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Hillel Day School’s Havdalapalooza

Dozens of families gather for a virtual Havdalah celebration.



Hillel Day School of Metro Detroit held its annual Havdalapalooza this year on Jan. 29, welcoming the new week virtually. Due to the pandemic, it was held online; but that didn’t stop families from joining in. The school said it had a great turnout with roughly 70 families signed on.

Hillel’s Rav Beit Hasefer, Rabbi David Fain, tells the Jewish News that Havdalapalooza is a wonderful opportunity for the community to gather and welcome the new week.

“Activities were offered for students of all ages, and we had the opportunity to partner with clergy and organizations and celebrate our diverse Detroit Jewish community,” Fain said.

Prior to the virtual celebration, the school distributed bags to families that included a Havdalah set, crafts, snacks, swag and more.

The Nodel family was one of the many families who participated and said they had a great time. “We love this event because we get to see our kids in their Hillel environment. Even in a virtual setting, they were looking for their teachers and friends, singing along with the songs and prayers and feeling connected to the school community,” they said. The school says they are thankful for all its sponsors and partners.


About 70 families participated virtually.


The Nodel family participating from home.

(Care)giving and Taking: Making time for you

A series to educate, empower, and connect family caregivers

Taking care of a loved one can be difficult. So can ensuring that your own needs are being met during this challenging time. It’s easy to feel isolated but Jewish Family Service and Jewish Senior Life are here to offer family caregivers support, comfort and a sense of community.