Whose Choice Anyway

Page 118

Just prior to Second Reading we received a very disturbing letter typed out carefully. I am an orphan. I am poor. I am disabled. I wish I had never been born. After Second Reading another letter arrived presumably in response to the passing of the Bill which was even more disturbing. I am still an orphan. I am still poor. I am still disabled. I still wish I had never been born. The final letter, it must be said, was not particularly typical but it did represent a point of view. It was on the letterhead of a prominent university which she makes mention of in the letter. Get off my back Alton. It's my body and I will do as I please with it. You do all this talking about post-abortion trauma, well I'm here to tell you that I've had three abortions in the last year and I would recommend it to anyone who wanted to get rid of a baby. I don't like contraceptives. They cramp my style and they have side effects that abortion doesn't have for me. As you can see I am an educated woman and I am merely exercising my right to choose which I won't have Catholic men like you stopping me from doing. You just don't want people to have fun and certainly not to have sexual freedom so crawl back into whatever hole you came from and leave women's bodies alone.

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