The Courier - October 2019

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Our Lady of the Rosary October 7

October 2019

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

Vatican Official:

St. Theodore Love of Neighbor Includes Parishioner Named MN are of the lanet Outstanding Senior



VATICAN CITY, Sept. 3, 2019 (CNA) - Taking care of the planet is ultimately about justice for the poor and about loving one’s neighbor as one’s self, a Vatican official has told CNA. Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam told CNA Sept. 3 that “we need to care for creation because poor people are all being affected by [changes in climate].” “And it is really Catholic tradition, Christian tradition, that in the poor we see Christ. Matthew 25:35 onwards [says]: I was hungry, I was naked, I was in prison, I was a foreigner and you welcomed me,” he said. Kureethadam has been coordinator of the “ecology and creation” sector at the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development since 2017. He is a university professor and the author of multiple books on creation and theology. He told CNA that in the West, the effects of climate change are not really noticed, and might just bring something like a flood or hurricane once in a while, while in other places in the world the effects are already very grave. “We don’t really understand climate change

This article first appeared in the Albert Lea Tribune on Aug. 29, 2019. It is reprinted here with permission. By SARAH STULTZ

�Anderson, reeborn County resident Judy Poppa longtime clinical social worker,

Planet, cont'd on pg. 2

alcohol and drug counselor, and volunteer, was named Minnesota's 2019 Outstanding Female Senior Citizen of the Year on Thursday during a ceremony at the Minnesota State Fair. When interviewed Thursday evening, Popp-Anderson said she never imagined in her “wildest imagination” that she would win the award. “I’m very humbled, very grateful,” she said. “I really don’t see it as me. I see all the wonderful people who have been in my life … and walked with me and shared their lives with me. I feel so blessed by all that.” Emcee Tim Dybevik described PoppAnderson as “someone who volunteers with purpose and dedication and is committed when people need it most.”

Senior, cont'd on pg. 17

INSIDE this issue

Spiritual Combat...

Meet Our New Seminarians page 5

page 10

Ten Active Years... page 12


Planet, cont'd from pg. 1

The Courier Insider

because we don’t live with it. But for the majority of people it’s already a reality,” he explained. “If we really love our neighbor – the second of the two great commandments: love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself – we have to be concerned about this.” He said another reason Catholics should pay attention to climate change is because it is a question of justice. Poorer countries are disproportionately affected by climate change, while it is wealthier nations that are emitting the major part of greenhouse gases. He said, “it’s caused mainly by the rich world, but it’s being paid for by the poor.” So, it takes on an ethical dimension, he said. “If we really want to practice justice, we have to change our lifestyle, question our lifestyle.” “We don’t really realize the game we are playing, the risks we are taking,” he argued. “And not the risks we are taking in the abstract, the risks we are taking for our own children, for their children.” Kureethadam, who is from Kerala and is a priest of the Salesians of Don Bosco, will speak during an ocean stewardship interfaith webinar Sept. 5. The webinar is being organized by Plastic Bank, a group which fights plastic pollution in the ocean by introducing recycling infrastructures into the poorest regions of the world. With the processes in place, people can exchange plastic material for cash, digital currency, healthcare coverage, school tuition, and more. Collected plastic is then recycled into new products. There is also a Plastic Bank bonus to ensure both full and part-time recyclers are guaranteed a living wage. Kureethadam said he likes the initiative because “they see the justice aspect of it... they are empowering poor communities.” “The real momentum is coming from the grassroots, and that’s how God works.” He thinks “simple people, young people, poor people, they will lead the change and what we need to do is stand by them. And that’s what Plastic Bank is doing.”

Come to the Women's Conference!___________6 Catholic Schools Updates___________________8 Undeniably Fruitful_________________________9 Meet Our New Seminarians________________10 Ten Active Years..._________________________12 ...The Journey Toward Priesthood___________13 ...Practicing Gratitude_____________________14 What Does a Canon Lawyer Do All Day?_____15 ...We Can All Be Like Frodo Baggins______16 Diocesan Headlines_______________________17 Diocesan Calendar________________________19 Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: Deacon Deacon Christopher Orlowski: appointed to diaconal ministry at Holy Spirit Parish in Rochester for a six-year term, effective September 1, 2019.

Legion of Mary Rev. Andrew Whiting, IVE: appointed Spritual Director for Our Lady Queen of the Universe Legion of Mary Curia in Mankato, effective August 20, 2019. Tribunal Ms. Jenna Cooper: reappointed Judge in the Tribunal of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester for a three-year term, effective October 6, 2019.


October 2019 A Missionary "Spring" in the Church That the breath of the Holy Spirit engender a new missionary "spring" in the Church.

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the

October 2019 w The Courier w

Spiritual Combat, Vigilance and Discernment_5

The Holy Father's Intention

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Matt Willkom, Editor Nick Reller, Associate Editor

(ISSN 0744-5490)

Does Your Parish Have a Spiritual Goal?________4

The priest also praised another Plastic Bank initiative, that of turning discarded plastic into rosaries. This way, he said, “the same plastic which is an image of degradation becomes an instrument of prayer, it becomes holy.” The webinar will focus on stewardship of the oceans. Kureethadam explained that the oceans “are really vital for life,” saying “the state of the ocean is really worrying.” He noted that plastic is just one of several big problems, and said if the ocean continues to be polluted at the same rate, it is projected that in 30 years there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean. He also explained that most plastic in the ocean is no longer visible but has become “micro-plastic.” This is then consumed by animals in the food chain and can make its way back to humans. It is still being studied, but it may begin to cause cancer or other illnesses in humans, he said. Kureethadam admitted he finds the word “environment” superficial; “scientists use it a lot, but I think it doesn’t really capture the depth of what we mean by creation care.” Creation is God’s creation, he emphasized. In Genesis, God tells Adam to “cultivate and take care of this garden,” he said. “It is the very first commandment we have received from God.” “We cannot afford to manipulate it or disfigure it or abuse it,” he continued. “It would be a sin.” He said he thinks sometimes people overlook John 1:14: “the greatest truth of Christianity, that God became one of us, the Word became flesh, became flesh on this planet,” he stated. “And we say that with the Incarnation the entire planet is sanctified.”

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 110 - 10

10th of the month prior.

Articles of Interest

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Where to Find the Courier •

Hard copies of the Courier are available in the churches of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at the first weekend Masses of each month.

An online version may be viewed at /offices/ courier/index.html

To be added to (or removed from) the home delivery list, readers should send their names and addresses to:

Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

Build Up a Culture of Life Seminarians

The Diocese of WinonaRochester is currently blessed with 18 young men who have heard the Lord’s call to discern the priesthood, and are currently studying at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona; Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI; St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, for a year of spiritual formation; or living and working at a parish for a pastoral year. Our Triune God has touched these young men’s hearts, and they have responded to His invitation to take the step of journeying towards the priesthood. Thank you for your prayers and support for these men, as they persevere in their discernment and growth in holiness.

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

Gun Violence In the past couple months, we have witnessed a tragic continuation of violence in our society, with several mass shootings occurring around the country, particularly in California, Ohio, and Texas. More than 50 people were innocent victims of U.S. mass shootings in the month of August alone, half of them in Texas. My heart goes out to all those affected by this senseless violence, including those who died and their families, and those who are survivors recovering from both physical and emotional wounds. It is a sad testament of our world today, that it is normal for us to open up the newspaper or turn on the news, and not be surprised to learn that there has been yet another mass shooting in our country. This sad state of affairs, however, is a call to us Catholics to pray and act for a change to our culture of violence and death. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has continued to call on our government leaders to look at and treat the root causes of gun violence, enact better gun control laws, better background checks, and pursue better avenues to protect innocent life. Violence against human life is not only found in mass shootings, but is also evident in the killing of unborn babies through abortion, inhumane conditions for immigrants and refugees, and the death penalty. We as Catholics must not only pray for all those affected by attacks on human life, but we must also work to protect the dignity of human life in all its stages and conditions, and never give up on defending human life in our culture in all we say and do.

October 2, Wednesday 10 a.m. - Interview for The Chair TV Show - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester 12:10 p.m. - Opening Mass for Public Veneration of St. Pio of Pietrelcina “Padre Pio” Relics - Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester October 3, Thursday 10:31 a.m. - Real Presence Catholic Radio Guest 11 a.m. - Conference Call - Catholic Higher Education Committee 1 p.m. - Holy Hour & Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 6 p.m. - 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil - St. Pius X Church, Rochester

October 4, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 10:30 a.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization Corner of 8th & Main St., Winona 11:45 a.m. - Lunch with Winona State University FOCUS Missionaries

Pope Francis himself offered prayers for those affected by the recent mass shootings, during his weekly Angelus address on August 4. Cardinal DiNardo, President of the USCCB, urged “all Catholics to increased prayer and sacrifice for healing and the end of these shootings. We encourage Catholics to pray and raise their voices for needed changes to our national policy and national culture as well.” Please join me in praying for all the victims of these tragedies in our country, and may we work for an end to violence and a respect for all human life. Women's Conference

All women of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester are invited to the annual women’s conference on Saturday, November 2, at St. Augustine Parish in Austin. The theme of this year’s conference is “Transforming Culture to Support Life – the Unique Gift of Womanhood.” This inspiring day of prayer, talks, music, and Confession, will feature the founder of a national chain of wholistic, life-affirming health centers for women; include speakers on pregnancy and infant loss; and will end with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I encourage all women to come for this opportunity to join together with other women in celebrating and affirming the beauty and gift of womanhood. More details and registration information can be found on the diocesan website,, or by calling Peter Martin at 507858-1273. Hurricane Dorian

Last month we witnessed tremendous loss of life and property by Hurricane Dorian, which leveled parts of the Bahamas and caused major

flooding and tornadoes on the east coast of the United States. Those affected by this storm have a long road ahead of them, as they work to put back together the pieces of their lives and return to a sense of normalcy. Those in the Bahamas particularly face difficult challenges, as they witnessed entire towns demolished, and human casualties due to the storm. Please pray for all those affected by Hurricane Dorian, and for those on the ground helping residents recover and rebuild their lives. If you would like to offer financial assistance to the hurricane recovery efforts, you can do so through Catholic Relief Services (crs. org) and Catholic Charities USA ( Respect Life Month

October is observed as Respect Life month by Catholics in the U.S., an opportunity to highlight the centrality and dignity of the human person. Every human life is precious and of inestimable worth from the moment of conception. This human dignity remains throughout each person’s entire life, for we humans are made in the image and likeness of God, and nothing of our circumstances or actions can take away the dignity that comes from being a child of God. Tragically, today we live in a “throwaway culture,” which deems only certain human lives to be valuable and worth protecting. Those who struggle with terminal illness and mental and physical disabilities, children who are considered unwanted, and many on the margins of society, are considered unworthy of care and dignity. Out of a misguided sense of “compassion,” our

October 5, Saturday 4:30 p.m. - Mass and Presentation of Bishop’s Medals - St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester

Education Committee 5 p.m. - Mass & Dinner with Christian Brothers - St. Mary’s University, Winona

October 6, Sunday 9:30 a.m. - Mass & Installation of Pastor, Fr. Andrew Whiting - Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Mankato

October 23, Wednesday 10 a.m. - Holy Hour & Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting 4:45 p.m. - Vespers & Mass - IHM Seminary, Winona

October 7, Monday 3 p.m. - Conference Call - Sacred Heart Major Seminary Board of Trustees Meeting October 8, Tuesday - October 18, Friday Footsteps of Saint Paul Pilgrimage, Greece October 20, Sunday 11 a.m. - Mass & Lunch with Neocatechumenal Way - Kahler Grand Hotel, Rochester October 22, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. - Holy Hour and Priest Pension Plan Board Meeting - Pastoral Center, Winona 2 p.m. - Conference Call - Catholic Higher

October 24, Thursday 1:30 p.m. - IHM Seminary Civil Corporation Board Meeting - IHM Seminary, Winona 3:30-8:30 - Individual Meetings with Seminarians - IHM Seminary, Winona October 25, Friday 8 a.m. - Teach at St. Mary’s University 10:15 a.m. - St. Paul Street Evangelization - St. Mary’s University, Winona 1-5 p.m. - Individual Meetings with Seminarians - IHM Seminary, Winona


world tells us that it’s fine and even good to end these lives that are seen as a burden or inconvenience, which leads to abortion, assisted suicide, and a host of other evils, as well as a common disregard for the great dignity of human life. In the face of this culture of death, it is our duty as Catholics to stand up for the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. By our words and actions, we must show love, care, and compassion for all those facing difficulties in life, whether it be an unexpected pregnancy, a child with disabilities, debilitating chronic health conditions, or a terminal illness. We must let those in these situations know, as well as their loved ones, that we care for them and that life is beautiful and worth living even with many struggles. We need to help them know the love and hope of Jesus Christ, who never abandons us, even in life’s most difficult situations. Every human life is worth cherishing and defending, so this Respect Life month, I encourage you to consider how you might work to build up a culture of life in your family, community, and world. Blessed are all of you.

From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

October 26, Saturday 9 a.m. - Holy Hour & Diocesan Pastoral Council Meeting - Resurrection Church, Rochester 4:30 p.m. - White Mass - St. Marys Hospital Chapel, Rochester October 27, Sunday 2 p.m. - Confirmation - Holy Spirit Parish, Rochester October 29, Tuesday 1 p.m. - Loyola Schools Annual Meeting - St. John the Baptist Church, Mankato October 30, Wednesday 11:30 a.m. - Holy Hour & Diocesan Finance Council Meeting - Pastoral Center, Winona 3 p.m. - Clergy Personnel Board Meeting Pastoral Center, Winona October 31, Thursday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Individual Meetings with Seminarians - IHM Seminary, Winona October 2019 w The Courier w

Missionary Discipleship


Does Your Parish Have a

Spiritual Goal? It shall come to pass I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. -Joel 3:1

s we continue the journey of being a people of the Great Commission, we have to acknowledge a poverty of the gift of dreaming. I don’t mean daydreaming, although I sometimes think that is also underrated. I mean deliberately taking time before the Lord and his people to imagine prayerfully what could be. Americans are an intensely pragmatic people, and I include myself in that. We love wiki-how, getting the to-do list done, breaking down the day into chores. We train for athletic events in deliberate daily ways. We chip away at loans with a payment a month. Etc. But pragmatism relies on our own resources and power. Our hyper-pragmatism can get in the way of dreaming what is possible with God. We can slowly starve for lack of spiritual dreaming. And the end of the prophet Joel’s statement, I believe, hints at this, and assures us the Holy Spirit will provide. But we must recognize this as one of the unnamed gifts of the Spirit for which we should eagerly strive (1 Cor 12:31). Not Blind Goals: Jesus on the Kingdom

Jesus of Nazareth did not leave us clueless on this, but we don’t always recognize that his life was giving us a long lesson in spiritual goal-setting. He taught in many parables. Such as: there was a man who discovered a treasure in a field and sold all he had to acquire it. The goal involves cost, but is priceless (Matt 13:44). This Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, starting tiny and becoming the largest place of shelter and fruitfulness. Starting small is normal. Expecting big is normal. Expecting fruitfulness is normal. In fact, if that doesn’t happen, something is wrong (Matt 13:31-32).

And he says the Kingdom of God has drawn near (Mark 1:15), and even the Kingdom of God is in your midst (Luke 17:20). Jesus included those on the edges: the Gospel of Mark continually drums that, outside the chosen disciples, the first ones to accept Jesus as the Messiah were on the edges of society - the public sinners, women, the unclean ill, children, the poor, even Gentiles. Perfect observance of the law was not the first marker of being a follower. Recognizing Jesus was the One to follow was. The Kingdom is for all. Jesus brought the Kingdom through loving works and signs of wonder, especially in healing those who were outcast or shut in because they were ill, possessed, even dead. The Kingdom is a place to expect wonders beyond our abilities, because of God. The fullness of the Kingdom is the vision. Every person brought to Jesus Christ is the goal. Every person growing strong together like mustard seeds is the goal. Goals on the Ground in Southern Minnesota

But what does that look like? I encourage you to take some time in prayer to brainstorm. Brainstorming, by definition, means no idea is ignored. Write everything down, even the “crazy.” (Culling happens later.) I’ll start; and these are just ideas:

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

Catholic sacramental recovery fellowship for those seeking freedom from unhealthy attachments. Austin, Queen of Angels Church, 7 p.m. Thursdays. General recovery (all addictions). Contact Jane (218429-1522 or NEW Winona, St. Casimir Church, 6:30 p.m. Mondays starting Oct. 14. General recovery (all addictions). Contact Tom (507-429-2936 or Want to start a group? Contact Susan (507-858-1277).

Parishes filled to overflowing with people who are happy to be there. They understand what the Eucharist is, that liturgy is prayer, and it is a gift. Picture that.

Could someone start an apostolate to the deaf and hard of hearing? Learn ASL? What more would it take?

Every parish has a spiritual outreach and evangelization plan. Every parish has a works of mercy outreach that involves personal contact. Every parish becomes a deliberate school of prayer. Every parish has a deliberate plan to foster vocations across the board, and live out vocations within the parish.

Could you take it to the gym? People do Bible studies after a workout (like Crossfit). Or create your own gym and offer optional spiritual health as well? (Mormons do.)

Every parish has an adult discipleship plan for growth, and a majority of adults are invited to it, engaged with it.

Now I am going to “let loose”— what could taking the gospel to all nations look like here in our diocese?

Could more people begin taking the faith to work? Offering a bible study, or Alpha/Christlife session, or prayer group before or after work, or on lunch break? How about No One Dies Alone? This is an initiative in hospitals where people who are dying alone are not left alone. The hospital will call you if there is someone dying, and you sit with that person while family steps out to eat, etc.

Could a group of people start a L’Arche community in the diocese? L’Arche is a small Christian live-in community of developmentally disabled adults and typically abled adults, founded by Catholic philosopher Jean Vanier (who recently died). Or a weeklong “camp” that focuses on their spiritual needs? Could we offer retreats to people in need at no cost? Open it to the whole town? Could we offer respite retreats to parents of children with disabilities, to focus on the particulars of that vocation? Some jails/prisons have ministry. Do all of them?

What would hospitality to the immigrant look like? Learning a new language? Sharing a meal? Providing ESL classes?

“Life runners" is a group who witnesses their support of women, unborn and born children, and natural death through running. They offer the pain of running for this cause. If you’re running anyway…. Could you look for the local people you do not see in your church and pray for a vision about how to reach them?

October, 2019 w The Courier w

We cannot “pray and make a plan” without a vision of what this looks like on the ground. Funding is not our problem. Visionary poverty is our problem. I ask you to dream with me and contact the person who could help you discern those dreams. Come, Holy Spirit! Give us vision and dreams for the mission!

Spiritual Combat, Vigilance and Discernment Todd Graff

The Christian life is a constant battle. We need strength and courage to withstand the temptations of the devil and to proclaim the Gospel…. Along this journey, the cultivation of all that is good, progress in the spiritual life and growth in love are the best counterbalance to evil. -Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate, #158, #163

�reetings of Peace, and Happy Fall! After a break over the past couple of months, I

want to conclude our study of Pope Francis’ recent apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (“Rejoice and Be Glad”) – On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World. Thus far, we have made our way through Chapters 1-4: “The Call to Holiness” (Ch. 1 / January issue); “Two Subtle Enemies of Holiness” (Ch. 2 / March issue); “In the Light of the Master” (Ch. 3 / February issue); and “Signs of Holiness in Today’s World” (Ch. 4 / June issue). This month, I will examine Chapter Five of the document, “Spiritual Combat, Vigilance and Discernment.” It’s probably good, and honest, to begin by stating that the title and content of this chapter relate to topics that are not easily discussed. Some will simply dismiss the idea that there even is a devil to be concerned about. Others can be paralyzed in their spiritual lives by an overwhelming fear of him and of his works of darkness. So, it may be helpful to all of us to consider and reflect on what our Holy Father teaches us in this chapter of his text on holiness. First, Pope Francis offers a balanced path in his introduction to this chapter. He describes the Christian life as “a constant battle,” and speaks of our need for “strength and courage to withstand the temptations of the devil.” But, he also assures us that “[t]his battle is sweet, for it allows us to rejoice each time the Lord triumphs in our lives” (#158). The chapter is then laid out in two main sections, on prayer and on discernment. In Constant Prayer #159-#165

As I indicated above, there are some who see the devil as a kind of mythological figure representing the evil and darkness present in the world. But, our Holy Father is firm in his insistence that the scriptures and

Discernment #166-#175

Our Holy Father opens this second section of the chapter with a challenging question for our consideration: “How can we know if something comes from the Holy Spirit or if it stems from the spirit of the world or the spirit of the devil?” And, he is quite clear about the answer: “The only way is through discernment.” So, how should we understand the practice and discipline of discernment? Discernment is “more than intelligence or common sense.” It is, rather, a gift and grace that we pray for, and receive from, the Holy Spirit. But, we can also seek to develop this gift “through prayer, reflection, reading and good counsel” (#166). Discernment includes “reason and prudence,” but it “goes beyond them, for it seeks a glimpse of that unique and mysterious plan that God has for each of us, which takes


shape amid so many varied situations and limitations” (#166, #170). Pope Francis then explores the need for, and the practice of, discernment in several contexts. First, the practice of discernment is greatly needed in our culture today, which “offers immense possibilities for action and distraction,” and in which all of these are presented as “valid and good.” The “wisdom of discernment” keeps us from falling “prey to every passing trend.” In Christ and the Spirit, we have the freedom to examine and reflect on what is within us (“our desires, anxieties, fears and questions”) and what takes place around us (“the signs of the times”), in order to see more clearly “the paths that lead to complete freedom” (#167). Second, discernment is needed at all times – in the “extraordinary times” of seeking to “resolve grave problems and make crucial decisions,” but also in “the little things [of] each day’s responsibilities and commitments.” In both great matters and “everyday responsibilities,” we must seek “to follow the Lord more faithfully” (#169). Third, the practice of discernment recognizes that God “speaks to us in a variety of ways, at work, through others and at every moment.” And so it demands of us “the silence of prolonged prayer … to perceive God’s language … and to see the whole of our existence afresh in his own light.” Authentic discernment entails “a readiness to listen: to the Lord and to others, and to reality itself, which always challenges us in new ways” (#171, #172). And, finally, discernment flows from “the logic of the gift and of the cross.” To take on our baptismal vocation, we must be always ready “to make sacrifices, even to sacrificing everything.” No areas of our lives can be “off limits” to our discernment of God’s will for us and his direction for our lives. If we surrender our lives, “leaving ourselves behind in order to approach the mystery of God [and] to carry out the mission to which he has called us,” then God will bring our lives to authentic fulfillment (#174-#175). And, “in this way,” we will be able “to withstand the temptations of the devil and to proclaim the Gospel … [and] we will share a happiness that the world will not be able to take from us” (#158, #177). Deo Gratias!

Lay Formation & RCIA

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

Jesus himself teach us that the devil, “the prince of evil,” is “more than a myth.” He is, rather, “a personal being who assails us.” And, in the “Our Father” prayer, we call upon God to “deliver us from evil,” which the pope states is more accurately translated as, “the evil one” (#160). It is important for us to have this understanding of the devil as a “personal being” in order to be clear about the dangers that face us in the spiritual life. We must be alert and on guard, for the foe who confronts us is not simply “a representation, a symbol, a figure of speech, or an idea.” He is a “malign power” whose evil “at times can have so much destructive force.” The devil does not need, however, “to possess us” in order to “poison us with the venom of hatred, desolation, envy and vice,” all of which work “to destroy our lives, our families and our communities” (#161). So, how are we, then, to resist the devil’s power and influence in our lives, and to wage the “spiritual combat” that holiness requires of us? As our Holy Father teaches, it does not require any esoteric knowledge or extraordinary powers of us, for we can simply draw on “the powerful weapons” that the Lord provides us: “faith-filled prayer, meditation on the word of God, the celebration of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, sacramental Reconciliation, works of charity, community life, missionary outreach” (#162). In short, we fight this battle against the devil by cultivating “all that is good,” by progressing “in the spiritual life,” and by growing “in love.” While this path is not mysterious to us, it does demand that we “be attentive” and, through the work of the Spirit, not allow ourselves to become “weakened and corrupted.” As Pope Francis states so eloquently, “Christian triumph is always a cross, yet a cross which is at the same time a victorious banner, borne with aggressive tenderness against the assaults of evil” (#163, #164).

God asks everything of us, yet he also gives everything to us. He does not want to enter our lives to cripple or diminish them, but to bring them to fulfillment…. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to pour out upon us a fervent longing to be saints for God’s greater glory, and let us encourage one another in this effort.

-Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate #175, #177

October 2019 w The Courier w

Come to the

Life, Marriage & Family


Women's Conference! �ith

our annual Women’s Conference coming up on November 2, I took the opportunity to sit down with THERESA MARTIN, chairwoman of the planning committee for the Women’s Conference this year. Included below is our conversation, with my questions bolded and Mrs. Martin's responses italicized. This year’s theme is Transforming Culture to Support Life: the Unique Gift of Womanhood. Can you tell us why the committee chose this focus this year?

Of course! It was St. John Paul II who pointed out that the way God created a woman’s body is also reflected in her dignity as a woman. For example, a woman’s body is created to bear, grow and nurture human life; so too, a woman has a special gift to see the needs of others, to care for others and has a natural empathy to the feelings of others, which in turn allows her to love others. In his encyclical, Evangelium Vitae, On the Value and Inviolability of Human Life, he speaks about the need to create a culture of life in our society. And he places women at the forefront of this effort in paragraph 99: In transforming culture so that it supports life, women occupy a place, in thought and action, which is unique and decisive.

It depends on them to promote a "new feminism" which rejects the temptation of imitating models of "male domination," in order to acknowledge and affirm the true genius of women in every aspect of the life of society, and overcome all discrimination, violence and exploitation.

When looking at how our culture has evolved into a place where human life is less valued, we decided it would be wonderful to spend a day on how to practically do this, which we women are specifically called to do and have a unique gift for: transforming culture to support life. Yet, some of your speakers are speaking about pregnancy and infant loss. Do you see that as connected? Yes, exactly. This gift that women have to nurture and support life, physically and spiritually, makes them especially sensitive to the loss of life. In our culture, the life that is least valued is the preborn. This lack of empathy to the grief a mother has for her miscarried baby makes it very difficult for a woman to grieve this very real loss. If one is not allowed to grieve, this in turn can have ripple effects of emotional stress in her life. We wanted to give some time then to this topic. Yet, this is not just for mothers who have lost a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death, but to all women who again have a deep sympathy for those littles lives and their mothers. The after-

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

noon session is focused on a personal story to emphasize the dignity of these small lives and then an expert in the field of pregnancy and infant loss who can help guide women through this whether personally or in order to support a friend. Can you tell us a little about the speakers themselves? Sure. Our first speaker was chosen to speak precisely to how one can live out our gift to transform our culture to support the dignity of all life, from conception to natural death. Her name is Leah Jacobson, and she is the founder of the Guiding Star Project. Hailing from central Minnesota, Leah has been working with young people and mothers since 2000. Leah founded the Guiding Star Project in 2011 after feeling called to help women and families by providing resources that honor natural law and promote holistic feminism. She seeks to create Guiding Star centers to serve as beacons of hope, joy, and truth—safe havens that uphold human dignity in all stages of life. Leah lives in Minnesota with her family and works as a board-certified lactation consultant. As a mother to seven children, she has a special interest in supporting young women as they transition into their roles as new mothers. Leah will speak to us about women’s unique gift to transform culture in general, and share her amazing personal story and the mission of the Guiding Star Project. Her story is a witness that one woman can make an extraordinary difference, and will give us hope for the future. I know you will love her as much as I do! She is informative, witty and fun. You will not want to miss this phenomenal speaker! And for your afternoon talks? In the afternoon, we'll hear a local Catholic woman and mother share her journey of the loss of her baby through miscarriage. Allison Hesse, who is beloved by so many of us in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, was born and raised in the Catholic faith. She is originally from Colorado and has lived in Minnesota since graduating from Creighton University School of Nursing in 2001. She is currently working from home as a telephone triage nurse for Mayo Clinic. She lives in Winona and is joyfully married to her husband, Steve. Together, they enjoy traveling, gardening, visiting with family and friends and spending time at their cabin, Conference, cont'd on next page

October 2019 w The Courier w


cont'd from previous page

There is a second speaker in the afternoon as well, correct? Yes, there is! Another local gem for our diocese, Heidi Indahl is an author, blogger, and mother extraordinaire. Her personal life journey has put her in a position to understand deeply the grief and pain of pregnancy and infant loss, and hope in Jesus Christ. She is the mother of seven living children, three miscarried babies, a stillborn daughter, and a daughter who passed away shortly after birth. Heidi Indahl is the author of Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections for Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss and 67 Ways to Do the Works of Mercy with Your Kids. With a passion for sharing her pregnancy and infant loss journey, she does so in a way that can enrich the spiritual life of all women while also improving the way we think and talk about pregnancy and infant loss to promote a genuine culture of life, centered in the truths of our Catholic faith. She is the perfect speaker to connect our theme with all the facets of supporting life. She also has a great repertoire of resources for women who wish to support friends or family members who suffer pregnancy or infant loss, and resources for the mothers themselves. You will want to be there to get this great information!

Anything else you’d like to share about the conference?

Of course I can! We are so excited to have so much to offer women this year! The conference is being held at St. Augustine Church in Austin on November 2, All Souls Day, which adds another blessed dimension to the day, especially when we recount those lives who have been lost to us. We will begin the day by gathering and socializing around registration (with light refreshments, of course!), and we hope to have a number of organizations represented in our vendor section, so that women can learn what groups are out there already promoting the culture of life in our society. After the morning talk by Leah Jacobson, there will be plenty of time for Q and A. Then we will head back for more socializing and time to check out all the vendors, including the Guiding Star Project! We will then have a lovely lunch. Next, our worship leader, the local Catholic superstar, Jessy Kaufman, will guide us through an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through music and reflection, at which time there will be opportunity for Confession. After Adoration, we will hear Allison Hesse’s story and learn how to help women going through pregnancy or infant loss from Heidi Indahl. There will be time for Q and A here as well! After this, there will be time for ladies to socialize, have refreshments and fill out intention cards with the name of a loved one who has passed away, to be offered at Mass. We will have Praise & Worship with the Divine Mercy Chaplet starting at 3:30, and end by attending St. Augustine’s 4:30 Vigil Mass.

I often hear women lament that we aren’t doing enough to support each other or bring the truth of our faith in Jesus Christ to the culture around us. Here is an opportunity to do just that! I encourage all women of all ages to join us for this blessed and powerful day! The Holy Spirit is alive and well in our diocese and we are so blessed to have a day set aside for a Women’s Conference! I also heard there will be a lively emcee for the day, is that right? Who is that? Well, I hope so! We have to keep it fun and inspiring! The emcee will be yours truly, and I am so honored to share all these fabulous speakers with the wonderful women of our diocese! Please come out and join us! You do not want to miss this amazing day! Register TODAY!

7 Life, Marriage & Family

the Holy Family Hermitage. Allison is one of God’s precious daughters, a sister, wife, aunt, godmother and friend; but, her heart longs to hear someone call her “mama.” Her story of hope, faith, grief, and love will stir your soul. And for those mothers out there who do have a baby in heaven, it is a story that will give value and dignity to your own journey. She is a must see!

The day includes more than just talks, as I understand. Can you tell us about that?

The Diocesan Women’s Conference will be held at St. Augustine Church in Austin on November 2nd. Please register at https://www.

Attendees of the 2016 Women's Conference socialize at St. Joseph Church in Owatonna.

October 2019 w The Courier w

Catholic Schools



Growing and Thriving! Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Classroom Blessings

Submitted by LINDA SCHRUPP The WACS Way

When you enter our Winona Area Catholic Schools, you are greeted by a sign that proclaims the WACS Way. It is the school culture that we embrace with our staff, students and parents every day. We believe the four principles not only can serve our students now, but can be used as a guide to Christian witness throughout their lives. 1. Help others succeed.

2. Let others know they matter.

3. See the problem—own the problem. 4. Honor the absent.

SMS Caledonia Presents

Faith Forward 2029 By REBECCA SWEDBERG

ver the last year and a half, St. Mary’s Church and School have worked relentlessly to re-envision the future of the parish and school. With the feedback and suggestions from parents, board members, benefactors, teachers and staff members, a plan titled Faith Forward 2029 was developed to ensure the longterm viability of St. Mary’s Church and School. Within the plan are four critical areas to success, including enrollment, financial stability, communications and public relations, and academics.

October 2019 w The Courier w

On September 6, Bishop Quinn visited St. Stan’s Elementary School in Winona to extend his blessings upon the new school year. Students and staff gathered in the school gym as he especially welcomed all of the new students at WACS this year. Fr. Arens and Deacon Green also accompanied Bishop Quinn as he visited and blessed each and every classroom during his visit. Unprecedented Growth

For the second year in a row, Winona Area Catholic Schools (WACS) has experienced an unprecedented growth in student enrollment. This year we welcomed 540 students through our doors as school began on

On Sunday, September 8, 2019, the Faith Forward 2029 plan was released to St. Mary’s Parish. The day began with Mass celebrated with the help of St. Mary’s School students. During Mass, Marsha Stenzel, the superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, spoke on behalf of Bishop Quinn in support of this new plan. Following Mass, there was a short presentation, which many parishioners attended to learn more about the plan and how we can ensure the long-term viability of St. Mary’s Church and School. To learn more about Faith Forward 2029, please visit the website for St. Mary’s Church and School at www. Rebecca Swedberg is the principal of St. Mary School in Caledonia.

August 19. The St. Mary’s kindergarten program has 80 students enrolled, and other sections were also added to the upper grade levels at St. Stan’s School to accommodate this tremendous growth. WACS serves children from preschool to sixth grade. States Principal Pat Bowlin, “To have the gain this year is great news for us, as people are hearing good things about our schools. “ Linda Schrupp is the local admissions coordinator for Cotter Schools and Winona Area Catholic Schools.

Blessings on a New Pacelli School Year By JEAN MCDERMOTT

acelli Catholic School welcomed 312 students into our preschool through grade 12 classrooms in September. The excitement of the first days of school reignites the energy, passion, and love of Jesus that fill the halls and classrooms throughout the school year. Our first week concluded with an All-School Mass, followed by a procession through the school hallways. Father Steffes, pastor of St. Augustine and St. Edward, led the procession with the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance. Students and families processed with Father through the hallways, singing and praying as Father blessed our classrooms. Jesus was then

placed in the school chapel tabernacle to remain with us throughout the school year. The Pacelli preschool program continues to grow, providing more students with an excellent faith-based and caring environment and filling a great need in our community. In addition to our two outstanding traditional half-day preschool classrooms, we have added a fullday, multi-age, Montessori classroom, which includes the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. In total, Pacelli now provides opportunity for 100 preschool children each year. It is with great delight that we begin another year of learning and experiencing the many blessings God has bestowed upon us at Pacelli Catholic School. Jean McDermott is the principal and president of Pacelli School in Austin.

Undeniably Fruitful By BRIAN KUSEK

�he Second Vatican Council points to the Eucharist as the “source and summit of Christian life” (LG, 11). In my four years of witnessing the fruits of Camp Summit, I know two things to be true. First, there is no program I have ever been a part of in my Christian life that has been as much fun. Second,

truly transformed and ready to serve. It takes a village to carry on the vision of Camp Summit’s founders, and the core team is grateful for all who participate and help us continue growing. This much remains clear after all these years: Camp Summit is undeniably the Lord’s work, and it is undeniably fruitful. Stay up to date on what’s happening with Camp Summit by visiting www. Brian Kusek is the coordinator of faith formation & youth ministry for St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Rochester.

Youth & Young Adults

Aaron Lofy

Director of Youth & Young Adults,

there is no program I have ever been a part of in my Christian life that has drawn people so close to Our Lord and his mission. Baked into the fabric of camp is a sense of community and communion like no other. There’s a reason camp has grown so much – from 40 attendees seven years back to two sold-out weeks with well over 250 campers, 100 high school leaders, 60 chaperones, 40 volunteers, 25 priests and religious, and 10 seminarians. Rock walls, hikes, ultimate Frisbee games, and just being downright goofy break down barriers and form new friendships. Winning souls through relationship, youth ministers, priests, and volunteers are able to build disciples that they can send on mission back in their own parishes. Because they encounter Jesus in a real way – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – campers leave


October 2019 w The Courier w

Meet Our New Seminarians 10 Vocations

his fall, Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary welcomes four new seminarians who are discerning priesthood for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester: Jake Lewis, Andrew McManimon, Isaiah Olsem and Gabriel Rysavy. Our diocese also welcomes back Brian Klein, whose journey of discernment has led him back to priestly formation after a year away. Brian is currently undertaking a Spiritual Year in Philadelphia. Please join me in welcoming and praying for these men!

Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

first-year pre-theology candidate. This means I share many classes with true freshmen, and their energy levels are far greater than mine! I have no doubt we will learn much from each other despite our age differences. They are all exceptional young men.

What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

Jake Lewis enjoys exercising, playing board games and cards, and spending time doing "just about anything" with family and friends.

Andrew McManimon


What has led you to seminary formation? I first heard a call to service when I was very young. I initially thought that this call would be satisfied through a military or law enforcement career when the time came to leave high school. Upon graduating high school, I enlisted in the Army National Guard and enjoyed six years of service. Once I left the service, I had a couple of odd jobs, a restaurant server and a delivery driver to name a couple. During my time at these jobs, I quickly realized that I would not be satisfied unless I was directly serving people on a larger scale. I began a career in Corrections and enjoyed three years of challenging service, but I still felt that my call was not being fully satisfied. I decided to enter the seminary after two years of careful consideration. To this day it has been the most difficult decision I have ever made, but I feel an extraordinary sense of peace now. I have a long road ahead of me, but I am certain that I will discover my true vocation while I'm here. I have had incredible support from everyone in my life, especially my beautiful family. I cannot put into words how truly blessed I am to be where I am today. What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

If there was any advice I would give to anyone discerning a call to religious life, it would be this: just take the leap and answer the call. There is no negative outcome for you. If you discover the call is truly for you, that is fantastic! Also, if you deepen your relationship with Christ and discover that you're truly being called to serve in a different manner, that is fantastic! There is clarification here.

Andrew McManimon

grew up in Owatonna, the youngest of four siblings. He has a passion for music and holds a degree in economics.

Isaiah Olsem grew up on a farm near Fulda with his

seven siblings. He says his upbringing on a farm gave him "a strong appreciation both for hard work and for living in a relaxed, relationship-focused manner."

What are your interests?

What are your interests?

The main hobby in my life has been music. I have felt drawn toward music ever since I learned to sing the Scooby-Doo theme song at the age of two. My mother taught me a few chords on the guitar when I was around eight years old, and my uncle taught me to play basic things on the drums shortly thereafter. I took formal lessons in both instruments, but I eventually chose guitar as my primary instrument. I performed in church and at the local fair throughout my teenage years, and eventually played in my university’s jazz band. Though it has become rare for me to perform publicly these days, I still have the same passion for playing and listening to music. Some of my other hobbies include golf, basketball, billiards, and chess. What was your childhood like?

One of my major hobbies is running. Before joining seminary this year as a junior, I ran cross country and track at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. Prior to joining seminary, being a runner was my daily break from the school day, and the team became my core group of friends with whom I spent time and grew. Being part of the team is what kept me active and involved during my first couple years of college. Looking back, being part of the cross country team has been the source of core lessons about being a hard worker, the joy of struggling, the need for strong brotherhood, and the importance of motivation behind what we do. I enjoy doing anything outside, and I also partake in a family tradition of board games.

I grew up in Owatonna. I had a wonderful childhood, being the youngest of four siblings. Needless to say, there was always a great deal of activity around the house, and my parents wonderfully handled the energy of us kids. Each of my siblings – two brothers and one sister – have unique qualities that make them very special, but we all share a common bond and sense of humor. They have provided our family with very special nieces and nephews as well! We continue to be a very close family, and we couldn’t be any more blessed.

The possibility of priesthood first struck me toward the end of my senior year. In my prayer, I can remember complaining to God that I had nothing that I was excited to do after high school. Pretty quickly, the idea of priesthood somehow came to mind as something attractive, but I quickly dismissed it out of fear of it being something that I did not have the ability to do, particularly due to my shyness, and out of skepticism that God could possibly be calling me to a specific vocation.

Who has had the strongest influence on your faith journey?

How did you first hear your call to seminary formation?

My mother, Deb McManimon, has had the strongest influence on my journey in the faith. She has always been a model example of the faith in the way she conducts herself and in the love she shows everyone around her. She and my father provided all of us children with the opportunity to learn lessons in faith early in life by attending a Catholic K-8 school [St. Mary's, Owatonna]. When we moved on to public schools, she was our CCD teacher and helped us to continue in our knowledge of scripture and faith. To this day, she remains in a central role in my faith journey, and she continues to be more active every year in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. How does it feel to be entering the seminary? Jake Lewis October 2019 w The Courier w

It feels amazing and surreal! However, as a 30-year-old, I must admit it is a change of pace. I have a prior bachelor’s degree in economics, so I have entered the seminary as a

Isaiah Olsem

Describe the Spiritual Year program you’ve begun in Philadelphia.

From that point on, it simply remained as a desire that I could not seem to discard, no matter how hard I tried. I can remember a lot of people who mentioned the possibility of seminary to me, and I was sometimes mentally anxious and defensive over the idea. In my first cross country race, three Isaiahs (I was one of them) finished back-to-back. I found myself thinking, “Could this be a sign that God wants me in seminary?” I doubt that it was, but nonetheless it proved that there was some desire in my heart.

What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations?

Gabriel Rysavy grew up on a farm south of Owatonna,

the youngest of three brothers who all attended St. Isidore School in Litomysl and St. Mary's School in Owatonna. His faith was cultivated from a young age by his family, parish (Holy Trinity, Litomysl) and teachers. What are your interests? I have a wide variety of interests and hobbies: music, art, photography, baking, writing, spending time outdoors, and more. In high school, the majority of my activities were centered around the arts, specifically music. How did you first hear your call to seminary formation?

Growing up, I knew some about the priesthood and seminary, because my dad was in the seminary for quite some time after he graduated from high school. Because of this, I was always aware of the possibility, but it never struck me as something I would pursue in the future. Fast forward to the summer following my freshman year of high school. I was signed up and registered for Steubenville Catholic Youth Conference in Rochester. As my Dad, my brother and I left for Rochester, a nervous excitement filled me. We arrived at the conference, and after that first day, I realized just how amazing this retreat was going to be. During prayer in adoration, I prayed to God, asking Him what He wanted me to do in life. Up to this point, I had little to no idea what I wanted to do after high school. I enjoyed many subjects, but none stood out to me as a future career path. That night, I began to feel a call to discernment of the priesthood at seminary. This was the first time that I really started to consider priesthood as a possible vocation for me. Since then, I prayed about it, got in touch with my vocations director, and applied to Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary. As they say, the rest is history. How does it feel to be entering the seminary?

It feels absolutely amazing to be entering the seminary. Leading up to my arrival here, there were most certainly doubts and fears that arose. I questioned whether seminary was truly for me, especially right out of high school. Despite this, I finished my application and sent it in. I was accepted as a seminarian for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester this year. Ever since meeting my brother seminarians at Steubenville Rochester this past summer, I knew that IHM Seminary was where God wanted me to be. Now that I am here at the seminary, my original conviction has been reinforced: God wants me here to discern His will for me in my life.

Gabriel Rysavy

What joys or difficulties do you anticipate moving forward in your vocation? Looking toward the future, I know that there will be both joys and difficulties in discerning my vocation. Already, I have experienced many joys getting to know all of my brother seminarians. There is a beautiful sense of fraternity among the seminarians here at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary. It took very little time for me to feel very welcome and comfortable around the other seminarians. As for difficulties, the transition into the seminary/ university has had its challenges. Juggling the seminary schedule along with my college schedule can be difficult, but I know that, though this path is demanding, it is well worth it. I am sure that I will get into the rhythm of seminary life in due time. Your prayers are greatly appreciated during my time of discernment and study at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary.

What advice do you have for others who are discerning their vocations? Trust in God. On the path toward seminary, it is likely that one will experience some fears and doubts. Despite this, persevere in your faith in God. Get in contact with your vocations director, and stay in contact with him. If you have questions or worries, let him know. He will readily discuss them with you and help you through them. If God might be calling you to the seminary, please graciously answer His call. “For I know well the plans I have in mind for you… plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Brian Klein

has returned to formation after a year away. He recently started a Spiritual Year program in Philadelphia.



My advice for anyone discerning seminary is, first and foremost, prayer. Throughout my first two years of college, I have found that as my prayer life increased, the desire to join seminary also increased. Also, find a spiritual director or simply somebody qualified to talk with who you can be open with. An outside, neutral perspective can see a lot that the person discerning misses (or, in my case, what I was avoiding). Also, know that God is good and knows what is good for you!

The SY program is an opportunity to dive deeper in my relationship with God through multiple avenues. Over the course of an academic year, we read the whole Bible, the whole Catechism and a variety of spiritual authors (e.g. St. Therese of Lisieux), and take ungraded classes on these topics. In addition to these opportunities to learn about the foundations of the Church, we have weekly service opportunities in the community (I visit residents in a nursing home) and will have a 30-day “poverty immersion” in January, during which the 21 seminarians in the program will be sent out “two by two” to serve in various missions throughout the northeast US. There is a media fast (no phones, computers, Internet, etc.) five days of the week to focus on forming more authentic relationships with God and with the other men in the program. Finally, it all caps off with a 30-day silent retreat from mid-May to mid-June! Already, the first few weeks have been very fruitful, and I’m excited to see what good the Lord continues to work through this program. What advice do you have for someone discerning priesthood or religious life?

“What will separate us from the love of Christ? Will anguish, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword? No, in all these things we conquer overwhelmingly through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor present things, nor future things, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:35, 37-38). In a basic sense, a vocation is no more than responding with a simple “Yes” to God’s loving call to each of us. He calls us first and foremost to a life of holiness and sainthood, but His love for each of us is so great that He has also deliberately created you and me for a particular vocation, with unique gifts and abilities that will allow us to say “Yes” to His love with our whole lives. There can be many fears, doubts, and uncertainties that arise in the course of discerning a vocation, but Paul reminds us that no obstacle can separate us from Christ who has already overcome all barriers. In order for this truth to impact our lives, it is necessary only to take a concrete action, and to do it today (not tomorrow!) to respond to His love. The options are endless, but a few suggestions include praying the Litany of Trust daily, reading a whole Gospel (i.e. Mark) start to finish with one passage per day, setting aside at least 10 minutes for silent prayer each night to pray about how God has blessed us today, or simply discussing discernment with a trusted role model in the faith. These and many other practices allow God’s love into our lives, which in turn allows Him to lead us past any fears and into the deep and personal fulfillment that is found in our vocations. “Trust in the Lord forever! For the Lord is an eternal Rock” (Isaiah 26:4).

What have you been up to in your year away from the seminary? In the spring of 2018, I was completing my second year of seminary formation, and the next step would have been to declare candidacy, which is similar to getting engaged to the priesthood (though the analogy isn’t perfect). While I felt like the Lord might be calling me to priesthood, I wasn’t fully confident to take that next step, and so it was decided that I should take time out of formation while I continued to discern. I worked as a credit analyst at Stearns Bank in St. Cloud. With the help of God, I grew a tremendous amount over the course of the past year, and, after a lot of prayer and discussion with others, I received a greater clarity and depth regarding God’s call to me for the priesthood. I’m excited to be back serving the Diocese of Winona-Rochester!

Brian Klein October 2019 w The Courier w


Ten Active Years


With the Permanent Diaconate Class of 2009 Deacon Bob Yerhot

Assistant Director of the Diaconate

This photo of the newly ordained Class of 2009 appeared on the cover of the Courier's September 2009 issue. Credit: Bruce Defries

Deacon Richard Aho is assigned to St. Augustine Parish and St. Edward Parish in Austin. Deacon Aho is active in various parish and community ministries as he is able, and is particularly active in prayer and witness ministry.

Deacon Vern Behrends is assigned to St. Mary's parish in Worthington. Deacon Vern's varied ministries include: preaching on a regular basis; coordinating RCIA; pre-marriage preparation; baptism preparation; planning and officiating funeral liturgies; committals; visiting the sick; mentoring diaconate candidates; officiating at weddings and baptisms; working at the local food shelf as a volunteer and a board member; and training ushers, lectors, and communion ministers. He also, on request, has assisted other parishes in the western part of our diocese as needed. Deacon David Blake was formerly assigned to Queen of Angels Parish in Austin; he is now on assignment in the Diocese of Orange, CA, where he serves at St. Norbert Parish in Orange. He ministers at the altar and is very active in jail ministry, which includes communion services, counseling, RCIA, baptism and confirmation preparation of inmates. He conducts wake services at several funeral homes and presides at graveside internments. He is a spiritual advisor for the Knights of Columbus.

October, 2019 w The Courier w

Deacon David Dose is assigned to St. Mary of the Lake Parish in Lake City and St. Patrick Parish in West Albany. Deacon Dose's ministries have included: assisting at Masses on weekends, preaching monthly, baptism preparation, marriage preparation, RCIA, visiting the sick and homebound, assisting widows with household needs, assisting the local CCW, serving on the parish volunteer team, communion services at a nursing home, officiating at baptisms, and occasionally officiating at weddings. He also is a groundskeeper at St. Patrick's and assists retired priests in their transportation needs. Deacon Dose serves on the pastoral council of his parishes as an ad hoc member.

Deacon Preston Doyle is assigned to Sacred Heart Parish in Waseca, where he helped start a new St. Vincent de Paul conference, which he now serves as a spiritual advisor and conference moderator. Deacon Doyle assists Fr. Gregory Leif at liturgies at Sacred Heart Parish and preaches at Mass. He also visits weekly the homebound and residents of the Mapleton Community Home, where he also occasionally presides at communion services. He serves as the treasurer on the board of directors for Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota. Deacon Eduardo Fortini serves in the Diocese of Lexington, KY, as the coordinator of Hispanic ministry and director of a diocesan formation program, Discipulos M i s i o n e r o s . Partnering with the McGrath Institute, the University of Notre Dame, and the diocesan lay ministry program, Discipulos Misioneros is a prerequisite to the permanent diaconate program.


his August 22, the Diocese of WinonaRochester's Permanent Diaconate Class of 2009 celebrated 10 years as deacons. Here is how they've been living out their vocation: Deacon John Hust is assigned to St. Felix Parish in Wabasha and St. Agnes Parish in Kellogg, where he celebrates baptisms and weddings outside of Mass, funeral rites outside of Mass, and graveside interments. He has a preaching ministry on a monthly basis in the parishes. Other parish responsibilities include organizing homebound ministry, teaching Confirmation classes, visiting the elderly and sick, leading a couples' group, marriage preparation and a charismatic prayer group. He is an associate chaplain at St. Elizabeth Hospital, where he offers weekly meditations on the Sunday scripture readings. His diaconal ministry also occurs in the Faribault State Prison and the Federal Medical Center in Rochester. He is the moderator for charismatic renewal in the diocese, a member of the planning committee for Unbound Ministry and active in St. Paul Street Evangelization, and he has taken mission trips to Kenya with Renewal Ministries for several years. Deacon Chris Orlowski is assigned to Pax Christi Parish in Rochester. His ministry experiences include preaching on a regular basis; visiting the sick; and serving as spiritual director for Christian Experience Weekends, Sunday Meal Ministry at a neighboring parish, and the Knights of Columbus. Deacon Orlowski is among those who have helped establish and maintain the Pax Christi Conference of the St. Vincent de Paul Society for the past eight years.

Deacon Christopher Walchuk currently serves in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis at St. Andrew Parish in Elysian and Holy Trinity Parish in Waterville. As a deacon, he visits the

sick in area hospitals and nursing homes, brings Holy Communion to shut-ins, and provides adult education classes. He serves at liturgies including Mass, baptisms and weddings. Deacon Walchuk has a regular preaching schedule. He teaches in the Institute of Lay Formation in the Diocese of WinonaRochester and has speaking engagements at various parishes for teen and adult education.

Deacon Joseph Weigel is assigned to Holy Spirit Parish in Rochester. Deacon Weigel is a spiritual advisor and active member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, a FOCCUS facilitator, a prayer minister and facilities team member for the Steubenville North Catholic Youth Conferences, and a 40 Days for Life coordinator. He also regularly offers Word-Communion services at Homestead Senior Rehabilitation and Living Center in Rochester, wakes and graveside services, and he preaches frequently at daily and weekend Masses at the parish, and celebrates baptisms and weddings.

Deacon Bob Yerhot is assigned to Crucifixion Parish in La Crescent, St. Patrick Parish in Brownsville and Holy Cross Parish in Dakota. He is also the assistant director of the diaconate for the diocese, responsible for post-ordination formation of deacons and their wives. Deacon Yerhot sits on the editorial board for the Josephinum Diaconal Review and is active in the National Association of Diaconate Directors in Region VIII.

The Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse Aids Men on

The Journey Toward Priesthood 13 Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

Congratulations! Since our Last Printing, the following parishes have met their goals for the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal:

Pax Christi Rochester St. Agnes Kellogg St. Ann Slayton St. Columba Iona

�he Diocese of Winona-Rochester has been blessed this year with an outstanding number of young men studying to become priests. Bishop Quinn has commented that the faithful and fervent prayers, as well as an increased focus on high quality youth ministry and faith formation programs, has helped more men hear God’s call to the priesthood. With this great blessing comes the necessity of helping these young men afford the education that they will need to become priests. Following the trend of most other higher education facilities, the cost of educating and forming the seminarians from our diocese has increased as well. For this reason, the Bishop Emeritus Bernard J. Harrington Seminarian Burse was formed. The Seminarian Burse was started in 2006 by Bishop Emeritus Harrington to ensure that we could provide the best possible formation for the future priests of our diocese. The campaign established a restricted endowment to help meet the cost of providing for our current and future seminarians. This endowment is often mistaken for other campaigns aimed to assist seminarians, namely the Hearts on Fire Appeal held by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary (IHMS). The two appeals differ in several ways, with the Hearts on Fire Appeal supporting the general operating of the IHM Seminary, and the Seminarian Burse directly supporting men from the Diocese of WinonaRochester, with tuition assistance and room & board expenses. The journey toward priesthood nomally takes at least eight years to complete and includes attending both a minor and major seminary.

Including the seminarians at both institutions, the cost for the diocese is over $300,000 annually. Men from the Diocese of WinonaRochester start this process by enrolling at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, where they work toward discovering what God has planned for them. There they pursue a Bachelor of Arts in a specifically designed philosophy major from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Currently there are ten DOW-R seminarians attending IHM Seminary. Once the men have finished their time at IHMS they attend Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI, where they truly hone in on their priestly formation. We currently have three seminarians from the diocese studying at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. In addition to those enrolled in either seminary, we have a seminarian who is taking a spiritual year and four who are serving a pastoral year in assigned parishes. The Seminarian Burse covers all expenses related to a seminarian's education while he attends Sacred Heart. This cost runs approximately $40,000 per seminarian each year. The people of the Diocese of WinonaRochester are always very supportive of educating and taking care of their seminarians. We are tremendously blessed to have so many men journeying toward the priesthood in our diocese. Please continue to pray for these men and, as always, for an increase in vocations.

Catholic Foundation

Monica Herman

October 2019 w The Courier w

Catholic Charities


Be Intentional About Practicing Gratitude


Here are a few suggestions that I believe will Courier readers, from sustain you in your practice: Catholic Charities in Rochester! Helen Russell, writing on the Tiny Buddha website, stresses the importance of making a commitI have a question for you: How many ment to list gratitudes. I suggest that you make your of you have a gratitude practice? Some of commitment in writing and sign it. For instance, “I you are nodding and some saying, “Yes, commit to making a gratitude list of at least three of course!” Others, though, may be wonitems, five out of seven days, for the next two weeks.” dering what exactly I am talking about. There is good evidence that we are more successful Now, many of you may remember a when we do it in this way. parent, teacher or pastor telling you to Another way is by bringing gratitude into your count your blessings. A gratitude pracday and spreading it around. Be sure to thank those tice is very similar to counting your who help you or acknowledge them in some other blessings, but generally way. In my earlier example, I suppose more formal and more There is no good I could have tossed a carrot to that detailed. reason not to start relaxed rabbit that I saw in my yard. A gratitude practice can offer real Finally, graciously accept and benefits and help make most peoples’ and sustain a acknowledge other people’s expreslives much better. gratitude practice. sions of thanks and gratitude to you. First, let’s tackle the question: Just That will inspire both of you. I should what is a gratitude practice? In its It's cheap, requires also point out that the gratitude practice helps us be more mindful of noticsimplest form, it involves taking time, no special ing good things as they happen. usually toward the end of your day, equipment, makes Now, I am sure many of you are to sit down and make a list of at least practicing gratitude already, perhaps three things you are grateful for from you and those you in your prayers or just in the way you that day. Many people keep a journal live with happier, choose to live your life. However, there specifically for their "gratitudes." are some good reasons you may want To start, most of us find it easier to and can improve to formalize your practice. begin with small things. For instance, Those reasons? Research! your health. a couple of days ago I came home to Rigorous scientific research. Back in find a bunny sprawled in my front 2003, Robert Emmons, who has been yard, front feet stretched out and chin resting on the called the world’s leading scientific expert on gratigrass. He looked so content that I decided to put that tude, published, along with Michael McCullough, a in my gratitude journal. Another gratitude I listed study called "Counting Blessings Versus Burdens." recently was how much my dad, who has dementia, That study found that journaling for five minutes a day about what we are grateful for can enjoyed his 90th birthday party. Of course it can be enhance our longterm happiness much more elaborate, but you get the picture. If you put gratitude practice into your computer’s search engine, you will get enough citations to keep you busy for a month.

October 2019 w The Courier w

David Lewis, LICSW

Therapist Catholic Charities of Southern MN

by 10 percent. This study was groundbreaking and continues to be cited today. There followed hundreds of studies and mass quantities of books on the subject. The message remains consistent. There are incredible benefits to a gratitude practice. The most recent studies cite happiness and contentment increases up to 25 percent! There are many other documented benefits in addition to increased happiness. They include a general increase in positive emotions, improved self-esteem, increased optimism, improvement of health issues such as blood pressure and sleep problems, and a tendency for other people to like us more! There is even good evidence that a gratitude practice makes us more content with what we have and less likely to envy others. What’s not to like about that? So, here's the bottom line: There is no good reason not to start and sustain a gratitude practice. It’s cheap, requires no special equipment, makes you and those you live with happier, and can improve your health. Please accept my encouragement to give it a try, and, by late November, you’ll have something new to be thankful for. David works as a therapist in the Rochester office of Catholic Charities. Contact him at or at (507) 287-2047.

What Does a Canon Lawyer Do All Day? Jenna Cooper

�ear Jenna,

Walk me through a day in the life of a canon lawyer.

-Matty H.

t’s actually hard to describe a “typical” day in the life of a canon lawyer (or canonist, as we’re often called in professional circles), because there are canon lawyers from all states in life. I am personally acquainted with priest canon lawyers, canon lawyers in various forms of consecrated life, lay canon lawyers who are married with young children at home, and even a couple of canon lawyers who live as hermits! Naturally, a canonist’s primary vocation is going to determine a lot of what his or her daily life looks like. For instance, a priest-canonist may have a parish assignment in addition to his canon law work, with much of his day taken up by pastoral duties; a married canonist will spend time each day caring for his or her family; and canonists in consecrated life will often build their day around prayer, community, or other service-related obligations. Besides this, “canon lawyer” is more of a general profession—like “doctor” or “teacher”—rather than a specific job description. Many canon lawyers, like me, work in marriage tribunals. But there are other positions a canon lawyer might have. For instance, a diocesan chancellor (i.e., the chief record keeper of a diocese) is often a canon lawyer, and many larger dioceses employ canon lawyers to serve as heads of departments where familiarity with canon law is especially useful. Canon lawyers are also needed to teach canon law in seminaries and in academic canon law programs. Some canon lawyers even work for themselves, advising their clients on a freelance or contract basis. Even within a marriage tribunal, there are many different jobs a canon lawyer might have. Judges are canon lawyers who actually judge and evaluate marriage nullity cases, and an “instructing judge,” also called a judge ponens, is responsible for overseeing a marriage nullity case from its very beginning and then writing up the definitive sentence after the trial. A defender of the bond is a canon lawyer whose entire job in a marriage nullity case is to play “devil’s advocate” and argue reasons why a particular marriage should not be declared null, in order to help safeguard a sense of respect for the Church’s teaching on the permanence of the marriage bond. A canonical advocate is ordinarily a canon lawyer (though exceptions can sometimes be

carry out their work in locations all across the diocese. But if a case is especially sensitive or tricky, or if the person to be interviewed lives very close to the tribunal, I will do the interviews myself personally. Explaining the nullity process – Some days, I spend a lot of time on the phone with people who are thinking of starting the nullity process but have questions, or with people already engaged in the nullity process who have new concerns. I’m always happy to take such calls to do what I can to make the tribunal seem less intimidating or easier to understand.

15 Ask a Canon Lawyer

Tribunal Coordinator & Judge

made for a non-canonist or canon law student who is considered “truly expert” in marriage law) who serves as a sort of “personal attorney” for petitioners and respondents in marriage nullity cases, guiding them through the process and helping them to present the strongest augments possible to the judges. In my own situation, since the Diocese of WinonaRochester is a relatively small diocese, I sometimes feel like I get to do a little bit of everything! Of course, my main job is working as an instructing judge and overseeing the day-to-day running of the tribunal. But part of my job is also to be available to anyone in the diocese with a canon law question, whether that be my coworkers in the Diocesan Pastoral Center, priests and pastoral workers in our parishes, or even just ordinary Catholics who are curious about something canon law related. So in any given day I might spend time:

Answering random questions – As mentioned above, I’m also asked questions that are related to areas of canon law besides marriage nullity. Many times, I can help right away with a quick and simple answer. Occasionally, I’ll get asked a question that I honestly never considered before, and I’ll have to Writing sentences – In the tribunal, a do some research and then get back to the “sentence” is more than just a one-linDo person who asked. (Though speaking you er! When a case is judged, certain que h for myself, I find the process of learnaspects of the trial, such as how cano s t i o n ave a ing new things in order to answer n la abo each individual judge voted, you u w unusual questions to be the most t are kept under strict secrecy. that to s w o u l d fun and exciting part of my job!) e However, after a trial, the Judging cases – after looking through the entire acts of a case (that is, the “case file”), I’ll write up my own opinion on whether or not the marriage should be declared null. Then I’ll meet privately with the two other judges who are also assigned to the case, and together we’ll discuss our opinions and then share our “votes.”


e a


nswe ere judge ponens writes up an r ? j c E m ed official document, called the oope a “definitive sentence,” which w i t h r@dow i l r. sets out the basic historical q u e " C o u r i org facts of the case, explains stio er n" the relevant canon law, and the i n subj summarizes how the judges e l i n e ct reached a particular decision. . Usually, sentences are between eight and twelve pages long. Guiding marriage nullity cases – As judge ponens, I oversee many of the routine things that happen in marriage nullity cases, such as arranging time for petitioners and respondents to review the acts of their case at our tribunal offices. I’m also responsible for dealing with any “hiccups” that may occur in a marriage nullity case, such as if a petitioner requests an extension of a deadline or wants to submit an unusual piece of evidence. Interviewing parties and witnesses – Most often, in the Diocese of WinonaRochester interviews for marriage nullity cases are conducted by our volunteer auditors, who

Continuing education – Like many professional fields, canon law is an area that is constantly being updated. So it’s important to stay well informed and up to date. Working canon lawyers generally try to participate in some form of continuing education, such as attending canon law conferences or participating in regional meetings. Continuing education also involves carefully reading new Vatican documents as they are published, being familiar with current trends in academic scholarship, and sometimes going back and studying parts of the law I’m already familiar with in a more in-depth way. Pastoral education and outreach, like writing articles for The Courier – I think this one is selfexplanatory!

St. Raymond of Peñafort, patron saint of canon lawyers, sailed from Majorca on his cloak and walking staff after being denied ship passage by King James I of Aragon. Such activity is atypical of canon lawyers. October 2019 w The Courier w

Faith in the Public Arena


In Politics, We Can All Be Like Frodo Baggins �he Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R.

Tolkien is a beautiful work showing the important role even the smallest and seemingly most insignificant people have in the drama of history. In the trilogy, it was Frodo Baggins, the little hobbit, who embarks on a perilous adventure to destroy the ring of power at Mount Doom and save Middle Earth from the power of the evil Sauron. Frodo is like each of us: just another person who, when met with a perilous challenge, took up his Cross and carried it to his own Calvary. He left all that was comfortable—the Shire, with its strawberries and cream, good cheer, and plenty of beer—to follow his calling.

Even the smallest person can change the course of history. – Lady Galadriel In this life, and especially in the public realm, each one of us as Christians will have the opportunity to be like Frodo. But often, we will be full of doubt. Who are we but seemingly insignificant spectators in a great drama that seems out of our control? Like little hobbits, we can do nothing and should just get back to tending our serene garden, minding our business. That is a lie Satan tells us. When in fact, we can do something. As Gandalf the wizard tells Frodo, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to. – Bilbo Baggins

Frodo came to mind following the recent court victory of Carl and Angel Larsen, the St. Cloud videographers who are challenging the State of Minnesota’s prosecution of wedding vendors who will not do business related to same-sex weddings. Carl and Angel are inspiring people and joyful Christians. Their home is a model of Christian hospitality, including to people who experience samesex attraction. They walk the walk and are just like others who sit in the pew on Sunday. But Carl and Angel didn’t just sit there. They walked out the door of their own comfortable hobbit hole and embarked on the great adventure of standing up for civil rights—free speech and free exercise of religion. Undoubtedly, they couldn’t imagine what this nationally significant case had in store for them. But they went out their door, and they are winning. Folk seem to have been just landed in [adventures], usually — their paths were laid that way. But I expect they had lots of chances, like us, of turning back, only they didn’t. And if they had, we shouldn’t know, because they’d have been forgotten. – Samwise Gamgee Carl and Angel had many chances to turn back: a loss at the district court level with a sneering opinion by a judge who dismissed their case; media scrutiny and hate mail; discouragement and criticism from other Christians who do not believe that using the courts to protect the spread of the Gospel is appropriate. Yet, they have persevered. Their case is a microcosm of work in the public arena generally, which is characterized by setbacks and advances. Sometimes positive developments are hard to see, but history shows that the Gospel does advance, beauty and order can be brought

Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

into the world, and souls do come to know the Lord. All this can unfold through our daily labors of tilling the soil, sowing the seed, and playing our part so that others may reap the harvest.

It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they shall have is not ours to rule. – Gandalf

We might view Carl and Angel’s lawsuit as something more significant that only they could do. Again, this would be a mistake. Each one of us has the opportunity to turn the tide in small ways—with a word of grace and truth here, with a letter to the editor there. Oftentimes, politics, especially at the local level, is just about walking out the door and showing up. What we can do may seem insignificant, but collectively, it can change the culture, though we might not live to see it. Like little Frodo, we must step forward to do our part.

Tell your legislators that assisted suicide is wrong for Minnesotans. On September 11, the Minnesota Health and Human Services Policy Committee held an informational hearing on a bill (HF 2152) that would legalize assisted suicide in Minnesota and coerce all doctors and health care providers into offering it as a treatment option as part of the standard of care. While no legislative action (no vote) was taken during this hearing, it is still extremely important that your legislators hear from you regarding this dangerous bill. People come to Minnesota from around the world to receive hope and true care; we should not instead be undermining that world-renowned care by sending patients home with a vial of pills to take their lives. As Catholics, we are called to protect life at every stage and most particularly the lives of the poor and vulnerable. Send a message to your legislators now asking them to stand against assisted suicide and to stand firmly on the side of every Minnesotan because we all deserve true care throughout life’s journey. Go to to send a message to your legislators.

October 2019 w The Courier w

Where Two, Three, or Seven Hundred Are Gathered



Rochester KCs Fund 'Chalice Program' Submitted by MIKE SHEEHAN

ROCHESTER--Knights of Columbus Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald Assembly 548 of Rochester established a Chalice Program in 2014 which provides for two significant gifts to all Diocese of Winona-Rochester seminarians on their journey to the priesthood. The first is a $500 cash gift given at the completion of the seminarian's Theology II year of study as he begins his pastoral assignment year. The second is given on the occasion of a priest's ordination. The ordination gift is selected from a menu of gift options: 1. an engraved chalice, paten and carrying case; 2. a traveling Mass kit; or 3. a $500 cash gift. These two gifts are given to all seminarians at these milestones in thanksgiving for the gift of their vocation and with a request to remember in their daily prayers all deceased Knights from the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. The Assembly 548 Chalice Program thus is centered in two important tenets of Knighthood – the ongoing support of our seminarians and priests and a commitment to honor and always remember our deceased brother Knights. The Chalice Program represents a significant financial commitment on the part of the Assembly. It was funded by an initial transfer of

funds from the Assembly treasury and is now sustained by ongoing generous gifts from members and member councils and fundraisers. The picture above shows members of the Edward A. Fitzgerald Assembly 548, with Bishop Quinn and DOW-R Vocations Director Fr. Jason Kern, after presenting a Chalice Program ordination gift to Fr. Matthew Wagner, following his June 28 Ordination Mass in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. That same day, the assembly also presented Chalice Program gifts to DOW-R seminarians Mitchell Logeais, Matthew Nordquist, Michael Churchill and Ezra Lippert, as they began their pastoral assignment years (pictured below).

In the Diocese

rom August 20-24, 2019, seven hundred Catholics gathered in Atlanta, GA, for the 99th Convention of the National Council of Catholic Women. The group included priest spiritual directors; bishops; Elizabeth, a woman from Kenya; and the youngest attendee, Miriam from Washington, D.C., 18 months old. There were smiles, hugs, vendors, even a purse raffle! Sounds like a typical convention, doesn’t it? Yet, there was something more. These women from across the United States, representing every province of our country, traveled to this gathering filled with hope and ready to work. They recommitted themselves to promote the work of the council and the theme of the convention, Caring For God’s Creation. Did you catch that word? Hope. Diocesan Vice President Eleanore Jones (Spring Valley), National Leadership Commission Chair Bev McCarvel (Brewster) and I attended. We came to Atlanta ready to represent our diocese well. Here’s what we experienced: The Coca-Cola Museum and a shout out to Austin! The first Coke in the state of Minnesota was manufactured in Austin in 1905. There are more than 100 drinks manufactured by this company worldwide, and you can taste them all at the museum! Mother Delores Hart, O.S.B. If you’ve seen the movie Loving You with Elvis Presley, you’ve seen Delores Hart. (She thought Elvis was a lovely young man and very spiritual. In between movie scenes, he would hand her a Bible, tell her to read a passage and then explain to him what it meant to her. Then, he would do the same.) In 1963, she left Hollywood and her fiancee to enter the abbey in Bethlehem, CT. To paraphrase her opening comment: We are not a country of God anymore. Our capacity of love has turned violent, and it has made her mad. She thanked NCCW for the heart of their mission. Most Reverend Peter Rosazza, D.D. spoke on Pope Francis, St. Francis of Assisi and Ladauto Si. We are called to contemplate the environment and discover God in all. Kim Michael Polote brought the group to their feet with singing and dancing, and encouraged us to dress ourselves for spiritual battle and protection (Eph. 6:10-18). Wear the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness (our response to the gift of grace), Gospel of Peace (are your feet shod in peace and ready to go?), Shield of Faith, and the Helmet of Salvation (put on your armor, don’t leave home without it). Dan Misleh is founder of Catholic Climate Covenant and gave us facts and figures, charts and statistics on the environment and what changes we are seeing in our world. Did you know that Pope Francis has a master’s degree in chemistry? Every Eucharist is celebrated on the altar of the world; be stewards of all creation. He reminded us that the changes in the world's climate will be felt most directly by the poor. Watch for two movies that could be coming to a theater near you: Love and Mercy, on the life of St. Faustina, and Pray, the story of Fr. Patrick Peyton who preached, "The family that prays together stays together." The convention previewed these movies. We also participated in a virtual tour of Lourdes, daily Mass, adoration, confession, and discussions. I came back from the convention with hope - hope that you will see value in an organization established by the bishops almost 100 years ago - hope that you will join us in our work to empower one another in spirituality, leadership, and service - hope that you will remember the power of women who came before you in faith. They call on you now to share their hope and vision. Join them!

Mike Sheehan is a Knight of Columbus belonging to Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald Assembly 548 of Rochester.


cont'd from pg. 1 Dybevik said Popp-Anderson has devoted her life and career to helping others, spending more than 40 years working in various areas of behavioral health care and currently working part time as a grief counselor for Bonnerup Funeral Service in Albert Lea. He said her service extends well past her assigned working hours, however. She voluntarily uses her counseling skills to host numerous events for people who have lost someone special in their lives, including a remembrance during the Christmas holiday for people who have lost a loved one over the past 12 months and a Valentine’s Day event for people who have lost spouses. Since 2015, she has hosted an International Survivors of Suicide Loss Group event each year, where she leads an educational program and facilitates a group discussion on grief for those coping with the loss of a loved one to suicide. She also provides counseling and support for people through Relay for Life, Mayo Clinic Hospice grief support, Freeborn County Crisis Response Team and the cancer support group. In addition, she runs St. Theodore Catholic Church’s Rite of Christian Initiation program and provides other services at the church and school. Popp-Anderson said her life of service began in high school when she was on a retreat. She remembers someone saying, “Whatever you do, you do for (Jesus) Christ.” “That has always stuck with me,” she said. She noted she grew up with a caring family and had other generous people around her over the years.

“I love being with people,” Popp-Anderson said. “I love listening to people. I’d rather listen than talk, and just sharing each others’ journeys has been so rewarding.” No matter who it was she helped, she said she was inspired to see the people grow, succeed and overcome obstacles. “If you can help someone have a more meaningful life or even a tiny part, I think I get more rewards than I ever give,” she said. She said she is grateful for the community in Freeborn County, where so many people are generous with their time and talents. As part of the recognition, Humana will donate $1,000 on behalf of Popp-Anderson to Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota. Sarah Stultz is the managing editor of the Albert Lea Tribune.

October 2019 w The Courier w


In the Diocese


By W.R. CHESTER Across

2. "...he shall shut, and none shall ____." -Isaiah 22:22 5. Israelite patriarch

6. Antiochian Church Father 7. Verbum ____ Veritas

9. Ordinary Time color

10. An authoritative opinion

12. "Teacher, you have ____ well." -Luke 20:39 15. Eastern heresy

16. Slope useful in creating a bulwark -cf. 1 Tim 3:15 18. Reinforcement

22. Entrance antiphon

Last Month's Answers

The Courier Crossword 23. East end

24. The Little Flower's "ville" 25. Krakow Karol Down 1.

False god exposed by Jesus in John 5

2. Eighth day of a festival 3. Sign of sanctity

4. "Passing" podcast

8. Battle led by Don John of Austria 11. A mark of the Church

13. Franciscan Giovanni, patron of jurists 14. Jeweled globe surmounted with a cross

Hector Olivera to Play in Rochester Submitted by SEBASTIAN MODARELLI, Biography excerpted from

et ready to be blown away by virtuoso Hector Olivera, recognized among the greatest organists and improvisers of our century, at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on Saturday, October 26, 2019, at 7:30 p.m.! Maestro Hector Olivera's personal interpretations of both classical and popular music have amazed and delighted audiences around the world. The Times Reporter describes an evening with Hector Olivera as “an event, a happening, a joyful celebration of the sheer power and pressure that a true virtuoso like Hector Olivera can unleash in a concert hall.” Born in Buenos Aires, Mr. Olivera’s first teacher (his father) encouraged him to begin playing the pipe organ when he was three. Two years later, he was appointed organist of the Church of the Immaculate Conception. At age 5, he played for the legendary Eva Perón. At age 6, he entered the Buenos Aires Conservatory to study harmony, counterpoint and fugue. By age nine, he had composed a suite for oboe and string orchestra, performed by the Buenos Aires Symphony Orchestra. Throughout his concert career, Mr. Olivera has performed in prestigious venues including the October 2019 w The Courier w

16. Addressed to early Christian churches 17. Single square note 19. Byzantine cincture 20. Kingdom with which the Lateran Treaty regulated relations 21. Ite, _____ est. 19. Baptismal matter

Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, Carnegie Hall in New York, Royal Albert Hall in London, Spivey Hall in Atlanta, Constitution Hall in Washington D.C, the Fox Theatre in Atlanta, Myerson Concert Hall in Dallas, Verizon Hall in Philadelphia, Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, Sydney Town Hall, Melbourne Town Hall and Brisbane City Hall in Australia. Mr. Olivera continues to thrill audiences with both solo classical and orchestral compositions, now released on DVD and more than 20 classical, contemporary, and film score CDs. Most famous for his prodigious technical proficiency and charismatic stage presence, his amazing effect on audiences has made many of the most sophisticated and demanding organ aficionados claim that Maestro Hector Olivera is “one of the greatest organists in the world today.” General admission is $20. You may order tickets online at, by phone at (507)288-7372 or directly at St. John’s office. The address of St. John the Evangelist is 11 Fourth Ave. SW, Rochester, MN 55902. Information about this event can be found at Information on Hector Olivera can be found at Any inquires can be sent to: Sebastian Modarelli is the director of music & liturgy at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Rochester.

Msgr. Francis A. Galles, went home to his heavenly Father, at the age of 92, on September 7, 2019, at Traditions of Preston. Francis A. Galles was born in Iona on March 8, 1927, to Charles and Virginia (Boltz) Galles. There were 10 children in the Galles family: Leona, Lawrence, Eugene, Charles, Lester, Sylvester, Clara, Gerald, Francis, and Rose Virginia. At the age of 18, Francis left home to study for the priesthood at Loras College in Dubuque, IA. From there, he studied at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C., and the Gregorian University in Rome. On December 20, 1952, he was ordained to the priesthood at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. He served as a parochial vicar at St. John Nepomucene Parish in Winona and St. Pius X Parish in Rochester. As a pastor, he served at St. Francis Xavier, Windom; St. Augustine, Jeffers; St. Columban, Preston; St. Lawrence, Fountain; and St. Patrick, Lanesboro. Other assignments include assistant editor of the Courier; spiritual director for Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and the North American College in Rome; advocate and notary for the tribunal; chaplain for the Sisters of St. Francis motherhouse in Rochester; and parochial administrator for St. Columban in Preston, St. Lawrence O’Toole in Fountain, St. Ann in Slayton, St.

Mary in Lake Wilson, St. Ignatius in Spring Valley, St. Finbarr in Grand Meadow, and St. Patrick in LeRoy. In 1962 he was named Papal Chamberlain by Pope John XXIII, and, in 1968, he was named Domestic Prelate. On July 1, 1997, Monsignor Galles joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese. After retiring, he bought a home just down the street from St. Columban’s in Preston, which he named ‘The Hermitage.’ He continued to offer weekday Masses at St. Columban’s, and also substituted at many other parishes in the diocese. In December of 2015 he moved into Traditions, an assisted living community in Preston. He still stayed active in many local organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, Arts Council, and the Historical Society. He also loved going to and supporting the Commonweal Theater in Lanesboro. At the age of 92 he retired from offering weekday Masses after it got difficult for him to drive in the snow and ice. Parishioners who have known and loved him for many years will miss his wonderful stories and words of wisdom. In 1977, after attending a 30-day retreat, he was inspired to write his autobiography. He had been keeping journals and appointment books since the age of 22, in which he kept a record of people he met and places he had traveled to. In 2017, he published his book, entitled The Last of My Many Friendships. Monsignor Galles was the last surviving member of his immediate family. He leaves behind many nieces and nephews. A funeral Mass was offered at St. Columban Church, Preston, on Wednesday, September 11, by Bishop John M. Quinn. At a future date Msgr. Galles will be interred in the Galles family plot at St. Columba Cemetery in Iona.

Fr. Gregory Parrott, pastor of St. Felix Parish in Wabasha, recently received checks from proceeds of the annual salad luncheon cosponsored by St. Felix Church Ladies and St. Mary Court #208 of the National Catholic Society of Foresters. The funds will provide for the church: new locks on the front doors, smart light switches and a smart thermostat. Pictured L to R: Foresters Treasurer Darlene Wolfe (presenting $366.75 check), Foresters Secretary Pat Kolb, Fr. Parrott, Church Ladies Treasurer Darlene Theismann (presenting $2633.25 check), Luncheon Decorator Lana Ostrom and Luncheon Organizer & Publicist Jan Glomski. Picture submitted by Wabasha County Herald Editor Mike Smith.

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary Church in Winona the first Thursday each month at 5:15 p.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held first Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 76 W 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patty 507-429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info:

Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral in Winona, 7-9 p.m. the first Friday each month, Sept. - May. An evening of Eucharistic Adoration, confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All welcome to attend! For details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-7601619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041). Monthly Day of Fasting & Prayer for the Evangelization of Southern Minnesota prayer intentions are listed at dowr. org/offices/missionary-discipleship/ monthly-prayer.html. This month's date is October 18, with a Mass for evangelization at St. Charles Borromeo Church in St. Charles at 8:30 a.m., followed by Eucharistic Adoration. All are welcome.

Traditional Latin Mass Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday morning on: KTTW, Channel 7 (Sioux Falls) at 6:30; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30; KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30; KAAL Channel 6 (Austin/ Rochester) at 9; WKBT Channel 8 (La Crosse) at 7:30; or on our website, (click "Weekly Mass").

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary, Worthington Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore 11 a.m. Sundays

Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sundays (bilingual) Rochester, St. Francis Austin, Queen of Angels Noon Sundays & 7 p.m. Thursdays 11 a.m. Sundays.; 5:15 p.m. Fridays St. Charles, St. Charles Lake City, St. Mary Borromeo 6:30 p.m. 3rd Saturdays 10 a.m. 4th Sundays (bilingual) Madelia, St. Mary St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Saturdays Windom, St. Francis Xavier Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul 11:30 a.m. Sundays 1 p.m. Sundays Worthington, St. Mary Owatonna, Sacred Heart 7 p.m. Saturdays.; 1 p.m. Sundays.; 11:45 a.m. Sundays 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays & Fridays

Other Events Christ the King Church, Byron October 6, Sunday Fall Dinner 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m., following 10:30 Mass. Homestyle ham & turkey. Raffle & silent auction 1:15. Immaculate Conception Church, Kellogg October 6, Sunday Family Style Chicken & Ham Dinner served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Big Ticket, basket and grocery cart raffles; bake sale, garden produce. Handicap accessible. Take-outs available. Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Wilmont October 6, Sunday Fall Bazaar. Meal served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Roast beef, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, buns, assorted desserts. $10 adults. $5 kids 3-11. Free 2 & younger. Silent auction, quilt raffle, big ticket raffle (need not be present to win). Kids' games hosted by JCDA girls 11 - 12:30 in Parish Center. Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Mankato October 6, Sunday Fall Festival. 9:30 a.m. Mass, followed by festivities 10:30 3:00. Ham dinner in Jesuit Hall, Car Roll-In, raffle, silent auction, Unique Boutique, A-Z Jars, cake walk, bingo, farmers market, live music, kids' games & bounce house. St. Ann Church, Slayton October 6, Sunday Pit-Grilled Chicken Dinner with homemade pie & all trimmings, served 11 a.m. Carry-outs, country store and craft room available in the school. All welcome! Info: 507-836-8030. 2747 29th St. in Slayton. St. Francis of Assisi Church, Rochester October 6, Sunday Fall Festival 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., featuring turkey dinner with trimmings, Vietnamese egg rolls, tamales & other Mexican food, Big Ticket and stretch raffles, silent auction, country store, wine ring toss, kids' games, live entertainment and more! Info: 507-288-7313.

of Faith is held the second Wednesday of Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb and March. $6 per montly program. All welcome!

St. Mary Church, Caledonia October 9, Wednesday Generations of Faith monthly program. Event begins in school gym with dinner served by confirmation students 5-6 p.m., followed by the program from 6-7:30. There is a nursery for our youngest guests and ageappropriate learning groups for pre K - grade 8. This year's theme is the New Testament. Our October program will focus on the Gospel of John. Generations

Our Lady of Grace Church, Edina October 12, Saturday Birthmothers Retreat 9:15 a.m. - 2 p.m. in church dining room (8:30 a.m. parish Mass available to those interested). This retreat day is set aside each fall to welcome women of all faiths who have experienced the pain of relinquishing a child to adoption. Birth, or first, mothers will have the opportunity to hear other birthmothers' stories

and to share in a safe and compassionate place. $15 fee includes continental breakfast and lunch. Scholarships available. Register with Melissa Miller: melissamiller@olgparish. org or 952-929-3317 x9040. Erin Merrigan has info: 612-2989369. Church located at 5071 Eden Avenue in Edina. St. Peter Church, Hokah October 12, Saturday Buffet-Style Roast Beef Dinner with homemade dressing, served 4-8 p.m. $11 adults. $5 kids 6-12. Free 5 & under. Adult carry-outs only.

Events, cont'd on back

October 2019 w The Courier w

October 2019

St. Columban Church, Preston October 13, Sunday Farm-to-Table Pork Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Natural pork loin, real mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, corn, coleslaw, apple sauce, buns, homemade pie, beverages. $12 adults. $6 kids 5-12. Carry-outs available. St. Mary Church, Minneiska October 13, Sunday TX-Style French Toast Breakfast 9:30 - noon, following 8:30 Mass. French toast, sausage, apple sauce, coffee, milk, juice. $7 adults. $3.50 kids 6 & younger. Bake sale & ticket drawing at noon. St. Mary Church, Winona October 13, Sunday River City Festival 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 10:30 Mass (with Children's Choir), followed by $10 chicken-q served 11 until gone. $1 raffle tickets for more than 50 prizes. $10 raffle tickets for two Vikings/ Packers tickets for Dec. 23 home game. Dozens of gift baskets for silent auction. Jewelry & seasonal knick-knacks for sale. Gift cards, quilts & other prizes to be won in ping pong pull. Baked goods from country market. Kids' Carnival games & prizes. St. Pius X Church, Rochester October 18-20, Friday-Sunday Pathways Together Encounter Christ (TEC) #71 Retreat. Visit to register for TEC or to apply to be on the team. Faith formation directors and youth ministers attend their first TEC at no cost. More info: TEC Coordinator Monica Anderson 507-363-1809 or monij_13@ Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Winona October 19-20, Saturday-Sunday St. John Nepomucene Parish's 2-Day Fall Festival in St. Stan's Church Hall. 5-7 p.m. Saturday and 11 a..m - 3 p.m. Sunday. Lunch available both days, with big ticket, gift card & quilt/cash raffles; silent auction; baked goods & candy booth; kids' games. Chair massages Sunday 12-3. Big Ticket drawing Sunday at 3.

• The Courier

St. Joseph Church, Rushford October 20, Sunday Fall Festival 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Silent auction, country store and dinner. Swiss steak, mashed potatoes & gravy, candied carrots, coleslaw, bun, dessert and beverages. Dinner $10. Carry-outs available. Handicap accessible. St. Mary Church, Lake City October 24, Thursday 7 p.m. Mass of Remembrance, following 6:30 confessions. This special Mass is for anyone who has suffered the loss of a child through any means, including illness, accident, stillbirth, abortion or miscarriage, or anyone who has suffered from infertility. Refreshments follow Mass. Parish office has info: 651345-4134. The Oaks Wine Bar, Winona October 24, Thursday Theology Uncorked 7 p.m. at The Oaks. Theology Uncorked is a monthly, January-October presentation and discussion on a subject of relevance to our Catholic lives and identity. For our last event of the season, Diocesan Lay Formation & RCIA Director Todd Graff will present The Lay Vocation: Disciples and Co-Workers in the Vineyard. For more info on this and future Theology Uncorked events, like our Facebook page at https:// Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Winona October 26, Saturday Fall Craft, Art & Gift Fair in school gym and church hall 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch available. Shop our many vendors. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona October 26-27, Saturday-Sunday Cathedralfest 2019. 2-day celebration. Saturday after 5:15 p.m. Mass: bingo with cash prizes, walking tacos, popcorn, pop, desserts. Sunday: continental breakfast served 7:30-9:30 a.m. BBQ chicken dinner served 11 a.m. until gone (carry-outs available). Booths open 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m., including Odds-NEnds, Tootsie Roll'ette, bakery, pop & popcorn, Book Nook, kids' games. Also, silent auction, big wheel and big ticket drawing.

Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester October 26, Saturday Concert by Maestro Hector Olivera, recognized among the greatest organists and improvisers of our century, 7:30 p.m. at the co-cathedral (11 4th Ave SW in Rochester). $20 general admission. Order tickets online at hector-olivera-concert or by calling 507-288-7372, or directly in the parish office. Sebastian has info: Christ the King Church, Medford October 27, Sunday Fall Festival 5-7 p.m. in basement. Dinner of pork loins, au gratin potatoes, coleslaw, fresh rolls, apple crisp, coffee, juice. $12 adults. $5 kids 7 & younger. Also, quilt raffle, bake sale, Christmas greenery and crafts for sale. Pre-sale tickets encouraged; call Kathy (507-456-8217) or Simone (507-213-5031). St. Agnes Church, Kellogg October 27, Sunday Fall Festival and Turkey Dinner served 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Turkey with all the trimmings, including rutabagas and pie. Carry-outs available. $12 adults. $8 kids 6-12. $5 under 6. Specialty auction at 1:30. Also, raffles, theme baskets, country store and bake sale. St. John the Baptist Church, Minnesota Lake October 27, Sunday Fall Turkey Supper with all trimmings served 4-7 p.m. $12 adults. Kids under 5 eat free. Turkey, dressing, potatoes, salad, dessert. Take-outs available.

St. Mary School, Caledonia October 27, Sunday Holiday Bazaar 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Roast beef family dinner served 11-1 (roast beef, dressing, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, coleslaw, roll, desserts and beverages). $9 adults/carryouts. $5 ages 4-15. Free under 4. Lunch of turkey sandwiches, hot dogs and walking tacos served 11-gone. Live auction at 3 p.m. Also, gift and sweet shops, stage and gun raffles, pull taps, tip boards, this-n-that, chance and kids' booths, and kids' games. $20 big ticket with cash prizes for top 20 places (need not be present to win). Hourly drawings for $50 gift cards/cash (must be present). St. Augustine Church, Austin November 2, Saturday Women's Conference 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Info: 507-454-4643 x 273 or St. Mary's Church, Geneva November 3, Sunday Soup & Pie 4:30-7 p.m. Chili, chicken noodle, ham & bean, and a variety of homemade pies. Free-will donation. St. Patrick Church, LeRoy November 3, Sunday Annual Fall Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. $10 adults. $5 students. Free 4 & younger. Turkey & dressing, ham, potatoes & gravy, vegetable, homemade pies.

Resurrection Church, Rochester November 8, Friday Catholic Evangelization Outreach at 7 p.m. (music starts 6:45). Real people sharing real stories. Mary McCarthy will share compelling testimony about cancer, faith and medicine. No cost. No registration. All welcome. Light refreshments to follow. Childcare will be provided. Christ the King Church, Byron November 9, Saturday Fall Expo 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. 30+ arts & crafts and home-based businesses. Cash & carry items from most vendors. Pampered Chef, Avon, Watkins, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Tupperware, Monat, Paparazzi, Thirty One, Usborne Books, LuLaRoe, decorative & functional home items, holiday decorations, skin care & cosmetics, baskets, appliqued towels & aprons, candles, purses, toys and more. Baked goods, beverages and lunch available. First 50 customers at 9 a.m. and first 50 at noon will receive a gift bag. 202 4th St. NW in Bryon. Holy Family Church, Kasson November 17, Sunday Harvest Dinner served 11 a.m. - 1 p.m., following 10:30 Mass. Roast pork with dressing, mashed potatoes, squash, gravy, coleslaw, buns, coffee, milk, homemade apple crisp. Take-outs available. $10 adults. $5 kids 5-12. Free 4 & younger. Also, a bake sale, silent auction and quilt raffle. Join us!

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