digitalDrummer February 2011

Page 43

ddfeb2011_Layout 1 15/01/11 2:59 PM Page 43

Gen16 gets its own interface while the Bosphorus pack simply adds to BFD’s cymbal choice. page Quick Start guide with some clear instructions and graphics – very user-friendly. The item I was keen to get my hands on was the Digital Vault pack itself and it is also nicely put together with a threesection flip-open CD wallet containing another colour booklet describing the Z-pack cymbals, plus two discs of samples. The cymbal selection in this pack comprises 14 well-known Zildjians (see page 44). The samples in Gen16 are recordings of Zildjian’s Vault cymbal (the master) for each of the 14 selections in this pack, so you can be sure that you are getting samples of Zildjian’s ideal for each instrument and not something that you could ever purchase “off the shelf”.

The Bosphorus Stanton Moore Signature Series was shipped in a standard CD/DVD plastic pack. No instructions or brochures were included other than the cover sleeve notes in this evaluation version. The cymbal section in this pack consists of seven Bosphorus products (see page 45). A description of the microphones and preamps used plus studio and production details made up the cover notes along with some images of Stanton Moore.

Installation This installation was performed on a relatively powerful PC, so installation times may vary subject to your PC’s performance – the instructions for installing on a Mac were very similar.

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