Faith in Britain

Page 227

Chapter 10: Good Stewardship


David Alton, What Kind of Country?, op cit.




Sessions 1985-86, Radioactive Waste, HMSO.


Rosalie Bertell, No Immediate Danger, Women's Press, 1985.


Stuart Boyle, What Price Windscale?, Friends of the Earth, 1985.

6 Bishops of the Philippines, 'What is Happening to our Beautiful Land?', Manila, January 29th, 1988. 7

The Schumacher Lecture, November 5th, 1989.


European People's Party, 'World Economy and Development ...', op cit.


European People's Party, On the People's Side, op cit.

10 Tim Cooper, Green Christianity, Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. 11 Dr Margaret Brearley, 'Matthew Fox: Creation Spirituality for the Aquarian Age', Christian Jewish Relations, Vol 22, No 2, 1989. 12 Sean McDonagh, The Greening of the Church, Geoffrey Chapman, Cassell Ltd, 1990. 13 Ian Bradley, 'Seeds of Faith', abridged in Christian Democracy Bulletin No 3, September 1990. Ian Bradley is now a Church of Scotland clergyman who was previously a journalist, writer and Liberal historian. 14 Genesis 2:19-20. 15 Mother Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, Hodder and Stoughton, 1987. 16 Ignatius Loyola, Spiritual Exercises, Westminster, 1949. 17 Both quotations are cited by Edward P. Echlin in The Greening of the Church, op cit.

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