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In the fall of 1988, a banker, a wholesale hardware salesman, a car parts retailer and an insurance agent came together to build a seasonal model train layout, setting in motion a tradition that continues to this day at the Customs House Museum & Cultural Center.

At the time, the Museum wanted to run model trains during the holiday season from November to January. A layout was built by volunteers in the basement of team member C. David Elliott and transported to the Museum each winter. The setup continued to grow over time, and when the Museum expanded in 1996, an entire gallery was assigned to an all-new permanent O gauge operating layout. Today, the F&M Bank Huff & Puff Express Model Trains run on one of the largest model railroad layouts in the region and are maintained by a passionate group of a dozen volunteers.

"For me, it has been several decades of fun and fellowship,” said Elliott, who inherited an early interest in trains from his father.

Friendship and family are at the core of this longstanding tradition, as the hobby is passed down through generations.

The Train Crew operates five trains around the layout, which is full of interactive push buttons and scenes that change seasonally. The exhibit is one of the Museum’s most enduring attractions, and the enthusiasm and devotion of the Crew is always on display.

“I’ve been interested in trains and model railroading since I received a pull toy train for my third birthday,” said longtime volunteer Carl Eisemann. “When they started running this here at the Museum, I thought it would be a lot of fun to get involved.” Eisemann recruited fellow train enthusiast Richard Houde, who loves to experience the joy and excitement of the kids who visit the exhibit.

Train Crew members Richard Houde, Carl Eisemann, Kenneth Hummer, C. David Elliott and Henry Livingstone dedicate countless hours to the curation and upkeep of the model train exhibit.

Train Crew members Richard Houde, Carl Eisemann, Kenneth Hummer, C. David Elliott and Henry Livingstone dedicate countless hours to the curation and upkeep of the model train exhibit.

The Crew has collected over 800 pieces of rolling stock, so there is always something new to see.

The Crew has collected over 800 pieces of rolling stock, so there is always something new to see.

“Every time I came to town to visit family, my dad would be down here working on the trains,” said chief engineer Henry Livingstone, who joined the Train Crew upon moving back to Clarksville in 2002.

His father, George Livingstone, was a member of the original team that built the first layout back in 1988. Volunteer Kenneth Hummer got involved over ten years ago because of his son’s passion for trains. “My three-year-old son wanted to come and see the trains every chance he got,” explained Hummer, whose son Michael is now 18 and a new member of the volunteer Crew himself.

“The Huff & Puff Express has certainly stood the test of time,” said Curator of Education Sue Lewis, who has seen the exhibit evolve over the last three decades. “It is the Crew’s dedication to this project that keeps it moving forward. Beyond their interest in model trains and railroading, they also have an enthusiasm for sharing their knowledge with visitors of all ages.”

The Museum is always looking for volunteers to share their time and experience with our visitors! Visit customshousemuseum.org/ become-a-member/volunteer for more information about volunteer opportunities. The F&M Bank Huff & Puff Express Model Trains run Sundays, 1 – 4 pm & Wednesdays, 10 am – 12 pm.


The Crew working on scenery construction for the permanent operating layout, October 1998.

The Crew working on scenery construction for the permanent operating layout, October 1998.

The Crew changes the exhibit’s trains, scenery and interactive elements for holidays and other special occasions.

The Crew changes the exhibit’s trains, scenery and interactive elements for holidays and other special occasions.

 The Museum’s model train layout has over 360 feet of track and five trains that run simultaneously.

The Museum’s model train layout has over 360 feet of track and five trains that run simultaneously.