Impossible Journal

Page 21

My neighbour, a tall, bald and fairly muscular

Then, before I’d even thought about

man, looked disappointed to see me. He tilted his

making the first move, he lunged at me.

head back inside the house, as though listening

for something, and then stepped outside, closing

missed) and turned and skidded back around

the door gently behind him.

the fence and into my own yard and ran at full

He noticed the rain then, like he hadn’t

pelt toward my front door. “What you doing?!” he

seen it before, and ran a hand over the top of

shouted as I came to a breathless halt outside

his head whilst holding his other hand out, palm

my kitchen window, a tiny, terrified reflection. I

up. He looked at me again and formed a kind

turned and saw that he’d picked up the block of

of impatient so-what kind of expression – like

wood. “What you running for?”

he sort of knew what this was about, but didn’t


door but it was too late; I slumped down in front

I threw the piece of wood at him (and

I tried to make a sidestep for my front

of the kitchen window and held my arm up as he towered over me, brandishing the piece of wood as though he were about to whack me with it.

He took hold of the arm I was holding up

to protect myself, trapping the blood flowing through it, and tried to wrench me over. I struggled and kicked out at him, all the time keeping a frightened eye on the piece of wood, on the nail.


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