Saudi Arabia

Page 71


Power Walking


Burns about 170 calories in 30 minutes. We mean walking quick enough that it’s hard to keep up a conversation. Take short quick steps, keeping your body upright, and pump

Burns about 372 calories in 30 minutes. You don’t need a partner for this. Just find an area next to a wall or your garage door and hit the ball against it. Stand three to eight meters away, which will force you to hit harder. Alternate forehand and backhand shots to enhance the workout and try hitting the ball consistently for 50-100 strokes.

Calorie burn estimates are based on the average weight. your arms back and forth. Alternate two minutes of quick strides and one minute of jogging.

Dancing Burns 221 calories in 30 minutes. A favorite workout; burning calories while moving to the beats you enjoy. To make it into a definite metabolism booster: keep the tempo high, choosing songs with fast rhythms and no rest between songs. Try downloading a dance workout to follow or gather some friends over and have a dance night instead of movie night.

Mountain Climbers, Burpees, Jumping Lunges/Squats These series of plyometric exercises are bound to leave you breathless within minutes, but the postworkout effect is worth it. They work large muscle groups, so the fat keeps burning even after the workout.

Amal Al Toaimi A fitness enthusiast who is IFPA (International Fitness Professional Association) and GEL (Group Exercise Leader, MEFITPRO) certified. Loves to encourage people to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle, believing that moderation is key. Email:


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