Shi Jie – Spring 2017

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In addition to the tests, students have assessments that are not timed and assess how well a student can apply the maths they have learned in a reallife situation. For example, in Year 8, students complete an assessment called “DC Chicken” for the number unit where they are opening a restaurant (DC Chicken) and they have to analyse the mathematical components of opening a restaurant. They have to look at the cost of hiring employees, utilities, and ingredients, as well as the revenue they will make from selling the chicken, and ultimately determine the success of the restaurant. This challenges students to apply their mathematical knowledge in a practical way. These types of assessments are not only important for students to

be able to apply their math knowledge in practical applications, but also for their internal assessment in DP, which is a maths exploration of a topic of their choice.

Year 7-9 overview • Mixed ability classes • Focus on inquiry and real-life mathematics

• Strong focus on statistics and practical applications for the real world and non-math career paths • Includes a statistical project where students gather their own data and analyse it for correlation formally for DP Internal Assessment Standard Level Mathematics • Students who need a strong background in math for university courses • Recommended for students who have excelled in MYP math • Includes a math exploration that requires students to explore an area of math that they are interested in and write a formal report for DP

Year 12-13 DP Mathematics: Mathematical Studies Standard Level • Students who need to meet the requirement for math, but are not interested in pursuing a math related field in university

Grow. Discover. Dream.


Year 10-11 overview: • Split into standard and extended classes • More emphasis on preparing for success in DP mathematics

Internal Assessment Higher Level Mathematics • Students who are planning on having math be a major focus of their university studies and career path • Recommended for students who have excelled in Year 11 Extended MYP Math • Complex and abstract topics, including many that are at a first or second year university level • Includes a math exploration that requires students to explore an area of math that they are interested in and write a formal report for DP Internal Assessment



F ocus O n – M athematics

Ultimately, MYP and DP mathematics helps students to see how maths is relevant to other subjects, as well as how it is applied in real-life. In addition, these courses prepare students to be successful in any further mathematics courses that they intend to pursue in their future studies and careers. Learning through inquiry allows students to thoroughly engage with the subject and see its relevance in and outside the classroom. Lissie Nichols Heads of Mathematics, Secondary

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