EMMIE Magazine Spring 2012

Page 36


A Bit Part In Your Life: A Secret Fan Club

lemonheads show

?,#H#,0+&#!"#!'(#R+8'#T""%#J)0""%# on newly formed glaze ice to hear X(."%'()&,#7*"%!.)%#1/)%#A)%&"I,# ,-((!(%(&#!)@(#"%#W(%(*)!+"%#_;# I was swept back twenty years to a time of grunge prominence and fair-featured acoustic guitar celebrity. One of People Magazine’s most >()5!+750#6("60(#"7#`uu[;#A)%&"I,# fresh face, long hair and sentimental ,"%8,#>*"58'!#'+.#)#0(/(0#"7# ,56(*7)%&".#)."%8#)#&(/"!(&# demographic of women born in the .+&#,(/(%!+(,#0""@+%8#7"*#,".("%(# !"#0"/(9#=')!#<"00(<!+/(#<*5,'#%(/(*#


withered, but rather matured into an undying commitment which came out to the High Noon in spades. While the show was a welcome memory of the band’s pioneered pop sensibilities, it was also a window +%!"#!'(#0+/(,#"7#!'(#,!)*S,!*5<@# <"%8*(8)!+"%#"7#A)%&"#6+08*+.,#7"*# whom the Lemonheads are more than musicians. Under normal circumstances, tuning )%&#,"5%&#<'(<@#)*(#)%#5%(/(%!750# routine which both crowd and artist understand as a bland and

necessary step in the concertgoing experience. Restaurant 6)!*"%,#)<<(6!#!'(+*#,+0/(*-)*(#),# ,5>,+&+)*K3#]""#)!!(%&((,#*(<"8%+](# !'(#6)/(.(%!#),#6(*+6'(*)03#%"!#,"# for fans of the Lemonheads. Within seconds of exiting the greenroom, the yesteryear heartthrob’s presence elicited an immediate energy from !'(#<*"-&#.)F"*+!K#7(.)0(#&(/"!((,9# While the pigtails and braids had been put up before the show, the doe eyes of the smitten thirtysomethings snapped into position ),#+7#>K#6'K,+<)0#0)-s8*)/+!K;#-()@# %5<0()*#7"*<(;#A)%&"9#H%!(8*)0#!"#!'(# A)%&"#177(<!#-),#!'(#)8(S>(%&+%8# 7"*<(#$(0&#"<<56K+%8#!'(#,6)<(# )*"5%&#<(%!(*#,!)8(9#?#6)*!+<50)*0K# affected member of the audience commented, “Look at him! He looks the same as he did twenty years )8";i#)#<0()*0K#&"<!"*(&#/+,+"%#"7#!'(# )0!S*"<@#/(!(*)%I,#.+&0+7(#<*(),(,9# V5*!'(*#7"*<(#$(0&#6*)+,(#-),#K(!#!"# <".(O#EA"#K"5#!'+%@#'(I,#)!!*)<!+/(Z# R(I,#>()5!+750;#K"5#')/(#!";#(/(%#+7# you’re a guy.” The theme of the night and the F5,!+$<)!+"%#7"*#)#!"5*#-),#)#60)KS !'*"58'#"7#!'(#>)%&I,#&($%+%8# )0>5.;#H!I,#?#J').(#?>"5!#G)K9# ='(#$*,!#60)K750#0+<@,#"7#)0>5.S starter “Rockin Stroll” launched into a spritely cascade of distorted chords that, when taken with the sky blue power pop of the follow56#EC"%7(!!+;i#')/(#)00"-(&#!'(# X(."%'()&,#!"#!"(#)#%"/(0#0+%(# between pleasant catchiness and punk excitation. The paring down of acoustic and electric guitars to !'(#0)!!(*#+%#0+/(#6(*7"*.)%<(#,6(&# up the tempo on expected crowdswayers like the album’s title track and the wistful “Rudderless,” bringing the description “pastoral Hüsker Ayi#)#,!(6#<0",(*#!"#60)5,+>+0+!K#c!'+,# did not completely suppress the

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