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Huambo Semana Santa


Huambo proviene de la palabra “wampu” que significa nave, pertenece a la cultura Cabana, con características propias, habiéndose formado por la unión de dos ayllus: Jayaquima y Huapullja, luego Ccollana, Pumarca y Coperaime.

Huambo comes from the word "Wampu" meaning ship, belonging to the culture Cabana, with its own characteristics, having been formed by joining two ayllus: Jayaquima and Huapullja, then Ccollana, Pumarca and Coperaime.

Este distrito está ubicada entre los 15°45´ de latitud sur y los 72°07´ de longitud oeste; pertenece a la provincia de Caylloma, región de Arequipa (Perú), cuenta con todos los servicios que uno pueda requerir.

This district is located at the latitude of 15° 45' south and a longitude of 72° 07' west, and belongs to the province of Caylloma, in the Arequipa region of Peru. And it is equipped with all the services one may require. To the welcoming and humble people of Huambo go our thanks.

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