The Courier - June 2019

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Sacred Heart of Jesus June 28

June 2019

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

US Bishops Oppose Immigration Plan: Next World

Families are Foundational Meeting of Families WASHINGTON D.C., May 19, 2019 (CNA) - Leaders of the U.S. bishops’ conference voiced concern over President Donald Trump’s new immigration plan, stressing that families should be strengthened and promoted in the immigration system. “We oppose proposals that seek to curtail family-based immigration and create a largely ‘merit-based’ immigration system,” said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Houston, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, who heads the conference’s migration committee. “Families are the foundation of our faith, our society, our history, and our immigration system,” they said. “As Pope Francis notes: ‘Family is the place in which we are formed as persons’.” DiNardo and Vásquez responded May 17 to the immigration plan announced by Trump the previous day. They said that although they appreciate the effort to address concerns in the current immigration system, the new plan falls short in several areas. Trump said his plan prioritizes American values and workers, while attracting “the best and brightest from all around the world.” The proposal would not seek to cut back on total annual legal immigration numbers, but would significantly reduce the current family-based portion of the immigration system, instead focusing on applicants with high education and skill levels. The current system awards a majority of immigration visas based on family connections in the U.S. About 12% are approved based on skill level – a number that would

Theme Announced By COURTNEY GROGAN

be increased to more than 50% under Trump’s proposal. According to the New York Times, officials said this would result in nearly 75% of immigrants to the United States holding a bachelor’s degree or higher, and would increase the average immigrant salary from $43,000 to $96,000. Nuclear families would be prioritized under the proposal, while it would be harder for extended family members to immigrate based on family connections. The plan also involves the completion of a border wall and new technology to monitor the southern border. It would be “a permanent and self-sustaining border security trust fund,” financed by border crossing fees, Trump said. Critics of the proposal argue that it fails to address

Immigration, cont'd on pg. 4

VATICAN CITY, May 17, 2019 (CNA) - The Vatican announced that the next World Meeting of Families will focus on the vocation of married life as a path to holiness with a particular emphasis on Amoris Laetitia. The 2021 World Meeting of Families will be held in Rome June 23-27 with the official theme selected by Pope Francis, Family Love: a Vocation and a Path to Holiness, the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, the Family, and Life announced May 17. “The meeting proposes a rereading of Amoris Laetitia in the light of the call to holiness spoken of in Gaudete et Exsultate,” according to the announcement. “Conjugal and family love reveals the precious gift of a life together where communion is nourished and a culture of individualism, consumption and waste is averted,” it continued. The next World Meeting of Families will mark the fifth anniversary of Amoris Laetitia, Pope Francis’ apostolic exhorta-

World Meeting, cont'd on pg. 4

INSIDE this issue

From Our Graduates

...Religious Freedom page 10

Happy Anniversaries! page 16

page 18


Woman Who Served Brazil's Poor to be Canonized

Articles of Interest

'God Loves a Cheerful Giver'_________________5 Unbound: Freedom in Christ_________________6 ...'Signs of Holiness in Today's World'_______7

The Courier Insider

Rebuilding a Culture of Life__________________8 ...It's the Right Thing to Do!__________________9 Catholic Schools Updates__________________10 Presenting the Gospel____________________12 Saints Peter and Paul...____________________13 'A Safe Place to Land'_____________________14 Hand or Tongue?...________________________15 ...Religious Freedom______________________16

Blessed Dulce Lopes Pontes


VATICAN CITY, May 14, 2019 (CNA) - Pope Francis Tuesday gave his approval for eight sainthood causes to proceed, including that of Blessed Dulce Lopes Pontes, a 20th-century religious sister who served Brazil’s poor. With the pope’s approval of a second miracle attributed to her intercession, Bl. Dulce can be canonized, according to the May 14 announcement. Pope Francis approved the next steps in the causes after meeting with Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Sr. Dulce was born as Maria Rita to an upper middle-class family in Salvador, Brazil in 1914. Her mother died when she was six years old. At the age of 13, an aunt took Maria Rita to see the poor area of the city, which left a strong impression on her, and from that time she began to care for the poor and beggars in her own neighborhood. After graduating from high school at age 18, her father allowed her to join the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God. For her religious name she took “Dulce,” the name of her mother. Not long after joining the missionary sisters, Dulce became determined to shelter the many ill people she encountered on the streets of Salvador. She would house them in abandoned buildings and bring them food and medical care. Eventually she and her more than 70 patients were kicked out of the building. Left with nowhere to take them, she asked her mother superior for

help, and was given the convent’s chicken yard to turn into an improvised hotel. As part of the agreement, Sr. Dulce was asked to care for the chickens, which she did by butchering them and feeding them to her patients. This eventually became the site of the Santo Antonio Hospital, which continues to serve Brazil’s poor and disabled. Bl. Dulce founded the Sao Francisco’s Worker’s Union, the first Christian worker’s movement in the Brazilian state of Bahia, which she later transformed into the Worker’s Center of Bahia. She also founded the Charitable Works Foundation of Sister Dulce (Obras Sociais Irma Dulce) in 1959, which continues to be one of the most well-known and well-respected charitable organizations in Brazil. In 1988, Sr. Dulce was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the President of Brazil, Jose Sarney. She died in 1992, at the age of 77, after battling lung problems for 30 years. She met Pope John Paul II twice during her life, the second in 1990 while hospitalized. She was beatified May 22, 2011. Pope Francis also gave his approval May 14 for the canonization of Rome-native Bl. Giuseppina Vannini, foundress of the Daughters of San Camillo (1859-1911) and for the beatification of Venerable Lucia dell’Immacolata, a sister of the Institute of the Servants of Charity (19091962). Called by some “the saint of simplicity,” as a

Canonized, cont'd on pg. 4

Bulk Mailings Begin in July!

The Holy Father's Intention

If you would like to continue receiving the Courier at home after next month's transition to bulk church mailings, and have not yet responded, please send your name, address and reader ID (number directly above your name on the mailing label) to:


Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987


Respondents whose requests are received after June 10 may miss a month in their home delivery. Thank you! Courier Staff June, 2019 w The Courier w

June 2019 The Mode of Life of Priests That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are most poor.

Diocesan Headlines________________________17 Diocesan Calendar_________________________20 Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: Parochial Administrator Very Rev. Peter Klein: currently Pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Blue Earth and St. Mary Parish in Winnebago, and Dean of the Mankato Deanery; in addition to his current assignments, appointed Parochial Administrator for St. Casimir Parish in Wells, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Easton, and St. John the Baptist Parish in Minnesota Lake, effective May 10, 2019.

Rev. Gregory Parrott: currently Pastor of St. Felix Parish in Wabasha and St. Agnes Parish in Kellogg; in addition to his current assignment, appointedInterim Parochial Administrator for St. Mary Parish in Lake City and St. Patrick Parish in West Albany, effective May 9, 2019. Presbyteral Council Very Rev. Marreddy Pothireddy: appointed to the Presbyteral Council for a three-year term, effective April 1, 2019. Rev. James Berning: appointed to the Presbyteral Council for a threeyear term, effective April 1, 2019. Rev. Martin Schaefer: appointed to the Presbyteral Council for a threeyear term, effective April 1, 2019.

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 110 - 6

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Matt Willkom, Editor Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Subscription Rates: $5 per year in the U.S. Parishioners in the diocese subscribe through their parish. Periodicals postage paid at Slayton, MN Postmaster.

Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Christ Is Alive! You Are the Light of the World Following the February meeting with presidents of the world’s bishops’ conferences on the topic of Protection of Minors in the Church, our Holy Father released a new document entitled Vos estis lux mundi (“You Are the Light of the World”). Vos estis lux mundi (VELM) lays out universal norms for the entire Church, in regards to reporting and investigating suspected sexual abuse or use of child pornography by members of the clergy and those in consecrated life. Here in the United States, almost all the norms were contained in the Charter for the Protection of Children that was ratified in 2002 in Dallas. While all clergy are already mandatory reporters in the United States, and must report suspected abuse to law enforcement, VELM establishes

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

that all clergy and consecrated men and women are now “mandatory reporters” in the Church as well. Thus, all suspected abuse of minors or vulnerable people must not only be reported to civil authorities, which was already required by law in our country, but now also must be submitted to the local bishop, as stipulated in VELM. Importantly, VELM spells out the procedures for reporting suspected abuse and the steps that must be taken to investigate each report. The document stipulates that care is to be taken to provide victims of abuse with assistance as needed, including spiritual, pastoral, and / or medical. VELM also broadens the definition of “vulnerable person” to match that of the new norms the Holy See published for the Vatican earlier this year. This definition now describes a vulnerable person as, “any person in a state of infirmity, physical or mental deficiency, or deprivation of personal liberty which, in fact, even occasionally, limits their ability to understand or to want to otherwise resist the offense.” We pray that these new universal norms will help to avoid future scandals such as have rocked the Church in the past several years, where bishops and others in positions of authority were able to continue abuse or cover-up of abuse for years. As the bishops of the United States meet in Washington D.C. this month for our annual plenary meeting, we will be striving to move forward in light of these new procedures here in the United States. Please pray for wisdom and guidance so that our actions can bring healing to those harmed and scandalized by abuse, and effect changes that will ensure the crimes and sins of the past are not repeated in the future.

June 1, Saturday 11 am – Seven Sisters Apostolate Mini Retreat – Q & A with Bishop Quinn – St. Joseph Church, Owatonna 5:30 pm – Mass at St. Mary Church, Worthington 7:30 pm – Spanish Mass at St. Mary Church, Worthington June 2, Sunday 9 am – Mass at St. Mary Church, Worthington 11 am – Spanish Mass at St. Mary Church, Worthington June 3, Monday 5:30 pm – Premier Bank Golf Day Dinner – Owatonna Country Club, Owatonna June 4, Tuesday 11 am – Presbyteral Council Meeting – St. Theodore Church, Albert Lea June 5, Wednesday 11 am – 3 pm – Minnesota Catholic Conference Meeting – St. Paul

Christus Vivit This spring, Pope Francis published a post-synodal apostolic exhortation entitled Christus Vivit (“Christ Is Alive”), following the synod of bishops last fall on the topic of Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment. The apostolic exhortation is broken into nine chapters and is addressed to the entire people of God. In it, Pope Francis begins by looking at history and the role of young people in the Old and New Testaments; continues by examining the state of youth in our Church and modern times; and concludes by discussing youth ministry, vocations, and discernment. Our Holy Father reminds us that Christ is our hope and it is He alone who can save and fulfill us. The opening words of the document proclaim this truth: “Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life” (1). Pope Francis then moves on to beautifully reflect on how we see Jesus in the Gospels in His youth, and gives us an example of how to live our youth. In looking at the state of young people today, Pope Francis is not afraid to name the struggles they are facing. These include the pervasiveness of digital technology; migration, with many youth today either migrants themselves or affected by migration; and abuse in its many forms, including the sexual abuse crisis in the Church. In the midst of all this, Pope Francis reminds us that Jesus is our hope and way out from all our troubles. Specifically, he invites us to contemplate the “three great truths that all of us need constantly to keep hearing” (111). These are, “God loves you,” “Christ saves you,” and “Christ is alive” (112-129). It is the Holy Spirit who helps us to

June 7, Friday 5 pm – Mass – Diocesan Pentecost Celebration – Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester June 8, Saturday 10:30 am – Diaconate Ordinations of Patrick Hoeft, Brady Keller and Thomas Skaja – Cathedral of St. Mary, St. Cloud 7 pm – Diocesan Pentecost Vigil Mass – Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester June 10-13, Monday – Thursday USCCB Spring Assembly - Baltimore

June 15, Saturday 4:30 pm – 150th Anniversary Mass and Dinner – Holy Trinity Church, Rollingstone June 16, Sunday 9:30 am – Mass – Holy Trinity Church, Litomysl

know these truths and know the hope of salvation in our lives. In closing, Pope Francis examines the topic of vocation, how we are all called to give ourselves in service to others. He speaks about the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage and family life, and also encourages young people to consider whether our Triune God is calling them to the consecrated life. Fittingly, the document closes with a chapter on discernment, on how every person’s vocation is a personal call from Jesus. In conclusion, the Holy Father exhorts young people to keep running the race before them (299). May all of us join them in doing so eagerly, letting nothing stand in our way of following the Lord and placing our hope in Him. Religious Freedom Week

Religious Freedom Week is June 22-29, and coincides with the feast days of several saints who were put to death for their fidelity to the Truth proclaimed by Christ and His Church: Ss. Thomas More and John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, and Ss. Peter and Paul. During this week of focused prayer for the ability to freely live out our faith in the public square, may we be inspired by these martyrs who held steadfast to Jesus Christ despite violent opposition from civil and government leaders. The theme for this year’s Religious Freedom Week is Strength in Hope. While the battles against religious freedom can be discouraging at times, both in the United States and around the world, we must never lose hope. It is Jesus Christ who saves us and He will not abandon us or His Church, no matter what trials come our way. I encourage you to participate in Religious Freedom Week, and pray for the freedom

June 17, Monday 6-8:15 pm – Theology on Tap – Kinney Creek Brewery, Rochester June 18, Tuesday 11:30 am – Senior Priest Social and Luncheon – Madonna Towers, Rochester June 19, Wednesday 9 am – 4:30 pm – New Pastor Preparation Session – Diocesan Pastoral Center, Winona

June 20, Thursday 9:30 am – Holy Hour and College of Consultors Board Meeting – Diocesan Pastoral Center, Winona June 23, Sunday 10:30 am – Mass – David Kruse Installation to the Ministry of Acolyte and Rural Life Celebration with Blessing of the Seeds and the Fields – St. Adrian Church, Adrian

to practice and live out our faith in the public square. You can find many prayers and resources on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Minnesota Catholic Conference websites (usccb. org and mncatholic. org). We must always be vigilant in praying and working to make sure our cherished freedom of religious liberty is upheld and protected.

3 From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Presbyteral Ordination

It is with great joy that on Friday, June 28, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I will ordain Deacon Matt Wagner as a priest for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. All are invited and welcome to attend the ordination, which will be at 2 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. The Cathedral is also Deacon Matt’s home parish and we have been blessed to have him assisting at many parish and diocesan events for the past two months, having completed his studies at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI. Please keep Deacon Matt in your prayers, as well as all our priests and seminarians, and continue to pray that more young men will hear and respond to the Lord’s call to the priesthood. Blessed are all of you! Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

June 24, Monday 5 pm – Catholic United Financial Clergy Golf Outing Dinner – Willow Creek Golf Course, Rochester June 25, Tuesday Most Rev. Donald J. Hying Installation Mass – 5th Bishop of the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin June 27, Thursday 7 pm – Theology Uncorked – Oaks Wine Bar, Winona June 28, Friday 2 pm – Presbyteral Ordination of Deacon Matthew Wagner – Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona June 30, Sunday 10 am – Mass – St. Pius X Church, Rochester June, 2019 w The Courier w

Canonized, 4

cont'd from pg. 2

child Sr. Lucia dell’Immacolata was noted for her piety and charity. From a young age she worked in a spinning mill and factory to help her family. After meeting the foundress of the Servants of Charity, St. Maria Crocifissa di Rosa, she joined the institute, where she devoted herself to the humble tasks of doing the shopping for the convent, accompanying the other sisters on errands, or serving the priests who stayed in the mother house for retreats. She died from an illness in 1954 in Brescia, Italy, at the age of 45. Those whom the pope has declared ‘Venerable’ are: Italian Giovanni Battista Pinardi, auxiliary bishop of Turin (1880-1962); Italian Carlo Salerio, a priest of the Institute of the Foreign Missions of Paris and founder of the Institute of the Sisters of Reparation (1827-1870); Spaniard Domenico Lazaro Castro, a priest of the Society of Mary (1877-1935); Brazilian Salvatore da Casca, professed of the Order of Friars Minor (19111971); and Italian Eufrasia Iaconis, foundress of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Immaculate Conception (1867-1916).

World Meeting, cont'd from pg. 1

tion on love in the family. The theme of the meeting seeks to examine family life through the lens of holiness, “the most attractive face of the Church,” as described by the 2018 exhoration Gaudete et Exsultate. The meeting announcement quotes Amoris Laetitia’s section on Love in Marriage, which states: “The aesthetic experience of love is expressed in that ‘gaze’ which contemplates other persons as ends in themselves.” The World Meeting of Families, established by St. Pope John Paul II in 1994, takes place once every three years in a different country, most recently in Ireland in 2018. The 2021 meeting will be the third time World Meeting of Families will be hosted in Rome.

June, 2019 w The Courier w

Immigration, cont'd from pg. 1

the root causes of the migration crisis at the southern border and inhumanely turns away those in need. Democrats in Congress have indicated that they will oppose the plan. The plan does not provide legal status for Dreamers, those brought to the United States illegally as children. Nor does it provide a clear path forward for Temporary Protected Status holders. In their statement, DiNardo and Vásquez called these omissions deeply troubling. They also said that “securing our borders and ensuring our safety is of the utmost importance, but this will not be achieved by heightening human misery and restricting access to lawful protection in an attempt to deter vulnerable asylum-seeking families and children.” “Instead, we must confront the root causes of migration and look to humane and pragmatic solutions, such as improving our immigration courts, expanding alternatives to detention, and eradicating criminal networks,” they said. “We urge lawmakers to put aside differences and engage in meaningful action on humane and just comprehensive immigration reform.” [The full text of the statement by Cardinal DiNardo and Bishop Vásquez reads as follows:

While we appreciate that the President is looking to address problems in our immigration system, we oppose proposals that seek to curtail family-based immigration and create a largely “meritbased” immigration system. Families are the foundation of our faith, our society, our history, and our immigration system. As Pope Francis notes: “Family is the place in which we are formed as persons." Each family is a brick that builds society. We also are deeply troubled that this proposal does not seem to address Dreamers and Temporary Protected Status holders, nor provide them a path to citizenship to ensure their full integration into American life. Lastly, securing our borders and ensuring our safety is of the utmost importance, but this will not be achieved by heightening human misery and restricting access to lawful protection in an attempt to deter vulnerable asylum-seeking families and children. Instead, we must confront the root causes of migration and look to humane and pragmatic solutions, such as improving our immigration courts, expanding alternatives to detention, and eradicating criminal networks. We urge lawmakers to put aside differences and engage in meaningful action on humane and just comprehensive immigration reform.]

'God Loves a Cheerful Giver' Monica Herman

Congratulations! Since our last printing, the following parishes have met their goals for the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal:

St. Joseph Lakefield St. Patrick West Albany

we look forward to the season of summer. We have received many gifts from God. Stewardship expresses a basic attitude of gratitude to God for all His many gifts to us. As stewards, we are called to use these gifts to further God’s purposes. In Saint Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, he writes: Let me say this much: He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully. Everyone must give according to what he has inwardly decided; not sadly, not grudgingly, for God loves a cheerful giver. God can multiply his favors among you so that you may always have enough of everything and even a surplus for good works.


As we continue our stewardship journey, let us remember this message and prayerfully allocate our time, talents, and treasures and share them with others. Thank you to those that have accepted the invitation to express your gratitude to God by being one of the 4,323 people who has chosen to make a commitment to share your stewardship of treasure through the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal. The goal this year is $2,100,000 and currently $1,295,345 has been pledged. If you have not donated yet, please consider doing so today! It is through faithful parishioners like you that the message of Christ will be spread throughout the Catholic diocesan community. Thank you for returning to God some of the gifts He has given you. God bless you.

Catholic Foundation

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

�s spring ends, hopefully a pleasant one for you,

June, 2019 w The Courier w

Missionary Discipleship


Unbound: Freedom in Christ August conference at SMU is postponed. New fall date and event site at: Greetings, friends! I've asked DEACON JOHN HUST and NANCY HUST to write this month’s article on Unbound Prayer, a model of prayer that will be practiced and learned this fall in our diocese. The Office of Missionary Discipleship is helping structure a way to offer this prayer through people who are well trained and approved by their pastors, because the Church serves as a field hospital in a world where so many people are spiritually hurting. I thank Fr. Andrew Beerman and Deacon John and Nancy Hust for their many years of work in this arena. – Susan Windley-Daoust

he Unbound Prayer Model was developed in the late 1990s by Neal & Janet Lozano of Heart of the Father Ministries. In his book Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance, Neal Lozano teaches people in ministry how to listen and respond in five key areas, which guides people in responding to the Gospel and opening their hearts more fully to Jesus. Each key incorporates practical direction on how to respond to the grace that unlocks the door and sets us free. The archbishop of Philadelphia, the Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, gives even greater clarity to this deliverance prayer model:

Unbound Ministry is a vital part of the new evangelization because, through a simple method of prayer based on the Gospel, it helps us help others in moving beyond their spiritual obstacles into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This model of deliverance reflects the power of our baptism, which moves us from darkness into the kingdom of God. It promises to be a very fruitful tool in the hands of priests and those involved in parish ministry.

Evangelist’s Corner with Deb McManimon, St. Paul Street Evangelization We are headed into our busy season of street evangelization with the weather warming up. In the past month, we have been in the Rochester Skyway, outside the Bishop’s residence talking to students, at Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. John Vianney seminaries, at the Men’s Conference, and at a local soup kitchen. The encounters we have had have been so blessed and the hearts that are opening to the love of Jesus are many. I did a talk at a parish and June, 2019 w The Courier w

We first became aware of Unbound Prayer when a planning committee led by Fr. Andrew Beerman brought Neal and Janet Lozano and their team to Winona in 2007. In preparation for this conference, we read Neal’s book Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance. We both experienced freedom from unforgiveness and sinful patterns in our life during individual and group prayer sessions at the conference. The conference also gave us the tools to use this model when praying with Christians seeking great freedom from evil spirits. Since that time, we have had opportunities to pray with individuals using this model with Fr. Beerman during a couple of Unbound Days in his parishes, as well as praying with a number of people in our parishes with the pastor’s approval. The diocese just recently had a training day with 45 people in attendance, to prepare priests and lay people to pray using this model when Neal Lozano and his team comes in the fall. Many dioceses have Unbound ministry teams, and that is the plan in our diocese. You might ask: what exactly are the Five Keys of the Unbound Model? The structure of Unbound prayer model takes the person receiving prayer through steps of greater surrender to Christ in their life. The person receiving prayer does the work of identifying problem areas as the prayer minister leads them through the Five Keys: 1. Repenting for sins and expressing faith in Jesus’s power to save. This first key involves ongoing repentance and conversion as the hidden sins of our heart are revealed. 2. Forgiving ourselves and others from the heart. Jesus is the model of forgiveness, and we can access this power by faith. As forgiveness is pronounced by faith and the power behind unforgiveness is renounced, we find freedom to forgive.

a six-year-old and her family were looking for resources to hand out for Confession and the Eucharist to earn a badge for the Little Flower club. I shared some items and suggested the Skyway as a place to hand them out. I received this note back from the mom: Thank you for sharing so many great resources and materials with us. We also picked up a bunch of pamphlets with Mass, reconciliation, and adoration times. My friend and her four children came with us to the skywalk. It was amazing. The kids were so excited, and people were gladly taking the materials the kids were handing them. Only a few people said no thank you. Blessings to you. God is so good. It is so important to let our young people know that sharing their faith can be fun, joyful, and even normal.

Maybe you’ve felt a pull to learn more or get involved (the Holy Spirit works that way). Check out the calendar at for our upcoming outings. You can always contact me, too, for more information.

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

3. Renunciation should be familiar to us. At Easter, as part of renewal of our baptismal vows, we say, “I renounce Satan and all of his work and all of his empty promises. Renunciation is a declaration that we are no longer in agreement with the lies, spirits and tactics of the enemy. 4. In Christ, we have authority over the works of Satan. We take our stand against them through repentance, forgiveness, and renunciation and then declare the truth of their defeat in Christ. We say, “In the name of Jesus, I command every spirit that I have renounced to leave me now.”

5. The Father’s Blessing: Blessing are words that give life and peace. As we receive the blessing of the Father, his love and affirmation is made real to us in Christ Jesus.

Some changes seen in many of the people who pray in the Unbound model are deeper understandings and experiences of the love of God as Father and of Jesus as Lord, and a greater desire and ability to live in that knowledge. In one case, a woman who was bullied as a child found herself able to forgive the perpetrator of this trauma, but also found freedom from insecurity and inadequacy. We have seen marriages strengthen as forgiveness is extended and resentment renounced. We have used this model in general prayer in prison ministry. One prisoner shared that when he forgave himself and renounced unforgiveness, he felt like something left him, and he felt true freedom and hope. On a mission with Renewal Ministries to Kenya, where witchcraft is common, we prayed a general prayer using the Five Keys with a large group of 250 people. Many experienced new freedom in Christ from unforgiveness, habitual sins and the occult in a peaceful atmosphere. People who have received prayer have shared that they received grace to overcome temptation and sin. The Unbound model is to be used in our daily lives; it is not a “one and done” type of prayer. If you are struggling in your life with habitual sin, addictions, or unrealistic fears, we would encourage you to read Neal Lozano’s book Unbound and visit with your pastor. To learn more, attend the upcoming Unbound: Freedom In Christ conference in our diocese this fall.

[From Susan] Some of you may wonder when you hear “deliverance ministry” whether we are introducing a conference dedicated to exorcism. We are not. Exorcism is a liturgical rite reserved to a priest who has been appointed by the local bishop, and for people who are demonically possessed (fairly rare). Deliverance is a much broader term that recognizes the reality of spiritual warfare and that all of us need God’s grace to move from living in darkness to living in God’s light. Unbound helps those of us dealing with difficulties living in the fullness of God’s love and light to recognize how to close doors to evil influences and cooperate more fully with God’s grace. There is an excellent article online about how Unbound prayer made a difference in the life of Msgr. Charles Pope, well worth reading: http://blog.adw. org/2017/08/getting-unbound-reflection-deliveranceministry/ . All are encouraged and welcome to attend and learn more this fall! Watch for the date and location.

Seeking to Be

'Signs of Holiness in Today's World' A community that cherishes the little details of love, whose members care for one another and create an open and evangelizing environment, is a place where the risen Lord is present, sanctifying it in accordance with the Father’s plan. There are times when, by a gift of the Lord’s love, we are granted, amid these little details, consoling experiences of God. –Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate, #145

� fter a break over the past couple of months, I want to continue our study of Pope Francis’ recent

Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate (“Rejoice and Be Glad”) – “On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World.” There are five chapters to the text, and we have made our way (with the generous assistance of Deacon Chris Walchuk) through Chapters 1-3: “The Call to Holiness” (Ch. 1 / January issue), “Two Subtle Enemies of Holiness” (Ch. 2 / March issue), and “In the Light of the Master” (Ch. 3 / February issue). This month, I will move on to Chapter Four of the document, “Signs of Holiness in Today’s World.” Pope Francis begins by stating and clarifying his focus in this chapter. He seeks “to mention a few signs or spiritual attitudes that … are necessary if we are to understand the way of life to which the Lord calls us.” Significantly, he is presuming that his readers are already aware of the more familiar “means of sanctification” such as, “the various methods of prayer, the inestimable sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, the offering of personal sacrifices, different forms of devotion, spiritual direction, and many others” (#110). Rather, his focus in this chapter will be on “five great expressions of love for God and neighbor … of particular importance in the light of certain dangers and limitations present in today’s culture.” He wishes, then, not to give a complete picture of what the life of holiness looks like, but to highlight particular “spiritual attitudes” that are essential on the path to holiness given our contemporary lives and experiences and the current cultural realities we encounter in our world (#111). I will touch briefly on each of these “five great expressions” of love for God and neighbor which Pope Francis sees as being at the heart of “the call to holiness in today’s world.” Perseverance, Patience and Meekness #112-121

The first “great sign” of holiness in today’s world is a “solid grounding in the God who loves and sustains us” (#112). This sounds simple and self-evident enough, but Pope Francis is very clear about the challenges we face in being so “grounded.” To be grounded in God is to draw on a “source of inner strength” that will allow us not only to “persevere” through the joys and difficulties of our lives, but also to “endure” the “hostility, betrayal and failings” of others that we encounter in our lives. We do not

Joy and a Sense of Humor #122-128

In another characteristic theme, Pope Francis cautions us against “putting on a dreary face” in our walk of faith. Like the saints before us, we are to “radiate a positive and hopeful spirit” for “Christian life is ‘joy in the Holy Spirit’ (Romans 14:17)” (#122). This is not to deny, of course, that there will be suffering and difficult times in our lives “when the cross casts its shadow.” But, ours is a “supernatural joy” that “always endures” because its source is in our “being united to the beloved” and in knowing that “we are infinitely loved” (#125). And, we should live fully in this joy – which is “lived in communion” and with a “sense of humor” – cherishing the beauty and good things of life that are “God’s gifts.” For our Creator “wants us to be positive, grateful and uncomplicated” (#126-127). Boldness and Passion #129-139

Pope Francis draws on the word, parrhesía – a Greek word that means “boldness or freedom of speech” (Merriam-Webster) – in this section to describe this aspect of holiness. He speaks of it as “an impulse to evangelize” and as “boldness, enthusiasm, the freedom to speak out, [and] apostolic fervor.” He also states that the Bible uses this word to describe “the freedom of a life open to God and to others” (#129). There are many temptations in our lives to flee from our call to evangelize, such as “individualism, spiritualism, living in a little world, addiction, intransigence, the rejection of new ideas and approaches, dogmatism, nostalgia, pessimism, hiding behind rules and regulations” (#134). And so, we must rely fully on the Holy Spirit to give us the courage to “put out into the deep (Luke 5:4), … to spend our lives in [the Lord’s] service, … [and] to put all our charisms at the service of others” (#130). We place our trust in God, who is “eternal newness. He impels us constantly to set out anew, to pass beyond what is familiar, to the fringes and beyond. He takes us to where humanity is most wounded” (#135). In Community #140-146

Along with the power and grace of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives, we need the support and friendship of others to live out the call to holiness. “Growth

in holiness is a journey in community, side by side with others” (#141). To walk alone makes it very difficult for us resist the dangers listed above (i.e., “individualism, spiritualism…”, etc.), and to witness boldly to Christ. We form our Christian community by “sharing the word and celebrating the Eucharist together” which “makes us a holy and missionary community” (#142). And, this common life in the Lord, whether lived “in the family, the parish, the religious community or any other,” is shared in small, simple, and everyday ways. We are to be “a community that cherishes the little details of love, whose members care for one another and create an open and evangelizing environment, … a place where the risen Lord is present,” and a place where “we are granted, amid these little details, consoling experiences of God.”

Lay Formation & RCIA

Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

return “evil for evil” or seek revenge, and instead seek to maintain “patience and constancy in going good” (#112). In order to have such a spiritual attitude and disposition, it is necessary for us “to recognize and combat our aggressive and selfish inclinations, and not let them take root.” Violence and vanity are hallmarks of today’s culture in many ways, and only “inner strength, as the work of grace” will allow us to resist these and to embody a “meekness of heart” which combats these negative forces so prevalent in contemporary life (#116). And, as he so often does, our Holy Father points to humility as being at the heart of holiness. Here again, what may sound simple can be very difficult for us to live out. He teaches us that humility “takes root in the heart through humiliations,” for such humiliation allows us to share in the suffering and humiliations of God’s Son, and so to “resemble Jesus” (#118).


In Constant Prayer #147-157

Pope Francis teaches us finally that there is no holiness without prayer. Like the saints, our lives are to be “distinguished by a spirit of prayer and a need for communion with God.” Prayer moves us out of a “narrow and stifling” focus on our own concerns and worldly desires. The practice of prayer and adoration open us to “the transcendent” in our “praise and contemplation of the Lord” (#147). In the silence of prayer, our hearts can be open to “encountering God face to face” and to hearing his voice as He speaks especially to each one of us. In this silence, we can then “discern, in the light of the Spirit, the paths of holiness to which the Lord is calling us” (#149-150). To clarify: our prayer “need not be lengthy or involve intense emotions.” Nor is it “a form of escape and rejection of the world around us.” It is simply to place ourselves “quietly in the Lord’s presence, … [to] calmly spend time with him, … [to] bask in his gaze, … [and to] let his fire inflame our heart.” Warmed by God’s “love and tenderness,” we will “then be able to set the hearts of others on fire by our words and witness” (#147, 152). To conclude this section, Pope Francis invites us back to the traditional spiritual practices of “prayerful reading of God’s word” and of celebration of the Eucharist. “Meeting Jesus in the Scriptures leads us to the Eucharist … for there the living Word is truly present.” Then, in receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, “we renew our covenant with him and allow him to carry out ever more fully his work of transforming our lives” (#156-#157). Deo Gratias! Let us ask the Lord for the grace not to hesitate when the Spirit calls us to take a step forward. Let us ask for the apostolic courage to share the Gospel with others and to stop trying to make our Christian life a museum of memories. In every situation, may the Holy Spirit cause us to contemplate history in the light of the risen Jesus. In this way, the Church will not stand still, but constantly welcome the Lord’s surprises. –Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate #139

June, 2019 w The Courier w

Life, Marriage & Family


Rebuilding a Culture of Life �

n the past several months, our country has seen some horrendous laws passed that should have provoked shock and great concern about how the culture of death has grown stronger. Of course, on the other hand, we have seen many, many reasons to rejoice and recognize that there is also a very strong culture of life. We must not delude ourselves, however, into believing that we simply need more people on our side than they have on theirs. We have to recognize that the culture of life will also be rebuilt by creating new laws that underline the dignity of all human life. One such law being proposed is the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Sometimes, babies survive an attempted abortion and are born alive. According to the Centers for Disease Control and some states, it could be potentially hundreds of babies each year. But, rather than receiving the same degree of care as any other newborn

Physician-Assisted Suicide:

No One Is Going to Do It for Me! The following first appeared March 6, 2019, in Our Northland Diocese, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Crookston. It is reprinted here with permission. By FR. DON BRAUKMANN

s I shared a year ago, I have ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. I was diagnosed in December of 2017. There is no cure for ALS and it results in death usually 2-3 years after diagnosis. There have been some who have lived many years with the disease as it progresses differently for each person. Apparently, I don’t have the “long life” version. Best guess is I have months and not years to live. As I type (which is the first thing I am thankful for; the hands often go first) I can still walk, although I am using a wheelchair more and more. I am able to shower even if Lake Bemidji shrinks in size because of the time it takes! I can no longer dress myself, which has been a great lesson in humility! My voice is fading away, especially appreciated by my sister! (Just kidding!) The whole eating and swallowing process is goofed up, and I have choked twice. For better or worse, ALS is a great way to lose weight (note the sarcasm!) as I have lost more than 30 pounds at this point. As things deteriorate, I have had more than one person ask if I wished “physician assisted suicide” existed in Minnesota so I could end my life and avoid going through what is coming my way. Now, some readers may be shocked that I would hang out with people who would say or think such a thing. Well, I hang out with them because I know they love me and care about me. If you have ever prayed for God to take someone you loved “home” to heaven, you know what you mean and so does God. Wanting death and making it happen are truly two different things.

baby, some of these babies are left alone to die, or even killed. Existing law is insufficient to protect babies like these from infanticide. So, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 962) was introduced in Congress. While state laws prohibit homicide, they often do not clarify with any specifics what a doctor is expected to do should a baby inadvertently be born alive following an attempted abortion. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act does clarify a doctor's obligation: to treat this newborn infant with the same medical attention and care as other babies born at the same age, and then to transfer the baby to a hospital for further evaluation and care by a qualified specialist. Twenty-nine states have laws, in addition to homicide laws, with explicit protections for babies who survive abortions. One must assume these provisions were put into law for a reason: because abortion providers were not motivated to take concrete steps to save the lives of babies they were hired to eliminate. However, many of the states with the most extreme abortion laws do not afford such protection

The Minnesota legislature is now in a pattern of considering such legalization every session. Thankfully, it has not even made it to the legislative floor for a vote, but the fact it is in the pipeline should scare us all. Our culture is so afraid of what we cannot control (death!) and so we call it “mercy” (as in mercy killing) when we want it to go away. Of course, we are afraid of and want to avoid suffering! I am not looking forward with eagerness to what is coming my way. I often avoid looking up ALS on Google because I don’t want to know! I bet those reading this column who also suffer from a terminal disease, whatever it may be, are not eagerly awaiting their future on this earth either. However, I am eager to watch what God will do with the coming days because I am convinced he will bring good somehow, someway, when I/we least expect - for it is already happening. “Assisted suicide” is a lie and the word “mercy” has no place in that discussion. Why are we so afraid to let God do what God does best, which is to bring light in the midst of darkness? Unless some other ailment or unexpected health crisis comes my way, I will either die of a heart attack or suffocate. ALS affects muscles, and my heart and diaphragm are two critical ones. This is what I know as true: First, although I do not (yet) thank God for allowing ALS to take over my life, ALS has helped fill my heart with gratefulness for my family and for all those I have met along the way of 32 years as a Catholic priest (33 as of March 15!). In these remarkable years, I have met incredible, holy people wherever I have served. People who have shared with this simple farm boy from New York Mills the deepest sorrows, sins, joys and victories of their lives. I will ask to my grave, “Why have I been so honored?” During those 33 years, I have also had to face myself. When you stand before Christ – whether that is in the mirror, at Eucharist or in the eyes of those you minister to – you can’t get away from yourself. I don’t think any of us enjoy healthy naval gazing, yet that is where freedom is - standing before Christ as we are, not as we hope others believe we are. Second, I can trust God through the winter of life because I know the spring is coming. I trust the snow piled up outside my window will fade away and the bitter, cold, howling winter wind will give way to birds

Why are we so afraid to let God do what God does best, which is to bring light in the midst of darkness?

June, 2019 w The Courier w

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

to born-alive babies. A federal law is necessary to ensure that all infants who survive abortions are protected, not just those born in certain states. As we rebuild a culture of life in America, I am reminded of St. Teresa of Calcutta’s thoughts shared at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., in 1994: If we remember that God loves us, and that we can love others as He loves us, then America can become a sign of peace for the world. From here, a sign of care for the weakest of the weak - the unborn child - must go out to the world. If you become a burning light of justice and peace in the world, then really you will be true to what the founders of this country stood for. God bless you!

Rev. Don Braukmann

rejoicing. All of that is true in nature and in our relationship with Christ. And third, ALS has become an invitation to life, not a death sentence. Ever notice that “evil” spelled backwards is "live"? I am learning what St. Paul said about the “thorn” in his side. He never tells us what it is, and that is deliberate so each of us can fill in the blank for ourselves as to what the thorn is for us. We may beg God to remove it as St. Paul did, still I hope we hear God’s reply: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9). How true it is. When we turn and face the weakness, the shadows, the darkness, the abyss or whatever you want to call it for yourself, we find Christ standing there with open arms, not a pointing finger! Our “weakness” has brought us to the Savior! We are free! In all of this (which may seem like rambling) I simply want to echo the words Christ said over and over again: “Be not afraid!” I pray my final moments on this earth will be filled with trust, love, gratefulness and joy - knowing the best is yet to come. Fr. Don Braukmann is a retired priest of the Diocese of Crookston.

Why Have Safe Environment Policies and Procedures?

It's the Right Thing to Do!

Safe Environment

Mary Hamann


Safe Environment Program Manager

A Meeting in Rochester

Traveling and engaging with the Safe Environment coordinators throughout the diocese is part of my job. On the morning of April 24, I had the pleasure of meeting with Joyce Lehman from Pax Christi in Rochester, Laurie Opseth and Beth Arendt from Saints Peter and Paul in Mazeppa and Kathy Lieburn from Christ the King in Byron to review Safe Environment policies and procedures. We met for three hours of learning and More than 90 people attended the VIRTUS training in Heron Lake. sharing best practices and reviewing the improvements happening in Safe Environment that the reason to complete the training is this: Protecting God’s Children live training, regardreporting. One of our discussions regarded “It is the right thing to do.” How can you argue less of where they volunteer. how difficult it can be to get people to attend with that logic? The fact is that you cannot I would have been happy if 25 people had the VIRTUS Protecting God’s Children two-hour argue this; it is the right thing to do. The more shown up for this training; instead, I had more adult live training. Everyone has an excuse to people trained to know the warning signs of than 95 people attend. The attendees consisted not attend, ranging from, “I really do not have child abuse, the better we are as a of ushers, greeters, sacristans, extraordinary much contact with children,” to, society. ministers of Holy Communion, choir members “Why should I attend this train- The more Thanks to these four women for (one of whom was about to celebrate 75 years ing; I am not the problem." In this meeting with me to share ideas and people of singing in the choir), faith formation teachgroup of five people, three of us are build a stronger community of Safe ers, finance and pastoral council members, trained VIRTUS facilitators, so we trained to Environment coordinators. members of other committees, parish staff have seen the attendees come to and parishioners. Why did they attend? They our classes begrudgingly. We also know the A Training in Heron Lake attended because “it is the right thing to do!” all agreed that those same people warning After the training, I packed up to head back often made a point of coming up After a very successful meeting in to Winona, which is a three-hour drive. I would to us after the class to announce, signs of child Rochester, I set off to meet with arrive close to midnight. It had been a long day, “Everyone should attend this trainthe Safe Environment coordinators and I was genuinely concerned about how tired ing!” A public school teacher once abuse, the from the Windom cluster. Here I I might be for this nighttime drive. Instead, I told me this was the best training better we are met with Sara Bartosh from Sacred found that I was on an adrenaline high all the on child abuse awareness she had Heart in Heron Lake, Dawn Murphy way home. If this small tri-parish cluster can ever seen, and she had been teach- as a society. from Sacred Heart in Brewster and get more than 90 people to attend a VIRTUS ing many years. Jessica Fossing from St. Francis training because their Safe Environment coorWith guidance from Bishop Xavier in Windom. They invited me dinators and pastor told them it was “the right John Quinn, we are asking all parishes to have to come and lead a VIRTUS Protecting God’s thing to do,” just think of what all the other all of their volunteers attend the VIRTUS live Children live training for their tri-parish. parishes in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester training, regardless of contact with children. At The philosophy of these three Safe could accomplish! Ultimately, we would have a our meeting, we discussed how best to discuss Environment coordinators, along with Fr. safe environment not only in our parishes and this request with parishioners. Joyce Lehman Pratap Salibindla, is that all volunteers of schools but in our larger communities as well. said she tells everyone she is in contact with the three parishes should attend a VIRTUS the cries A Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse �earsisters

�od of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross.

�entle Jesus, shepherd of peace,

join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

of our brothers and

who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

oly Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people's wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

©2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops June, 2019 w The Courier w

Catholic Schools


From Our Graduates My Home Sweet Home By KAYLA CHRISTOPHERSON

�or the past 13 years, I have been

blessed to call Pacelli Catholic Schools my home. As I look back on these 13 years, how did I get to where I am today? What does the future hold? How has Pacelli prepared me for the next steps of my journey? But, most importantly, why is Pacelli so important to me? To begin with, being part of a small Catholic school, I am able to call my classmates my family. Every person in my class has had a huge impact on my life. These are the people who I have laughed with, who I’ve cried with, and even fought with, but, through it all, these are the people who I would want by my side through the ups and downs, the thick and thin. We have bonded so much through the years. Like the time we played card games, such as I Doubt It, instead of studying for our finals, or the time we all complained about having classes over at the church because our school boiler broke, or simply gathering around a fire celebrating a successful school year. My Pacelli “family” of classmates has been and will always be an immense presence in my life. I have had the opportunity to be mentored and taught by amazing Catholic school staff. I am so thankful for the dedicated teachers and staff at Pacelli - past and present - who have made an imprint on my heart. They have greeted me with a smile every day and have always been patient with me as I asked countless questions. They have picked up after me and have been by my side even when I was wrong. Most of my greatest accomplishments have been under my coach’s counseling. Sports have always been a big part of my life, and I don’t

Each spring, we ask graduating seniors from our four Catholic high schools to share with us the impact a Catholic education has had on their lives. I hope you'll take a moment to read these responses by Kayla Christopherson (Pacelli), Natalie Marg (Cotter) and Molly Hodapp (Loyola). We are so proud of them!

know where I would be without my coaches. They found ways to make practice fun while still working us hard, pushing me far past my highest expectations. However, the ones who deserve the greatest thanks, who have been my most significant supporters, and who have sacrificed to send my sisters and me to Pacelli, are my parents. My mom is always understanding; her patience is greater than that of most saints, and so is her faith. If I ever have kids, I hope to be half the mother my mother has been to me. My dad gives the best advice. He's never ceased to encourage me, always picking me up when I am feeling down. Sometimes his presence has been all I need to keep moving forward. The best part of attending a Catholic school has been building my relationship with God. I wouldn’t be here without God. His mercy and forgiveness are never ending, and His love has never failed. He has blessed me with so much. Pacelli has given me an amazing education and the opportunity to have a successful future. I am able to live my faith and am given the freedom to be who I am as I walk through the halls of Pacelli. I have been able to develop character and a personality here. I have played in the gym, acted on the stage, participated in the Mass, and become part of the Pacelli Tradition. For that and so much more, Pacelli has been, and forever will be, my home sweet home. Kayla Christopherson is a 2019 graduate of Pacelli High School in Austin.

God Has a Plan By NATALIE MARG

�rom my very first day of preschool, Catholic

Kayla Christopherson June, 2019 w The Courier w

education has been a way of life for me. It was not anything that I really thought about when I was younger; it was just something I did along with my friends. I do not think I realized until grade school that not everyone prayed in their schools and that it was not common to attend an all-school Mass. I remember talking to friends from another school about religion class, and they were very curious. They asked a lot of questions and talked about "having to do that" (study religion in school). Looking back, it was not, and still is not, something that I feel I have to do; it is something that I want to do. For many children, navigating through

Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Natalie Marg

grade school, junior high and high school comes with many ups and downs. It is a roller coaster of emotions, and sometimes it is difficult to sort things out. When the concept of religion is such a part of education, it undoubtedly spills over into all classes as well as activities. Catholic schools naturally create a caring and nurturing atmosphere. That is where I feel my Catholic education has helped me the most. Sr. Judith Schaefer has a welcome letter on the Cotter website that talks about the "Cotter Experience" and the belief that we are all good because we come from God. I believe this to be true. Every individual has his or her own unique talents; some are more evident than others, but everyone has them. My Catholic education has taught me to look for the good in others. It has taught me that it is easier to focus on the positives, rather than dwell on negative things. I believe that God has a plan and that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are hard to see right away, but, often times, good things can come out of bad situations. In the acknowledgements of his second book, Living Life to Its Fullest, Fr. Paul E. Nelson mentions people who have supported him, encouraged him and inspired him to give his best at all times. The sense of community that is found at Catholic schools has done the same for me. There is always someone around willing to encourage and inspire. This is where I feel that I have grown the most spiritually. I believe that we have encounters with people for a reason. God has placed people in our lives to challenge and fulfill us. It is up to us as indi-

viduals to seek the reason certain people are part of our lives. We must choose to embrace their differences and welcome the impact they have in our lives. I want to be someone who inspires and makes a difference in the lives of others. To simply answer the question of how Catholic education has helped me grow spiritually, I would say that it has taught me the importance of keeping my God and my faith at the forefront of all that I do. If I do that, I can inspire and I can make a difference.



�i. My name is Molly Hodapp, and I am a

senior at Loyola Catholic School in Mankato. I have been at Loyola since I was in kindergarten. I have grown up in a Catholic family, and it was very important to my parents that I received a Catholic education. Now as I am getting ready to graduate, I think about what my Catholic education means to me. Because I went to a Catholic school, one of the classes I was required to take was theol-

The WACS Way

Molly Hodapp

ogy. In these theology classes, we would learn about the Catholic religion, world religions, the sacraments and many more lessons. The unit I enjoyed the most was learning about my own faith. This taught me how to live out my faith and what it means to be a Catholic. From this, I grew closer to God and continue to grow each day. In my later years, I learned how important it is for God to be a part of my life. As I am getting ready to go to college, I know that it is important to keep God in my life. He is the center of everything that we do, but in college it is easy to forget that. My Catholic education has taught me to remember God and to continue

Catholic Schools

Natalie Marg is a 2019 graduate of Cotter High School in Winona.

Learning About My Faith

my faith outside of school. Another area that sets Catholic schools apart is the ability to celebrate special events with a Mass. As a junior, I was inducted into the National Honor Society, and this was celebrated with a Mass. The way we were inducted was the ritual lighting of candles. The current members lit their candles from the main candle and lit the new inductees candles. It was such a special feeling, and I could really feel the presence of God. Another special occasion that was celebrated with a Mass was the Baccalaureate Mass for the seniors. This Mass really moved me, because I could see God in everyone in that chapel. We got to celebrate our graduation with God, and it was so special. I could feel His presence and love. To me, this Mass means much more than the actual graduation itself. Catholic education means a lot to me. It has taught me how to become a good Catholic and follower of Christ. I loved the ability to openly practice my faith and praise God for all the accomplishments that I have made throughout my high school career. Molly Hodapp is a 2019 graduate of Loyola Catholic School in Mankato.

Submitted by LINDA SCHRUPP

� hen you enter Winona Area Catholic Schools (WACS), you are greeted by a sign that proclaims the

WACS Way. It is the school culture that we embrace with our staff, students and parents every day. We believe the four principles can serve our students not only now, but as a guide to help them lead lives of Christian witness throughout their lives. The WACS Way is to: • • • •

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Help others succeed. Let others know they matter. See the problem—own the problem. Honor the absent.

1. Every month, the third-grade classrooms at St. Stan’s host Connection Day, a day devoted to bringing parents into the classroom to be with their children and learn, play educational games and complete activities tied to the students’ coursework.

2. The 3rd annual Rube Goldberg Chain Reaction Fair brought our WACS family and friends to witness the outcome of months of after-school work by our 3rd-6th graders. Their challenge was to, as a team, create a chain reaction that would ultimately light a bulb as the final component. The students’ creativity was beautifully on display at this fair. 3. Catholic social teaching includes participation in society, the promotion of the common good, and the value of service to the vulnerable. Our WACS students and their families are generous in heart and spirit. Our students gathered 1,032 pounds of food to accompany the Merchants Bank 10 Days of Giving to support the food shelf at Winona Volunteer Services.

4 2

4. Enrollment in WACS has reached all-time high numbers in pre-K through 6th grade numbers. Our 73 St. Mary’s kindergarten students recently participated in the annual Step-Up Day to visit the St. Stan’s classrooms. They were excited to take that next step, checking out classrooms for the next school year!

5. WACS fully believes that learning shouldn’t end when the school year does! Look for our upcoming summer academy course offerings soon! Visit for more information. These courses are being offered to the Winona and surrounding communities! From sports camps, reading clubs, journalism, art and even hands-on veterinary medicine – our offerings will have something for all area students! 6. Music programs at WACS enhance the student experience. Linda Schrupp is the local admissions coordinator for Cotter Schools and Winona Area Catholic Schools.


6 June, 2019 w The Courier w


Presenting the Gospel

�f you had one minute with some-

Youth & Young Adults

one, and the Holy Spirit prompted you to proclaim the Gospel and invite this person to surrender his or her life to Christ, could you do it? How about three minutes? Five minutes? As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are “always prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you” (1 Peter 3:15). We have been given this beautiful gift of faith, but we need to be able to articulate the joy we have in Christ to others who are seeking this. Below is a brief tutorial of one way to present the Gospel to someone, called the Roman Road. I drew this out on a napkin in a bar once, so you can use it anywhere! The bold text is your speaking parts when presenting this to someone. Some of the numbers below correspond to the diagram on how you draw this out step by step. 1. Start by drawing two upside-down L’s, making two places. 2. Read Romans 6:23 with the person, beginning with “For the wages of sin is death...”. 3. What are the 3 main words from the passage I just read? a. Wages, Sin, Death (Write them under the left upside down “L”) b. How would you define each term with one word? Write a synonym next to the original three words (Wage=Cost, etc.) 4. Continue to read passage, “...but the free gift from God is eternal life...”

June, 2019 w The Courier w

5. What are the 3 main words/terms from the passage I just read?

Aaron Lofy

i. Free gift, God, Eternal life (Write them under the right upside down “L”) ii. How would you define each term with one word? Write a synonym next to the original three words (God=love, etc.)

6. As you can see, each term on the lefthand side is the opposite to the term on the right hand (Wages vs. Free gift; Sin vs. God; Death vs. Eternal life). Ideally, we want to be living on the right side of the diagram, but realistically we live on the left side. Do you think there is a way to move from the left side to the right side? 7. Finish the passage, “ Christ Jesus, our Lord.”

8. Draw a cross, making a bridge between both places. 9. The only way we move to the right side of the diagram is to understand the cross of Jesus Christ. Jesus died for the world’s sin but ultimately, He 3 died for yours so you can have the opportunity to cross over the gap and be in relationship with Him.

10. Do you want to be in a personal relationship with Christ and live for Him forever?

Director of Youth & Young Adults,

I encourage you, as you read this and go through it yourself, to take this to your prayer time and ask yourself: • Am I living my life in accordance to what Christ has done for me? • Have I surrendered my life to Christ? • Who in my life would benefit from hearing this from me? If you have any questions on this, please feel free to call me at 507-858-1258 and leave a message, or email me at 1 5 8

Saints Peter and Paul

Our Example for a Unified Church Director of Vocations

very year on June 29, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul. This is a celebrated feast day in the Catholic Church year as we remember the heroic witness of the first pope and greatest missionary in Church history. This feast day of ancient origin brings the Catholic Church together to celebrate the unity of the Church around Peter as pope and Paul as missionary to the ends of the earth. In a society where so many divisions and tensions exist, we are seeing many divisions impact the life of the Church as well. This month of June, I pray for Church unity and for an end to division in the Church. We are called to be the Body of Christ united in the Holy Spirit. Yet, factions form, and the temptation to divide over issues is strong. Unity remains one of the strongest symbols of faith in Jesus’ divinity despite the wounds to unity that have formed

Rochester Franciscans Celebrate 50th Jubilees

ROCHESTER--The following four members of the Sisters of Saint Francis, Rochester, will celebrate their 50th Jubilee with the Congregation at a ceremony in mid-July, 2019:

Sister Charlotte Hesby, daughter of Thomas and Marguerite Hesby (both deceased), was born in Rochester and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Francis Parish in Rochester. She professed her first vows in 1969. Sister Charlotte received a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Mount Mary College in Milwaukee, WI, and a master’s degree in theology from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul. Initially, her career was spent as an occupational therapist at Mayo Clinic, then as a bookkeeper at St. Stephen’s Church in St. Paul. Following that, Sister Charlotte lived as a hermit in Chicago, IL, and then at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Janesville, where she was on staff until 2017. In 2018, she was elected to serve as an associate minister in congregational leadership for the Sisters of Saint Francis in Rochester, where she is currently entering the second year of a four-year term.

Sister Kathleen Welscher, daughter of Luman and Eileen Welscher (both deceased), was born in Caledonia and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Peter’s Parish in Caledonia. She professed her first vows in 1969. Sister Kathleen attended the College of St. Teresa in Winona for two years before attending the Rochester School of Practical Nursing at Saint Marys Hospital in Rochester. She graduated in 1971. Sister Kathleen’s career was spent primarily as a licensed practical nurse (LPN) in geriatrics. She

L to R: Sr. Mary Anne Ryan, Sr. Kathleen Welscher, Sr. Charlotte Hesby and Sr. Mary Kay Mahowald

served at Saint Marys Hospital in Rochester; St. Anne Hospice in Winona; Holly Nursing Care Center in Holly, CO (4 years as an LPN and 4 years as an activity director); and Sterling Living Center (formerly Rose Arbor Manor) and Devonshire Acres, both in Sterling, CO. Currently, Sister Kathleen serves as sacristan of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel at Assisi Heights in Rochester. In addition, she serves on the Congregational Liturgy Committee as secretary. In her free time, she enjoys being creative; using her talents to make crafts for the Assisi Heights Card Shop, write poetry, and bake pies and pumpkin bread. She also volunteers at Assisi Heights and often prepares meals for the Dorothy Day Hospitality House. In 2015, she was recognized for her creative contributions as the congregation’s honoree at the Annual Franciscan Federation Conference. Sister Mary Anne Ryan, daughter of Wendell and Frances Ryan (both deceased), was born in Rochester, NY, and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from Blessed Sacrament Parish in


Rev. Jason Kern

in the last centuries in the Church’s history. If there is not unity in belief, there will very soon follow a lack of unity in the way the faith is lived out. The Church has retained its ability to renew internally by the power of the Holy Spirit over and over again throughout history by maintaining a unity of belief and practice. Satan breeds division because where there is division there is isolation, and in isolation one does not have the strength to stand against his wiles and attacks. This year on June 28, the day before the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, our local diocese will rejoice in the ordination of Deacon Matthew Wagner to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. On June 29, he will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving. In our local Church, we will rejoice in the gift of the priesthood on that day and pray with the whole Church for God to continue to bestow the greatest of blessings on His one Church. The month of June is devoted to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. There is no greater wound to the heart of Jesus than that inflicted by those who break communion with His Sacred Heart by leaving communion with His Church. May we pray for unity in the Church, which is threatened not only by ideologies but by a loss of faith in the Divine Presence. When


we succumb to earthly ways of thinking and do not allow the Holy Spirit to breathe new life and direction, we allow a spirit of disunity to enter our hearts. It is the same spirit that breathes fear, animosity, and division into our world. May the Church be a sign of unity for all; may the priesthood be a sign of strength and renewal in the Church; and may the Body of Christ remain united as one around our pope and bishops in communion with him. Rochester, NY. She professed her first vows in 1969. Sister Mary Anne received degrees from Nazareth College of Rochester, NY; the Catholic University in Washington, D.C.; and the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI. Initially, her career was spent teaching in grade schools and high schools in Winona, Waseca and Austin, as well as at the College of St. Teresa in Winona and at Immaculate Hearts College in Kagoshima, Japan. After certification in chaplaincy at Methodist Hospital, Rochester, she was a chaplain at Gunderson Lutheran Hospital in La Crosse, WI, and, later, director of pastoral care at Madonna Towers and Madonna Meadows in Rochester. Sister Mary Anne was also employed at St. Joseph Manor in Trumbull, CT. Currently, she is retired, residing at Assisi Heights. She spends some of her free time volunteering at Madonna Meadows in Rochester.

Sister Mary Kay Mahowald, daughter of Raymond J. and Ann W. Mahowald (both deceased), was born in Rosemount and entered the Rochester Franciscan Congregation from St. Joseph Parish in Rosemount. She professed her first vows in 1969. Sister Mary Kay received a bachelor’s degree in English and secondary education from the College of St. Teresa in Winona and a master’s degree in theology and spirituality from the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul. Sister Mary Kay’s career was spent in education, pastoral ministry, chaplaincy and advocacy work in parishes throughout Minnesota, Georgia, South Dakota and Texas; as well as the Diocese of Chulucanas in Peru and in Bogotá, Colombia. She was awarded a Certificate of Spiritual Direction from the Hesychia School at Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, AZ. Currently, she serves on the board of directors for the Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center and as a faculty member of the Tepeyac Institute of Adult Faith Formation in El Paso, TX, where she has resided since 2012.

June, 2019 w The Courier w


'A Safe Place to Land' �ave

Catholic Charities

you ever experienced a spring snowstorm? Most likely the answer is yes! Well, it is Minnesota. And we always get a brief glimpse of 70 degree temperatures, only to have it followed by an unexpected and unwelcome blizzard. If you are a visitor to our state in spring, you will inevitably hear someone say, “I feel like crying.” I am a music lover. I start the day dancing in my kitchen and singing in the shower. You never see me leaving for the day without earbuds around my neck ready to savor a song. Uplifting music makes me walk taller, smile brighter, and breathe deeper—even during an April snowstorm. But, today the tears are flowing, and it is not because of an unexpected weather forecast. I am listening to a song entitled, “A Safe Place to Land” by Sara Bareilles with John Legend. While the song is pensive and reflective, it has particularly cut to my core. As I listen, I visualize the faces of refugee and immigrant children staring back at me. I see their tears streaming down weathered cheeks, I feel their paralyzing fear, and I experience their desperation as they hope for a safe place to land. Today’s choice of music has made the tears flow. And that is ok. Sometimes, I need to be reminded of those families and children I’ve cared for as a past director for the refugee program, prior to accepting my role as the director of advancement for Catholic Charities. As the lyrics echo in my earbuds, I am feeling a connection with those I’ve come to cherish

June, 2019 w The Courier w

who have experienced indescribable challenges and suffering. I see the faces of those refuMary Alessio gees who have arrived under our auspices. I Director of Advancement see families who have fled countries because Catholic Charities of they fear for their children’s lives. I see the Southern Minnesota woman I cared for who arrived with no eyes, men arriving disfigured due to bomb explosions, children who disembark planes without She challenges you and me to "be the hand limbs and with blown eardrums. I see those of a hopeful stranger," and, while we may be a arriving with malnutrition and rotten teeth. little scared, to be brave enough to be a "light I hear the voices of those refugees telling in the dark of this danger." Could me they were so desperate to A Safe Place to Land that danger be the mentality of reach a host country and safe place to land that they climbed When holding your breath is safer indifference—an “out of sight, out of mind" feeling that allows us to into overloaded boats. I hear than breathing them tell me vividly how fam- When letting go is braver than make excuses when it comes to the needs of refugees and immikeeping ily and friends were lost in grants? wild waters due to capsizing. When innocent words turn to lies I recently read of the benBut, perhaps the saddest And you can't hide by closing your eyes efit in allowing ourselves to cry memory as I close my eyes and not to hold it back when we and listen to the words of When pain is all that they offer this song is that of children Like a kiss from the lips of a monster find ourselves in front of a cruarriving with tears in their You know the famine so well, but cifix remembering the suffering Jesus endured for us, but to try to never met the feast eyes. I was met with young eyes that did not sparkle; eyes And home is the belly of the beast ensure that our tears give rise to that were filled with fear and The ocean is wild and over your resolution. If we are meant to see the face of God reflected in those lacked hope. head Sara Bareilles calls us to And the boat beneath you is sinking who suffer, hopefully our tears will give rise to that resolution. imagine for a moment what Don't need room for your bags I ask you to simply take 4 minit feels like to be in a situa- Hope is all that you have tion comparable to being in So say the Lord's prayer twice, hold utes and 43 seconds to listen to your babies tight the song, “A Safe Place to Land” on a building going up in flames. Surely someone will reach out a YouTube today. Allow your tears You are told to just stand still; hand the window is open, and your to flow. As you listen, see the faces And show you a safe place to land... leap of faith is that maybe, of refugees and immigrants needjust maybe, someone will -Sara Bareilles ing a safe place to land. catch you and give you a While those tears stream safe place to land. down our cheeks may they remind you and me that, made in God’s image and likeness, every human life has dignity and deserves a safe place to land—no exceptions!

Hand or Tongue? Jenna Cooper

Tribunal Coordinator & Judge

Dear Jenna, I have received the Eucharist by hand for many years. However, I have now been urged by my son to take the host directly on my tongue, which I do not appreciate. While we agree both methods are acceptable, he has actually told me not to "settle for acceptable." If there is something "lesser" about how I receive our Lord, then why am I only hearing about it now? And what about nearly ever other person I see at my church?


irst, let’s start with some background: the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM), the document containing the liturgical laws which specify the exact way Mass should be celebrated, has this to say about the reception of Holy Communion: If Communion is given only under the species of bread, the priest raises the host slightly and shows it to each, saying, The Body of Christ. The communicant replies, Amen, and receives the Sacrament either on the tongue or, where this is allowed, in the hand, the choice lying with the communicant. As soon as the communicant receives the host, he or she consumes the whole of it (GIRM 161).

Similarly, the 2004 document Sacramentum (paragraph 92) states:


Although each of the faithful always has the right to receive Holy Communion on the tongue, at his choice, if any communicant should wish to receive the Sacrament in the hand, in areas where the Bishops’ Conference with the recognition of the Apostolic See has given permission, the sacred host is to be administered to him or her. However, special care should be taken to ensure that the host is consumed by the communicant in the presence of the minister, so that no one goes away carrying the Eucharistic species in his hand. If there is a risk of profanation, then Holy Communion should not be given in the hand to the faithful.

These two documents tell us a couple of things. One point is that, by and large, Communion on the tongue is actually what the Church sees as the ordinary or “default” way of receiving Communion. For example, the GIRM speaks of Communion on the hand in places “where this is allowed,” which indicates that there are some places (mainly other countries) where Communion on the hand is not permitted. And as perhaps some readers might remember, prior to the Second Vatican Council, it was required that all communicants receive Holy Communion on the tongue. So until not all that long ago, Communion in the hand was not accepted or licit practice anywhere.

Ask a Canon Lawyer

Discerning Our Reception of Holy Communion


So the way I would see it, the question Additionally, these documents mention that if there is any significant danger of consecrated hosts being lost, of “which way of receiving Communion is stolen, or misused for evil purposes, then Communion better?” is not an objective question, but a should not be administered in the hand. And to avoid the subjective one. That is, there is no single right mild but still always-present danger of a host being lost answer that would apply to all Catholics all the or misused even in normal circumstances, the minister time and in all circumstances. Rather, when of Holy Communion always needs to be watchful that the discerning how to receive Holy Communion, person receiving Communion actually consumes the host a Catholic needs to ask: which way will help right on the spot, in the minister’s line of sight. me personally grow in holiness? That being said, in the vast majority of situations For instance, one individual Catholic Communion on the hand is a legitimate option here in the might experience a greater sense of awe and United States. As the GIRM also states: "The consecrated reverence towards the Blessed Sacrament. host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, In this case, receiving on the tongue might at the discretion of each communicant" (GIRM 160, U.S. be more virtuous and thus the more praiseNorms). worthy choice for him or her. But it’s another But, getting to your actual question, is Communion story entirely if a Catholic is receiving on in the hand somehow a lesser way to receive despite its the tongue primarily out of something like being permitted? a desire to look more pious than his or her One thing to note in considering this question is fellow parishioners! In that case, he or she that, while official Church documents do speak would likely grow in holiness more quickly of contexts where Communion on the hand while receiving humbly in the hand. Do is not allowed for cultural or practical Of course, the same standard goes y o u h que reasons, the Church never speaks of ave sti both ways. Communion in the hand c on a anon Communion on the hand as being may be the better option if chosen a b y law out ou a “worse” option when an indiout of a holy motive, such as a t w h o a to s vidual is free to choose their way desire to foster a greater sense ee u l d l i k e t her answ of receiving Communion. of closeness with Jesus; or, hypoIn the liturgy and in Christian j c o o e ? E m ered thetically, it may indeed be the per@ life in general, the Church does ail “lesser” option if chosen for less w d ith o w r. give us options in other areas devout reasons. o " r C g our que where she indicates “good, better, Ultimately, when legitimate i s e t r ion" and best.” For example, Vatican options for receiving Communion the II spoke of Gregorian chant as the subj i n exist, the “best” way can be differe preferred type of liturgical music, l i n e ct ent depending on the person. We . even though other kinds of music are should each prayerfully consider how certainly allowed. Likewise, the Church we receive Communion based on which will often propose an ideal, but with excepway will better help us personally welcome tions and concessions being possible in some Jesus and to be more mindful of the awesome gift cases. E.g., Catholics are supposed to fast and abstain that is the Eucharist. We might even consider talking to from meat at certain times during Lent—unless a perour confessor or parish priest about this, if we feel we son’s age, medical condition, or some other serious factor need some outside guidance. Just as importantly, unless makes fasting and abstinence prohibitively difficult for we are Padre Pio or another saint with the ability to “read them. souls,” we should respect the personal spirituality of our However, in contrast, there is no Church document neighbors in the pews and refrain from casting quick which speaks of Communion on the tongue as being the judgements based on how we see others receive. better choice in all circumstances, or which portrays Communion on the hand as a concession to personal infirmity or weakness.

June, 2019 w The Courier w

A Church for the Poor Requires Religious Freedom o bring the Gospel to all men and 16 � women, not to just the wealthy or intel-

Faith in the Public Arena

lectuals, Christianity must be incarnated in every aspect of civilization, including politics. This requires that the Church be free to cultivate the life of prayer needed to nurture discipleship in people who can, in turn, be leaven in society. That is the argument of the late Cardinal Jean Danielou, SJ, in his overlooked book, Prayer as a Political Problem (1965). In it, he highlights how, to make possible the Christian civilization of tomorrow, the Church cannot become a mere sect or aloof from the civilization in which it inhabits. It cannot be “of the world” but it must be in it, constructively engaging society and creating an ambient religious culture where economic and spiritual supports and structures exist for people to order their lives toward God. Without those support structures, Danielou says, it takes a heroic effort by most persons to be a serious Christian. To preserve those structures and nurture disciples, we need religious freedom to pray and serve the world around us. Cooperation of Church and State

Cardinal Danielou states in the foreword to his book: There is no true civilization which is not religious; nor, on the other hand, can there be a religion of the masses which is not supported by civilization.

It would appear that today there are too many Christians who see no incongruity between the juxtaposition of a private religion and an irreligious society, nor perceiving how ruinous this is for both society and religion. Danielou argues that a truly religious society can flourish only when religious institutions exist in a collaborative relationship with the state. The state must recognize spiritual aspirations of the human person and the Church’s unique role in meeting those aspirations. “On this view of the matter,” Danielou claims, “the Church was most truly itself in the days of Christendom when everybody was baptized, and it is this state of affairs which is much to be desired.” But that ideal presupposes a Church which is involved with civilization; if civilization runs counter to the Church, a Christian society that embraces the common man and the poor—that is, most of us—is hard to sustain. Prayer as Political

Obviously, we live in post-Christendom today, and so the task, Danielou says, is to realistically assess our surroundings and what can be done. In the political realm, that means securing religious freedom so that the Church can continue to form people in the life of prayer so that they have the grace and spiritual tools to go forth in service to shape civilization. “Prayer,” then, becomes a political question because it is incumbent on the state to give religious institutions the freedom and the supports they need to meet people’s spiritual and material needs. It is there, in a genuinely religious social ecology, where a true religious civilization can be built. The stakes could not be higher, because, as Danielou notes, only a civilization with a genuinely religious culture is a healthy one—one able to stand

Catholics face challenges both in our current political climate of polarization and within the Church. We want to encourage Catholics to persist in the struggle to participate in the advancement of the kingdom of God by finding hope in Jesus Christ. Join us in marking Religious Freedom Week from June 22-29. It begins with the feast day of Ss. Thomas More and John Fisher, includes the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and ends with the Solemnity of Ss. Peter and Paul. This year, the week also includes the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) and the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The theme for this year is Strength in Hope. Find details on events and prayers, and resources to use in your home, parish, and community by visiting: Ss. Thomas More & John Fisher June, 2019 w The Courier w

Jason Adkins

Executive Director Minnesota Catholic Conference

up to the scourge of modern, technological civilization and its soft totalitarianism that suppresses the religious impulse in man and reduces the person into a mere consumer. Religious Freedom: a Good for All

The Holy See’s International Theological Commission makes a similar argument in its recent document, Religious Liberty for the Good of All, which Pope Francis approved for publication. "Safeguarding religious liberty and social peace presupposes a state that not only develops a logic of mutual cooperation between religious communities and civil society," the commission says, but is also capable of nurturing a genuinely religious culture. And, as Catholic News Service summarizes, the commission notes that “since Christianity and many other religions are lived not only within the walls of a church, mosque or temple, but motivate their members to undertake works of social good, ‘there is no true religious freedom’ in states that would make it difficult or impossible for believers to carry out their good works.” Attacks on the religious freedom of Christians, whether they are the recently passed Equality Act in the U.S. House of Representatives or the bombings in Sri Lanka, are all meant to marginalize the Church in both her prayer and her action. They seek to discourage active and public religious presence in society. Defending religious freedom means defending believers’ rights to respond to the call of the Creator consistent with their conscience. It means defending our ability to build a civilization in which the Church exists as leaven in the world so that all can encounter Christ.

The Hope to Which We Are Called �

s president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, I am invited to attend diocesan conventions held in the Province of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. It's been life on the road over the past few weeks! What a great adventure for me and W-RDCCW Vice President Eleanore Jones. We have learned about many important issues, heard tremendous speakers, and been surrounded by women of hope. The Duluth diocesan convention, held in Nisswa, presented speakers who were converts to the Catholic faith. One woman told the story of attending church during hunting season. At her Baptist church, attendance was down, as all the men were out hunting deer. She could see the Catholic church from the window by her pew and saw men in their orange hunting gear heading into church before they headed out for the hunt. She was impressed. Another speaker talked about “church shopping.” She related it to being hungry and stopping at a gas station to pick up something to eat. You’re hungry; you’ll pick up anything! She came to realize that being Catholic was the best – no more grab and go. For both of these women, the Catholic Church is home, and they are actively involved in their parishes. The New Ulm diocesan convention was held in Hutchinson. Speakers provided information on domestic violence. Example: in the year 2012, 6,488 troops were killed; in the same year, 11,766 women died from domestic abuse.

Jeanette Fortier is the president of the WinonaRochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Sisters of St. Francis Welcome New Cojourners Submitted by KATHY GATLIFF


By W.R. CHESTER Across 1. Syro-_________ Church 5. John 10:9 6. Hill where Peter is buried 9. Emeritus Bishop 11. Hoc _____ Corpus Meum 12. English wordsmith 13. _______ Christi 15. Guards against fideism 16. Justinian's city of mosaics Down 2. Act of self-denial 3. "Catholic" in Greek 4. Indecent disclosure

Catholic Daughters Install New State Regent Submitted by RITA LEAR

�n Sunday, April 28, 2019, five peo-

ple were received as Cojourners with the Sisters of Saint Francis, Rochester. Pictured L to R are Carolyn Isaak, Melinda Holtegard, Kathy Graff, Arne Graff and Cheri Didderich-Johnson. Cojourners are women and men from various professional backgrounds and faith traditions who commit to living the mission of the Rochester Franciscan Sisters within the context of their own lives and responsibilities; they are not vowed. Sisters and Cojourners seek to build community with each other because of a desire for spiritual growth, support and mission. To become a Cojourner, one must meet with a Companion Sister or Cojourner over a period of several months, as he or she learns of the history of the

The Courier Crossword

ROCHESTER--Several Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) members of Court Queen of Peace #1558, Slayton, and Court St.

7. Sunday or Thursday 8. Patron saint of brewers 10. Born legate 14. Do this without ceasing

In the Diocese


Another speaker reminded convention participants that you are wrong if you think domestic abuse and human trafficking are not happening in your town. We were asked if we have placed posters alerting women in abusive or trafficking situations of contact information for assistance. Placed inside the stalls of bathrooms at convenience stores or other public areas, these posters are just one of many ways to help. The archdiocesan convention was held over two days in Eagan. Topics covered all the branches of the National Council of Catholic Women: leadership, spirituality, and service. Speakers included the president of the College of St. Catherine, a pastoral associate who has worked most of her life with the migrant community, and a mother who was named youth coach of the year and who spoke on finding life’s purpose. What was impressive about these conventions was the spirit of hope that filled each gathering. Women greeted women as sisters in Christ, united to actively live out the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy in our daily lives as individuals and in our parish communities. Then there was the joy - so many smiles, such warm welcomes! There was laughter, celebrations of Eucharist, evening banquets, and closing remarks. There were words of support from incoming and outgoing spiritual directors, and words of encouragement from their bishops. On September 28, 2019, the WinonaRochester DCCW will hold its annual convention. Watch for details in the July Courier. Save the date! Plan to attend. What is the source of our hope? Life in Christ. What do we hope for? To be wise, courageous, and loving leaders of the Church and to know the mind of Jesus, through the intercession of Mary, our Lady of Good Counsel. Together, let us be hope in this uncertain world. I hope to see you there!

^^^ Last Month's Answers ^^^

Theresa #973, Currie, attended the State CDA Convention in Rochester on May 2-4, 2019, at which time Marlys Knuth, of Slayton, was installed as Minnesota's state regent. Pictured L to R are: Karen Juenemann, Bev Schreier, Sharon McClure, Rita Lear, Marlys Knuth, Joyce Risacher, Jeaneen Nelson, Joanne Halbur, Jan Bryan, Jan Thraen, Lana Oliver and Jill McCord. Rita Lear is a member of CDA Court Queen of Peace #1558 in Slayton.

Rochester Franciscan Sisters, including Franciscan values and charism. Cojourner Coordinator Margo Kroshus and Candidate Liaison Sister Ann Redig were instrumental in making the arrangements for this Cojourner Covenant ceremony. Kathy Gatliff is the director of communications and public relations for the Sisters of Saint Francis in Rochester.

June, 2019 w The Courier w


Happy Anniversaries! DOW-R Priests Celebrate Milestone Anniversaries of Priesthood

Rev. Edgar Schaefer (65 years of priesthood) Father Schaefer was born in Heron Lake to Joseph and Magdalen (Knott) Schaefer. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul. On June 6, 1954, Father Schaefer was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald. Father Schaefer later studied clinical psychiatry at Hastings State Hospital in Hastings, MN. Father Schaefer’s assignments as parochial vicar were at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, St. Mary in Lake City, and St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester. As a pastor, he served at St. Patrick in West Albany, St. Clement in Hammond, Holy Redeemer in Eyota, St. Felix in Wabasha, St. Ignatius in Spring Valley, and St. Kilian in Wykoff. Father Schaefer also served in the Navy for 37 months, with 18 months spent overseas in the South Pacific. Additional assignments in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester include chaplain for the Federal Medical Center in Rochester; confessor for the religious sisters at St. Pius X and St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester; and assisting teaching catechetical classes at St. Joachim in Plainview. On July 1, 1997, Father Schaefer joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese, residing in Sun City, AZ, and continuing ministry as an auxiliary chaplain for the Catholic military community at Luke Air Force Base in Sun City. Rev. Harry Jewison (65 years of priesthood) Father Jewison was born in Janesville to Arthur and Catherine (Cahill) Jewison. He studied philosophy at St. Thomas College in St. Paul and Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at the Theological College in Washington, D.C. On June 6, 1954, Father Jewison was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Edward A. Fitzgerald. Father Jewison’s assignments as parochial vicar were at St. Mary in Winona, St. Joseph in Owatonna, St. John in Rochester, St. Mary in Worthington, and St. Joachim in Plainview. As a pastor, he served at Holy Cross in Dakota, Precious Blood in Lamoille, St. Columba in Iona, St. John Vianney in Fairmont, St. Mary in Lake City, St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, and Sacred Heart in Owatonna. Additional assignments include instructor for Cotter High School in Winona, Marian High School in Owatonna, Catechetical

June, 2019 w The Courier w

Center in Plainview and Elgin, and Holy Family Catechetical School in La Crescent; religious education representative for the Lake City/ Wabasha area; area director for Blue Earth/ Fairmont and Lake City/Wabasha; confessor to the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato; and moderator for the Council of Catholic Women for the Waseca/Owatonna area. On June 29, 1994, Father Jewison joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese.

Rev. Thomas Jennings (50 years of priesthood) Father Jennings was born in Caledonia to Lloyd and Wilma Jennings. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at the North American College and the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. On December 19, 1969, Father Jennings was ordained to the priesthood at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican by the Most Rev. James Hickey. Father Jennings later earned an MA and certificate in secondary school administration from Winona State University. Father Jennings’ assignments as parochial vicar were at St. John in Rochester and the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona. As a pastor, he served at St. John in Winona, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, Mater Dolorosa in Delavan, Queen of Angels in Austin, Our Lady of Loretto in Brownsdale, Sacred Heart in Owatonna, St. Catherine in Luverne, and St. Mary in Ellsworth. Additional assignments include instructor for Lourdes High School in Rochester and Cotter High School in Winona; diocesan director of education of priests; principal and administrator for Cotter High School in Winona; chaplain of Cabrini Home, Knights of Columbus Minnesota State Council, and the Owatonna area Catholic Daughters of the Americas; member of the Presbyteral Council, Clergy Assignments Committee, and College of Consultors; dean of the Austin/Albert Lea Deanery; faculty of Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona; and rural life co-director for the diocese. On October 8, 2018, Father Jennings joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese.

Rev. Joseph Schneider (45 years of priesthood) Father Schneider came to the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in 2018 and is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, IA. Father Schneider is the son of John and Elsie (Dvorak)

Schneider and grew up in Cedar Falls, IA. He studied at Loras College in Dubuque, IA, earning a BA in history with a minor in education, and subsequently attended St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul. Father Schneider was ordained May 25, 1974, at St. Patrick Parish in Cedar Falls, IA, by the Most Rev. James J. Byrne. Father Schneider later worked toward an MA in religious education at Boston College, MA. After ordination, he served at parishes and schools in the Iowa communities of Cedar Rapids, Cascade, Cresco, and Manchester; and was pastor in Greeley, Cedar Rapids, Stacyville, St. Ansgar, Meyer, Waukon, Hanover, Dorchester, and the Blessed Trinity Cluster of Manchester, Ryan, and Masonville. Father Schneider retired in 2018 and now lives in Brownsville and serves parishes in southeast Minnesota and northeast Iowa.

Rev. William Kulas (45 years of priesthood) Father Kulas was born in Arcadia, WI, to James and Loretta Kulas. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at St. John Seminary in Collegeville, MN. On May 24, 1974, Father Kulas was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Father Kulas later earned a specialist degree in education administration from Mankato State University, and a licentiate in canon law from the Catholic University of America. Father Kulas’ assignments as parochial vicar were at St. Augustine in Austin, St. John in Rochester, and St. Felix in Wabasha. As pastor, he served at St. Paul in Minnesota City, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, St. John in Minnesota Lake, St. Joseph in Rushford, St. Mary in Houston, St. Felix in Wabasha, St. Agnes in Kellogg, Immaculate Conception in Kellogg, St. Columbanus in Blooming Prairie, Sacred Heart in Hayfield, Holy Trinity in Rollingstone, and St. Mary in Minneiska. Father Kulas also served in the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL, for a year, where he was parochial vicar and adjutant judicial vicar. Additional assignments in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester include instructor for Pacelli High School in Austin, Fitzgerald Middle School in Mankato, and Lourdes High School in Rochester; several positions in diocesan and interdiocesan tribunals, including advocate, judge, defender of the bond, adjutant judicial vicar, and judicial vicar; member of the Priests Pension Board of Trustees; and chaplain for the Winona Serra Club. On July 1, 2016, Father Kulas joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese.

Rev. Msgr. Robert Meyer (45 years of priesthood) Monsignor Meyer was born in Wabasha to Harry and Agnes (Evers) Meyer. He earned a bachelor’s and a master’s degree at Winona State University before studying at the Pope John XIII National Seminary in Weston, MA. On May 24, 1974, Monsignor Meyer was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Monsignor Meyer’s assignments as parochial vicar were at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona and St. Pius X in Rochester. As a pastor, he served at St. John Nepomucene in Winona, All Saints in Madison Lake, St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato, St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona, Ss. Peter and Paul in Mazeppa, and St. Patrick in West Albany. Other assignments include parochial administrator for Ss. Peter and Paul in Blue Earth, Holy Family in East Chain, and St. John Nepomucene in Winona; advocate, associate judge, and defender of the bond for the diocesan tribunal; diocesan director of religious education; director of Catholic Social Services; diocesan family life director; member of the Presbyteral Council, College of Consultors, diocesan Finance Council, and Priests Committee for Capital Campaign; and dean for the Rochester Deanery. In 2008, Monsignor Meyer joined the rank of senior priests, and in 2012 he was named Prelate of Honor. Very Rev. Peter Klein (45 years of priesthood)

Father Klein was born in Mankato to Frank and Helen Klein. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul. On May 24, 1974, Father Klein was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Father Klein’s assignments as parochial vicar were at St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, St. Stanislaus in Winona, St. Mary in Worthington, and St. Pius X in Rochester. As a pastor, he served at St. Adrian in Adrian, St. Mary in Ellsworth, St. Mary in Madelia, Holy Family in Lake Crystal, St. Katherine in Truman, Sacred Heart in Owatonna, Holy Trinity in Litomysl, St. Ann in Janesville, and St. Joseph in Waldorf. Other assignments include instructor for Lourdes High School in Rochester and Cotter High

School in Winona; chaplain for the Catholic Daughters of the Americas in Owatonna; parochial administrator for Sacred Heart in Owatonna, St. John Vianney in Fairmont, Holy Family in East Chain, St. Casimir in Wells, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, and St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake; author of the Catholic Source Book, 5th edition, and Scripture Source Book for Catholics; and member of the Presbyteral Council. Father Klein is currently the pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul in Blue Earth and St. Mary in Winnebago, serves as dean of the Mankato Deanery, and is on the Clergy Personnel Committee. On July 1, 2019, Father Klein will join the rank of senior priests of the diocese. Rev. Chinnappa Pothireddy (40 years of priesthood)

Father Pothireddy was born in Silveru Andhra Pradesh, India, to Joji Reddy and Annamma Pothireddy. He earned degrees in philosophy and theology, and on March 28, 1979, Father Pothireddy was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Nalgonda, by the Most Rev. Mathew Cheriankunnel. Father Pothireddy later studied theology at St. John Lateran University in Rome, earning a doctorate in theology. As a priest of the Diocese of Nalgonda, Father Pothireddy served as parochial vicar and pastor for Holy Name of Jesus in Munugode; rector of Bassiano Orphanage in Munugode; several diocesan roles including secretary to the bishop, commission for family, apostolic visitation team, procurator, and chancellor; and he also served as director of pastoral animation for the regional bishops and administrator for Caritas India in New Delhi. Since his arrival in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in 2013, Father Pothireddy has been parochial administrator of St. Ann in Janesville and St. Joseph in Waldorf; and parochial vicar at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, St. Casimir in Winona, the Newman Center in Winona, Pax Christi in Rochester, Ss. Peter and Paul in Mazeppa, and St. Pius X in Rochester. Father Pothireddy currently serves as the pastor of Holy Trinity in Rollingstone, St. Mary in Minneiska, and St. Paul in Minnesota City. Very Rev. Marreddy Pothireddy (25 years of priesthood) Father Pothireddy was born in Kadapa Andhra Pradesh, India, to Rayapu Reddy and Fatima Pothireddy. After high school, he joined St. Peter Minor Seminary in Cuddapah,

St. John Seminary in Kondadaba for philosophy, and St. John Regional Seminary in Hyderabad for theology, all in India. On April 6, 1994, Father Pothireddy was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Cuddapah at Annunciation Church in Silveru, India, by the Most Rev. Johannes Gorantla. As a priest of the Diocese of Cuddapah, Father Pothireddy served as the parochial vicar and parish priest for Arogyamatha Church Madanapalli in Cuddapah; vice-rector and rector for St. Peter Seminary, Madanapalli in Cuddapah; and parish priest for St. Joseph Parish in Urutur and Christ the Church in Duvvur in the Cuddapah Diocese. He earned a bachelors degree from Kakathis University and a masters degree from Annamalai University in India. Since his arrival in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in 2005, Father Pothireddy has been the parochial vicar at Resurrection in Rochester and pastor for St. Rose of Lima in Lewiston, St. Anthony in Altura, and Immaculate Conception in Wilson. Father Pothireddy currently serves as the pastor of St. Ignatius in Spring Valley, St. Finbarr in Grand Meadow, and St. Patrick in LeRoy; he is also a member of the Presbyteral Council and Clergy Personnel Committee; spiritual director for the Winona-Rochester Council of Catholic Women in Austin; and dean of the Austin/ Albert Lea Deanery. Rev. Steven Peterson (25 years of priesthood)

Father Peterson was born in Austin to Raymond and Hildegard Peterson. He attended Mankato State University before studying at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul. On June 15, 1994, Father Peterson was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. John G. Vlazny. Father Peterson’s assignment as parochial vicar was at St. John in Rochester. As pastor, he served at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Harmony, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Canton, St. Olaf in Mabel, St. Ignatius in Spring Valley, St. Finbarr in Grand Meadow, St. Patrick in LeRoy, St. Columbanus in Blooming Prairie, and Sacred Heart in Hayfield. Other assignments include parish administrator for Sacred Heart in Heron Lake, Sacred Heart in Brewster, St. Joseph in Lakefield, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Harmony, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Canton, and St. Olaf in Mabel; moderator for the Winona Diocesan Council of Catholic Women for the Worthington area; member of the Bishop’s Advisory Council, Priest Pension Board of Trustees, and Presbyteral Council; and dean of the Austin/Albert Lea Deanery. After joining the rank of senior priests of the diocese on July 1, 2015, Father Peterson moved to Arizona, where he currently resides, serving the parish of St. Mary Magdalene in Gilbert, AZ.

June, 2019 w The Courier w

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage is held at St. Mary Church in Winona the first Thursday each month at 8:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty is held first Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. (after Mass for Life & Marriage) in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and a rosary offered. All welcome. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion is held 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (delegate of Planned Parenthood) at 76 W 3rd Street in Winona. Contact: Patty 507-429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese are held daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info: Cor Jesu is held at the Cathedral in Winona, 7-9 p.m. the first Friday each month, September through May. Cor Jesu is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, Confessions, and music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. All are welcome to attend! For more details, search for Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-7601619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

Traditional Latin Mass Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass

Other Events Holy Trinity Church, Rollingstone June 15, Saturday 150th Anniversary Celebration. 4:30 Mass, followed by dinner and a program in the Holy Trinity Community Center. Assisi Heights, Rochester June 16-22, Sunday-Saturday Seek First the Realm of God, a retreat presented by Fr. Tony Gittins, CSSp. What is "this" Jesus asks us to do in his memory? Are we people of hope? These questions and more will be discussed. $450 includes meals and lodging for the week. $250 commuter discount rate. Register by April 22 online at rochesterfranciscan. org (select June 16 on the Events calendar), or call 507-280-2195. Rochester Community and Technical College, Rochester June 17, Monday Living, Dying and the Power of Presence, 7 p.m. in Heintz Center Commons (1926 Collegeview Rd E in Rochester). This is a talk and film presentation by Kevin Dunn, the international filmmaker and pro-life speaker who directed Fatal Flaws: Legalizing Assisted Death, The Euthanasia Deception and The Vanier Way. Clips from Kevin's films, along with his powerful testimony as a husband and a father of six, make for an unforgettable experience. The evening is free of charge, but freewill offerings are gratefully accepted. More info:

Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday on the following stations: KTTC, Channel 10 (Rochester) at 9 a.m.; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30 a.m; & KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30 a.m. Donations for the continuation of this program may be sent to: Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Attn: TV Mass, PO Box 588, Winona MN 55987.

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Párroco de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary, Worthington Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul St. Charles, St. Charles Borromeo 11 am Sun. 1 pm Sun. 7 pm Sat. Austin, Queen of Angels Owatonna, Sacred Heart St. James, St. James 11 am Sun.; 5:15 pm Fri. 11:45 am Sun. 12 pm Sun. Windom,St.FrancisXavier Lake City, St. Mary Pipestone, St. Leo 11:30 am Sun. 6:30 pm each 3rd Sat. 2:30 pm Sun. (bilingual) Worthington, St. Mary Madelia, St. Mary Rochester, St. Francis 7 pm Sat.; 11 am Sun.; 7 pm Sat. Noon Sun. & 7 pm Thurs. 6:30 pm Tues. & Fri.

June 2019 Christ the King Church, Medford & St. Joseph Church, Owatonna June 21, Friday Monthly day of fasting and prayer for the evangelization of southern Minnesota. Christ the King Church will offer a 9 a.m. Mass for the intentions of the diocese regarding evangelization. St. Joseph Church will hold a Holy Hour from 3-4 p.m. for these intentions. All are welcome to participate in either or both. More information & prayer intentions: https://w w /offices/ missionary-discipleship/monthlyprayer.html Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona June 28, Friday Deacon Matthew Wagner will be ordained a priest for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester during a 2 p.m. Ordination Mass at the Cathedral. All are welcome to attend and celebrate this day! St. John Church, Johnsburg July 14, Sunday Johnsburg Jamboree. 11 a.m. Polka Mass, followed by outdoor activities 12-6 p.m. Food, games for all ages, raffle, cake walk, bingo. Church is air conditioned. Holy Trinity Church, Litomysl July 28, Sunday 48th Annual Summer Festival begins with 10 a.m. Polka Mass, followed by festivities starting at 11 with food in the church basement and outside. Children's and adult games with thousands of prizes to win. Used-a-bit items in the parish center and a silent auction. Garden products, baked goods (prune, poppyseed & apricot buchty), live music. Something for everyone! All are welcome! Litomysl is 8 miles south of Owatonna on Co. Rd 45, then 2 milles east on Co. Rd. 4 (SE 98th St) to 9946 24th Ave SE, Owatonna. More info: 507-451-6616 or Servicemen's Club, Blooming Prairie August 11, Sunday St. Mary's Cemetery Board of Trustees fundraising event 6:30-8:30 p.m. Leslie Blasing of South Padre Island, TX will entertain with seven decades of music. Advance tickets $10, available at the Blooming Prairie Servicemen's Club or by calling 507219-1949. Pax Christi Church, Rochester August 24, Saturday Run Alpha 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Alpha allows people outside the church to explore faith within the context of the local church. Gather with other churches and leaders from across the region for this interactive training to develop an understanding of Alpha and how to get the most of running an Alpha course in your context. For more information, contact Susan Windley-Daoust (507858-1277) or twincities@alphausa. org. To register, visit runalpharochestermn Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona September 28, Saturday Pre-Cana 9 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. PreCana is an opportunity for engaged couples to prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony. $125 per couple. Peter Martin has more information: 507454-4643 x273 or St. Thomas More Newman Center, Mankato October 26, Saturday Pre-Cana 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pre-Cana is an opportunity for engaged couples to prepare for the Sacrament of Matrimony. $125 per couple. Peter Martin has more information: 507454-4643 x273 or

• The Courier

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