 1924 是一經典的義大利品牌,將南義風 格以最優雅的方式展現。 高雅香氣結合了柑橘及香草的甜香,基調的暖調辛 香讓此香氣更添深度。 經Panama 1924授權的洗沐系列,沉著而優雅,完 美顯現了義大利傳統的古典與細緻。

Panama 1924: unique, elegant and classic. This signature line is symbol of the Italian style and carries the sublime scent of Panama 1924. This sophisticated perfume combines the freshness of classic italian citrus fruits, with a touch of vanilla sweetness, and the base notes of warm spices add depth and resonance to this fantastic scent. Panama 1924 is an extremely refined hotel amenities line that represents the Italian tradition and elegance throughout the world.



Profumeria Inglese 佛羅倫斯經典香氛 1843年,英國藥劑師 Henry Roberts 在佛羅倫斯開設了 一間名為Profumeria Inglese的藥妝店,在此販售了當 時最具名氣的香水與烈酒之外,也催生Henry研發出 了史上第一款的爽身粉。艾格尼與歷史悠久的香水品 牌 Profumeria Inglese 合作,以古典香氛為靈感來源, 添加薰衣草及薄荷草本精油,讓此沐浴系列馳名於國 際,成為不朽的義大利經典。

Profumeria Inglese: the amenities line inspired by Florence herbal tradition. In 1843 Henry Roberts, an English pharmacist, opened a pharmacy in Florence called “Profumeria Inglese”, where one could find prestigious perfumes and valuable liqueurs. Here, Dr. Roberts invented a product that became a huge success throughout the world: talcum powder. A brand that has inspired a hotel amenities line with an herbal tradition. The international breath and elegant design of this line make it a “must” of the “Made In Italy” amenities lines.



Torre of Tuscany 充滿傳奇的義大利香氣 托斯卡尼是義大利一座同時古色古香又兼具摩登 氣息的小島,同時也是個滿溢淡雅香氣的大自然 秘境。經 Torre of Tuscany品牌授權,艾格尼以此概 念完美呈現了托斯塔尼島上最令人傾心神往的神祕 氣息,為一深具特色的高品質沐浴系列,顯現出著 義大利獨有的創意精神。

Torre of Tuscany: the expression of the Italian perfumery traditions. Tuscany is a land of ancient scents, a world of sublime fragrances that mix nature and art. This is the atmosphere that inspires this hotel amenity collection. Its fragrance with crisp and energetic marine notes will embrace the body and let the mind feel free. Torre of Tuscany is dedicated to those capable of appreciating the uniqueness values of this magnificent region.





Con Tatto 300ml 創新,環保,方便。 艾格尼以環境永續的不變理念研發出了創新容器Con Tatto 300ml。歸 功於艾格尼精心的研發與設計,此一全新系列的器瓶身減少了39%的 塑膠用量,更加落實了Go green環保概念。 全新沐浴器有以下特點: - 組裝容易,使用膠水與螺絲即可固定 - 防盜卡榫 - 瓶身兩側顯示沐浴液剩餘體積,便於查看用量 - 密封蓋

CON-TATTO®: the innovative dispenser, handy and eco-friendly. This unique dispenser is entirely designed and produced by Allegrini Amenites with a single objective: environmental sustainability. Thanks to its creative and functional design it requires 39% less plastic compared to our previous dispensers. - Easy to assemble and versatile, since it can be secured using screws or glue; - Anti-burglar lock; - Controlled dosage and bands on both sides to check the level; - Sealed cap; - Easy and quick to clean.

- 卸載方便


Dispenser 500 ml


Dispenser 500 ml 艾格尼全效髮膚清潔露500ml經典款,此系列每款香味及配方皆經過研發團 隊精心設計,獨一無二的全系列產品亦富含多種萃取及活性成分。 此系列共有13種迷人香氣: - 地中海橄欖

- Natural Lab

- 辛香

- B'fair

- 海洋Olygos

- Argan Source

- 綠能銀杏

- Acqua di Colonia

- 大茴香

- Cocci Nella

- 香橙

- Silk Concept

- B Natural

- 蘆薈全效保濕潤膚乳

The dispensers complete the range of products made by Allegrini Amenities. Each one features a unique and exclusive solution, in terms of fragrance as well as of formulations (enriched with extracts and active ingredients). -

Italian aromas of Arancia di Sorrento and Oliva del Mediterraneo; Exotic fragrances of Thai Spices; The spirit of Olygos; The stimulating and refreshing formulation of Energy; The sweet aroma of Anis; The Aloe Vera extract.





Olfactory emotions

Anuhea 室內擴香共有8款香氛,傳達不同新感受: - 香草馬鞭草,甜美馨香 - 地中海無花果,擁抱春天 - 白茶,清新放鬆 - 琥珀,溫暖神秘 - 地中海柑橘,果香芬芳 - 春日,優雅綻放 - Argan,摩洛哥香氣

Olfactory emotions to make your guest rooms unique. Eight fragrances that convey different feelings. -

Vanilla and Vervain, surprisingly sweet; Fico del Mediterraneo, embrancing and springy; White Tea, fresh and relaxing; Ambra, warm and mysterious; Mediterraneo, crisp and citrusy. Izumi (springtime) Argan Zàgara

- 夏綠,熱情,洋溢 高雅的香味,提供您獨特、難以忘懷的氛圍。

Elegant scents that provide the guest rooms with a unique, unforgettable atmosphere. 71

香氛噴霧500ml 香氛噴霧系列散發的淡雅香氣,帶給嗅覺最溫柔卻深刻的感受,打造 最清新舒暢的氛圍,為SPA、水療、沐浴及居家時的最佳選擇。香氛噴 露質地輕柔,即便噴灑在布料上也不會留下痕跡。 香氛噴霧帶來的全新感官體驗將讓你難忘,本產品七款香氣: - 馬鞭草 - 純淨寶貝 - 綠茶銀杏 - 清甜杏桃 - 舒身白葡萄 - 海洋Olygos - 香橙肉桂 - Argan Source

Rediscover the fragrances of the Wellness&Spa lines in a series of elegant and delicate fragrances, ideal for guest rooms and linen. Scented waters are light and gentle to provide an instant and pleasant feeling of freshness, to create a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere. The texture of these scented waters is so light that it can be sprayed on all sort of fabrics, without leaving marks or stains. Scented waters are available in seven distinctive fragrances: -

Vaniglia & Verbena; Acqua di Talco®; Energy; Apricot; Wine Therapy; Olygos; Orange & Cinnamon.



各類配件豐富您的飯店備品組合 縫紉包、紙巾、清潔包…,應有盡有的配件,滿足房客的所有需求。 - 清潔包

- 紙巾

- 擦鞋海綿

- 浴帽

- 刮鬍組

- 潔牙包

- 縫紉包

Bianco /White


An assortment of accessories to enrich all amenities lines Sewing kit, soft tissues, vanity set... You can find this and much more in our range of accessories, conceived to meet all needs for handiness and convenience. -

vanity set; shower cap; sewing kit; tissues;

- shaving kit; - shoe shine sponge; - dental kit.








全新推出的Comfort Box,簡約及質感外觀帶給你全新感受。您可隨心 所欲選擇外包裝及內容物,打造屬於自己的 Comfort Box。 - 純白:迷人簡約 - 米色:經典優雅 - 銀色:高貴尊榮 - 木紋:高雅殖民地風格

Bianco /White 78

CREATE YOUR COMFORT BOX ! A new practical comfort box that will leave an impression of elegance and sophistication. Choose the package color you prefer and then select the products you want to put inside to create the perfect solution for your guest’s needs. - White: simple and seductive; - Cream: elegant and classic; - Silver: precious and refined; - Kraft: in a refined colonial style.





Travel kit

Travel Kits 旅行組 艾格尼旗下 One for you旅行組(含男性及女性兩款), 全然符合歐盟航空之液態運輸安全規則,讓您旅 遊時機場安檢不受限,暢行無阻。 艾格尼提供旅行組的客製化服務,您完全可以自 由選擇旅行組的標誌及內容物。

Travel Kit: travelling in compliance with airport safety rules in the European Union. In conformity to size restrictions for liquids and gels in hand baggage at international airports, the One for You® Travel Kit (available in man or woman version) by Allegrini Amenities will allow you to go through the safety checks without any problems. Moreover, the Travel Kits can be fully customized, in terms of both logo and items contained in them.



Hospital kit

Hospital Kits 醫院病房沐浴組 為呵護病人,艾格尼提供多項適合病人於醫院養 護期間使用的產品。 在義大利,已有多間大型醫院選用艾格尼的醫院 病房組。醫院病房組提供旅行組的客製化服務, 您完全可以自由病房組的標誌及內容物。每項 內容物均放置於密封的塑膠包裝袋中,確保使 用衛生。

Hospital Kit: amenities line at the patient’s service. In respect of the hospital patient’s care, the Hospital Kit contains a range of products useful during hospital stay. Already used at some of the major hospitals in Italy (the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome and the Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII in Bergamo), the Hospital Kits made by Allegrini Amenities can be customized in terms of logo and items contained in them. Each one hygienically protected since it is placed inside individual and sealed plastic bags.



…and now, relax.

Vicolo Salvo d’Acquisto, 2 24050 Grassobbio (BG) / Tel.: +39.035.4242111 / Fax: +39.035.526588 亞洲區總代理︰方達喜實業股份有限公司 地址︰台北市信義區嘉興街315號 電話︰(02)2378-1000 傳真︰(02)2378-0002

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