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K-9 owner and beer drinkers come together at Uptown Rapid

by Shiloh Francis


It was a cold winter night. Jared and Emily had plans to meet with friends at a local brewery. They put on their coats, grabbed their keys, and were about to be on their way. As they closed the door, they couldn’t help the pang of guilt that settled in.

They looked back, only to be met with the sad eyes of their dog, Mya. Their trusty sidekick. Their first “kid.” The one who would never leave their side couldn’t understand why she was being left behind.

It was at that moment an idea was planted in Jared’s mind. There had to be a way to continue enjoying local brews with their friends without being forced to leave their dog behind.


“We love how dog-friendly Rapid City is,” Jared Batman expressed (yes, it’s pronounced like Batman, Batmobile not included). Both he and his wife Emily grew up in Rapid City. After spending some time east of the river, they both knew they wanted to return to the Hills. “People are friendly, and there’s plenty to do,” added Emily.

And while there are plenty of dog-friendly breweries and dog parks in Rapid City, there was still a need to be filled. “We love being able to take our dogs with us to local breweries like Zymurcracy and Lost Cabin, but when the weather gets too hot or cold, they have to stay home,” Emily explained. “We needed a place that our dogs could burn off energy safely no matter the weather.”

Having worked as a vet tech previously, Emily prioritized the safety and health of her dogs. Meanwhile, Jared always knew he wanted to own his own business someday. The “what” was the only thing standing in his way.

So, what happens when a business major and vet tech fall in love and have a dog with the saddest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen?

Bar K-9.


Several years had passed from that initial winter evening. Jared would spend hours at his job in sales and marketing consulting, dreaming of what would eventually become Bar K-9.

Meanwhile, Emily had also transitioned careers after the birth of their oldest son. Through her role at Uptown Rapid (formerly Rushmore Mall), she learned of a space coming available that felt like the perfect fit for what Jared had been thinking.

Suddenly, what started as a simple idea, was closer to reality.


In Fall 2019, Jared told Emily it was time to make their idea a reality. The location seemed right. Their business plan felt solid. “I was excited,” Emily said as she thought about her initial reaction. “But I was also a bit nervous because I was pregnant.”

They worked hard. And learned a lot along the way. “Things as simple as what floor to put in took a lot of research,” recalled Jared. Again, their priority was the safety of the dogs. They needed flooring dogs could run and play on safely, while also being easy to clean and sanitize when accidents happen. There were dozens of meetings with the city to get the proper approvals.

One of the early obstacles was attracting customers. How do you explain something so new and innovative? To get people to see the need when, for years, they’ve “made do” without it.

“It took time,” Emily recalled. And there would be challenges no one could predict.

Take, for example, the weather. January and February of that year was unseasonably warm. While most locals rejoiced, it was a blow to Bar K-9. “We would go from a great day of customers to almost nobody,” said Jared. “It was hard not to take it personally and question if people even liked the idea.”

Just as it seemed their idea was gaining momentum, and they were building up their clientele, Rapid City businesses were locked down in response to the pandemic.

It was a hurdle no one could have anticipated. “It was scary, but our community is so amazing,” Emily shared. People purchased gift cards and maintained their memberships to rally around the business.


Two years and many changes later, Bar K-9 continues to serve as a safe space for dogs, owners, and dog-lovers of all kinds. One of Jared’s favorite parts? “We love how happy people are when they’re here.” You don’t have to have a dog to enjoy Bar K-9. Many employees at the mall will find themselves coming by after their shift to see the dogs and get a few tail wags. “It really is a stress relief,” said Emily.

In addition to local brews and plenty of space for dogs, Bar K-9 has sought ways to give back to the community. “Both our dogs are rescues,” said Emily. “It is an area close to our hearts, so we want to give back as much as we can.” They’ve filled the calendar with events like a HOWL-oween party and photos with Santa. Petsgiving served as a donation drive for the Humane Society of the Black Hills.

Bar K-9 is located inside the JCPenney wing at Uptown Rapid