1 minute read

From The Editor


ummer is nearing its end and I am overjoyed at the prospect of the cooler days and nights that lie ahead. The thought of warm cozy evenings in front of a blazing fire with popcorn and a good movie makes me smile. Raking leaves, bonfires, hot chocolate, hayrides, fall festivals and oh my…the amazing colors of the season all embody the sights and smells of fall.


Kids are headed back to school…well some of them anyway, while virtual classrooms are the lot of many others. Moms turning in their aprons for textbooks and calculators reflect the drastic change that just a few short months can make in the way we do life.

Here at Faith Works Magazine, we too are gearing up for the season change. We are excited to bring you more amazing articles, new and exciting sections, and a myriad of healthy living tips, heartwarming articles, and trending news. In this ever-changing world we remain your source for Faith and Lifestyle resources. It is true some things yet remain forever constant.

Be sure to check out the fall fashions in this edition as well as yummy fall recipes!

We sincerely hope that you enjoy this issue of Faith Works magazine and share it with your family and friends! As always, our goal is to exceed your expectations and always provide you with entertaining as well as beneficial resources designed to enhance and bless your life.

I would like to shout out Oscar Brooks Jr. our newest Faith Works family member. Oscar is our feature Sports editor and he come to us with over fifteen years of exceptional sports writing and commentating experience. He has written for local and major newspapers nationally and currently resides in New Jersey. WELCOME OSCAR!

Friends… light a candle, utter a prayer, anticipate better days ahead and look to God for peace, forever remembering that He is an ever-present help in our time of need!

Love & Blessings Patricia A. Bunton Editor in chief

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