Traditional Polish food

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Traditional Polish food By Rick, Morty and Summer

Pierogi (dumplings) Indengrients ● ● ● ● ●

500 g of flour 1 tea spoon of oil 1 tea spoon of salt 280 ml of heat water

The dough should be adjusted to the stuffing. dumplings may have various shapes, for example cone, purse, triangle, half -circle. It’s dish that can be found in many kitchens around the world.

Red borsch Components: ● 2 liters of meat or vegetable broth ● 500g beetroot ● 2 garlic cloves ● 1 tablespoon of vinegar ● 3 pieces of dried mushrooms ● marjoram ● 7 grains of black pepper

It is popular soup in the

countries of Central and

Eastern Europe. Initially, borscht was called a soup

prepared from pickled borscht leaves.

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3 tablespoons of vegetable oil 900 g pork shoulder 250 g smoked sausage 150 g smoked bacon 2 onions 1.5 kg of sauerkraut 20 g of dried mushrooms 100 g dried plums 250 ml dry red wine 0.5 l of water 12 juniper seeds 6 bay leaves 8 grains of allspice 2 tablespoons dried marjoram 2 apples 100 g tomato puree

Bigos Bigos is traditional polish food made with meat and sour cabbage. We put these two indengrients together and cook them long time. Effect is fenomenal.

Żurek ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

1 liter vegetable broth 500 ml rye sourdough for sour rye soup Galeo white sour soup and borscht 100 g regular dried sausage 200 g raw or steamed white sausage 200 g raw smoked bacon 3 tablespoons 30% cream

Żurek is soup prepared on the basis of sourdough

bread made of rye flour

with a characteristic sour taste.

♥Thanks for watching♥

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