St. Clair Hospital HouseCall_Vol IV Issue 1

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co l o n o s co p y a n d t h e n co n t i n u e t h e m e ve r y 1 0 ye a r s.”


ASK THE DOCTOR Q: What can I do about my bothersome and

(protruding) internal

bleeding hemorrhoids?

hemorrhoids. Both IRC


and RBL might need

Many people ask me about hemorrhoids and rectal

to be repeated until all

bleeding. Hemorrhoid symptoms include rectal bleeding,

hemorrhoidal columns

burning, itching, protrusion, and swelling. Straining,

are treated. If bleeding and

constipation, and heavy lifting can cause swelling and hemorrhoid symptoms. Although most rectal bleeding or

other symptoms

spotting is hemorrhoidal in origin, other more serious

persist despite office

conditions can cause bleeding. Rectal or colonic polyps, tumors, colitis, anal fissures, and other conditions may be


treatment, there are minimally invasive

the source of rectal bleeding, even in individuals with large

outpatient procedures that can be offered. Two excellent

hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is important to inform your

procedures are stapled hemorrhoidopexy (PPH-Procedure for

primary care physician if you see any blood in your stool.

Prolapsed Hemorrhoids) and THD (Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization). Both procedures are usually associated with

You may be of age for a screening colonoscopy. Currently,

minimal post-op pain. Each procedure takes about 30 minutes

it is recommended that individuals age 50 or older undergo

and is performed under light anesthesia. Excisional

colonoscopy every 10 years. African-Americans should begin

hemorrhoidectomy (removing the hemorrhoids) might be

screening at age 45, and individuals with a family history of

necessary if the external component is very swollen or inflamed.

colorectal cancer or polyps should begin screening at age 40

Analgesic catheters can be placed at the time of surgery to

and in some cases sooner if there is a young family member

minimize the post-op pain.

with colon cancer or certain hereditary syndromes. Treatment of hemorrhoids begins with adding fiber to the diet,

Although most bleeding is hemorrhoidal in origin, it is imperative to inform your primary care physician about these

drinking plenty of fluids, and using a fiber supplement daily to

symptoms and undergo evaluation to be sure there are no other

avoid straining and constipation. Over-the-counter creams,

more serious conditions.

suppositories, and sitz baths may provide some relief. Prescription suppositories and creams would be the next step in treatment. For individuals who do not respond to prescription medication, office treatment with infrared coagulation (IRC) or rubber band ligation (RBL) might be helpful. These procedures only take a few minutes to perform in the office setting and require no anesthesia. IRC uses infrared light above the inflamed

LEIGH H. NADLER, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.A.S.C.R.S. earned his medical degree at the University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School. The board-certified surgeon completed a residency and internship at Beth Israel Medical Center Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, N.Y. He completed a fellowship in colon and rectal surgery at the University of Illinois Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, Ill. He practices with the Colorectal Surgical Associates, a division of St. Clair Medical Services.

hemorrhoidal column to decrease blood flow and “shrink” the hemorrhoid. Band ligation is more useful for larger prolapsing

To contact Dr. Nadler, please call 412.572.6192.


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