1 minute read



by Lucia Moreno

There you are scrolling through Instagram again, wishing you lived someone else’s life. Don’t you think your talent and personality are enough? Let tell you something: TU ERES INCREIBLE.

So many women are constantly fighting with their owns complexes, and most of the time just ignoring their potential and virtues. You have so many reasons to shine.

It’s time to recognize other women as allies, not enemies. It is super common these days to watch ladies competing and criticizing each other. Stop ladies. Our goal is always to be a better version of ourselves. Anything that divides and lacks a sense of collaboration is beneath the first rule of Bossladies:

Una Bosslady reconoce, apoya, y motiva a otra.

Recognize, support, and motivate other ladies (like you and I) because we are all fighters. Hay muchas maneras de crecer; las hay mas rápidas o mas lentas, de estas yo escogí LLEGAR LEJOS.

Cuando se trata de proyectos o negocios hay quienes prefieren trabajar en solitario, se consideran mucho mas eficientes y hasta cierto punto tienen razón. Pero existe un trasfondo que va mucho mas allá, se trata de la colaboración.

Collaboration means ‘you give what you have so that others can grow and then they can help you grow too.’

At the end of the day, we all win. Isn’t that the point? This month held a powerful message for us: we are not alone anymore. Kamala Harris, the first female vice president of the United States, said “Our unity is our strength, and our diversity is our power. We reject the myth of ‘us’ vs. ‘them.’ We are in this together.” It is a new era and I am certain good things are coming! It’s time for bigger and better collaborations among women. ¡Vamos mujeres!

Lucia Moreno for ELLA Inspires Magazine

Lucia Moreno for ELLA Inspires Magazine

Photo: Josben Rodríguez

Lucia Moreno is Venezuelan and a passionate Digital Strategist. She is the mother of a 10-year-old vegetarian girl and co-founder of Bossladies Rocking; a community for Latina entrepreneurs. She is an enthusiastic Spanglish content creator.

Insta: @luciacandyrock.