CVNW December 2012

Page 28

CVNW: Who started the band, and how did you guys get together? JGS: I started the band about 4 years ago, actually placing ads on Craigslist of all places. I got a ton of responses, but in the end, only these guys were serious about doing what I had envisioned for the band. It didn’t take much to get them on board for the ride. CVNW: How would you describe your musical style? JGS: Straight 80’s Hair Band/Glam Metal, all the top songs and good party stuff from that era, the benefits are great! (do tell...oh wait, don’t) songs that make the women want to dance naked – or at least throw their undergarments on stage. CVNW: Where do you think are the most enthusiastic fans? CVNW: When was your first official show? JGS: At EVERY Krotch Rockit show. We are JGS: Our first official show was at the Refectory always sold out and it’s always a raging kick-ass for 105.9 the Brew at one of their ―Brew Crew‖ party. parties. It was a GREAT place to play with an CVNW: Do you guys have any original music that you've composed? JGS: Dee is in another band call the Punctuals. I have solo stuff in the works, and everyone else does their own thing. CVNW: Who are some of the musical artists that have influenced you? JGS: the 80’s bands…that’s sort of obvious bro. :) CVNW: What are some of the most memorable places you've played? AWESOME crowd, a real adrenaline rush being JGS: Our most memorable shows would be the show with Warrant, the show we did with James our first show with a crazy crowd. Kottak from the Scorpions, we did a couple of CVNW: Where is the craziest place you've songs with Deen Castronovo from Journey, and played? what about the coolest? favorite? the last gig with Great White. Those were incredJGS: The craziest place was in the bathroom on ible experiences, and just an honor to have particthe toilet (CVNW: TMI Johnny!), the coolest was ipated in. in the freezer (CVNW: ah, we get it), and our favorite places are the strip clubs – the *cough*

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