Edenvale may 2018 newsletter

Page 21

EPC Newsletter

MAY 2018

EASY PEEZI TUTORIAL In this short Tutorial I want to show you how I put this composite on the left together using the 4 images on the right.



2)Remove the background from the sepia toned image. Using any method you prefer. I used a layer mask

3)After removing the background go to>image>canvas size> and made the canvas double as high Then ip the tree image over and 1) Start with the image of the winter tree, ď€ rstly convert place it at the bottom half of the canvas. Now you can open the it to black and white, increase the contrast and then summer tree and place it exactly above the winter tree, make sure convert it to a nice warm sepia. the two trees are the same width. Image>adjustments>Hue /Saturation..click colorize on 4) With your eraser tool set to a soft brush you can now rub out the sky around the summer tree. Do not worry too much about going in between the branches and the leaves, just clean up around the tree. Bring the cloud picture into the layer stack making sure it is below the summer tree. Go to image>adjust>vibrance...set the vibrance as well as the saturation to create a richer colour


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