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RISING STAR: Damion Rochester

Based in New York City, Damion Rochester is considered the one to watch.

Damion plays the lead, music legend Robert Lee Johnson, in the film The Dark Strum (2019).


Damion Rochester is a born actor. His earliest memory dates back to when he was two years old and it involves him looking for an entrance in the back of the TV screen in order to play with the tiny people he was watching. When he was five years old, he embodied true critical thinking for cinema. Watching films and TV Shows with his family, although the youngest in the household, he would vocalize what the subtext of the characters was and their relationships to each other.

Although he considers himself the modern day Sidney Poitier, Terry Schreiber, founder of T. Schreiber Studios & Theatre in NYC believes that ‘Damion Rochester has a voice and a command like James Earl Jones’.

With a love for classic and contemporary playwrights such as: Shakespeare, Ibsen, Chekhov, Mamet, Simon, Williams, Kushner, Guare, Miller, and French, Damion is a shining example of a passionate actor. He is already a Best Actor Nominee for his performance in the short film Tastes Like Medicine, which won Best Director and was accepted into fourteen international film festivals.

As a trained actor, Rochester studied both Theatre and Political Science. His process includes looking at the socio-economic world of the characters he portrays and layering this analysis with both Meisner and Method techniques. He merges imagination and life experiences and then envelops his soul to bring truth, meaning, light and the complexity of being human into the breath of every character he portrays.

Recently cast in the Pilot TV Show, Heroes In These Streets (H.I.T.S.), Damion plays twins, rising politician Jack & drug lord Mane. These twins have been separated since their infancy and do not know each other. Damion will have the opportunity to showcase the psychology of both characters who are polar opposites. The TV Show centres on sex-trafficking of young girls in urban communities. Damion has also created his own Science Fiction TV Show titled #SOCIETY, which centres on the socio-economic and political issues that people are faced with in America and on how to amalgamate everyone by bursting the social bubbles that they tend to share themselves in. R

Damion is a talented dancer and professional model with a great love for martial arts, astro-biology and meditation. He aims to use acting as a platform to enact social change and to one day have a production company which would give back to Third World countries.

Always anticipating what would happen next and who the bad guys vs good guys were, his critical love for cinema is directly related to his vulnerability, imagination and sensitivity to his craft as an actor. Damion is represented by the Global Film Actors Agency. D!

2019 | Daria! | www.dariamagazine.com | daria@globalfilmstudio.com |

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