EMMIE Magazine Spring 2012

Page 56




=5>(0"*&#&"%I!#*()00K#$!#+%!"#!'(#!)6(,!*K#"7#.5,+<#H#%"*.)00K# listen to, but something about their sound grabbed me, forcing .(#!"#>5K#!'(+*#$*,!#7500S0(%8!'#b5*#V+*,!#?.(*+<)%#V*+(%&,#)%&# follow-up EP Tezcatlipoca;#>"!'#"7#-'+<'#')/(#)#."*(#!K6+<)0# formulaic, if dextrous, pop/punk sound. Naturally, one would expect something along similar lines with their new album r o m a n c e;#(,6(<+)00K#<"%,+&(*+%8#!'(#c*(0)!+/(0Kd#,'"*!#!+.(# between releases. Naturally, Tubelord decide to shake things up.

pop sound. Part of it comes with the addition of a gentleman on the keyboards, but a large part of it also comes from their new playful arrangements and willingness to experiment with )&&+!+"%)0#+%,!*5.(%!,;#(77(<!,;#,"%8#,!*5<!5*(#)%&#)0>5.#2"-9# They effortlessly shift from seemingly metal breakdowns to <)!<'K#6"6#/"<)0#.(0"&+(,#!"#.)!'SK#85+!)*#*'K!'.,9#H!I,#0+@(# !'(K#.)&(#)%#)0>5.#"7#u\l#'""@,9•

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that are disdainful of the %(-#,"5%&;#>5!#!'",(#!')!#8+/(#!'+,#)0>5.#,".(#!+.(#!"#,+%@# +%;#(,6(<+)00K#+7#!'(KI*(#)0*()&K#7).+0+)*#-+!'#=5>(0"*&I,#6*(/+"5,# (77"*!,;#-+00#$%&#)#*()00K#60(),)%!#)0>5.9#?,#"%(#*(/+(-(*#%"!(&;# “... the new album is a grower in the truest sense of the word.” Frankly, I couldn’t agree more. Each listen to this album feels 7*(,'#)%&#+%/+8"*)!+%8;#>5!#!')!#"%0K#')66(%,#)7!(*#!'(#!'+*&#0+,!(%# "*#,"9#='(#$*,!#!-"#)*(#)&.+!!(&0K#6*(!!K#*"58'9

H#$%&#!'(#<*"-%+%8#)<'+(/(.(%!#"7#!'+,#)0>5.#!"#>(#e+%# greenland,’ the second-to-last track. It is the simplest, most minimal song on the album, and has the most typical, radiofriendly writing, but it is just soooo catchy! Like I said, I don’t @%"-#-')!#+!#+,#(N)<!0K;#>5!#!')!#,"%8#8(!,#.(#(/(*K#!+.(9#H!I,# kind of uplifting and melancholic all at once.

On r o m a n c e;#=5>(0"*&#')/(#&(<+&(&#!"#!*)&(#+%#!'(+*#.)!'h pop/punk leanings for math/pop/indie/shoegaze. The opening !"#!'(#$*,!#!*)<@#.)K#,!+00#.)@(#.(#8*+!#.K#!((!';#>5!#!'(#*(,!# "7#!'(#)0>5.#+,#)0.",!#@+%&#"7#>*+00+)%!9#H#%(/(*#<(),(&#!"#>(# ).)](&#)!#'"-#-(00#!'(K#')/(#<50!5*(&;#%)K;#.),!(*(&#!'(#+%&+(h


I expect to come back to r o m a n c e a lot in the future. I may %"!#')/(#>((%#+.6*(,,(&#)!#$*,!;#>5!#!'+,#)0>5.#'),#*()00K#,!""&# !'(#!(,!#"7#!+.(#)%&#-"%#.(#"/(*#!"#!'(#%(-#=5>(0"*&9#:(00# done, chaps. pat CASSIDY

in this place local L)&+,"%#%)!+/(#M*)%&"%#M((>(#65!,#'+,#'()*!#"%#*(<"*&# with new release In This Place. Opening track “Neon Trees” <*((6,#)%&#<*)-0,#-+!'#<"0&#85+!)*#,'+/(*+%8,#>"**"-(&# 7*".#M"%#H/(*I,#V"*#1..);#V"*(/(*#?8"#cP\\od;#)0!'"58'# the song thaws quickly with strings and saccharine oos. H%,6+*(&#>K#!'(#0",,#"7#)#0"/(*;#!'(#)0>5.#&(!)+0,#!'(#7((0+%8,# of heartbreak felt afterward in soft arrangements with forward 0K*+<,9#b%#EW'",!,;i#M((>(#<')%%(0,#)#,-""%K#C)!#J!(/(%,;# ,!*5..+%8#"5!#!'(#>05(,#+%#.(0)%<'"0K#6"6#,!K0(9#R"-(/(*;# +!I,#%"!#)00#,)&O#56-)*&S0""@+%8#E?0*+8'!i#!+6!"(,#-+!'#&(0+<)!(# "6!+.+,.#)%&#,.""!'(&S"5!#/"<)0,;#.)@+%8#+!#*+8'!#)!#'".(# on adult pop radio with like-minded soft spoken coffeehouse <".*)&(,9#?#L)*""%#Q#<".6)*+,"%#*()<'(,#)6!%(,,#"%# ,(/(*)0#"<<),+"%,9

The most original and refreshing song is “Elucidation,” a slowto-build pulsing nearinstrumental with tastefully understated drumstick clicks and clean treble guitar. Piece by 6+(<(;#!'(#,"%8#8*"-,;#)0-)K,#)&&+%8#>5!#%(/(*#*()<'+%8#)%# "/(*-'(0.+%8#!'*(,'"0&9#H!#<50.+%)!(,#+%#)#,+.60(#,!)!(.(%!# of “elucidation,” fade-in backtracked guitars creating a 6(*+"&+<#,-(00#!')!#.(,.(*+](#0+@(#-)/(,#"%#)#>()<'9#H%#0+@(S .+%&(&#,!K0(;#!'(#"6(%#,6)<(,#$00(&#"%#EV5!5*(#L(."*Ki# bring to mind the bare landscape on the front of the album, a 0+8'!0K#,%"-K#$(0&#+%#-+%!(*#,6(<@0(&#-+!'#&()&#<"*%,!)0@,9#In This Place is an album of coping that remains truthful to the artist in the good and the bad. matt CHRISTIE


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