EMMIE Magazine Spring 2012

Page 38




I wasn’t sure I would be able to catch !'+,#>)%&#60)K#)#0+/(#,'"-#)%K!+.(# &5*+%8#!'(#*(,!#"7#.K#0+7(3#),#H#-),#%"!# sure they were still a band making music and touring, but lo and behold, ='(#G(/(*(%&#R"*!"%#R()!#60)K(&#!'(# L)F(,!+<#!'+,#6),!#L)*<'#$*,!;#)%&#!'(K# ,!+00#8"!#+!g#='(K#60)K(&#)00#!'(#7)/"*+!(,;# 0+@(#Ez\\#M5<@,i#)%&#E?<(#"7#J6)&(,;i# -+0&#),#(/(*9#H#&+&#%"!#,((#)#')%&750# of old guys in wheelchairs, supported by canes creeping across the stage. T"!#(/(%#<0",(g#='(#(%(*8K#!'(K#')/(# on stage can’t be touched. It’s as if time has left them alone because they were rocking as hard last week as !'(K#-(*(#P\#U1?GJ#?Wbg#='(#>)%&# .)K#')/(#<')%8(&#7)<(,#)#>+!#,+%<(# the eighties and the nineties, with just one original member since 1985, that >(+%8#"7#<"5*,(#!'(#"%(;#!'(#"%0KO#B+.# EG(/(*(%&#R"*!"%i#R()!'#"%#85+!)*# )%&#/"<)0,g#='(,(#&)K,;#B+.>"#:)00)<(# +,#60)K+%8#!'(#/(*K#0)*8(#56*+8'!#>),,# like a mad man, swinging it around as if it were light as a feather, and you ')/(#!'(#/(*K#7)>50"5,#D)50#J+.."%,# 65.6+%8#"5!#<*()!+/(;#7),!#)%&#75%#>()!,# 7*".#!'(#&*5.,9#LK#7)/"*+!(#.".(%!# of the show was probably the same ),#(/(*K>"&K#(0,(I,#-'(%#B+.>"#,(!# his mighty bass on its side facing the audience (so that the neck of the bass -),#6)*)00(0#!"#!'(#2""*d;#)%&#'(#>(8)%# !"#,!*5.#+!#7),!;#-'+0(#L*9#G(/(*(%&# Horton Heath himself jumped on top of the body of the bass (the part which would technically be called the C-bout). He proceeded to play his guitar and belt "5!#/"<)0,#7*".#'+,#'+8'#6",+!+"%#)!"6# the bass! So, the take home message here? Next time you need to reach a high place in your house, forget reaching for the ladder or your step stool… grab an 56*+8'!g#R);#HI.#F5,!#@+&&+%8#K)3#='(# G(/(*(%&#R"*!"%#R()!#)*(#!*)+%(&# 6*"7(,,+"%)0,S#A"%I!#!*K#!'+,#)!#'".(9 lisa KOHLMANN


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