Lider KGHM (#01 2013)

Page 50

lider po pracy | the leader af ter hours

We are fully conscious of the fact that we work to live – and we don’t just live to work

A leader has to rest sometimes. We are aware that our more avid readers may object to this, but in keeping with the philosophy of our publication we have decided to pay some attention to the lighter side of life and give this idea a slight push. This aspect of a leader’s life is born out of a great deal of first-hand experience, but nevertheless leads to positive results. As we all strive to develop ourselves and look for the best available models and practices to implement in our professional lives, while at the same time being aware of just how important work-life balance is, we hope to bring you a small measure of inspiration. We are fully conscious of the fact that we work to live – and we don’t just live to work. Our passions, as expressed in our




nr 1 czerwiec / June 2013

pastimes, somehow mirror the fast pace of our working life, so we have elected to devote some space in the magazine to look into this other side of life. For this, we would like to invite you to co-edit this section of our publication. Some of our readers, for example, brave the high seas in their spare time, and so we will undertake to describe just how much determination and toil the pursuit of such a passion requires. We will also look at the successes of KGHM personnel in downhill biking, but under the proviso that no alarming photos of crumpled managerial bodies are shown. We pledge not to compare the sports attire worn “before” and “after” washing – all sports are somewhat messy, even if we believe that a healthy mind is contained within a healthy body. You will also be able to

read about our readers’ escapades while deep-sea fishing, their marksmanship achievements (during peace time), their plunges into the ocean (with and without scuba gear), and their greatest on-court successes (whether tennis or squash). As well as all their other leisure activities. In short, we will strive to portray just how professional passion translates into after-hours enthusiasms, as this will, finally, provide us with a true picture of the KGHM Leader. Together we can accomplish this, through publishing photographs of and interviews with our hobbyists. Feel free to share with us all of your passions, all of which inevitably contain some part of our professional, KGHM selves.

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