CVNW November 2012

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Sits down with CV NorthWest Magazine! CVNW: How did your interest in music begin?

I loved music from the start, I used to take the pots and pans out of the cupboard and beat on them with spoons, much to mom's dismay. As the years went by it progressed into something much more. CVNW: When did you first realize you had the ability to really shine as a musician?

I first knew that I was pretty good when I won a drumming competition when I was 13 or 14. That is of course before I started singing. CVNW: What/Who would you say influenced your musical style the most? How would you describe your style today?

I have a lot of different influences from back then like Dio, Maiden, Priest, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep and many more and I notice that I'm still finding influences to this day. There are a lot of great musicians out there. I would describe my style as all those influences and my own flavor all wrapped up in one. I think we all have a little of our influences come out from time to time as musicians. CVNW: When and where was your first official concert? Were you nervous?

I think it was Thomas Jefferson High School in Federal Way WA, and no I was not nervous surprisingly. I was watching and waiting for more bodies to come through the door. Another sign of how I was meant to do this I guess. CVNW: How did you get the gig with Metal Church? What I mean is that I seem to remember that you auditioned for a project, but that Kurdt decided to recreate Metal Church after the audition. How did that play out?

I auditioned for "Vanderhoof", Kurdt‟s solo band and after that I brought up MC and that I would really like to do that; finally with a lot of poking and prodding he decided to bring MC back with me as the vocalist. CVNW: What did Metal Church provide for you from a career perspective that you believe really launched you?

Metal Church afforded me the chance to become a professional musician/ rock star so to speak, and to travel most of the world. This business works on levels and that bumped me up a few. CVNW: How did the breakup of Metal Church affect you, since it was such a huge part of your early career? This is a personal question, so you don’t have to answer it, I’ll understand if you don’t feel comfortable.

It was sad at first but after I got over it or at least came to peace with it. I moved on and did two solo releases and two tours with TSO, so it's not like I disappeared :-) This business is tough and you have to have thick skin. I think perseverance has a lot to do with it. Never give up, period!

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