Duke University Press Spring & Summer 2018 Catalog

Page 42


Slavery Unseen

Sins against Nature

l amonte aidoo

zeb tortorici

Sex, Power, and Violence in Brazilian History

Sex and Archives in Colonial New Spain

In Slavery Unseen, Lamonte Aidoo upends the narrative of Brazil

In Sins against Nature Zeb Tortorici

as a racial democracy, showing how the myth of racial democracy

explores the prosecution of sex

elides the history of sexual violence, patriarchal terror, and exploi‑

acts in colonial New Spain (present

tation of slaves. Drawing on sources ranging from Inquisition trial

day Mexico, Guatemala, the U.S.

documents to travel accounts and literature, Aidoo demonstrates

southwest, and the Philippines) to

how interracial and same-sex sexual violence operated as a key

examine the multiple ways bodies

mechanism of the production and perpetuation of slavery as well

and desires come to be textually

as racial and gender inequality. The myth of racial democracy,

recorded and archived. Drawing

Aidoo contends, does not stem from or reflect racial progress;

on the records from over 300 crim‑

rather, it is an anti-black apparatus that upholds and protects

inal and Inquisition cases between

the heteronormative white patriarchy throughout Brazil’s past

1530 and 1821, Tortorici shows

and on into the present. Lamonte Aidoo is Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of Romance

how the secular and ecclesiastical Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University.

Studies at Duke University and the coeditor of Emerging Dialogues on Machado de Assis and Lima Barreto: New Critical Perspectives. L ATIN AMERICA OTHERWISE A series edited by Walter D. Mignolo, Irene Silverblatt, and Sonia Saldívar-Hull

courts deployed the term contra natura—against nature—to try

those accused of sodomy, bestiality, masturbation, erotic religious visions, priestly solicitation of sex during confession, and other forms of “unnatural” sex. Archival traces of the visceral reactions of witnesses, the accused, colonial authorities, notaries, translators,

“Lamonte Aidoo’s brilliant and original account of how notions of masculinity, gender, and sexuality in Brazilian literature are shaped by the legacy of slavery is compelling and leads to questions about how very much such submerged images form our own Anglophone worldview. An important book not only because it illuminates the impact of race in a lesser known

and others in these records demonstrate the primacy of affect and its importance to the Spanish documentation and regulation of these sins against nature. In foregrounding the logic that dictated which crimes were recorded as well as how they are mediated

literary culture but because it highlights many of our North American

through the colonial archive, Tortorici recasts Iberian Atlantic

fantasies about race and sexual identity.”— SANDER L. GILMAN , author

history through the prism of the unnatural while showing how

of Are Racists Crazy? How Prejudice, Racism, and Antisemitism Became

archives destabilize the bodies, desires, and social categories upon

Markers of Insanity

which the history of sexuality is based. Zeb Tortorici is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures at New York University, coeditor of Centering Animals in Latin American History, also published by Duke University Press, and editor of Sexuality and the Unnatural in Colonial Latin America.

“Sins against Nature offers a strikingly original contribution to the understanding of histories of sexuality in colonial New Spain. Zeb Tortorici’s supple readings of records of sodomy, bestiality, and masturbation reveal radically divergent orientations to knowledge, affect, and reason at the very heart of the colonial archive. This is a work of compelling historical scholarship—interdisciplinary, imaginative, meticulous, and critically selfreflexive.”— ANJALI ARONDEK AR , author of For the Record: On Sexuality and the Colonial Archive in India


L AT I N A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S /A F R I C A N A S T U D I E S / G E N D E R A N D S E X U A L I T Y

L AT I N A M E R I C A N S T U D I E S / Q U E E R S T U D I E S

April 272 pages, 9 illustrations

June 320 pages, 21 illustrations

paper, 978‑0‑8223‑7129‑8, $25.95/£20.99

paper, 978‑0‑8223‑7154‑0, $26.95/£21.99

cloth, 978‑0‑8223‑7116‑8, $99.95/£83.00

cloth, 978‑0‑8223‑7132‑8, $99.95/£83.00

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