EMMIE Magazine Spring 2012

Page 47

Andrew Bird, renaissance man ?%&*(-#M+*&#+,#)#*(6*(,(%!)!+"%# "7#(/(*K!'+%8#!')!#+,#E*+8'!i#+%# music, a rejection of the formulaic and stagnant pop genres, a *(/+/)0#"7#)%#)8(#"7#.5,+<#-'(*(# artists were rewarded for their .(<')%+<)0#6*"$<+(%<K;#<*()!+/(# 6*"-(,,;#)%&#(."!+/(#,!*(%8!'9#R(# is a Renaissance man of music. ?%&*(-I,#$*,!#6(*7"*.)%<(#!')!# night, a solo piece, showcased his multi-instrumental mastery as he orchestrated a one-man band with his signature array of loop pedals. ='(#0""6+%8#*'K!'.#"7#'+,#0+8'!#/+"0+%# plucking supported an intense exhibition of just what a Bachelor’s in /+"0+%#6(*7"*.)%<(#7*".#T"*!'-(,!(*%# -+00#8(!#K"59#="#(/(*K"%(I,# expectations, the whistling soon followed, complemented by the bright and illuminating tones of the glockenspiel, piercing the room with )#6+!<'#!')!#%"#*(<"*&+%8#<"50&#(/(*# &"#F5,!+<(9#R+,#>"-#."/(&#-+!'#,5<'# ferocity that the hairs of his bow began to loosen and fray within the $*,!#!(%#.+%5!(,9##R+,#,"0"#(%&(&;# as the rest of the band approached the stage and transitioned into songs from his new album, Break It Yourself. With the recent release of V(/(*#U()*, )#&"<5.(%!)*K#$0.#<'*"%+<0+%8#!'(# !*)/(0,#"7#?%&*(-#'+.,(07;#*5."*,# began to surface of his ailing health )%&#E6(*6(!5)0#7(/(*9i##R"-(/(*;#)00# anxieties were allayed that night as

each song was reinforced and propelled by a man -'"#-),#/(*K#.5<'# +%/(,!(&#+%#'+,#-"*@9#='(# ,'"-#&+&#')/(#+!,#7)+*# share of hiccups, though. V)%#7)/"*+!(#ED0),!+<+!+(,i# -),#*(,!)*!(&#$/(#"*#,+N# times on account of Bird’s thumb getting caught +%#!'(#&+7$<50!#605<@(&# opening, but he merely laughed it off remarking that, “You get a few &"S"/(*,;#)%&#!'(%#+!#8(!,#)-@-)*&9# ?7!(*#!')!;#+!#,!)*!,#!"#8(!#75%%K;#>5!# then it’s awkward again.” It was refreshing to see a musician handle an embarrassing situation with humility and grace. ?!#!'+,#6"+%!#+%#!'(#*(/+(-;#H#-"50&# like to dedicate a paragraph solely !"#L)*!+%#A",';#(0(<!*"%+<#.5,+<+)%# and drummer extraordinaire. While ?%&*(-#M+*&#+,#<(*!)+%0K#!)0(%!(&#+%# his own right, the trademark sound often attributed to him would not >(#!'(#,).(#-+!'"5!#A",'9#b7!(%# "/(*0""@(&;#A",'I,#5,(#"7#0""6+%8# )%&#5%<"%/(%!+"%)0#*'K!'.,#8+/(,# !'(#>)%&#)#&*+/(#)%&#&+*(<!+"%9# :')!#,(6)*)!(,#A",'#7*".#!'(#*(,!# is his ability to make his kit integral to the music. The dynamism of /"05.(#)%&#<"%!*"0#'(#(N(*!,#"/(*# '+,#6(*<5,,+/(#(%,(.>0(#+,#)#,!)*@# contrast to the talentless timekeeping that is relegated to the drummers of ,"#.)%K#"!'(*#>)%&,3#A",'I,#@+!#+,# absolutely essential to the sound all *(<"8%+](#),#?%&*(-#M+*&9#="#65!#+!# simply, a lot of bands could probably get by if their drummer died and was replaced by a drum machine. You <)%%"!#*(60)<(#A",'9 Towards the middle of the night, Bird and company pulled out the standing bass and acoustic as they ."/(&#!"-)*&,#!'(#<(%!(*#"7#!'(#

,!)8(#!"#60)K#,(/(*)0#5%60588(&# ,"%8,9#?,#!'(#!(00+%8#%"!(,#"7#E17$8Ki# 8*)<(&#!'(#/+"0+%;#7)%,#>5*,!#+%!"#)# raucous roar and Bird belted out the lyrics. The cascade of applause that immediately followed was incredible and stood toe-to-toe with that of the <0",(*9#?7!(*#!'(#<0)66+%8#<"%!+%5(&# for a good twenty seconds or so, Bird 8)/(#)%#"77#85)*&#E-"-;i#,'((6+,'0K# chuckled and thanked the crowd. ?7!(*#8+/+%8#!'(.,(0/(,#,".(#!+.(# to bask in the appreciation, the band continued on with their acoustic set. ?7!(*#<0",+%8#-+!'#E=)>0(,#)%&# Chairs” and “Fake Palindromes,” the band reclaimed the stage with a breath, taking rendition of Handsome Family’s “So Much Wine” for the encore. Charlie Patton’s “Goin’ Home” was also featured as a song that had made a great impact on M+*&#*(<(%!0K9#?7!(*#!'(K#')&#)00#0(7!;# Bird returned for a second encore performance of “Weather Systems.” ?,#'+,#-'+,!0(,#-)*>0(&#)%&#'+,# /+"0+%#,)%8;#!'(#&"5>0(S'()&(&# gramophone on stage began to accelerate and spin, distorting the music as Bird exited the stage. For most of the concert, Bird had sung and played with his eyes shut, swaying with the music and dictating with his hands. This was a man that could feel the music. anthony LEE 6'"!"#>K#B),"%#J!"77;#G+/(*7*"%!#=+.(,

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