The Courier - January 2020

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Epiphany January 5

January 2020

Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |

Brother James Miller Beatified HUEHUETENANGO, Guatemala, Dec. 7, 2019 (CNA) - The son of Wisconsin farmers, Brother James Miller, FSC, [was] beatified in Guatemala [on Saturday, Dec. 7], 36 years after he was shot and killed while working with school children and the indigenous poor in the country. A graduate of St. Mary’s University in Winona, MN, and a member of the De La Salle Christian Brothers, Miller is remembered for his generosity, courage, and zeal to serve the children of Central America. He is the first member of his order in the United States to be beatified. Brother Miller’s story strongly echoes that of Blessed Father Stanely Rother, another son of American farmers (this time from Oklahoma) who was murdered in Guatemala at his Santiago Atitlan mission, a mere seven months before Brother Miller’s murder. Rother was beatified in September 2017 in Oklahoma City. Both men are remembered for their courage, zeal for their mission, and their humility in their work. “No one is perfect, and yet Jim, like a lot of people, did things very quietly, behind the scenes. He never asked for recognition,” Brother Pat Conway, who first knew Miller as a student and then as a fellow brother, told Minnesota newspaper the Post Bulletin. James Miller was born on Sept. 21, 1944, to a farming family near Stevens Point, WI. He attended Pacelli High School, a Catholic school where he first encountered the Christian Brothers. Though he had also considered being a priest, Miller joined the order of brothers in September 1959, drawn to their apostolate in education. Three years later in the novitiate program, he chose the religious name Brother Leo William, but eventually went back to using his baptismal name, which had become common among the brothers.

Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit Changes Hearts By MAGGIE SONNEK

�n June 24, 1300, a farmer named

After teaching high school in Minnesota for three years, Miller made perpetual vows in 1970 and was sent to Bluefields, Nicaragua, fulfilling his desire to work in the missions in Central America. In 1974, he was transferred to Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, where he became the director of a school.

Beatified, cont'd on pg. 4

Jan Bautoen was hoeing a plot of land in his small village in the Netherlands. When he lifted a piece of dirt, he found a completely intact Host — in perfect condition. Hundreds of miles away and 300 years later, during the Vespers and the solemn exposition in honor of the feast of Corpus Christi, the face of a Child, framed by thick brown curls, appeared in the Host. All the faithful present in the church saw the same vision. These are two of 126 Eucharist Miracles, visible proof of Jesus Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist. The miracles are part of a Vaticanapproved exhibit that was recently on display at Saint Mary’s University’s Alverna Center. The exhibit consists Miracles, cont'd on pg. 5

INSIDE this issue

'...Middle Class Holiness'

...Enjoy the Journey page 7

We Are One Diocese page 12

page 13

Articles of Interest

Pope Francis Watch

Can I Get a Witness?_____________________6


'...Middle Class Holiness'___________________7

The Courier Insider

Happy New Year!___________________________8 Japanese Catholic Youth...__________________9 Catholic Schools Updates_________________10 ...Enjoy the Journey______________________12 We Are One Diocese_______________________13 Diocesan Headlines_______________________14

Pope Francis: The World Needs Peacemakers Open to Dialogue, Forgiveness


VATICAN CITY, Dec. 12, 2019 / 10:15 am (CNA) - Pope Francis’ message for the 2020 World Day of Peace released Thursday calls for openness to dialogue, commitment to forgiveness, and an ecological conversion. “The world does not need empty words but convinced witnesses, peacemakers who are open to a dialogue that rejects exclusion or manipulation,” Pope Francis said in his peace message released Dec. 12. “We cannot truly achieve peace without a convinced dialogue between men and women who seek the truth beyond ideologies and differing opinions. Peace must be built up continually; it is a journey made together in constant pursuit of the common good, truthfulness and respect for law,” he said. Pope Francis said that war often begins with “the inability to accept the diversity of others,” which fosters attitudes of “domination born of selfishness and pride.” “War is fueled by a perversion of relationships, by hegemonic ambitions, by abuses of power, by fear of others and by seeing diversity as an obstacle. And these, in turn, are aggravated by the experience of war,” he said.

He noted that entire nations have struggled to “break free of the chains of exploitation and corruption that fuel hatred and violence.” “Our human community bears, in its memory and its flesh, the scars of ever more devastating wars and conflicts that affect especially the poor and the vulnerable,” the pope said. Pope Francis recalled his meeting with survivors of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on his recent apostolic journey to Japan. He said that their testimony bears witness to succeeding generations of the unspeakable suffering and horror caused by the bombings. The pope reiterated his message that nuclear deterrence can only produce “the illusion of security.” “We cannot claim to maintain stability in the world through the fear of annihilation, in a volatile situation, suspended on the brink of a nuclear abyss and enclosed behind walls of indifference,” he said. Pope Francis said that the answer to breaking today’s unhealthy mentality of threats and fear is to pursue “a genuine fraternity based on our common origin from

Peacemakers, cont'd on pg. 4

The Courier is the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 111 - 1

Most Reverend John M. Quinn, Publisher Matt Willkom, Editor Nick Reller, Associate Editor Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail: Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490) January 2020 w The Courier w

Diocesan Calendar________________________16

The Holy Father's Intention for

January 2020 Promotion of World Peace That Christians, followers of other religions, and all people of goodwill may promote peace and justice in the world. Officials The Most Rev. John M. Quinn, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following appointments: Residence Rev. Brian Sutton: assigned to live in residence at the rectory of St. Joseph Parish in Owatonna, effective December 9, 2019. Rev. Ubaldo Roque Huerta: assigned to live at the Hermits of St. Mary of Carmel in Houston, effective December 4, 2019. Catholic Charities Dr. Jane Njeru: appointed to the Catholic Charities Board of

Child Abuse Policy Information The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at www.dow. org under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Directors for a three-year term, effective January 1, 2020. Ms. Mary Walker: appointed to the Catholic Charities Board of Directors for a three-year term, effective January 1, 2020. Where to Find the Courier •

Hard copies of the Courier are available in the churches of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester at the first weekend Masses of each month.

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Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

Help Mothers Say Yes to Life! Defending the Dignity of the Unborn

On January 22, the United States will once again commemorate the tragic outcome of Roe vs. Wade. Over the past 47 years, legal access to abortion has allowed and encouraged women – and men – to view it as an “easy answer” to difficult pregnancies, or situations where they simply decide they do not want a child. Sadly, our society fails to recognize that the “clump of cells” in a woman’s womb is really a precious, unique human baby, given an eternal soul by God, endowed human dignity, regardless of the baby’s size, circumstances of conception, or health. Unfortunately, sometimes we get so caught up in trying to win people to our side of the abortion debate, that we fail to acknowledge and provide for the very real difficulties

Rejoice in Hope Bishop John M. Quinn Bishop's Calendar

and circumstances that women sometimes find themselves facing, which may lead them to choose the easy “solution” of abortion. Some women may be single and struggling to stay in school while juggling multiple jobs, while others have welcomed several children into their family but are overwhelmed with the thought of one more child at that time. Some are facing pressure from their boyfriends to “get rid of the problem” while others have learned that their unborn child has a serious medical issue, and are told by their doctors that their child will not have a good quality of life and that it is better to “terminate the pregnancy.” These are just some of the very real struggles that countless women face every day, who end up having an abortion. Many of these women know that abortion is wrong, or that there is a precious human life inside of them. However, they feel so overwhelmed by their circumstances that they feel abortion is their only option. As Christians, it is our duty to not only proclaim in our words that human life has dignity from conception to natural death, but to also show our love for unborn children and their mothers by reaching out and assisting them in their struggles. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, we have Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota and many crisis pregnancy centers that provide material and spiritual resources for pregnant women and new mothers, so that they can feel free to choose life for their babies. In addition, many of our parishes have ministries that support women in the different stages of motherhood. I ask you to please support these efforts to reach out and provide for women, so they know that we do care about them and their babies, and have the confidence to say yes to life.

Project Rachel exists for women (and men) who have experienced the pain and tragedy of abortion, so they can find healing and forgiveness. This ministry, overseen by the U.S. Catholic bishops and present in 165 dioceses and 25 international countries, provides an integrated network of resources to help those directly wounded by the scourge of abortion. Its founder, Vicki Thorn, will be receiving the University of Notre Dame’s Evangelium Vitae Medal this spring, in recognition of the profound impact Project Rachel has had in serving those seeking healing after abortion. If you or someone you know has had an abortion and would like to access Project Rachel’s confidential resources, please see their website, hopeafterabortion. com. Word of God Sunday

This past fall, Pope Francis issued an apostolic letter, Aperuit Illis, instituting the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, which this year falls on January 26, as “Sunday of the Word of God.” Pope Francis declared that this day, “be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the word of God” (Aperuit Illis 3), and that it be observed with special solemnity, so that the importance of Scripture in the life of the Church and in the lives of individual believers, can be highlighted and emphasized. Both the Old and New Testaments speak to us of Christ, as the Old Testament foreshadows our redemption, and the New Testament reveals the fullness of our Triune God’s revelation through the Incarnation. In speaking of Scripture, Pope Francis uses the image of Christ knocking on the door of our minds and hearts, and tells us that He does so through the words of Scripture.

January 1-3, Wednesday - Friday FOCUS Student Leadership Summit 2020 - Phoenix, AZ

January 20-22, Monday - Wednesday Catholic Education Conversation among Bishops - USCCB, Washington, D.C.

January 7, Tuesday 11:30 a.m. - Mass - Freshman/Sophomore Silent Retreat - IHM Seminary, Winona

January 23, Thursday 1 p.m. - Holy Hour and Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting - Winona

January 8, Wednesday 11 a.m. - Clergy Personnel Committee Winona 1 p.m. - Higher Education Working Group Conference Call

January 24, Friday 10:30 a.m. - Holy Hour and Diocesan Finance Council Meeting - Winona

January 10–18, Friday - Saturday Ad Limina Visit - Rome, Italy

January 26, Sunday 2 p.m. - Prayer Service for Life Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Rochester

January 20, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU

January 27, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU

Thus, it is important for all disciples to take regular time with the word of God, and to open their hearts to how the Lord wants to speak to them: “If we hear [Christ Jesus’] voice and open the doors of our minds and hearts, then he will enter our lives and remain ever with us.” (Aperuit Illis 8). I encourage all the faithful of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to take advantage of this special celebration, and renew their devotion and attention to how the Lord speaks to us through the Scriptures. FOCUS SLS Conference

At the beginning of January, it was my privilege to attend a few days of the FOCUS Student Leadership Summit in Phoenix, AZ, where thousands of college students gathered to grow deeper in their faith and learn more about how to spread the Gospel on their college campuses and beyond. FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, is a Catholic apostolate that sends young adult missionaries to college campuses, to invite students into a relationship with Christ and His Church. Here in the Diocese of WinonaRochester, we are blessed to have FOCUS missionary teams at both Winona State University and Minnesota State University Mankato. This year’s conference focused on missionary discipleship, and was open to all Catholics, not just college students. This time for prayer, speakers, and fellowship served to strengthen and equip Catholics of all ages for a lifetime of discipleship, as participants learned how to live out their faith and witness to the joy that comes from living a life rooted in Christ and His Church. It is always a blessing to see so many people, especially young adults,

January 28, Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - Teach RCIA Class - Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, Winona January 29, Wednesday 1 p.m. - Mass - Loyola - Catholic Schools Week - Ss. Peter and Paul Church, Mankato

January 30, Thursday 10 a.m. - Mass - Rochester Area Catholic Schools - Lourdes High School, Rochester January 31, Friday 10 a.m. - Mass - Winona Area Catholic Schools - Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona

on fire for the faith, and I ask you to please pray for them as they seek to incorporate what they learned and experienced at the Leadership Summit into their daily lives at home. Ad Limina Visit

3 From the Bishop

�ear Friends in Christ,

Every five years or so, diocesan bishops around the world travel to Rome for an “ad limina” visit. Ad limina is Latin for “to the threshold,” and expresses the fact that one of the two primary purposes of this trip is to visit the tombs of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, thus renewing and expressing the bond of communion that connects the Catholic bishops of today with their apostolic forebearers. Traveling to Rome also provides the opportunity to visit with the Holy Father and give him a report on the Church in different regions of the world. Please send me your prayer intentions and I will take them with me to all the basilicas and shrines in Rome as I celebrate Mass each day. The bishops of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota will be making their ad limina visit January 10-18. I ask for your prayers during this time, and please know of my prayers for the faithful of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester during my travels. Blessed are all of you! Sincerely in Christ,

Most Rev. John M. Quinn Bishop of Winona-Rochester

February 2, Sunday 10:30 a.m. - Mass - World Day for Consecrated Life - St. Thomas More Chapel, SMU, Winona February 3, Monday 8 a.m. - Teach at SMU February 4, Tuesday 11 a.m. - IHM Finance Council Meeting IHM Seminary, Winona February 5, Wednesday 11 a.m. - Holy Hour and Pension Plan for Priests Board Meeting - Winona February 6, Thursday 1 p.m. - Holy Hour and Bishop’s Cabinet Meeting - Winona

January 2020 w The Courier w


Peacemakers, cont'd from pg. 1

God” through dialogue and mutual trust. Only by choosing “the path of respect can we break the spiral of vengeance,” he said, underlining the importance of forgiveness by quoting Christ's command to forgive not “seven times, but seventy times seven.” “This path of reconciliation is a summons to discover in the depths of our heart the power of forgiveness and the capacity to acknowledge one another as brothers and sisters. When we learn to live in forgiveness, we grow in our capacity to become men and women of peace,” he said. For Christians, confession is a part of the peace process because it “renews individuals and communities” and “bids us to keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, who reconciled all things … by making peace through the blood of his cross,” the pope said. The sacrament “requires us to set aside every act of violence in thought, word and deed, wheth-

Beatified, cont'd from pg. 1

Using the name Brother Santiago while in Central America, Miller more than doubled the enrollment at the school during his five years there and headed the building of 10 additional schools in the area. In 1979, he was called back to the U.S. by his superiors, who feared for his life after the Sandinista revolution that overthrew the Somoza government, for which Miller had worked. Prior to his return to the U.S., Miller acknowledged in a letter that he was aware of the growing violence around him, but he was not afraid. “Are you kidding? I never thought I could pray with such fervor when I go to bed,” he wrote in a letter home, according to his order. In January 1981, Miller was again sent back to Central America to a mission in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, where he taught at the Casa Indigena School and worked at a center teaching experimental agricultural techniques to indigenous Mayans. The skills were useful for the indigenous poor people, who had been bought out of their land by rich corporations in prior years, and were attempting to scrape by on farming in the mountains. After just more than a year at the mission, on February 13, 1982, Miller had returned from taking students on a picnic and was shot in the back three times while repairing a wall at the school, the Post Bulletin reported. Miller died instantly, and his attackers were never identified. He was 37 years old. Just seven months prior, on July 28, 1981, Father Stanley Rother had been shot and killed in the middle of the night at his mission in Santiago Atitlan, 100 miles to the south of Huehuetenango. Just a month before his death, Miller had written in another letter: “I am personally weary of violence, but I continue to feel a strong commitment to the suffering poor of Central America… the Church is being persecuted because of its option for the poor. Aware of numerous dangers and dif-

January 2020 w The Courier w

er against our neighbours or against God’s creation,” he said. The World Day of Peace – instituted by St. Paul VI in 1968 – is celebrated each year on the first day of January. The pope provides a special message for the occasion, which is sent to all foreign ministers around the world. The pope’s message for the 2020 World Day of Peace is entitled, “Peace as a Journey of Hope: Dialogue, Reconciliation and Ecological Conversion.” “The ecological conversion for which we are appealing will lead us to a new way of looking at life, as we consider the generosity of the Creator who has given us the earth and called us to share it in joy and moderation,” Pope Francis said. “All this gives us deeper motivation and a new way to dwell in our common home, to accept our differences, to respect and celebrate the life that we have received and share, and to seek living conditions and models of society that favour the

ficulties, we continue working with faith and hope and trusting in God’s Providence.” “I have been a Brother of the Christian Schools for nearly 20 years now, and commitment to my vocation grows steadily stronger in my work in Central America. I pray to God for the grace and strength to serve Him faithfully among the poor and oppressed in Guatemala. I place my life in His Providence. I place my trust in Him,” he added. Those who knew Brother Miller remember him for his kindness, his generosity and his jovial spirit. Brother Francis Carr, who roomed with Miller while they attended St. Mary’s University, told Winona Daily News that he remembers him as “a common, good guy.” One of his former professors remembered Miller as “attractive with an open and sociable personality, likeable, completely genuine; people were captivated by his simplicity: he was very intelligent and also very simple.” Another fellow brother recalled Miller as “an intelligent person, although not an intellectual, jovial, easy to relate with, preferring physical work to sports, with a deep faith and love for his religious vocation, but with a certain tendency to come late to class and community prayers.” Conway remembered his fellow brother as “big and boisterous” and “very human.” “What's cool about him being beatified is that he was human,” Conway told the Post Bulletin. “The fact that someone so human would farm with these kids and taught them the skills to break the cycle of poverty. It speaks volumes about him.” After his death, Miller’s body was sent back to the United States for burial in Wisconsin. Miller arrived in a dirty white robe, Conway told the Post Bulletin, because of all of the farmers who attended his funeral in Guatemala and wanted to touch his robes as they paid their respects. Relics gathered during the exhumation of Miller’s body will be at the beatification in Guatemala, which will be celebrated on Saturday, December 7 in Huehuetenango. Miller’s cause for canonization opened in 2009. Because Miller was officially declared a martyr by the Church, the typical requirement for proof of a miracle through his intercession in order to pro-

continued flourishing of life and the development of the common good of the entire human family,” he said. At a press conference on the peace message, Cardinal Peter Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, said faith in God’s covenant implies care for the weakest members of society and for the environment as God’s creation. In his peace message, Pope Francis said that democracy can be an important paradigm for the peace process, provided that it is “grounded in justice and a commitment to protect the rights of every person, especially the weak and marginalized.” “Setting out on a journey of peace is a challenge made all the more complex because the interests at stake in relationships between people, communities and nations, are numerous and conflicting. We must first appeal to people’s moral conscience and to personal and political will,” he said. “The desire for peace lies deep within the human heart, and we should not resign ourselves to seeking anything less than this,” Pope Francis said.

ceed with his beatification is waived. A miracle through his intercession will be needed before he can be canonized. Representatives from St. Mary’s University will be present at the beatification in Guatemala, and a special concurrent commemoration ceremony will be taking place on campus. “I think, particularly in the Catholic Church, in our faith, we highlight those who give their lives for the sake of the kingdom, the gospel, but also, in this case, as the gospel says, no one has greater love than to lay down his life for his friend,” SMU president Father James Burns told Winona Daily News. “And so in following the example of Christ, this is what Brother James Miller did, laying down his life,” Burns added. “It’s a great honor for us to have someone for our local community being raised to this honor by the church.” “I think people are instinctively drawn to goodness, that kind of goodness, even when it causes great sacrifice and we have to suffer. People are inspired by that.”

Miracles, cont'd from pg. 1

of illustrated panels, describing each miracle that has occurred around the world, dating as far back as the Last Supper. Permanently housed at Epiphany Church in Coon Rapids, the goal of the exhibit is to help people deepen their belief in the real presence and for some, change their disbelief. Tim Gossen, vice president for Mission and Student Life at Saint Mary’s, drove to Epiphany and transported the exhibit back to campus in a U-Haul. Instead of presenting the miracles in the university gymnasium, leadership made the conscious decision to display the 126 miracles in the Alverna Center. “We wanted to offer the exhibit to the entire community,” Gossen says. “We also wanted to link these Miracles with Adoration.” Adoration, usually offered at Saint Thomas More Chapel on the Saint Mary’s Winona Campus, was held at the Chapel of Saint Mary of the Angels, connected to the Alverna Center. Solomon Liebl, a student at Saint Mary’s, took advantage of this, despite a crammed schedule. The senior, who is double majoring in finance and philosophy and minoring in psychology, usually spends a few minutes in the chapel on Tuesday mornings. But, that particular week, he opted to take in the Eucharistic Miracles and participate in Adoration. “To go through and read about all the miracles and then experience Adoration at the same time — that was so cool,” Liebl, who is getting married


in October, says. “The atmosphere around me was miracles and then went into the chapel to reflect a sense of reverence. People were just in awe. It and pray peacefully. I loved being able to do was a spiritual experience to read about these that,” says Maddie Eliason, a junior at Lourdes. miracles.” “It was nice to have the opportunity Five hundred people — from If you're interested for Adoration while at the same time as close as Winona and as far as being able to read about different California and Mississippi — expe- in sharing the miracles that increased my faith.” rienced the exhibit, which was on Eucharistic Miracles Peggy Powell, a volunteer who display for four days. belongs to Epiphany Church, helps exhibit with your “As a Catholic university, we try distribute the exhibit to parishes and to offer opportunities like this to our parish or Catholic organizations across the state. students and the larger communi- organization, please “When people walk through ty,” Gossen says. “It was amazing to the exhibit, they’re just astounded. call Peggy Powell watch this spiritual movement and They’ve never seen anything like at Epiphany Church this,” she says. “These miracles help see these miracles touch hearts.” One group from the larger com- in Coon Rapids, evangelize communities of the real munity, a class of 15 students from a presence of Christ in the Eucharist.” Sacraments class at Lourdes Catholic 763-755-1020. Maggie Sonnek is a freelance writer in High School in Rochester, made the Wabasha. Her work can be found at trek to Winona. “My friend and I walked through most of the

January 2020 w The Courier w

Can I Get a Witness?

6 Missionary Discipleship

Friends, merry Christmas and happy new year! As we launch a new focus on being communities of missionary discipleship in this diocese (keep watching this space!), I want to underline one very important element: creating a culture of witness. People are rarely argued into believing that Jesus Christ is Lord. But they are attracted to the Lord through his disciples’ words and deeds. Many of us have known for a long time that our lives can attract people to faith in Christ. But we have been shy, reserved, “Minnesotan” about sharing our faith with others…even with friends. It’s time to end the Catholic “witness protection program,” where we keep the goodness of God in our lives a secret. We need to share our stories. We offer our lives, yes, but we can use our words to help people connect the dots—we act this way because we believe Jesus is Lord! They need this explicitly connected in an increasingly secular society. And there is a ministry in the diocese giving a platform to the power of witness: Catholic Evangelization Outreach. EMILY SPAULDING, on behalf of the CEO Rochester team, explains below how it works. Please contact them if you are interested in learning more about CEO as a witness option! –Susan Windley-Daoust

Real People Sharing Real Stories: CEO Rochester

e are commanded by Christ to evangelize. Just as St. John Paul II said, “It is not enough for us to receive Jesus Christ ourselves; we must also bring him to others." Pope Benedict XVI said, “Why do we want to be disciples of Christ? The answer is: because, in communion with Him, we hope to find life that is worthy of the name, and thus we want to make Him known to others, to communicate to them the gift that we have found in Him.”

CEO Rochester stands for Catholic Evangelization Outreach. It is a new ministry in Rochester that started at Church of the Resurrection in 2018. It is a Christcentered, spirit-led, lay-driven Catholic evangelization outreach ministry. It is where “real people share real stories” of how God has changed their hearts and their lives. Grassroots of CEO

CEO originated in Cedar Rapids, IA, by a lay Catholic, Pete Mathison. In 2010, the Lord called Pete to start an evangelization ministry with lay volunteers. To this date, he and his core team have united 11 Cedar Rapids parishes for monthly witness talks at a different Catholic Church each month. They have found that when lay people share their personal testimony of real pain and struggles, and how by the grace of God they were able to deal with or overcome these difficulties, it has a powerful impact on the heart of a listener. Often this inspires the listener in a very powerful way to come back to the faith or to deepen their faith within the church. In the fall of 2017, the Church of the Resurrection’s parish council, along with Pastor Fr. Peter Schuster, wanted to explore ways to evangelize more at their church. It was decided that the church would have a retreat/workshop in early 2018 on this topic. A committee was assigned to find an evangelization program to bring to the parish. Through that process, they found the Cedar Rapids Catholic Evangelization Outreach (CEO) and arranged to have Pete Mathison and CEO partner John Waldorf come to Rochester to facilitate a CEO workshop in February 2018. Pete and John spoke about how they created the CEO Ministry, how the power of testimony can change people’s spiritual lives, and how encouraging Catholics to reflect and share their faith story can directly influence the health of a parish community, let alone the Catholic Church. The Resurrection retreat attendees discussed what they had heard about CEO. After much discussion and prayer, it was clear that the ministry’s mission was well suited to Resurrection’s parish mission: “An ever-growing eucharistic community boldly serving others through God’s love.” Shortly after the retreat, a CEO team was formed and CEO Rochester was officially started. CEO Events

January 2020 w The Courier w

Susan Windley-Daoust

Director of Missionary Discipleship

Since its incorporation, CEO Rochester has been blessed to have hosted six events at Resurrection Church. The speakers have shared their powerful, personal testimonies of God's work in their lives pulling them closer to Him. Past recordings and future events are available on the Resurrection Parish webpage, at Fr. Schuster states, “The courage that people have in sharing their testimonies is amazing. One always leaves a testimony reflecting upon how God works in His people. While each story is different, each points to the same - without God in our lives we are nothing.” Jessica Davis, a parishioner at Church of the Resurrection, has attended several of the CEO events. She says, “CEO is a tangible way to experience God’s presence in everyday Catholic lives. It has greatly enriched my faith life. I come away with inspiration to continue the journey of growing closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The transformative power of the Holy Spirit is at work in all our lives!”

Discipleship Quad Leaders Check-In January 8, Noon

Are you running a discipleship quad? Are you interested in starting one? Drop in on our prayer, support and troubleshooting monthly videoconference/call. Contact Susan Windley-Daoust ( for more info and a link.

For More Information For more information, go to the CEO Rochester website hosted by Church of the Resurrection at https:// or email our CEO team at If you would like to share your witness story, please reach out and contact the CEO Rochester team for more information. Join us for our next event, Friday, February 7, 2020, at Church of the Resurrection. There is no cost or registration. Free childcare is provided, and light refreshments will follow. All are welcome at CEO Rochester: changing our world, one witness story at a time.

Reflecting on My Father and Todd Graff

Director of Lay Formation & RCIA

Nor need we think only of those already beatified and canonized. The Holy Spirit bestows holiness in abundance among God’s holy and faithful people…. I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance I see the holiness of the Church militant. Very often it is a holiness found in our next-door neighbors, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence. We might call them "the middle class of holiness." -Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate, #6-7

�reetings of peace, and a Blessed New Year!

As I write this article, it is mid-December and the Advent season. At this time of year, I tend to think of my father, who passed away on December 7, 2013. Those who know me well know that my dad has been the most pivotal and formative person in my life. With my mother dying when I was four years old, he provided the foundation of love and support that I relied on from an early age. He was my model and my mentor, but also the one who taught me to forge my own path and to rely on God’s grace to guide and sustain me along the way. One of the things that was so beautiful about my dad was the number of people he found a way to help personally and through his work as the president of a small-town bank. He had a special concern for those who were struggling, and there are many stories of his generosity and care that have been passed on – although he was never one to draw attention to himself in any way. At his funeral, my brother Chad’s reflection on him captured his spirit and character very well:

One of the greatest lessons we learned from Dad is that everyone deserves to be treated with honor and dignity regardless of their station in life. Dad treated an individual falling on hard times and needing $20 for groceries with the same heartfelt kindness and respect that he treated the Governor. He would give money out of his own pocket, and tell people they could pay him back when back on their feet. His heart contained no prejudice. His door at the bank was open to everyone, and he took the time to listen to what people had to say. He enjoyed helping people find what they loved to do. He taught us that people are important; money and things are not.

To be his son was a great privilege, and I am forever grateful! I was also thinking about Dad because another of my brothers – who carried on Dad’s legacy at

the bank as president and chairman – is now stepping back from this work to more of a part-time role. Mark is so much like our dad – hard working, humble, a servant leader, a good listener, and always willing to sacrifice of himself for the needs of others. This fall, I was asked to give a talk on holiness and the lay vocation. While I know the Church’s teaching on these themes very well through the documents of the Second Vatican Council (Lumen Gentium and Apostolicam Actuositatem), St. Pope John Paul II (Christifidelis Laici), the U.S. Catholic Bishops (Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium and Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord), and Pope Francis (Gaudete et Exsultate), it is the example of my dad and my brother which really bring the meaning of these teachings to life for me. And, the beauty of their witness is what I most wanted to share with my audience in terms of our call to holiness as lay women and men. Saint Teresa of Calcutta called us to be holy in our own set of circumstances, and to be attentive to the pain and the loneliness and the needs of those most near to us. She taught us that we are called “to do small things with great love.” Pope Francis echoes this in his description of “the middle class of holiness” as exemplified in the love and care of parents for their children, in those who bear sickness with grace, and in the simple smile shared by an elderly religious. All small things, in a way, but offered with great love. In seeking to bring my thoughts on such an "everyday holiness" together, I settled on three fundamental dispositions that we can nurture in our lives to give witness to Christ. They are, at their heart, what I learned from the example of my dad over the 50+ years of being his son. Humility and Gratitude - Our lives are a gift given to us by God in love. And, so, we should have a deep and fundamental sense of gratitude for who we are and all we have. Of course, we should nurture and develop our talents and

Lay Formation & RCIA

'Middle Class Holiness'


gifts, but they have been given to us as pure blessing.

Generosity and Service - In gratitude for the blessings we have received, we should cultivate generous hearts always ready to share these blessings with others joyfully, and to seek to serve their needs by giving of our time, of our talent, and of our treasure.

Sacrificial Love - What ultimately defines the meaning of our lives is our love and care for God and for others, and our willingness to give of ourselves out of love – even at times to the point of our own hardship and suffering. As a Christian, I believe that God is Love, and that I am made in God’s image. So, when I love with a pure heart, I reflect this divine Love and become most truly the person I have been created and called to be.

The clearest illustration of this is to see God’s beloved Son, Jesus, on the Cross – humbly sacrificing his life in love for me, and for you, and for the world. It is the sacrifice we celebrate together in the Eucharist (which means “thanksgiving”). In perfect love, he takes on himself “the sins of the world” to bring healing and reconciliation to each individual, to each relationship, to each family, to each community … and, ultimately, to all of creation. Deo Gratias! The eyes of faith behold a wonderful scene: that of a countless number of lay people, both women and men, busy at work in their daily life and activity, oftentimes far from view and quite unacclaimed by the world, unknown to the world’s great personages but nonetheless looked upon in love by the Father, untiring laborers who work in the Lord’s vineyard. Confident and steadfast through the power of God’s grace, these are the humble yet great builders of the Kingdom of God in history. -St. Pope John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici, #17

January 2020 w The Courier w

Life, Marriage & Family


Happy New Year! ďż˝ ongratulations

to our Fall Confirmandi! May the gifts of the Holy Spirit (wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, piety, counsel, and fear of the Lord) now strengthened within you, lead you to fulfill the vocation God has given you! In other news, with Valentine's Day just around the corner, here are three opportunities for married couples to get away and spend time together: Love's Graceful Witness Marriage Retreat will be held at Lake Shetek Bible Camp January 24-26. The retreat

is facilitated by Roger and Deb Schroeder. If you have questions or would like to register, call 507-537-0047.

World Wide Marriage Encounter will be held February 7-9 at Shalom Hill in Windom. To apply, or for more information, call 507-2278229 or visit

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester's Marriage Retreat will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on February 15 at St. Pius X Church in Rochester. Following the retreat is a Mass and dinner (freewill offering). The retreat registration fee is $25 per couple. Register at

Peter Martin

Director of Faith Formation and Life, Marriage & Family

Also, don't forget the diocesan Prayer Service for Life being held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, January 26, at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Rochester. This January 22 will mark the 47th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Let us continue to pray for the victims of abortion and for the spiritual renewal necessary to establish a culture of life.

Diocese of Winona-Rochester Again Found in Compliance with Charter

�n November 21, 2019, Stone Bridge Business Partners, the organization that runs an annual audit on the diocese's compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, sent a letter to Bishop John M. Quinn to state the following:

January 2020 w The Courier w

Dear Bishop Quinn: We are writing to inform you that the Diocese of Winona-Rochester is in compliance with the data collection requirements for the 2018/2019 Charter audit period. We have reviewed this information and will be forwarding the documents to the Secretariat of Youth and Child Protection for use in the 2019 Audit Report.

Thank you for your cooperation and for participating in the data collection process. The annual audit entails a review of the diocese's procedures including both training and screening of adult volunteers and employees, and training for children and young people in our schools and religious education programs - all part of the diocese's continuing commitment to a safe environment.

Aaron Lofy

Director of Youth & Young Adults,


TOKYO, Nov. 27, 2019 (CNA) - “Most of Japanese people don’t know we exist,” Minori Takeuchi told CNA last week. “Or they think we are connected to cults. They think, ‘You must be dangerous! Or crazy!’ They don’t say it but –” Minori, 22, is the college student who started Tokyo Christian Vox, a Youtube channel aimed at providing more religious content for Catholics in Japan. She translates, shares, and uploads videos on Catholicism for a Japanese speaking audience. She’s also a student at Sophia University, Japan’s premier Catholic college, whose reputation rivals even that of National Universities, the Japanese equivalent to the Ivy League. Minori called together a ragtag group of students and local parish members in the small library of Joseph Hall for an interview with Catholic News Agency a few days before Pope Francis arrived in the country for a visit Nov. 23-26. Some spoke English, some spoke Japanese, and some switched rapidly between the two. The group of about ten Catholic youth leaders talked to CNA about the state of the Church and the problems that young Catholics are facing in Japan today. “When I was in junior high school, I was in the baseball club. I was not able to go to church except for Easter and Christmas,” said Kazuki, 20, a Sophia student. “Japanese people don’t want to be different from others.” Juno Matsumoto, 22, was in the basketball club around the time of her First Communion. In order to attend her own ceremony, she was required to miss an important basketball game, an uncommon and generally unaccepted experience in Japanese society, in which youth participation in clubs is heavily emphasized. Juno’s parents forced her to skip the match and Juno became upset at how it would affect her and her team. She cried and refused several times to receive the Eucharist. “I still have trauma,” she said about the struggle. Juno believes that social media’s popularity in Japan can be an opportunity for young believers to feel “normal,” and develop a network of friends in a country where meeting young Catholics can be tough. “I used to stay away from the Church when I was a junior high school and high school student,” said Yuhki Iizaka, a 26 year old Catholic in Tokyo. Yuhki had attended Mass weekly while in elementary school, but moving into junior high school culture changed him. “What got me back to church was music. Somebody said there will be a folk Mass, so I heard that you could play the drums. I played the drums and everyone seemed happy to see me again.” “For me, music is a bond to the church.” Joshua Kurniawan, 24, works in Tokyo and participates in youth-oriented Catholic events. Joshua told CNA he was looking forward to an upcoming discussion among Catholic youth on using their natural talents for the propagation of the faith. The small seminar featured a speaker from the Philippines, singing, and bonding exercises for those in attendance.

However, for every student and worker in the community forming strong bonds within the church, there are many more hovering on the outskirts and not engaged fully with the group. Naoya Okuda, 25, is a student leader at Sophia University, and oversees several group chats on the popular messaging app Line. The chats are geared towards forming groups of support for Catholic students. But not everyone who signs up is active. “In my [parish], half of them don’t come [to] church. They don’t comment on Line, they don’t come,” he said. “We have 60 or 70 members, but half of them –,” Naoya cuts off. “It’s difficult to say they lost interest, but they’re busy with a job, or children.” Naoya also manages a student group on Facebook with 165 members. Shiori Kimura, 34, a Catholic woman who works as a nursery school teacher in Tokyo, runs a Youtube radio show called “KatoRaji.” The name is Japanese portmanteau that means “Catholic Radio.” On the show, she regularly talks to a priest about the liturgy. They use the show as a way of educating non-Catholics on the basics of Catholic theology, but it’s also an attempt to reach out and catch those who feel for one reason or another that they can’t make it to Sunday services. “We want to reach people who are too busy to go to church,” Shiori said with a sad, polite smile. Shiori also spoke up about an issue she sees in the way the Japanese media has addressed Pope Francis this visit. “The news calls him the ‘Roman Pope,’” said Shiori. “It’s weird to hear.” Many news outlets in Japan and some social media users attach the “Roman” label to Pope Francis’s title, specifying his domain. Shiori feels that this unnecessarily limits someone who should be seen as a universal spiritual leader, the leader of a faith transcending borders. The nomenclature used for the pope in Japanese is a frequent source of irritation for Catholics who speak the language. This month, news outlets have been reporting heavily about the change of houou, or “Lawful King” to kyouko, roughly “Emperor of Teaching” or “Emperor of Scripture” as the official terminology for the pontiff. The latter term has been in regular use among Catholics for a long time. Minori struggled to convey her thoughts into precise English, saying, “The pope is like the Emperor of Japan – he has such authority. But we see him like close family.”

9 Youth & Young Adults

Japanese Catholic Youth: 'We Want to Reach People'

“People think we serve him,” Minori continued, “but he’s our servant leader. He serves us.” Despite a general lack of understanding or aversion to Christianity, Japan has had a long love affair with its superficial decorations. Japanese pop culture is overflowing with references to the religion. Crosses and crucifixes are extremely popular among Japanese youth, usually worn as jewelry or other accessories. Shirts and sweaters also often bear crosses or depictions of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, or angels. Anime and manga in Japan make frequent use of the Catholic Church as a convenient plot element. Popular media franchises can carve out niche stories from Catholic and general Christian lore, such as the manga Vatican Miracle Examiner, which follows two priests who aim to stop a nefarious shadow organization from overthrowing a fictionalized, magical Vatican City. It’s safe to say that Japan loves pieces of Christian culture, but do they actually appreciate the faith? “I don’t think it’s connected,” said Damien Adorable, 25, a Filipino who has been living and working in Tokyo for years. “Many of them like to play games, but… this is just my opinion, but maybe they want it just because it looks cool. They have no idea that the cross is a Christian thing,” said Damien. “It’s nothing serious.” Minori said that she had heard the visit of John Paul II more than 38 years ago gave a small boost in the numbers of Catholics around that time. She hopes Francis’ visit will make an impact on church attendance and bring back to the faith people who have strayed away. Minori has had negative experiences with foreign Catholic reporters before. According to her, these American and European writers often assume that Japanese believers are somehow deficient or bizarre in their version of the shared religion. “Most of the time with foreign reporters, they start [the interview with], ‘Do you pray every day?’” said Minori, annoyed. “They think ‘We are the real Catholics!’ That is so rude.” These interview experiences have made her jaded towards Western journalists. “That fact hurts us. It’s not just Japanese people who hurt us,” muttered Minori. The pope concluded his tour of Japan on November 25th, the first apostolic journey to the country in close to forty years. After speaking at Tokyo Dome and offering a mass for the thousands in attendance, Pope Francis also met with college youths at St. Mary’s Cathedral, one of the busiest churches in Japan. January 2020 w The Courier w

The Spirit Is Moving

At St. Theodore School in Albert Lea

Catholic Schools


Marsha Stenzel

Superintendent of Catholic Schools

Praise and Worship Mass

Submitted by SUE AMUNDSON

� hen you choose to work with children, you have an impact on the future of those children and many oth-

ers. As I reflect on this fact, I can't help but think about the positive ways we are challenging our students and families at St. Theodore Elementary School. For several years now, we have taught our students about following in the path of Jesus by focusing on a new virtue each month. Along with the virtue, we strive to help them learn about the Works of Mercy. Here is what we have been up to: The Corporal Works of Mercy

Feed the Hungry: At Halloween, we sent home M&M's Minis with a note to return the container filled with coins, which were then donated to Feed My Starving Children. Many parish families were a big part of the Baby Bottle Campaign. Clothe the Naked: Along with the parish, we are

Pacelli Receives Challenge Grant Submitted by Jean McDermott

acelli Catholic School recently received a $25,000 check from the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation. The Foundation required that Pacelli raise $25,000 from new donors. This first-time grant will provide support to the school in two ways: the development of an early childhood business plan; and expansion of the advancement department. An early childhood business plan will provide the structure necessary to attract new families to Pacelli through the preschool program and build a feeder program that will increase enrollment in the elementary years and beyond. Expansion of the advancement department will allow for a full-time professional fundraiser and a more robust database that will help in the development of closer relationships with alumni, current and past parents and friends, and will lead to increased financial support for the school. “It is with much gratitude that we accept this grant from the Richard M. Schulze Foundation. We have

January 2020 w The Courier w

collecting winter coats, hats, gloves, socks and boots for Jack Frost's Closet. They have come several times to empty the boxes.

Comfort the Sick: Making pictures for nursing home residents started with the pre-schoolers wanting to do something for others. Older students then asked if they could join in. Other Ways the Spirit Is Moving

We have held a Praise and Worship Mass for the congregation, with the children lectoring and singing in the choir box. This was an awesome experience, and I encourage you to come see what it is all about, as we plan another one to kick off Catholic Schools Week in January. During Advent, the children are busy learning about Advent in a variety of ways. Some are using daily prayers as we have a special gathering around the Advent wreath in our rooms. Older students are learning about the Jesse Tree and all the symbols that are put upon it along with the meaning for each. As our school continues to grow and evolve, we have decided to apply for a Challenge Grant to raise

already initiated conversations with First Children's Finance, Pacelli board members and staff as we look at preschool opportunities and options. Also, our outreach to alumni has recently extended beyond the Austin community with the first ever gathering of Pacelli alumni in the Twin Cities area due to the efforts of our new advancement director, Rebecca Tofte. The grant required that we raise our matching funds from new donations. I am excited about the momentum this will provide as we continue to grow our culture of giving,” said Pacelli Catholic School President/Principal Jean McDermott. Pacelli Trustee and Pastor Father James Steffes said, “The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation grant is a generous gift that will reap an abundant harvest for years to come. This money will be used in acquiring financial support from our alumni and friends to bolster the great legacy that is ours while advancing the great potential we have for the future. Ultimately, as is true for all that we do, it is to form and educate our students to be great citizens of this world and to live forever as citizens in heaven!” The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation was created in 2004 by Best Buy Founder Dick Schulze to give back to the Minnesota communities where Dick and his family were raised. Schulze and his family believe that a good education, a supportive family and a strong work ethic prepare children for a successful future. They support organizations operating in the areas of

funds for our playground. Here's why: After a period of closure, St. Theodore Catholic School was reopened for grades K-5 in 1995 by a group of families passionate about providing their children with quality Catholic education. In 2014, the pre-kindergarten program launched and has served 54 students in the past six years. In the past year, St. Theodore's has received feedback from parents that the playground should be a top priority. While the playground equipment has been carefully maintained through the years, it is reaching the end of its lifespan. The playground is also in need of updated fencing to provide a safe enclosure for the children. With the additional age group of the pre-kindergarteners, the need to update our playground has escalated. Currently, our playground equipment is classified for children aged 5-12, which excludes our fouryear-old pre-k students from playing on it. Along with a playground fixed equipment upgrade, active play materials will also be included in this project. Both the playground fixed equipment and play materials will be dually used for quality physical education and active play during recess. If you would like to make a donation to help us reach our goal, please send it to: St. Theodore Elementary School Attn: Sue Amundson 323 E Clark Street Albert Lea, MN 56007

Sue Amundson is the principal of St. Theodore School in Albert Lea.

Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation Vice President Steve Hoeppner (L) presents the $25,000 Challenge Grant check for Pacelli Catholic School to Principal Jean McDermott (center) and Advancement Director Rebecca Tofte (R).

human and social services, education, and health and medicine across Minnesota and Florida, where Schulze currently resides. Jean McDermott is the principal of Pacelli Catholic School in Austin.

Cotter Schools Celebrates Founder's Day Submitted by Annmarie DeMarais

�Founder's otter Schools celebrated its sixth annual Day on November 21, 2019, with an all-

school assembly in St. Cecilia Theatre on the Cotter

Proud Mom Watches Her Own Kids Perform in Christmas Play She Once Starred In By MAGGIE SONNEK

�n 1987, Mandy (Ahlers) Edelbach was the star of

the annual St. Felix Christmas play. But, she doesn’t remember it. She was only three months old at the time — the perfect age to play the serene and angelic — and red-headed — baby Jesus. Mandy’s mom, Valerie Ahlers remembers that day well. “During the evening performance, Mandy started crying. The fifth and sixth graders performing in the play didn’t miss a beat,” she says. “They picked her up and started rocking her and soothing her.” A few years later, Mandy would reappear on stage, this time as a fifth grade Nativity Scene angel.

Mandy with her boys, Jeston and Tyson.

campus. Honored guests included Bishop John M. Quinn (Diocese of Winona-Rochester), Rev. Michael Cronin (pastor of St. Mary's Parish), Very Rev. Mark McNea (rector of the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart and pastor of St. Casimir Parish), and Very Rev. Patrick Arens (rector of the Basilica of St.Stanislaus Kostka and pastor of St. John's Parish). Cotter Schools President Sr. Judy Schaefer led a retelling of the founding and history of Cotter Schools, beginning with the stories of Bishops Cotter and Heffron in the early 1900s. All in attendance expressed deep gratitude for our generous benefactors and numerous faith-filled leaders over these past 108 years. Bishop Quinn was then presented with the Bishop Heffron Founder's Day Award "in recogni-

Ashley Carlson helps Isaac Solberg and Hunter Flaxbeard learn their lines for Away in a Mango.

That performance she does remember. She also remembers the parents who sewed the then-new costumes that she and her classmates wore. Now, decades later, Mandy and her husband, Tommy, are choosing to send their two young sons to St. Felix Catholic School in Wabasha, where, in just a few years, they’ll wear those same costumes that have withstood so many performances. But, Mandy and Tommy are choosing to send sixyear-old Jeston and three-year-old Tyson to St. Felix for reasons other than sentimental memories. “We appreciate the morals that are taught in this school,” Mandy says. “And we love the community service piece…working together for a bigger purpose.” Mandy says that her dad, Dave, also studied at St. Felix. In fact, her grandparents lived just across the road from the elementary school playground. “My dad still has his old St. Felix leather jacket,” Mandy jokes. “This school runs in the family. It’s just a no-brainer for my kids to follow this path.” That path — at least the one of the Christmas play— started 38 years ago when former teacher Marsha Stenzel and Sister Jill Jaeb decided to veer away from the antiquated holiday concert. “We wrote the script, built a set, and rehearsed on weekends. But, I didn’t have a music degree,” Marsha, now the superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, says. “I didn’t really know what I was doing!”

tion for his service to the Church of Winona and Cotter Schools." Annmarie DeMarais works in the Office of Mission at Cotter Schools in Winona.

Clearly, she had an idea. Because the tradition is still going strong, almost 40 years later. This year, Ashley Carlson, music teacher at St. Felix, will direct Away in a Mango, a story about what happens when cruise ship SS Mango is caught in a storm and washes up on the deserted Christmas Island. “I love giving students an opportunity for personal growth,” says Ashley. “We see kids who are terrified of public speaking gain confidence through rehearsals. We see kids who love to perform excel as leaders. It’s an amazing experience.” “It’s truly a community production,” Mandy echoes. “It take a lot of people to build the set, sew costumes, and help choreograph the kids. It’s not just parents. Several community members step up to help. It’s just as important for them to put on this production as it is for the kids.” While Mandy won’t be dressed up in a costume or perform on stage this year, she’ll be wearing a different hat, that of proud mom. She’ll watch her own kids carry on a decades-long tradition that she hopes will continue for years to come. “That’s what Catholic schools are all about — spreading the Gospel message and the Good News of Jesus Christ.” Marsha says. “Christmas traditions like this one make an impact.” Maggie Sonnek is a freelance writer in Wabasha.

The St. Felix Christmas play program from 1987 January 2020 w The Courier w

Trust in God's Plan and 12 Vocations

Enjoy the Journey Rev. Jason Kern Director of Vocations

Seminarians from Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary visited the Dunrovin Christian Brothers Retreat Center in Marine on St. Croix for their annual Vir in Christo Weekend in October.

�ecently, I heard a psychologist who works

• First, remember that God first wants you. God wants to be in relationship with you. Renew your trust in God by creating space for prayer and silence in His Presence. Taking time to speak to Jesus from your heart and then quietly allowing Him to love you is essential to maintaining a relationship of trust.

with a seminary say, “This is an awful time to be a priest. And yet, this is an awfully good time to be a priest!” I loved this quote as it reminded me how the culture so affects the narrative of whether one should consider a call to the priesthood. While secularism and materialism drive so many aspects of the culture, there is a longing in the human heart It is mysterious how for what is authentic and mean- God could call any one ingful. Our life of faith gives color to a world of black and white. of us to a specific way Saying yes to our vocation is truly of life, yet it is always a living the adventure of life. In the words of Pope Saint John Paul II: life of joy and blessing

• Second, recall that God has been at work in your life since the moment you were conceived! Over the course of your life, have you felt a consistent draw toward a particular vocation? Remember that, while marriage is and It is Jesus who stirs in you the when we surrender and should be a natural attraction for every one of us, a call to desire to do something great trust in His ways. priesthood or religious life is with your lives, the will to fola supernatural call that comes low an ideal, the refusal to often as a persistent but gentle invitation. allow yourselves to be ground down by mediSome have never given the priesthood a ocrity, the courage to commit yourselves humthought and so have to take time to listen bly and patiently to improving yourselves and to whether this invitation is from God or society, making the world more human and more fraternal (World Youth Day address, 2000).

As we ring in a new year, perhaps the most noble thing we can do is say a deeper yes to Jesus Christ and follow His will in our lives. May we set aside fear that encumbers us from taking the path and making the journey that God has destined for us. Be bold in the face of a society that invites you to settle for mediocrity, and allow God to draw you deeper into Himself. Here are three practical steps toward saying yes to God: January 2020 w The Courier w

just a passing thought. This second step is to recall God’s pursuit of you. You are only asked to respond to His initiative. When you have most confidently felt God’s loving and abiding presence in your life, what have you felt most inclined toward for your vocation? God is working to draw you through a loving and consoling presence.

• Third, take some action! Do not be afraid to move toward the vocation to which you feel most inclined. God will open the doors that He desires to lead you through. This should be done prayerfully and confidently in trust, but we should be careful to not overanalyze and try to be perfect in our discernment. Be at peace as you live in union with God and allow Him to gently guide you forward. Remember God loves you and is not playing games with your life. While you feel like you have an infinitude of options to choose from, God is simple and will use what He has placed in front of you to open up the doors for your life plan.

While I said there were only three steps, there truly is a final step. The final step is to be sure to enjoy the journey! There are times of fear and intensity in everyone’s life who discerns, but remember to be grateful to God for His loving plan for your life. It is mysterious how God could call any one of us to a specific way of life, yet it is always a life of joy and blessing when we surrender and trust in His ways. God is amazingly good and full of love for those who seek to do His will. Be at peace and enjoy the adventure of life!

We Are One Diocese Monica Herman

�e are, as a diocese, an ever-changing, vital,

urgently relevant reality for Jesus in this world. You may be members of Sacred Heart in Brewster, or All Saints in Madison Lake, or Christ the King in Byron. We have a local place to go on Sundays to receive Communion, to participate in collective prayer and to volunteer

Ministries Appeal 2019! Soon we will be entering into the season of stewardship when we choose whether and how we will support the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s Catholic Ministries Appeal 2020. I look forward to sharing with you during the coming months stories from across southern Minnesota on how the funds generously donated by you can benefit so many. As we roll out the Catholic Ministries Appeal for 2020, I hope that you will join me in supporting the youth, young adults, married couples, elderly, seminarians, priests, and homebound, because supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal supports the important ministries across southern Minnesota.

Catholic Foundation

Executive Director Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota

in many ministries that make our communities better. Our local spiritual needs are hopefully being met. But we are also a part of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, which includes thousands of active members attending close to 100 parishes. The diocese also encompasses schools, summer camps and many programs of spiritual education. How many of us – or our children – have gone to summer camps to learn the “generous love of God and a theology of inclusion?" Our broader diocesan church stretches from Pipestone to La Crescent, and from Lake City to Worthington. Thank you to all who supported the Catholic


Prayer For My Diocese

Congratulations! Since our kick-off, the following parishes have met their goals for the 2019 Catholic Ministries Appeal: All Saints New Richland

Resurrection Rochester

St. Casimir Winona

St. Joseph Lakefield

Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Winona

Sacred Heart Adams

St. Columba Iona

St. Joseph Waldorf

Sacred Heart Heron Lake

St. Columban Preston

St. Agnes Kellogg

St. Finbarr Grand Meadow

St. Ann Janesville

St. Francis of Assisi Rochester

St. Ann Slayton

St. Ignatius Spring Valley

St. Anthony Westbrook

St. Joachim Plainview

Christ the King Byron Good Shepherd Jackson Holy Family Kasson Holy Family Lake Crystal Holy Redeemer Eyota Holy Spirit Rochester Immaculate Conception St. Clair Pax Christi Rochester

St. Leo Pipestone St. Luke Sherburn St. Mary Lake Wilson St. Patrick Brownsville St. Patrick LeRoy St. Patrick West Albany

Almighty God, My diocese is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly if I am. It will be holy if I am. Its pews will be filled if I help fill them. It will do great work if I work. It will be prayerful if I pray. It will make generous gifts to many causes if I am a generous giver. It will bring other people into its worship if I invite and bring them. It will be a diocesan family of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy if I – who make it what it is – am filled with these same qualities. Therefore, with the help of God, I will dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my diocese to be. Bless my journey, Lord God, that I might follow Jesus and build the Church for your glory, Amen.

St. Pius X Rochester St. Rose of Lima Lewiston

January 2020 w The Courier w


You Are the Only One By JEANETTE FORTIER

� ecember 9, 2019 - What a winter day! Maybe you remember the freezing

In the Diocese

temps, high winds and snow. The second week of Advent. Sr. Joanne Loecher and I had just finished singing with residents at the Benedict House in Rochester. Much laughter and music, even some dancing! I dropped Sr. Joanne off at her home and headed home myself, planning a stop at the grocery store as the cupboard was bare and once I was inside I wasn’t going out again. As I came down the street, there was a woman, bundled up against the cold, sitting on her walker in the back of a business parking lot. I turned into the driveway and pulled up beside her. “Can I give you a ride home?” I asked. “No,” she said. “The bus will be here in 5 minutes.” I protested saying it was too cold to be outdoors. Still, she said, “No,” and told me she was wearing two extra shirts and pants underneath

her coat. She would be fine. “You are the only one who stopped and offered help,” she said. “Thank you.” We are into the first weeks of 2020 and I’m sure you’ve made some resolutions for this new year. Maybe you could add one more: be the one! “Be the one what?” you might ask. Be the one who will use this new year to live out the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy. Be the one who sees needs to be met, recognizes persons who just need a listening ear, watches for moments to form friendships, shares compassion freely, stands firm in faith for those who may be struggling. Be the one! This year, the National Council of Catholic Women will celebrate their 100th anniversary. It’s going to be a great year. Over its history NCCW has established programs that empower women around the world. The Madonna Plan for mothers in under-developed countries, the Water of Life program for communities seeking clean water, resources for action against human trafficking, domestic violence, and pornography. Retreat manuals, prayers, Rosary booklets for those who have lost children, and so much more. Be the one! The Diocesan Council will hold its quarterly meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at St. Theodore Parish in Albert Lea from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bev McCarvel from Brewster will speak on leadership, and Kathy Schumann, a Mayo nurse from Rochester, will speak on mental illness and suicide. Come join us if you can. Be the one to make a difference. Jeanette Fortier is the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

Austin and Worthington CCWs Collect 'Boxes of Joy' By CINDY HEIMER

or the third year, Council of Catholic Women members of the Austin Area and Worthington Area collected Boxes of Joy for Cross Catholic International. The national goal this year is to bless 80,000 impoverished children with Christmas joy and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The boxes are filled with toys and school items, personal hygiene products and a $9.00 donation for shipping and the mission works. St. Joachim of Plainview joined this year, providing Christmas gifts for the children of Guatemala, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and El Salvador. At the Miami shipping center The Story of Jesus book and a rosary is added to each box. A total of 475 Boxes of Joy were shipped this year. Cindy Heimer is the president of the Austin Area Council of Catholic Women.

Faith Formation Professional Team Member Wanted

St. John the Baptist Parish in Mankato seeks a member for our Faith Formation Professional Team. Collaborating with other staff, the Faith Formation Professional Team (FFPT) shall design and implement Faith Formation programming. Responsibilities include coordinating: sacramental prep programs; all faith formation; youth experiences in NCYC, Camp Summit & Steubenville North; mission and service opportunities. Qualified candidate is a practicing Catholic with knowledge of Catholic doctrine & liturgy, organizational & collaborative skills, strong written & oral communication, and public speaking ability. Applicants typically have a bachelor’s or master's degree in pastoral studies, theology, religious or general education, etc., and 2+ years of related experience in a parish or diocese. Job description is on our website: Send your resume and cover letter to: Mike Logeais/Parish Administrator St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 632 South Broad Street Mankato, MN 56001 OR

The Courier Crossword By W.R. CHESTER Across

7. Holy oil

8. Fetal life saver

24. Creed in response to Arianism

25. The family that does this together stays together.

9. Pupil of Albertus 26. Father of monks 10. Adore the Lord in 28. Italy's Christ the holy _____. King 11. St. Agnes' piazza 29. The soul's survival of death 13. 12th day of Christmas

14. Cupola

30. Jesus is ____. Down

18. To jumble

1. Ancestor of Christ 20. Exodus 13 guide 21. ______ celebrandi 2. January 22 prayer intention 22. Beatification site 3. Cloistered confor SMU alumnus templatives

Last Month's Answers

5. An ascending step or skip

16. Personal jurisdiction

13. Porter

21. _____ and Omega

6. Representing the 17. Home of Spain's most renowned original faithful martyr Apostles 12. Omission regard- 19. Spiritual giant of Montreal ing one's duties

23. "Earth's redeem- 4. Halted by Leo the 15. Fulfillment of er, ____ for me." Advent Great

January 2020 w The Courier w

27. Legatus founder's pizza foe

Barb Payne of LeRoy with 100 boxes


Sister Roselle Zollar, SSND, 88, professed in 1952, died November 12, 2019, in Notre Dame Health Care, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Mankato. A native of Bismarck, ND, and Grenville, SD (from age 5 on), she graduated from St. Joseph High School in Grenville in 1949. She entered the SSND candidature that same year and professed first vows in 1952. She was an elementary and secondary grade teacher in several Minnesota, Iowa, Washington, and North and South Dakota Catholic schools. She spent one year at St. Felix, Wabasha, and part of a year at Crucifixion, La Crescent, in the Diocese of WinonaRochester. Parish music was a part of every assignment. In 1981, she moved to Taunton and St. Leo in the western part of the Diocese of New Ulm as a parish minister, eventually working only in Taunton. She remained there until 2003. She is survived by three sisters: Sister Luella, SSND, Helen Schmitt and Joyce Bischof; her brother Jerry; her nieces and nephews and their families; her friends, colleagues and former students; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Louis and Annie (Eshanko) Zollar; her sister Florence Johnson; and two brothers: Lawrence and Dan. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated November 19 at Good Counsel, with Fr. Gene Stenzel as presider. Sister Margaret Clare Style (Sister Alacaoque), 101, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes in Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on November 19, 2019. Margaret Clare Style, the third of 12 children, was born on June 5, 1918, in Fairmont to Glenmore and Mary Margaret (Tobin) Style. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1937 and made perpetual vows in 1943. She received a bachelor’s degree in history from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, in 1960 and a master’s degree in education and administration from Winona State University, Winona, in 1967. From 1940 to 1982, Sister Margaret Clare served as an elementary teacher at several Catholic schools in Minnesota: Rochester, Austin, Wilmont, Winona, Albert Lea, Golden Valley and Glencoe. She also taught in Chicago, IL, and Watertown, SD. Following her years of teaching, she served as a tutor at the College of St. Teresa (1982-1989) and as archivist (1989-1991). In 1991, she moved

to Assisi Heights where she served for the next 20 years as the College of St. Teresa archivist. She retired in 2011. Sister Margaret Clare is survived by her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 82 years, two sisters: Elizabeth Sullivan of Minneapolis and Catherine Olson of Brainerd, and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; eight brothers: Rodney, James, Robert, William, Charles, Gerald, Jerome and Vincent; and one sister, Mary Finney. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated November 25 in the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes at Assisi Heights, followed by burial at Calvary Cemetery, Rochester. Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

Father Clayton J. Haberman, 95, died Thursday, December 5, 2019, at Mill City Senior Living in Faribault. The son of Alfred and Louise (Appel) Haberman, he was born on March 19, 1924, in Heron Lake and baptized on April 1, 1924. Following high school, he attended and graduated from Croisier College in Onamia and St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, where he completed degrees in philosophy and theology. He was ordained a priest on June 3, 1950. His first assignment was at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Rochester, and he would go on to serve in Caledonia, Freeburg, Westbrook, Jeffers, Mabel, Canton, Iona, Adams, Janesville, New Richland, Ellendale, Waldorf, Rose Creek, Lyle, Fairmont and Medford. When time allowed, Father Clayton enjoyed hunting, and he remained an avid pheasant hunter all his life. He also enjoyed traveling and sitting around with family and friends for good conversation. Father Clayton is survived by his sisters Maxine Luft, Mary Ann Leopold and Marilyn Rogers; and by a number of nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews who loved him dearly. Father Clayton is preceded in death by his parents, Alfred and Louise Haberman; his sisters Edna Haberman, LaVerna Schaffer, Helene Miranowski and Betty Shea; and by his brothers, Marvin Haberman and Claire Haberman. Mass of Christian Burial was held December 11, 2019, at St. Joseph Church in Owatonna, with the Most Reverend John M. Quinn officiating. Interment will be held at the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Heron Lake at a later date to coincide with Father Clayton’s 70th anniversary of ordination. The family prefers that memorials be directed to the Knights of Columbus, Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Heron Lake, St. Mary of Mount Carmel or Catholic Charities organization in Winona, in memory of Father Clayton.

Benedictine Center Issues Call to Artists According to Rahberg, “We believe �he Benedictine Center is issuing a call to Minnesota Divine. art can be an interpretive lens into the mysartists to participate in its ninth annual Juried Art Show planned for January 27 thru March 13, 2020. Submissions are due January 15. Awards totaling $375 will be distributed to the top winners. According to Sam Rahberg, director of the Center, awards total $375 ($150 for first place, $125 for second, $100 for third). Winners will be announced at the official reception on January 29. Called Seeing God, this Juried Art Show provides a venue for artists who think deeply about their work and whose creativity helps viewers experience the

tery of God, so we are looking for works that capture that deep sense of wonder.” Contest rules, guidelines and entry forms, can be found at http://www. under “Events & Registration.” For more information contact Kathy Fleming, Artist Coordinator, via email:, or call 612-839-4439. The Benedictine Center’s Seeing God art show has attracted more than 800 entries in its nine-year history. Its goals are to encourage artists who give form

to God’s revelation in human life, nature and the cosmos; and to show how arts can expand our capacity to encounter God. The Benedictine Center of St. Paul’s Monastery, is located at 2675 Benet Road in Maplewood January 2020 w The Courier w

SUBMISSION to the calendar Please note: submission deadline is the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline to assure receipt and possible inclusion in the events calendar. Thank you for understanding that, due to space limitations, not all events nor story submissions will fit; however, we strive to include as many as possible. A current list of events is also available at

Regular Prayer Mass for Life & Marriage St. Mary Church, Winona, first Thursday each month at 5:15 p.m. Holy Hour of Prayer for Life, Marriage & Religious Liberty First Saturday each month 8:30-9:30 a.m. in the Cathedral's Adoration Chapel, 360 Main Street, Winona. Prayer Vigil & Public Witness Against Abortion 3-4 p.m. Tuesdays in front of Semcac Clinic (Planned Parenthood delegate) 76 W 3rd Street, Winona. Infot: Patty 507-429-4636 Masses of Reparation for Sins in the Diocese Daily in parishes throughout the diocese. Info: Cor Jesu Cathedral, Winona, 7-9 p.m., first Friday each month, Sept. - May.

Adoration, confessions, music in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For details, search Winona Cor Jesu on Facebook, visit prayer/corJesu, or call Kristopher Kaufman (859-760-1619) or Steven Lehn (507-312-9041).

January 2020 Church of the Resurrection, Rochester February 7, Friday 7 p.m. CEO ‘Catholic Evangelization Outreach.’ A Valentine’s evening of music & sweet treats while two Rochester couples: Prince (former Baptist minister) & Rachel Singh and Santi & Carolyn Ocariz, share conversion stories. No cost. All welcome. Free childcare provided. 1600 11th Ave. SE in Rochester St. Pius X Church, Rochester February 15, Saturday Diocesan Married Couples Retreat

9 a.m. - 6 p.m. in Founders Hall, followed by Mass and dinner catered by Victoria's (free-will offerings accepted). Cash bar for beer & wine. Retreat $25 per couple. Register at St. Pius X Church, Rochester Lenten Sundays - Feb. 16 - Apr. 5 Life in the Spirit Seminar 1:30-3:30 p.m. in Founders Hall lower level. Assisi Heights, Rochester February 21, Friday 6:30-8 p.m. presentation by Fr. Thomas Sweetser, SJ, author of Can Francis Change the Church? Fr. Sweetser will

• The Courier share his experience interviewing Catholics on the state of affairs in the church. $12 preregistered/prepaid. Assisi Heights, Rochester February 22, Saturday Joy of Loving workshop 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., led by Fr. Thomas Sweetser, SJ, author and founder of the Parish Evaluation Project. $40 preregistered/ prepaid, includes lunch. For individuals, parish committees, or community groups to pray, reflect, and explore ideas for reaching out to others and renewing engagement in our faith & community.

Other Events All Saints Church, Madison Lake January 26, Sunday Super Bingo 12:30 p.m. (Early Bird Bingo starts 11:30 a.m. Lunch available starting at 11). $2,000 total pay-out. $20 donation for tickets. No admittance under 18, unless with an adult. Limited seating! Matching grant fundraiser for faith formation & youth programs, sponsored by Catholic Order of Foresters #749. For tickets, call 507-243-3319 or mail check to All Saints Super Bingo, Box 217 Madison Lake, MN 56063. In case of inclement weather, Super Bingo will be held on Feb. 16, 2020.

Traditional Latin Mass Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul, Sundays 4:15 pm Wabasha, St. Felix, Saturdays 9 am

The Televised Mass Offered as a service for the homebound every Sunday morning on: KTTW, Channel 7 (Sioux Falls, SD) at 6:30; KPTH, Channel 44 (Sioux City, IA) at 8:30; KEYC, Channel 12 (Mankato) at 7:30; KEYC-DT2, Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 (Mankato) at 9:30; KAAL Channel 6 (Austin/ Rochester) at 9; WKBT Channel 8 (La Crosse) at 7:30; or on our website, (click "Weekly Mass").

Hispanic Priests / Sacerdotes Hispanos Padre José Morales Capellán en la Mayo Clinic, Rochester Tel. 507-266-7275 Padre Luis Alfonso Vargas Vicario Parroquial de St. Francis of Assisi, Rochester Tel. 507-288-7313 Padre Javier Ibarra IVE Vicario Parroquial de SS. Peter and Paul, Mankato Tel. 507-388-2995 ext. 103

Padre Miguel Eduardo Proaños Vicario Parroquial de St. Mary, Worthington Tel. 507-375-3542 Padre Raul Silva Vicario de la Pastoral Hispana en la diócesis de Winona Y Párroco de Queen of Angels, Austin Tel. 507-433-1888

Spanish Mass Schedule Albert Lea, St. Theodore 11 a.m. Sundays

Pipestone, St. Leo 2:30 p.m. Sundays (bilingual) Rochester, St. Francis Austin, Queen of Angels Noon Sundays & 7 p.m. Thursdays 11 a.m. Sundays.; 5:15 p.m. Fridays St. Charles, St. Charles Lake City, St. Mary Borromeo 6:30 p.m. 3rd Saturdays 10 a.m. 4th Sundays (bilingual) Madelia, St. Mary St. James, St. James 12 p.m. Sundays 7 p.m. Saturdays Windom, St. Francis Xavier Mankato, Ss. Peter & Paul 11:30 a.m. Sundays 1 p.m. Sundays Worthington, St. Mary Owatonna, Sacred Heart 7 p.m. Saturdays.; 1 p.m. Sundays.; 11:45 a.m. Sundays 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays & Fridays January 2020 w The Courier w

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