Greater Copenhagen Life Science sept/oct 2016

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The bridge between Sweden and Denmark re-united the two regions, Skåne and Copenhagen and became the landmark of how the Medicon Valley spreads out, geographically. THEME:


— CRO’S:




27-29 September - CPH LabMed 2016

CONTENTS September/October 2016 Publisher:





Attracting foreign investments

Making the most of being neighbours



Medicon valley


Pharma – the greatest value creators






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Karin Jensen Charlotte Strøm Arne G. Nielsen and Mohammed Wachah.

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Three outstanding figures Last year, we asked whether intelligence is contagious. When we look at the results of the companies living and working in Scion DTU, there are clear indications that this is indeed the case. The companies boast average growth rates of 148 per cent, they took out a total of 110 patents, and 99 per cent of the companies recommend Scion DTU. The good news is that we have vacant office space, if you also want to become infected here in 2016.


BRIDGE THE NATIONAL LIFE SCIENCE STRATEGIES By Søren Bregenholt, chair of Medicon Valley Alliance, CVP of Novo Nordisk R&D


n neighboring Sweden, the responsibility for the national

integrated labor market (and the transport infrastructure to

life science strategy has been placed in the hands of the

support it) and the regional framework conditions for R&D

highly experienced, Anders Lönnberg, who has been named

collaboration and innovation, funding and public-private part-

the Swedish government´s national coordinator for life science.

nerships must be addressed, coordinated and aligned, when

In Denmark, the govern-

national politicians design

ment has recently decided

both the Swedish and

to set up a life science

the Danish national life

growth team headed

science strategy.

by Lundbeck CEO, Kåre

We have plenty of regional

Schultz. The team, which

strongholds and building

consist top academia and

blocks for two coherent

C-level executives from

national life science

the top Danish pharma,

strategies. Diabetes, CNS,

biotech and Medtech-com-

dermatology, infertility

panies, has been given the

treatment, structural biol-

task to provide the politi-

ogy and e-health are just

cal decision-makers with

a few specific examples of

recommendations that can

current strongholds. In

help boost R&D, growth

addition, a medico compa-

and the export of phar-

ny such as Coloplast has

maceuticals and medico

a global presence within

products. The focus on life

ostomy care, urology and

science is no coincidence.

continence care, and Dan-

Current export earnings

ish and Swedish biotech

are about 90 billion DDK

are also on the rise with a

and the industry employs

still untapped potential.

around 36.000 people in

In Skåne, the recently

Denmark. Consequently,

opened MAX IV Laborato-

life science is second-to-

ry and the construction of

none when it comes to the

The European Spallation

overall importance for the

Source initiated in 2014

national economy. That

will provide the Medicon

is also why we need to get

Valley region with world

it right and need to make

leading research facil-

sure that the policy rec-

ities with an enormous

ommendations accurately

potential for the regional,

identify the right needs

national and global life

and point to the right

science industry.


Done right, Medicon Valley and the above-mentioned building

Although this is a Danish national strategy the potential in

blocks can contribute significantly to bridging the Danish and

the rather unique Danish-Swedish bi-national life science

Swedish national life science strategies and ensure that both of

cluster, Medicon Valley should be top of mind in this process.

them will be greater than the sum of their parts.

Important aspects such as talent attraction and retention, an


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SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS The bridge between Sweden and Denmark re-united the two regions, Skåne and Copenhagen and became the landmark of how the Medicon Valley spreads out, geographically. The business environment of Greater Copenhagen, defined by the

with the main purpose of supporting life science. This series

capital of Denmark, the capital region, and Skåne, the southern

of articles put focus on support structure organisations in life

part of Sweden is enriched by a dense population of life science

science, their missions, ways of working, and current activities in

companies, holding the key to jobs, science, development, export,

their efforts to promote the life science industry in the area of

and growth. Behind the scene a range of organisations operate

Greater Copenhagen

Photo: News Øresund - Johan Wessman


ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS Invest in Denmark has a clear mission, to attract foreign companies to Danish soil. As an important European life science cluster, Greater Copenhagen plays an important role in these endeavours. By Charlotte Strøm, MD PhD Journalist


ine Hartmann Nielsen

who work to identify compa-

clear opportunities for doing

and her team of life

nies for whom Denmark would

business in Denmark – draw-

science specialists at Invest in

be an optimal place for invest-

ing upon a large network of

Denmark, part of the Minis-

ments arguing competitive-

potential partners to further

try of Foreign Affairs, have

ness within a range of areas,

facilitate an investment”

“There is heavy competition

a proactive approach and

and typically access to highly

Other countries must have

between all countries to attract

outreach in their efforts of

educated workforce and tech-

thought of this as well?

foreign investments. Still, within

attracting foreign companies

nology,” Tine Hartmann Niel-

to place investments and jobs

sen explains and continues,

“In North America we have investment managers placed in Silicon Valley, New York, and in Toronto ... "

“Clearly, there is heavy competition between all countries to attract foreign investments. Still, within

life science, Denmark has traditionally been doing well,” Tine Hartmann Nielsen, Team Leader Life Science & Food, Invest in Denmark.

life science, Denmark has traditionally been doing well, because we have a lot to offer foreign companies, e.g. world-

neous population

in Denmark. The organisation

“In North America we have

class research, highly qualified

and individual

has dedicated teams to work

investment managers placed

staff, a long tradition for

patients are easily

within cleantech, IT, mari-

in Silicon Valley, New York,

private-public partnerships,

traced, reducing

time, design, food, and life

and in Toronto proactively

and generally favourable

the low lost-to-


identifying, reaching out, and

framework conditions for do-

follow-up rate. Fur-

“Invest in Denmark has

making contact with specific

ing business,” Tine Hartmann

thermore, Danes are

specialized staff across the

companies. They participate

Nielsen says.

open to participating in

globe with corporate back-

in conferences and a range of

The services provided by

clinical trials,” she says,

ground and industry insight,

events where they present the

Invest in Denmark to foreign


companies are free of charge.

“In this area, we offer our

The success is being assessed

expertise and insight into the

by interviews of the com-

Danish framework conditions

panies by an independent

and network of our Danish


partners. We have arranged

About Invest in Denmark •

• • •

Is a customized one-stop service for foreign companies

One of the areas that have

several round-table dis-

looking to set up a business and research activities in

drawn attention is within

cussions around the world


medical research and clinical

with experts from Clincal

trials, where Denmark has

Trials Office Denmark and

a lot to offer with a unique

NEXT (National Experimen-

social security number sys-

tal Therapy Partnership) in

The services are free of charge and provided in full

tem, long-standing tradition

order to facilitate attempts to


for patient and population

attract more clinical trials to

registration, and access to


Is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.

comprehensive biobank. “Denmark has a homoge-


G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


WORLD FORUM FOR MEDICINE Hvert år i november er MEDICA en enestående begivenhed for eksperter fra hele verden. Dette verdensforum indenfor medicinbranchen præsenterer en bred vifte af produkter fra flere end 5.000 udstillere. Deltag på MEDICA og gør brug af alle fordele og benyt Dem af det specielle udbud for netop Deres ekspertområde.



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NEIGHBOURS Invest in Skåne and Copenhagen Capacity are regional business promotion organisations for the southernmost part of Sweden and Greater Copenhagen, respectively. Both parties work to attract business and investments to the region and join forces to promote the life science industry By Charlotte Strøm, MD PhD Journalist


n 2000 the bridge between

sees the benefits of collabo-

often international big phar-

Sweden and Denmark

rating across the border and

ma licensing drug candidates

opened and the ‘re-union’

he includes Skåne, the region

or technologies from smaller

"It’s a big world and we need to use all

of the two regions, Skåne

of Zealand, and the capital

Swedish biotech companies,”

the channels and means available to

and Copenhagen became the

region in a wider definition of

she says.

promote our strongholds and reach out

landmark of how the cluster

Greater Copenhagen.

spreads out geographically in

Ulrika Ringdahl explains

Copenhagen Capacity have similar items on their

to the foreign companies and potential investors,” Claus Lønborg, CEO at Copenhagen Capacity.


on the three major action

agenda in addition to attract-

“We strive to attract invest-

points that Invest in Skåne is

ing talent.

ments to Skåne, and in that

working with life science:

“Access to the right talent

ish or Swedish talent pools are

context the vicinity to the

“We work to attract invest-

pools is becoming increasing-

running dry. We plan and exe-

Danish capital is a substan-

ments, e.g. venture capital.

ly important for new investors

cute international campaigns

tial advantage,” says Ulrika

Furthermore, we help foreign

and existing companies in our

targeted at specific employee

Ringdahl, Head of Materials

companies in establishing

region. Hence, we have made

groups and deliver the candi-

and Life Sciences at Invest in

themselves in Skåne and in

it our priority to support com-


collaborations with Swedish

panies in Greater Copenha-

companies located in the

gen to attract international

region. Within life science it is

talent in areas where Dan-

Likewise, Claus Lønborg, CEO at Copenhagen Capacity

About Invest in Skåne •

Is a regional business promotion agency for investments and business promotion in materials science, ICT, cleantech, and life science.

Work to connect international companies with business opportunities in Southern Sweden

and help Swedish companies in the regions to internationalise their business.



“Access to the right talent pools is becoming increasingly important for new investors and existing companies in our region..."

About Copenhagen Capacity •

Is the official organisation for investment promotion and economic development in Greater Copenhagen.

date profiles to the companies

when it comes to investments.

so they can continue to grow

“We have had a steady

their businesses here,” Claus

increase in the number of

Lønborg says.

investments in Skåne during

opportunities in Greater Copenhagen – from initial

the past years, generated

considerations to final establishment.

Both organisations work

Supports foreign companies, investors, and talent in identifying, releasing and capitalising on business

closely with their national

by co-operation, regionally,

counterparts Business Sweden

across our borders and helping

and Invest in Denmark, re-

our companies find the right


international business op-

“It’s a big world and we need

portunities,” Ulrika Ringdahl

to use all the channels and


At the Nordic Life Science

means available to promote

“We are working on attracting

Days in Stockholm 2016 the

major life science conferences

our strongholds and reach out

A strong cluster

two organisations promote

and fairs, e.g. BioEurope, in

to the foreign companies and

Invest in Skåne and Copen-

the region in a joint booth.

order to underline the signif-

potential investors,” Claus

hagen Capacity are working

The conference will take place

icance of this cluster and the

Lønborg says.

closely together on promoting

in Malmö in September 2017

region,” Ulrike Ringdahl ends.

Medicon Valley as a significant

– attracted by the regional

life science cluster.

actors. And more may come:

In Sweden the regional approach appears to be a success

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MEDICON VALLEY ONE CLUSTER, TWO COUNTRIES, AND AN ENRICHED NETWORK OF OPPORTUNITIES Building bridges and exchanging experiences is the fundament of what Medicon Valley Alliance is about. By Charlotte Strøm, MD PhD Journalist


edicon Valley Alliance

life science cluster in the

Secondly, we work to promote

cluster in Scandinavia with

(MVA) is a non-profit

region covering Skåne and

the collaborations that are

up-to-date facts and figures.”

network organisation

Greater Copenhagen. CEO at

initiated. Thirdly, we gather

he says.

consisting of 240 members

MVA Petter Hartman explains

information and present

from life science, covering

how MVA works:

evidence on how life science

network meetings throughout

pharma, biotech, medtech,

“Firstly, our strategy

is developing in the region,

the year. These may focus

CROs, and academia. The

involves the creation of a

and we perform analyses

on specific therapeutic areas

organisation strongly believes

networking platform. Why

that makes us able to provide

in order to meet the needs

that one plus one makes more

do we do that? Because when

decision makers and opinion

for networking and sparring

than two when it comes to

people meet, ideas spark and

leaders supporting the idea

within highly specialized

building a vital and important

collaborations are initiated.

of a world class life science

disease areas, e.g. Medicon


MVA hosts a series of

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016

About Medicon Valley Alliance •

Was founded in 1997

Has 240 members counting pharma, biotech, medtech, CROs and CMOs, universities, public institutions, support structure organizations, business service providers, and investors

Søren Bregenholt, Chairman of the

“This initiative is a great example of a fruitful cross-border

MVA Board and Corporate Vice President, and Head of External Innovation

collaboration between Sweden and Denmark..."

and Stakeholder Relations, Novo Nordisk A/S and Petter Hartman, CEO at MVA at the annual meeting of the

a regional ‘market place’

Lund and Copenhagen

for instance be improved

network organisation. Photo: News

for the exchange of ideas,

universities, university

utilization of e.g. laboratory

knowledge and services. As

hospitals, and Ferring

equipment and access to

the only representative of the


biobanks - what is readily

Valley Alliance Oncology

whole region’s life science

“This initiative is a great

available on one side of

Network. Another category

community, we are in a unique

example of a fruitful cross-

Øresund scientists may benefit

of MVA events are based

position to explore and help

border collaboration between

from on the other side as well,”

on the member sponsored

our members realize these

Sweden and Denmark. During

Petter Hartman says and ends,

event platform, which allows

synergies. This is our reason-

a three-year period, more

“MVA is different in this

companies to share knowledge


than 20 research projects

respect – because we define

Øresund - Johan Wessman.

and demonstrate competencies

will be initiated, as well as

ourselves across the border

relevant to other members, e.g.

border collaborations

MVA – facilitating cross-

educational activities and

and work to fulfil a Danish/

“Good Morning Meetings” or

An example of the

research seminars for the

Swedish mission.”

“Boost Seminars.”

coordinating role of MVA

next generation of scientists.

Synergy is a key word for MVA,

is an EU-funded research

Our ambition is also to open

Petter Hartman explains:

collaboration in reproductive

up a discussion on how to

“To sum it up, we use our

medicine between 14 different

use our common resources

events and activities to create

stakeholders, among them

more effectively. It could

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016



PHARMA – THE GREATEST VALUE CREATORS The numbers spell out the significance of the pharmaceutical industry, in terms of export and jobs. By Charlotte Strøm, MD PhD Journalist


n 2015 export of medicinal

numbers go beyond this point,

to society in terms of research

products was DKK 85.7 bil-

because the pharmaceutical

activities, building produc-

lion; representing 13.5% of the

industry generates yet more

tion facilities, creating jobs,

total Danish export.

jobs, among life science ser-

and driving growth in export.

“While other industries have

vice providers, CROs, CMOs,

Clearly, the conditions must

declining and stagnating ex-

etc.,” Ida Sofie Jensen says.

support the future develop-

port numbers, the pharmaceu-

In total 90.000 jobs originate

ment,” she says. She calls to

tical industry has had a dou-

directly or indirectly from the

politicians and decision mak-

bling in export since 2009,”

pharmaceutical industry.

ers to develop a strategy for

says Ida Sofie Jensen, CEO at

life science in order to fertilize

Ida Sofie Jensen, CEO at The Danish

The Danish Association of the

The fundament is research

the soil for growing research

Pharmaceutical Industry (Lif).

“We represent 34 members,

environments and scientific

Danish and international

clusters.“Cost savings on

“... this is the

innovative pharmaceutical

education and research is

only place that

companies that continuously

downright devastating for life

develop medicinal products

science at this point in time.

is no longer living from agri-


through intense research

We need more talent and more

cultural export; we are in fact

activities and private-public

people with higher educations

a life science country. This

creates more jobs,”

collaborations. This industry

in order for this industry to

re-definition of ourselves im-

is the largest private stake-

grow further,” Ida Sofie Jensen

plies the need for re-thinking

holder within research, repre-

says and ends,“It is time for us

the whole value chain starting

to face the fact that Denmark

with the educational system.”

This is just a part of the

senting a market value of DKK

successful story about the

10.8 billion,” Ida Sofie Jensen

pharmaceutical industry in

says. She stresses that the re-

Denmark. In the value chain,

search bears significance not

creation of jobs in pharma and

only to society in general but

supporting industries is also

also at the level of the patient,

continuously growing.

ensuring improved and more

“When comparing pharma to a

effective treatments, potential

range of other industries, this

cures, and improved benefit/

is the only place that contin-

risk profiles of the medicine.

strategy in Denmark.

Lif works to ensure that the pharmaceutical industry has the best possible conditions to research, develop, market, distribute, and provide information on medic-

The numbers are rather con-

Call for a life science strategy

vincing. Data state that 26.500

Having highlighted the ex-

are employed in the pharma-

traordinary results of the in-

ceutical industry, resembling

dustry, Ida Sofie Jensen finds it

2.5% of the employed work-

relevant to underline the need

force in Denmark.

for a dialogue on the industry

“33% of these have higher

conditions. “This industry

education, and moreover these

makes long-term commitment


Industry (Lif ) calls for a life science


uously creates more jobs,” Ida Sofie Jensen continues.

Association of the Pharmaceutical

inal products

Lif has 34 members

The member companies are behind the majority of the industrial medical research carried out in Denmark

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


Pharmaceutical industry is the only industry that creates jobs. THAT CREATES JOBS PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IS THE ONLY INDUSTRY - Development in employment in Danish industries 1990-2013 (Index, 1990 = 100 )

Development in employment in Danish industries 1990-2013 (Index, 1990 = 100) 200

CF Pharmaceuticals CB Textiles and leather products CC Wood and paper products and printing CD Oil refinery etc.


CE Manufacture of chemicals


CA Manufacture of food products, beverages and tobacco CG Manufacture of plastic, glass and concrete CH Basic metals and fabricated metal products CI Manufacture of electronic components CJ Electrical equipment


CK Manufacture of machinery

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


CL Transport equipment

Source: Statistics Denmark The pharmaceutical industry in Denmark continues to create more jobs compared to other industries. Source Statistics Denmark.


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PROMOTING ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH FACILITIES AND NETWORK It takes more than four walls and a computer to create scientific results leading to innovative life science solutions. Scion DTU, two science and technology parks in Greater Copenhagen, provides the ideal set-up for innovative small and midsize life science companies. By Charlotte Strøm, MD PhD Journalist At the two Scion DTU science

“Furthermore, while you are

on Nasdaq Stockholm First

and technology parks in

busy running your company,

North, is a tenant at Scion

Lyngby and Hørsholm

we provide the back up and

DTU Hørsholm. The company

We offer much more than square me-

respectively, biotech, pharma,

experts to guide you along the

provides a proprietary

tres. We take on part of the investment

medtech, start-ups, and life

way at favourable terms.”

technology that is useful

and the risk of starting a company,” CEO

science service partners have

for high yield recombinant

at Scion DTU, Steen Donner says,

the benefits of easy access

Network of great minds

protein production. Steen

to cutting edge laboratories,

The readily established

Klysner, CEO at ExpreS2ion

rapidly, and therefore the

prototype workshops,

network appears to be yet

Biotechnologies seconds that

flexibility that Scion DTU

professional guidance and

another attractive feature of

the flexible facilities and

offers is a great advantage

advice, shared reception, a

the science and technology

the network are attractive

for us. Furthermore, we have

conference center, a canteen

park. And the location of the

features of Scion DTU:

patent agencies, technical

– and moreover, an extensive

facility in Lyngby – next door

“We currently count twelve

experts, investors, and other

professional network.

to the Technical University

employees. This may change

stakeholders next door so to

“We offer much more than

of Denmark (DTU) is no

square metres. We take on


part of the investment and the

“60% of the companies

risk of starting a company by

located at Scion DTU

enabling shared and highly

collaborate with experts at

flexible facilities, when it

the universities, e.g. DTU, and

comes to office space and

other local or international

costly laboratory facilities,”

universities. Moreover, 60%

CEO at Scion DTU, Steen

of the companies establish

Donner says, carrying on,

collaborations with other companies located here,”

Entrepreneurship is facilitated in

Steen Donner says.

science and technology parks like

ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies,

Copenhagen Bio Science Park (COBIS).

a spin off from the biotech company, Affitech and

About Scion DTU •

Has 200.000 m2 offices and laboratories in Lyngby and Hørsholm, north of Copenhagen

230 companies are located here, 120 life science – and life science service companies

More than 220 new jobs are generated and 110 new patents are generated annually

recently (July 2016) registered

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


About COBIS •

Has 12.000 m2 and laboratories in Copenhagen

80 early stage life science companies are located here

“This is an innovative environment with

He points to how COBIS

an inborn capacity to enable network with peers. ..."

enables the connection between science produced at the university and the

speak,” he says, referring to

previously been through this

(3-5 employees). They tend

commercial business world.

the range of CROs and life

process to share and learn

to have the initial proof of

One third of business

science service companies

from their knowledge and

principle confirmed and are

ideas, technologies, and

located within walking

experiences,” he explains.

getting ready to move into

proprietary concepts that

the next development phase

are being established at

Scion DTU Hørsholm.

COBIS – an incubator

and need investments to take

COBIS are spin-offs from the

“This is an innovative

Copenhagen Bio Science

their technologies to the next

regional universities. The

environment with an inborn

Park (COBIS) is located in

level,” says Morten Mølgaard

remainder originate from the

capacity to enable network

the city centre close to the

Jensen, CEO at COBIS, and he

pharmaceutical and biotech

with peers. We exchange

major university hospitals


industry. The collection of

experiences on a range of

and universities. The 12.000

“These very early start-

young start-ups is like a honey

challenges in this business

m2 modern building houses

ups often need sparring

jar to venture capital and

area with other companies

start-ups, mid-size companies

and guidance on how to


at Scion DTU,” Steen Klysner

and tech trans spin offs within

take the leap from being an

distance at the premises in

“At COBIS we have

says and gives a recent

life science. Like Scion DTU

entrepreneur to a successful

80 different companies.

example from this summer’s

the facility at COBIS has office

high growth company. At

This is a critical mass that

public registration at Nasdaq

space, some laboratories,

COBIS we act as an incubator

attracts national investors

Stockholm First North:

shared reception etc. So what

for these companies in their

e.g. Sunstone, SEED Capital

“Going for a public

is the difference?

early beginning and foster an

and Novo, and international

registration is a major

“Typically, the companies

environment where mentors

investors,” Morten Mølgaard

challenge, and we looked

at COBIS are young (one to

provide sparring, formally and

Jensen explains.

to our neighbours who had

five years) and still small



G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


“At COBIS we have 80 different companies.

the Danish Tech Challenge

This is a critical mass that attracts national investors"

8.7 million after thorough

the company raised DKK guidance given in the

Accelerator programme

wins DKK 500.000,” Steen

the competition and the

accelerator programme.

Scion DTU collaborates

Donner at Scion DTU says and

process the company went

Was it worth it even without

with The Danish Industry


through when entering:

winning the first prize?

Foundation on an accelerator

“Being selected for the

“We started out just needing

“By all means – yes!

programme for early stage

competition, I believe is by

funding, but along the way we

Clearly, the first price

technologies and potential

itself a pad on the shoulder

improved our understanding

and half a million was an

start-ups within hardware, the

to the entrepreneurs. Even if

of the market place and

acknowledgement and a start

Danish Tech Challenge.

there is only one winner, it is a

learned how to meet our

for us, financially. But we

“We run this competition

learning and highly beneficial

customers. It has been a

also had four months of free

once a year. Twenty ideas are

process to go through in any

learning process for us,

housing at Scion DTU with

selected, five to six make it


where we have improved our

like-minded entrepreneurs

proprietary position, have had

and access to prototype

Tech Challenge 2015 on a

lots of useful feedback and

facilities at the premises,”

technology that allows doctors

sparring, learned how to pitch

Martin Stenfeldt explains.

in their beginning after initial proof of

to use the gold standard tracer

our idea, and much more.”

“MedTrace is an illustrative

principle confirmed and getting ready

for blood flow exams which is

MedTrace is located in Scion

example of what the right

to move into the next development

useful in diagnostic imaging

DTU Lyngby and has six

environment can do for

phase and in need of investments to

e.g. in cardiology, oncology,

employees, enjoying the


and neurology.

benefits of being close to

Steen Donner ends.

Co-founder and entrepreneur,

all the experts they need to

Martin Stenfeldt says about

take advice from. During

to the final and the best idea

”Cobis is as an incubator for companies

take their technologies to the next level,” says Morten Mølgaard Jensen, CEO at COBIS

MedTrace won the Danish



Gratis gå-hjem møder 2016 Bliv klogere på:  Ultra-rent vand i produktionen  Raman spektroskopi til kemisk analyse  Udfordringer med nanopartikler

... og meget andet Læs mere og tilmeld dig på

DFM er Danmarks Nationale Metrologiinstitut og besidder den højeste målekompetence i Danmark inden for en række centrale målestørrelser. DFM er et godkendt teknologisk serviceinstitut, som yder service til laboratorier og industri samt til myndigheder inden for områder, som har tilknytning til metrologi og akkreditering.

Copenhagen 27th - 29th September 2016

CPH LabMed

Scandinavian trade fair for laboratory technology

WELCOME TO CPH LABMED It is expected that a huge part of the life science industry will be gathered at the Scandinavian trade fair CPH LabMed the 27th -29th in Copenhagen. It is expected to reach the same level of visitors, or more, as last time (2014). This year the CPH LabMed exhibition is to be held September the 27th – 29th, once again at the Locomotive Venue in Copenhagen, which is known for its charming and rustic look. This year the number of exhibitors has exceeded the first time the trade fair was held two years ago, and it is expected that the number of visitors will follow that development. Noticeable is, that there are a huge rise in Scandinavian exhibitors this year. The full program is advertised a few weeks before the start of the fair. See highlighted activities below.

Opening hours: Tuesday 27th of September: 9.00-16.00

Wednesday 28th of September: 9.00-16.00

Thursday 29th of September: 9.00-16.00

DEKS Usermeeting 2016

LSB's 10th congress

Danish Institute for External

Laboratory Medical Society

Quality Assurance of Laboratories

for Bioanalysts executes their

in the health sector will hold their

10th congress in parallel with CPH

Usermeeting in parallel with CPH

LabMed 2016.

LabMed 2016. Wednesday September 28 The meeting contains plenum- and

Thursday September 29

parallel sessions, as well as workshops and poster exhibition.

Registration is required.

Wednesday September 28 Thursday September 29 Registration is required.


G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016

Copenhagen 27th - 29th September 2016

CPH LabMed

Scandinavian trade fair for laboratory technology

16th Nordic Mass Spectrometry Conference

DiaLabs’ Purchasers Day

Exhibitors FREE Lab Theater

Danish Diagnostics & Laboratory The Danish Society for Mass

Association (Dialab) will hold a

The exhibitors will execute smaller

Spectrometry is this year host for

meeting for purchasers from both

seminars from the open stages.

the Nordic conference for Mass

the public and private sectors.

Spectrometry, and the conference will be hold in parallel with the

Tuesday September 27 Tuesday September 27

Wednesday September 28

CPH LabMed fair.

Thursday September 29

Tuesday September 27

Registration is not required.

Wednesday September 28 Thursday September 29 Registration is required.

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


Copenhagen 27th - 29th September 2016

CPH LabMed

Scandinavian trade fair for laboratory technology

Port 1

Dør 2

LSB´s 10. Årskongres




Exhibitors FREE Lab Theater


Dialab DK Erhverv 102

Temp Team 101

Sartorius 103

Aage Christensen 100

Production Office


HK 72

Ramcon 076

You Do Bio 073

Buch & Holm 077

Sanovo Bio

Techmed 070

ICU 079 Silka Footwear 078

Almeco 001


Abott Informatics 002

Buch & Holm 014

Labora 004

Apodan 005

Chemometec 080 Procurator 081

Imtex 083

Diasorin 085

Roche 082

Charles Sterno LAT RIver meter 088 084 085

Holm & Halby 015

Dandiag MD 019 Scientific 020

Axlab 025

Holm & Halby 016

Kruger Aquacare 018

Labflex 024

MettlerToledo 008

Perkin Elmer 010

Kemen-En-Tec 006

Biolab 012

Port 2

Svanholm 021 LabWare Nordic 022

Chymeia 011

Dør 3

Ryge pavillon


Dorte Egelund 087

Ho 08

Ninolab 026

Ninolab 031

Bio Nordika 013

Kemen-En-Tec 007

Dør 1

Sakura Finetek 104

CPH Life S 076

Thermo Fisher Scientific 009

Moment Prof. 003 Bergman

D-S Sikker 112

Anton Paar / Labsupport 017

InVitroEpendorf 030 Carlsson Möller 029

Dauphin 028

Saveen Werner

Metrohm 023

Dør 5

Ryge pavillon

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016

Dør 7

Ryg pavi

Copenhagen 27th - 29th September 2016

CPH LabMed

Scandinavian trade fair for laboratory technology

Dør 8

Dør 4

DEKS Brugermøde

Dør 6 Roche 176

Tieto Sweden 138

LAB Service 140

JRV 121 Merck 122

ounisen 89

Siemens 090

Abbott Biotech 181 154

Lonza 131

Molecular Devices 135

LGC 132

Triolab 134

Sysmex 133

Conference Exhibition Village

Agi- Haemo lent Medtec 143 148

Hyperions 181A

Alere Lov162 mand 167

Siemens 188

IDS Nord. 171

Orion Diag 188

Biotage 147

Møde rum 2

Triolab 144

ICM 091

Sero 174 EMM Life 173 Bruker 172

Phillips BioCell 149

BD 136


Waters 152 Simoco 151 Geno mica 150

Acc. 137

Tecan 125

Thermo Fisher 175

Ortho 093

Møde rum 1

Promega 167

Pheno menex 094

T&O Lab 086

Drifton 092

Hamilton 032

AH Diagnostics 040

Bio-rad 039

MSCI 0 034

ILS TechDanmark tum 041 051

Nordic Biolab 052

Diasystem 050 Software Point 049

Fluidx 053

Strandmøllen 042

Dynamostol 038

SSI 043

Skanlab 037

L.A.B Analytical 044

Nordic Biosite 035

Frisenette 048

Møde rum 3 Pharma Control 062 Waldner 063

Elpro 054

YS DS 059

Berend- Jørgen sen P. 055 057

Histolab 045

Møde rum 4

Bimos Scandinavia 064

Skalar 058

Møde rum 5

L. Thalund 066

Møde rum 6 027

ge illon

Mikro Lab 036

Etisoft 046

Dako 047

Miele 056

Ergotec 067

Dør 9

Dør 11

Ryge pavillon

Ryge pavillon

Port 4

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


Copenhagen 27th - 29th September 2016

CPH LabMed

Scandinavian trade fair for laboratory technology

Berendsen Cleanroom Offer a wide range service solutions for cleanrooms with clothing and accessories for all types of production. GMP compliance and ISO certifications ensure documentation of behavior and quality to our customers.

Founded in 1997 Almeco/DACOS A/S has required an extensive experience and expertise regarding manufacturing and distribution of unique laboratorial products in plastic for the medical and food industry. - Visit us at booth 55 -Visit us at booth 1

Dynamostol design, manufacture, and market high-quality stools which are built around our users’ requirements for functionality, and an active sitting position. We make quality products which take into account both the physical and psychological environment. We pay specific attention to the health of both the individual and the environment. Our philosophy is to ease the strain of the body through natural balance, so even though you are sitting down, you are still active and mobile.

Biolab har i 19 år været ISO 9001 Certificeret og vor pipettekalibreringservice er DANAK akkrediteret. Via uddannelse, træning og lang anciennitet besidder vi en unik viden og kapacitet indenfor instrument integration og analyse automatisering. Under mottoet "Prøv os vi kan mere end de fleste...." repræsenterer Biolab over 20 internationale udstyrs og reagens producenter på det Danske marked.

Visit us at booth 38

Visit us at booth 12

Apodan is the leading supplier of pharmaceutical packaging items in the Nordic. Our main activities are development, production and sale of a wide range of pharmaceutical packaging items.


- Molekylærbiologi

- Flowcytometri

- Next Generation Sequencing


- Laboratorieservice

- Western Blot

- Food & Feed kits

Our products are sold worldwide, and the Nordic countries is the primary market area. - Visit us at booth 5

BioNordika offers unique and innovative products in the areas of Cell- and Molecular Biology, Immunology, Instruments, Customized Products and Projects. We are experts in advanced life science, and can offer you updated knowledge within our field

- Personal customer service - Fast and free delivery - No hidden charges and fees - Professional product guidance - Visit us at booth 13


Our product range includes our own Danish produced MAXXLINE, the distribution of TPP (Tissue culture products), Labcon, Copan and more. - Visit us at booth 35

Med mere end 20 års erfaring indenfor laboratorieudstyr og laboratorieautomatisering kan Laboratory, Automation & Technology A/S(LAT) tilbyde et bredt sortiment af instrumenter og tilbehør, eller skrædersy automatisering til jeres laboratorie. Med egen udviklingsafdeling, serviceafdeling, undervisningsafdeling, salgsafdeling og værksted er vi altid tæt på kunderne og udviklingen indenfor brancen. LAT har yderligere et bredt sortiment af standard laboratorie udstyr, så som, ELISA vasker/læser, PCR-maskiner, pipetteringsrobotter, glasvare, SPE, kolonner, etiketteringsmaskiner, kapsel/låg håndtering oma.

Visit us at booth 88

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016

Copenhagen 27th - 29th September 2016

CPH LabMed

Scandinavian trade fair for laboratory technology is a supplier of High-End Analyzers, Sensors and Equipment for biotech, biofuel, crystallization, stem cells, tissue engineering and tablet manufacturing areas. We distribute products of 25 suppliers in the Nordic countries, and we cover from raw material identification with Raman over solvent drying control with mass spectrometers to fermentation pH, DO, OD and Viable Cell Density sensors.

LabWare has achieved success by meeting commitments and exceeding expectations in LIMS and ELN projects large & small, local & global, routine & complex. LabWare is the clear industry leader in laboratory automation software with LabWare LIMS ™ (Laboratory Information Management System) and LabWare ELN ™ - a fully integrated Electronic Laboratory Notebook application. Results Count! - Visit us at booth 21 - Visit us at booth 22

Biotech-IgG is a Scandinavian distributor of medical diagnostic and life science products with more than 30 years of in-field experience. We offer a large range of immunodiagnostic kits (RIA, ELISA & rapid tests), real-time PCR kits, microbiology products, radiochemicals, immunochemicals (antibodies & proteins) and automatic liquid handling systems.

Vores arbejdsområder er bl.a.: titrering, pH, ledningsevne, HPLC: -IC, - UV og ELCD, polarografi og potentiostater/galvanostater (elektrokemi), At-Line og On-Line analyuseudstyr samt spectroskopi: AAS, TOC og elementar analyser.

Regus Fairway, Arne Jacobsens Allé 7, 5. Floor -2300 KØBENHAVN S - DENMARK Phone: +45 3538 0500 or +46 46 12 37 40. - Visit us at booth 161

Visit us at booth 23

ELPRO Nordic offers monitoring solutions, within following segments: Cold Chain Monitoring Solutions(Transport); Central Monitoring System(Warehouses, Labs); Site Monitoring Systems(Fridges, Freezers); Container Monitoring Systems(Cryo Shippers); Test & Verification; GxP Services (Temp Mapping). ELPRO Nordic is a full affiliate of ELPRO-BUCHS AG Switzerland, an ISO 9001:2008 company with ISO 17025 accreditation for calibrations.

Siemens broad spectrum of asays and analytical systems within the fields of immunoassay, chemistry, hematology, hemostasis, infectious diseases, molecular, urinalysis, and blood gas, in conjunction with automation solutions, informatics and services, can serve the needs of laboratories of any size – today and tomorrow. Visit us at CPH LabMed 2016 and hear more about how we can help you optimize your laboratory production to fit the demanding needs in the future. - Visit us at booth 54 - Visit us at booth 90

Skanlab ApS provides solutions and products to laboratories.- Crushers, Mills, Sieves and Sieves Shakers as well as Sample Dividers from Retsch GmbH (DE).- Equipment for optical size and shape analysis of solids from Retsch Technology GmbH (DE).- Ovens & furnaces from Carbolite-GERO (GB) with a tempature range from 30 to 3000 Cº. - Counseling, service and sales of the world-renowned quality product from the the above mentioned companies in Greenland, Iceland, The Faroe Islands and Denmark.

Sæt nye detaljer på din karriere, og mød andre laboranter, miljøteknologer og professions bachelorer. Dansk Laborant-Forening organiserer laboranter, laboratorieteknikere, miljøassistenter, miljøteknikere og studerende/-praktikanter, der er ansat på private og offentlige kontrol- og produktionslaboratorier, på forskningsinstitutioner og på højere læreanstalter, professionsbachelorer i laboratorieteknologi og laboranter med relevante diplom uddannelser. - Visit us at booth 37

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016



What’s new in laboratory equipment? NEW IN EUROPE!

belled tubes and queue number.

HaemoMedtec in Denmark is developing

The patient receives the bag automat-


an automated patient-system for outpa-

ically, and moves on to the waiting area

TA Instruments is pleased to introduce a


where he waits for his queue number to

new line of Thermogravimetric Analyz-

When arriving, the patient scans his ID

be shown on the screen. The patient gives

ers, the Discovery TGA 5500, TGA 550,

(social security card) and behind the wall

the bag with his tubes to the phlebotomist

and TGA 55. These instruments feature

the BC-ROBO 8000 system prepares tubes

who makes the blood collection as usual.

an all-new system design resulting in

for the patient using the data from the

The first system is already sold to Aalborg

unprecedented performance in sensitivity,

LIS/HIS system.

University Hospital in Denmark.

temperature control, atmosphere control,

Out comes a bag complete with ID, la-

(Source: HaemoMedtec)

and baseline drift. At the core of every new Discovery TGA is the exclusive TA proprietary TruMass™ balance system, which delivers the highest sensitivity and most accurate real time weight data in the industry. A new app-style user interface is standard with each model. Combined with powerful new TRIOS software, automated calibration and verification routines work seamlessly to dramatically improve laboratory workflows and productivity. The Discovery TGA measures sample weight changes under controlled conditions of temperature, time, and atmo-

GloVac ApS


Incuba Science Park, Skejby


Palle Juul-Jensens Voulevard 82


8200 Aarhus N

Phone: +45 2712 0755

sphere. It is used to characterize the thermal stability and composition of a wide range of materials including polymers, elastomers, composites, pharmaceuticals,

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


electronics, and inorganics. It excels in

Everyone who uses onetime latex or


both research environments and produc-

nitrile gloves during a workday knows


tion control processes. (Source: TA Instruments)

just how difficult it is to take the gloves

The boxes containing the cryotubes typ-

on and off. It is time consuming and the

ically measure 133 x 133 millimeter and

gloves often break. As a consequence staff

fit any system anywhere in the world. For


often either wears the gloves all the time

Almeco, the task was to try and develop a

Gilson’s new Microman-E pipette is an

or not at all. Both options increase the

cryotube, which took up less space in the

upgraded version of the classic Microman

risk of getting eczema or allergies on their

boxes, hence increasing the number of

pipette, it contains several ergonomic


cryotubes per box.

and safety improvements. Microman-E is

The glove system can be mounted

The result is a cryotube, which has the

a “Psitive Displacement” pipette, which

directly on machines with magnets, on

same diameter on the inside, but has been

means it can handle difficult fluids such

the wall, on cleaning trolleys or be placed

slimmed on the outside.

as blood, oil and solvents with a precision

in its own stand.

The new cryotube actually fits 100 tubes

that far exceeds that of an ordinary “Air Displacement” pipette. (Source: Biolab) NEW INNOVATIVE GLOVE SYSTEM REDUCES THE RISK OF SKIN DISEASES GloVac has developed a new innovative glove system which reduces the risk of getting skin diseases. The system is also

in the same type of box which would preThe gloves are stored in a vacuumizer when not in use, and by pushing a valve with a finger, it equalise a pressure and

viously fit just 81 tubes. That’s an extra 23% space in each box. The cryotubes come in sizes of 1, 2,

release the glove. This way the gloves are

4 and 5 millimeters, but Almeco has also

always dry, when they are needed. “With

developed a new size of just 0.5 millimeter

this technique one can take the gloves on

for very small samples. (Source: Almeco)

and off in just two seconds. (Source: GloVac)

an environmental friendly solution.

Hold dit kliniske laboratorium kørende 24/7

ELGA vandbehandlingsanlæg til klinisk laboratorium – dækker alles behov for rent vand •

Specielt udviklet til hospitaler med fuldautomatisk back up

Dokumenteret overvågning af vandkvalitet

Opfylder klinisk standardkrav (CLSI) for rent vand

Sikker og stabil vandforsyning til klinisk laboratorium

Højt serviceniveau med vagtordning

Kontakt vores vandspecialist for mere information Mette Linding Nygaard, Sales Engineer - ELGA Labwater, KRÜGER AQUACARE mob.: +45 26 28 31 41 / email:

Mød os på LabMed 2016

Stand 18


A LABORATORY TECHNICIAN TRAINEE CAN HELP LIFT THE COMPANY Hiring a laboratory technician trainee for a 1-year internship offers several benefits for both the company and the trainee. And if we want capable laboratory technicians for the future, companies should take responsibility. By Karin Jensen


t takes 2½ years to become a laboratory technician, 18 months at school learning all the theory

and finishing off with a 1-year internship in either the pharmaceutical- or biotech industry, in a hospital or at a university laboratory. One company offering internships for laboratory technician trainees is ALK, a research-driven pharmaceutical company and world-leader in allergy immunotherapy, which sees a number of benefits from having a trainee onboard. “As an employee you may be worried that you’ll be spending a lot of time, and benefit very little, having a laboratory technician trainee. If you hire a capable trainee, however, it may cost a bit of time on the short term yes, but longer term you’re more than paid back,” says Inger Kjaersgaard, who is responsible for Analytical Development at ALK. There is also the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) element to consider, she says.


G R E AT E R C O P E N H A G E N L I F E S C I E N C E | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 1 6


“If we want capable laboratory technicians in future, then perhaps this is where we can make an effort,” “If we want capable laboratory technicians in future, then perhaps this is where we can make an effort,” says Kjaersgaard. tunity to land a job afterwards.

significantly better position to find a job.

about six months for a trainee to be able

At ALK, many trainees are being offered

A number of trainees are hired by the

to work as a fully trained laboratory tech-

employment after the internship ends and

company afterward. Alternatively, you

nician. Another benefit for the company

this is the case with many pharmaceutical

have created a really strong network and

is that a trainee often brings new ideas to


may be recommended and quickly get a

Inger Kjaersgaard reckons that it takes

“If you do well then you’ll be in a

the laboratory.

job elsewhere,” says Inger Kjaersgaard.

“It lifts the place to have a young person onboard, the trainee may challenge the way we usually work and ask relevant questions,” says Kjaersgaard. A trainee gets to work with a number of different areas, such as analysis, development and quality control, the latter requiring a lot of documentation and paper work. Compared to the 18 months the trainee spends at school, working in a real laboratory will provide the student with a completely different fundamental insight into how these processes work. “The trainee leans what it takes, what is required and what it means, for example, to work after the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) principles,” says Inger Kjaersgaard. A trainee may also work with research and get a good insight into working in a research-based laboratory, learning all about different techniques and what qualified equipment is required.

Job opportunities There are many attractive job opportunities as a laboratory technician, and the 1-year internship provides a great oppor-

“It lifts the place to have a young person onboard, the trainee may challenge the way we usually work and ask relevant questions,”

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


WHAT PHARMA AND BIOTECH-GROUPS WANT FROM A CRO Hiring a CRO for the vital clinical trials can be tricky. A number of factors must be considered and pharma- and biotech groups often have a long list of criteria, which must be met before picking a CRO. By Karin Jensen


ompetition is stiff among

time and again,” says Lone

Clinical Research Organ-

Brandborg, senior director

Lone Brandborg.

all employees at the CRO,

Another essential criteria

which to a large degree is the

isations (CRO’s) and many

Clinical Study Management at

is the degree of internal gov-

face of Lundbeck when work-

small- and mid-sized Scandi-

Danish pharmaceutical group

ernance and oversight from

ing on one of their clinical

navian CRO’s are being ousted

H. Lundbeck.

the management of the CRO,


by very large US competitors.

showing that there is backing

“Being pro-active is anoth-

But does size matter? And

different criteria set up when

and support throughout the

er criteria, which we weigh

what are Scandinavian phar-

picking a CRO for a clinical


highly. A partner, which can

maceutical- and biotechnol-

trial. Some are paramount

“The Code of Conduct and in-

contribute in a constructive

ogy groups primarily looking

and must be met at all times,

ternal processes are not up for

way and provide new ideas and

at when hiring a CRO for a

others depend on the study or

discussion. Further to that we

solutions,” says Lone Brand-

clinical study?


look at previous experiences


“Basically, we expect the CRO

“The Lundbeck Code of

with patient populations and

to meet the agreed scope, that

Conduct is incontestable. Any

designing trials in the area

Danish biotechnology compa-

is delivering quality data, on

CRO we hire must live up to

of CNS (Central Nervous Sys-

ny, focus is also on high-qual-

time and on budget. And if

this and be willing to commit

tem), the area Lundbeck works

ity data.

we’re cooperating with a CRO

to the work they do on behalf

with,” says Lone Brandborg.

“First and foremost, it’s the

time and again, then that’s

of Lundbeck, that it lives up

the pattern we want to see

to the Code of Conduct,” says


Lundbeck has a number of

Other criteria being looked at are professionalism among

At Zealand Pharma, a

quality of the data being delivered. Are the data generated

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


“First and foremost, it’s the quality

Size matters

“But it’s not that we favour

of the data being delivered. ..."

The size of the CRO is an

American CRO’s. We favour

important factor too, but it is

global CRO’s and they may

not always that being biggest

just as well be European or

in the trial of a quality that

usually hire a CRO in the same

is best.

Japanese or something third.

can be used going forward,”

country,” she says, adding

Lundbeck’s clinical trials are

It’s important that the CRO

says Britta Væver Bysted,

that a CRO needs to be able to

often global and therefore

we hire has a certain weigh

Principal Clinical Pharmacol-

monitor, supervise and assist

needs a CRO with global

and experience,” says Lone

ogist at Zealand Pharma.

the hospital.



Zealand Pharma has a growing

If, on the other hand, Zea-

“Our trials are typically global

Zealand Pharma also looks

pipeline of potential product

land Pharma is conducting the

with a large proportion of

at size, but big is not necessar-

candidates, including two

trial on its own it will be look-

American, European and even

ily the best option.

phase 2 studies and possibly a

ing for a CRO, which can act as

Japanese, Chinese and South

“For a biotech company

phase 3 study starting up next

an equal partner, a scientific

American patients. We then

such as Zealand Pharma, a

year. With the growing pipe-

sparring partner, offering an

need to have a CRO with a

large CRO is not necessarily

line, the expected use of CRO’s

all-service package.

global presence, because we

preferred. For us it’s clearly

are also growing, though Brit-

“Because we’re a smaller com-

don’t have resources to run

an advantage to work with a

ta Væver Bysted says different

pany, we need to outsource

different CRO’s around the

smaller CRO, a CRO dedicated

criteria apply for the type of

and we ’ll be looking for a CRO

world and we want consistency

to working with us, where we

study being carried out.

that can offer all services,

in terms of processes applied

can build a close relation and

“If we’re working with

from submitting the study for

within a given study,” says

have personal sparring,” says

academic groups, it will be

authority approval, recruit-

Lundbeck’s Lone Brandborg.

Britta Væver Bysted.

the hospital and its doctors

ing patients to delivering

running the trial in collabora-

high-quality data,” says Britta

advantage of being experi-

tion with us. In that case we’ll

Væver Bysted.

enced with the US market.

American CRO’s have the


TFS celebrates 20 years with new e-PRO solution Hiring a CRO for the vital clinical trials can be tricky. A number of factors must be considered and pharma- and biotech groups often have a long list of criteria, which must be met before picking a CRO. Lund-based TFS celebrates 20 years this year with a new e-PRO solution, which will help enhance value for clients. It started 20 years ago in Lund, Sweden. Today, TFS is the largest CRO in the Nordic region and with just over 750 employees, it

Photo of Jan Hellqvist, TFS

is also one of the largest mid-sized CRO’s globally. It has offices in 21 countries and

Committed staff

New ePRO solution will lower costs

perform clinical trials with partners in more

Large CRO’s often have very high staff

Further to offering the outsourcing of

than 40 countries globally.

turnover, currently around 40% annually. At

clinical trials from A to Z, TFS is also

“One thing that differentiates us from the

TFS this number is considerably lower and

offering a new Electronic Patient Reported

large US and UK-based CRO’s, is that we

this is something clients appreciate as they

Outcome (ePRO) solution. The new ePRO

can offer most services in all our offices

can work with the same people year after

solution enables TFS to create patient

in the 21 countries where we operate.

year as a study can take up to 72 months to

diaries and questionnaires at a fraction

We have a very tight organisation, which


of the price and can be used separately

collaborates really well across the world,”

“We believe the commitment of our staff is

or with different Electronic Data Capture

says Jan Hellqvist, Senior Director Strategic

very important. People who work here are

systems. This will position TFS well on

Alliances & Partnerships at TFS.

very engaged, they like their jobs, and this

the market and the system is a great

Another thing that differentiates TFS from

commitment shows in their work too,” says

complement to TFS’s existing preferred

many other CRO’s is that its CRA’s can


ePRO providers.

perform clinical trials from start to finish.

TFS aims at a high degree of flexibility and

“We started marketing the new ePRO

“We have employees working with clinical

can adapt and make changes during the

solution in September,” says Jan Hellqvist,

trials from start to finish. It makes us

clinical trials to accommodate the needs of

adding the new ePRO solution will ensure

quicker in how we operate and finalise

the client. This is especially appreciated by

value for its clients.

clinical trials. Our customers appreciate this

small and mid-size Life Science Companies.

TFS has worked with a global

very much, they get to know our employees

“It’s a very different approach compared

pharmaceutical company as well a software

working on the trials and can talk to them

to many large-sized CRO’s. The interesting

development partner for the development

throughout the clinical development

thing is that it seems that more and more

of the ePRO solution.

process. So you can say we produce both

big pharma groups are looking at mid-sized

good transparency and have very good

CRO’s like TFS because of what we can

collaboration with our clients,” says Jan

offer: commitment, flexibility, better value

Hellqvist, adding that the group always

for money, speed and a low staff turnover.

keeps the budget, leaving no unexpected

I think we’re beginning to see a change in

bills with the customers unless it has an

the market,” says Jan Hellqvist.

agreement on a change. Phone +46 (0)46 280 18 00


G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016






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Please don’t hesitate to contact us. IRW Consulting AB · Svärdvägen 3A · Box 703 · SE-182 17 Danderyd · Sweden · 08-791 66 40 ·

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Udfører op til fire automatiske titreringer med det samme system på samme tid.

Ingen udsættelse for kemikalier længere som følge af kontaktfri udskiftning af reagens.

En grafisk brugerflade & letforståelig brugervejledning gør OMNIS simpelt og sjovt at styre.


G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


FOODTECH BRIMMING WITH EXPERIENCES FOR ALL Popular events from the past, including the International Food Contest and FoodTech Challenge, return for FoodTech '16, along with the lectures and workshops of the EHEDG World Congress on hygienic food production. By Arne G. Nielsen


orthern Europe's leading

World Congress in Herning

The European Hygienic

hygiene and food production,”

food technology trade

A new aspect of this year’s

Engineering & Design Group

says John Jensen, Team Man-

fair is getting ready for its

trade fair is that FoodTech has

(EHEDG) is a consortium of

ager for FoodTech.

11th edition, set to take place

allocated space for the EHEDG

equipment manufacturers,

from the 1st to 3rd of No-

World Congress on hygienic

food industries, research

Cultivating talent and ideas

vember 2016. Food industry

design in food production.

institutes and public health

As in the 2014 programme, the

professionals can look forward

The Congress will be held in

authorities that promotes

FoodTech Challenge has been

to three days packed with

the MCH Exhibition Centre

hygiene in the processing and

included as well. Fifty stu-

talks, networking and exciting

from November 2nd -3rd and

packaging of foodstuffs.

dents from schools across the

activities to in the halls of

will include presentations on

“We are enthused and proud

Denmark have been selected

Herning’s MCH Exhibition

hygienic design, food safety

that EHEDG has decided to

to participate in an open inno-


and technology.

hold the World Congress at

vation competition where they

the MCH exhibition centre

will have three days to develop

alongside FoodTech. Exhib-

food technology related ideas.

worth by providing participant companies

itors are excited about the

The students will work in

initiative and I am certain that

small teams, where each team

with considerable knowledge for concrete

our visitors will have a unique

is assigned specific tasks by a

project ideas.

opportunity to walk away with

large Danish company. Their

useful information related to

job will be to develop the best

“In 2014, FoodTech Challenge proved its


G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


“The International Food Contest is a unique opportunity for

tional Food Contest, visitors

food manufacturers to present their outstanding products."

ence Street', where research

can look forward to: 'Sciinstitutions, universities

possible solutions for the cases

food industry manufacturers

colleagues,” according to

and industry meet; FoodLab,


present products in categories

Lars Johannes Nielsen, Chief

where there the focus will be

“In 2014, FoodTech Challenge

including: dairy, wine, herbs,

Consultant at the Danish

on laboratory equipment for

proved its worth by providing

honey, beer, fish and poultry.

Agriculture and Food Council

the food industry; and last but

participant companies with

In all, more than 1,800 prod-

and Secretary for the Interna-

not least, a product line area,

considerable knowledge for

ucts will be judged. Product

tional Food Contest.

where in cooperation with

concrete project ideas. At the

quality will be judged by a

The International Food Con-

Trepko, two product lines will

same time, students learned to

jury and judged according to

test has been held since 1920.

be set up for visitors to watch

work from a predefined busi-

professional criteria. The best

At the time, it was known as

cups being filled, sealed,

ness model. Therefore, it was

will earn honorary awards, in-

the National Dairy Exhibition

packaged in trays and stacked

quite natural for us to decide

cluding gold, silver and bronze

and only dairy products were

on pallets, while a second line

to extend this success into


included in its small scale. The

cleans, fills and closes bottles.

2016,” according to MCH Team

“The International Food

competition expanded in 2011

Nearly 300 exhibitors are

Manager John Jensen.

Contest is a unique opportu-

and has grown to accom-

expected for FoodTech 2016,

nity for food manufacturers

modate for a range of other

together with approximate-

International food competition

to present their outstanding

product categories.

ly 8,000 professionals from

A well-known classic at

will be made by profession-

Activities for all

including 1000 visitors from

FoodTech 2016 will be the

als, winning an award for the

In addition to the EHEDG


International Food Contest

IFC is a tremendous honour

World Congress, FoodTech

(IFC) in Halls L and M. Here,

and earns the respect of

Challenge and the Interna-

across the food industry,

products. Because judgement

For more information: Team Manager John Jensen, MCH, Mail: Telephone: +45 9926 9938


HIGHLIGHTED EVENTS – SECOND HALF OF 2016 INNOVATION IN BIOTECH – WHAT IS THE BUZZ REALLY ABOUT TODAY? September 26 - London Biotechnology is a field that has in the past been synonymous with innovation and great pioneering ideas making a positive difference to millions of lives through among other medicines, enzymes and microbes – but what

are all the innovation buzz words really about today and can we continue to outperform ourselves?

CPH LABMED – SCANDINAVIAN TRADE FAIR FOR LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY September 27-29 - Copenhagen Companies from all over Scandinavia exhibit and show their newest products while visitors get inspiration for future purchases and new knowledge. Parallel with the fair is a number of professional societies executes confer-

ences, user meetings and theme days (amongst them Nordic conference for Mass Spectrometry).

FOODTECH November 1-3 - Herning FoodTech is Northern Europe›s leading trade fair for food technology, and in 2014, it was visited by 8,288 highly qualified decision makers. As an exhibitor at FoodTech, you have an ideal opportunity to meet current as well as potential customers face-to-face in an attractive, inspiring and

professional setting. In three days, you can arrange several »customer visits« in only one place. More than 100 of your colleagues have already reserved a stand at the fair. Do the same and be part of the first round of stand allocation.

MEDICA AND COMPAMED November 14-17 - Düsseldorf MEDICA is the world’s largest event for the medical sector. For more than 40 years it has been firmly established on every expert’s calendar. In addition to the professional trade fair our »MEDICA Conferences and Forums« have become an integral part of the trade fair: the MEDICA EDUCATION CONFERENCE (the largest interdisciplinary forum of Germany), the German

Hospital Conference (the leading communication platform for decision-makers in German hospitals), the EUROPEAN HOSPITAL CONFERENCE (EHC) taking place every second year, the MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE, the MEDICA PHYSIO CONFERENCE and the International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine (DiMiMED).

THE LIFE SCIENCE YEARBOOK 2017 February 7 The Yearbook will present an overview of the most important events and developments in 2016 and highlight the most significant dates and themes on the agenda for 2017. The Yearbook is a place of gathering for


all companies in Danish and Nordic life science and presents a unique opportunity to survey the whole scene of the people and businesses that make up the life science industry.

G R E AT ER CO P EN H AG EN L I F E S CI EN C E | S E P T E M B E R / O C T O B E R 2016


Berendsen Cleanroom Offer a wide range service solutions for cleanrooms with clothing and accessories for all types of production. GMP compliance and ISO certifications ensure documentation of behavior and quality to our customers.

LBKPATENT is focusing on providing IP, in particular, Patent consulting to Pharmaceutical companies, Biotechnology companies having focus within the therapeutic area as well as start-up companies having focus within the therapeutic area. LBKPATENT is also able to provide patent consulting within the broader life science area and the chemistry area, as well as mechanical area.

For more information:

Strenometer ApS has specialized in test equipment – mainly for test and characterization of all kinds of surfaces. For more than 50 years, we have provided instruments and chambers to a wide range of applications, including:

- Color measurements - Stability test: o Temperature and/or humidity o According to ICH Guidelines Q1B + Q5C - Plant growth chambers o Chambers o Walk-in - Mixing

DFD Cleanroom is a value-added partner and supplier of innovative and fully documented clothing and cleaning solutions to clean room. Our state-of-the-art clean room laundry meets or exceeds all known requirements.

• Newest clean room technology • ISO class 5-8 in operation (GMP class A/B) • ISO class 2 at rest • Possibility of washing with EDI water • ESD - +45 44 22 55 60 -

Se os på Cph LabMed 2016 Stand 088 Unikt frysesystem tilpasset standard frysestativer og jeres fryser. Certificeret fri for: DNA, DNase & RNase, og endotoxiner. Langtidstestet i

Nummererede celler i kasserne, som har unikke barkode, alle vials har individuelle 2D barkoder, let at spore prøver via database og læser. Koderne kan læses med rim på vials og stativer.

− Specialists in translation for the Life Science sector We work for many of the major medical companies because we know the requirement and processes in the medical business – and because of our ability to balance quality, price and flexibility. We translate all kinds of medical material, e.g.:

Se vort store sortiment af lager vials i glas med speciallåg fra 1 til 60 mL.

Til sidste dråbe med VMax-Vial ELISA vaskere, ELISA læsere, PCR-udstyr, Realtids-PCR, kromatografitilbehør, pipetteringsudstyr oma.

• ICFs • Package inserts • SPCs • Product labelling • CRO material • Marketing material

Yderligere oplysninger: eller 70237740, Se os på LabDays 2016 stand 088

Tel. +45 33 11 32 00

Medico Danmark

BESPOKE DANISH DESIGN LOUPES Handcrafted precisely to your specifications

ExamVision creates outstanding TTL loupes, using only the highest quality components available. Our unique lens systems offer maximum sharpness and clarity, with unsurpassed depth-of-field and field-of-view.

EXPERT ADVICE AND SPECIALIST CARE Your vision is critical to the work you do, and your eyes are unique. Our team of specialists and opticians will advise you on the best solution for precisely your vision and your optimal ergonomic working position. The same team will maintain your loupes in tip-top condition, with regular service. More complex adjustments or prescription changes occur on our facility on Samsø when it suits your working schedule.

PREMIUM CHOICE Lightweight, comfortable titanium designs with a 5 year warranty. Choose between the short-barrel HD Galilean system in 2.3, 2.8, 3.3 and 3.8 magnification or, for the most demanding procedures, the sophisticated Kepler Kompakt in 3.5, 4.6 or 5.7 magnification.

Contact Marianne Poulsen Account Manager 87 92 12 10

Medico Danmark

Industrivej 11, 8305 Samsø

Based on the island of Samsø in Denmark since 2001, ExamVision now exports to over 30 countries and has since 2010 won 3 Red Dot Product Design Awards & 4 Gazelle awards. Service of loupes & lights purchased from Mærsk Andersen will now be carried out by ExamVision Medico Danmark.

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