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Food is your ‘medicine’ to be fit and fabulous

Maintaining a healthy weight can be tough and losing weight even tougher — if you’ve tried and failed to lose weight and now believe that diets don’t work for you… Wanitha Ashok is here to help you beat diet fatigue


The critical point is to develop a healthy relationship with food — this is what helps shed unwanted weight. The equation for weight-loss is simple: You eat more calories than your body requires, you gain weight. So, eat your fill — just watch the calories you take in. And while in essence a calorie is a calorie, the truth is whether it comes from a fruit or a pizza makes a vital difference.

2 litres of water is a must: helps curb appetite, controls cravings, speeds up metabolism and flushes out toxins

When it comes to spot reduction — for example, in the tummy area — abdomen exercises play a rather small role. The battle with the bulge around the midsection has to be tackled with a combination of the right exercises and the right foods. For weight-loss, and spot-reduction especially, do not shun fats and carbs. Including healthy fats, complex carbs and lean protein in your diet help you lose excess weight as these foods fill you up even when you eat small portions. Protein and the roughage in complex carbs and good fats bring on a feeling of satiety. These foods also provide you with good energy.

Wanitha Ashok, Bangalore’s youth fitness icon is a Global Fitfluential Ambassador,

Wanitha Ashok, Bangalore’s youth fitness icon is a Global Fitfluential Ambassador,

A word on protein: Try and include this food group at every meal. It speeds up metabolism and helps your body burn fat more efficiently while stabilizing blood sugar levels. Protein intake teamed with strength training exercises helps build lean muscle mass which further boost metabolism. Take your pick from lean meats, low-fat dairy products, nuts, seeds, tofu, millets, pulses and legumes. Complex carbs to opt for are brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millets, vegetables and fruits. Good fats include foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, avocado, walnuts and coconut oil. This helps cut stress hormones which lead to storage of fat in the midsection. And as an added bonus, they are good for skin and hair too!